Chapter 12: A Not so Normal Battle

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( Olive's p.o.v. )

Norman, I was had trouble defeating him, oh joy...

I thought," Hey, are you ok? You look like you're about to explode?" Nate asked me.

I shrugged," Peachy...real peachy Natty..." I muttered.

The black haired teenager rolled his eyes," I call going first!"

" Get wrecked! He has two Slakings and a Vigaroth, good luck Nate." I told him, eyes narrowed.

Nate frowned," If I can take all three Pokémon with only there myself, you have to admit why you've been acting so weird."

I smirked," And if you lose, you have to admit who you like!"

We both clashed foreheads," It's a deal Olivia!" Nate said smirking.

" May the best trainer win!" I looked at him, eyes full of determination.

Scarlett face palmed," I swear one of these days, you two will end up making a bet that will end up a terrible the rest of them." she mumbled.

Nate and I exchanged glances, before nodding and going into the gym.


Nate had failed miserably on his side of the bet, it took him four Pokémon to defeat Norman.

" Let's see if you can do better Olive." Nate mumbled.

I nodded," You have to admit who you like after Scarlett battles."

He crossed his arms," Fine..."

I nodded again, grabbing Husky's pokéball," Let's see what you can do."

Norman sent out his first Slaking," Retaliate!"

That's gonna hurt

" Dodge and use Water Gun!"


Worst. Gym. Battle. Ever!

It was an absolute nightmare just taking down one Slaking.

But still, I did better then Nate.

Speaking of, I looked over at him," It's time~"

Nate cursed under his breath.

" Hey! Don't swear in front of children!" I said playfully.

" You aren't a child anymore!" Nate argued back.

" No! I refuse to believe that!" I argued back.

" You're stupid..." Nate mumbled, crossing his arms.

" No I not." I said giggling.

" What's nine plus ten?" Nate asked, smirking.

" Twenty-one!" I replied, laughing like an idiot.

Steven and Scarlett we're both laughing as well.

" Spill it Nate, tell me~" I said, acting like a child.

Nate crossed his arms," Never."

" You lost the bet though." I said frowning.

" That wasn't freaky fair though, you know Norman's Slaking could take any Pokémon out with Retaliate!"  he argued back.

" Fine, what's the real bet?" I asked him.

" A battle, between you and me. Normal three on three battle." Nate said.

I nodded," You're on, and you are going down this time!"

Scarlett sighed," This is how I'll you two."

Nate laughed," If one of us is the death of you. Then what'll happen to the person?"

" I'll send them personally to the Distortion World." Scarlett said smirking.

The black haired trainer flinched," You know what, I'll be right back. In a few days!" he yelled before sprinting off.

Scarlett narrowed her eyes, running after him," Natty!"

I bit my lip," And they're gone..."

Steven looked at me," Hey Olive?"

" Yeah? What is it?" I titled my head to the side.

" Close you're eyes." he told me.

I nodded, and squinted my eyes shut.

" Hold out a hand."

I nodded again, and held out a hand my eyes still squeezed shut.

I felt something cold being placed in the palm of my hand.

" And, open them." Steven told me.

I opened my eyes seeing his smiling face, then I looked at me hand seeing a pokéball there.

" It's a small gift, I caught her for you while you were talking with Scarlett and Nate by the falls earlier." he said.

I smiled, before a bright red light came from the button of the pokéball.

There was a small Swablu looking at me," Blu!"

My eyes widened," Thank you so much Steven..." I told him.

Steven nodded back," I knew you would like her, you both have the same nature. Always cheerful, even in bad situations." he told me.


( Steven Stone's p.o.v. )

I smiled at both Olive and her new Swablu, both looked happy like a family reunion had just happened.

She giggled," I'll call her Kaiba." the chestnut haired trainer said.

" Kaiba, that's a beautiful name." I said softly.

Olive looked at me, like something was wrong with her. Then, out of nowhere she dropped her crutches and hugged me.

" Thank you...for everything Steven. For saving all of us back in Granite Cave.." she murmured.

" Of course, it's my duty as champion to protect everyone in this region. I would do it all again in a heartbeat." I told her.

She nodded," Thank you again..." Olive said blushing.

I smiled softly at the chestnut haired trainer. She giggled and picked both her crutches back up.

Nate and Scarlett both looked at us, the ginger giving her a thumbs up.

Both of us blushed lightly, I bit my lip awkwardly.

Nate rolled his eyes," Scar you're impossible..."

Scarlett giggled," I ship it!"

Olive narrowed her eyes," Seriously!? No! No! Don't ship us!"

The ginger took out her PokéNav, and took a picture of us.

The chestnut haired trainers eyes widened, her mouth gaped open a bit.

" Delete that picture now!" Olive yelled, her fist shaking.

" Calm down, anger isn't key." I told her quietly.

She nodded slowly, talking a deep breath," O-ok..." Olive said in a shaky breath.

Nate crossed his arms," So, how about that battle Olive? You said a three on three."

Olive nodded," I haven't forgotten, just give me a few minutes Natty."

She looked at me," Can you be referee?" Olive asked me.

I nodded," Of course, I haven't done that in a while. So I'd be happy to."

I smiled brightly, looking at the three trainers.

Scarlett ran over and stood by me, looking at her PokéNav giggling at the picture she took of us.

Olive and Nate narrowed there eyes at each other, soon taking a few steps away from the other.

Nate looked at Scarlett and smirked, mouthing the words,' I'm going to win'.

Scarlett rolled her eyes," In you're dreams!"

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