Chapter 11: A Flaming Battle

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( Olive's p.o.v. )

It's today the three of us are taking on Flannery, I've been waiting for this

I felt someone tap my shoulder, I glanced back and saw a familiar ginger standing there grinning.

" Hey Olive!" Scarlett said giggling.

I smiled slightly," Hey Scar..."

" You've been acting weird, what's up?" Scarlett asked, sitting both of us down on the bed we were standing by.

I blushed lightly, biting my bottom lip," It's nothing...."

The ginger shook her head," I know that look, you like someone~"

I narrowed my eyes," Shut up..."

" Tell me! Who do you like?!" the ginger squealed.

I shook my head," I'll tell you soon..."


We all arrived at the Lavaridge City gym, I looked up at the building and gulped.

Nate sighed," Who's going first...?" he asked quietly.

I sighed," I'll you two don't have a miniature screaming match."

Scarlett nodded," Ok. If ya say so Olivia.."

I narrowed my eyes," Don't call me know I hate that.."

The ginger giggled, before sprinting into the gym.

Nate laughed, running in after her.

" You two will be the death of me!" I yelled at the two, I knew they couldn't hear me, but it was needed.


I looked at Flannery, who had sent out her Slugma.

I grabbed Husky's pokéball, which was now easier to do thanks to the others helping me to keep my balance.

" Husky! Let's go!"

The fire type gym leader looked at me," Rock Throw!"

" Dodge and use Water Gun." I said calmly.

The mud fish Pokémon nodded and ran at Flannery's Slugma as fast as his little legs could take him.

" Well that's check one! You never run straight at an enemy! Overheat!" the red haired gym leader smirked.

I flinched, then giggled," Mud Bomb!"

The fish Pokémon nodded again and moved out of the Slugma's way, running behind it.


I had won, which took a little over twenty minutes.

Scarlett had a difficult time, but still won.

While Nate on the other hand, it took him about forty minutes with a grass type.

Why hasn't Husky evolved yet? It's weird

I sighed, biting my lip.

The mud fish Pokémon hasn't evolved yet, even though the others two starters have evolved.

Steven decided to show us the hot springs, which was close to Meteor Falls.

It was super warm, which Nate hated. But I'm being completely honest, I could deal which scalding hot water and not freak out.

I wanted to see Meteor Falls, Steven said it was stunning.

I hate crutches, I can't do anything

I thought, I looked toward the falls. Before Scarlett could stop me.

" Where are you going?" the ginger asked me.

" To the falls, please don't tell Natty or Steven where I went." I told her.

" Bu-but...what if something happens? Team Aqua or Magma could try to do anything!" Scarlett argued.

" Scar, please. I can handle myself. I'm not fourteen anymore..." I told her quietly.

" got my word. I won't say anything." Scarlett replied.

I smiled softly," Thank you so much..."


I was on the outside of the falls, I walked inside of the small cave entrance.

Wow, he was right it's beautiful

There was a crystal clear waterfall, with bright waters.

It was ice cold in the falls, I was shivering, but still loved it.

" Hey! It's that stupid kid that was at Mt. Chimney!" a voice yelled.

I glanced behind my shoulder, two Team Magma grunts were standing there.

I glared daggers at them," What do you want thing one and thing two?"

They both had sent out Pokémon, a Golem and a Crobat.

I froze, before Husky jumped in front of me.

" Ok, Water Gun!" I ordered the mud fish.

The mud fish Pokémon ran at the two opposing Pokémon before firing streams of water at them.

There was a bright white glow where the small mud fish once stood.

Then there stood, a taller version of Husky.

Standing on two legs," Marsh!" it roared.

" You evolved! You did it!" I squealed.

" Alright then, Water Gun again!"


( Steven Stone's p.o.v. )

I swung my jacket over my shoulder, looking at the two trainers.

Scarlett had her head bent nervously," She's...gone to the falls...Olive told me to not say a thing.."

I shook my head, placing a hand on the gingers shoulder.

" It's alright, let's go get her before something bad happens." I told her.

Scarlett nodded," Alright, Olive said she could take care of herself. It's making me worried...."

I nodded to her," That is a bit worrying."


We reached the inside of the falls, two Team Magma grunts stood there with angry expressions on there faces.

The evolution of a Mudkip was right next to Olive's leg, while her Taillow was in the air.

" Steel Wing on the Golem! Husky, Mud-Slap!"

I grabbed Aggron's pokéball and sent him out.

" Stone Edge." I said calmly, both Team Magma grunts looked at Olive and I.

Olive's eyes widened," Wing Attack!"

" Golem! Explode now!" a grunt ordered.

We both retuned out Pokémon, while the chestnut haired girls his behind her leg.

Scarlett, Nate, and I ran down to the grunts and Olive.

" Tsk, the champion of Hoenn. That's pathetic!" one grunt shouted at me.

I shook my head," You can call me anything you want, but I suggest you getting out of here now."

The grunts glanced at each other before sprinting out of the falls.

I looked over at Olive, who was looking at the ground.

" Are you alright?" I asked her, trying to sound calm.

She nodded," Yes, I'm alright. Don't worry about me.."

I shook my head again," I'll worry as long as I want."

The chestnut haired girl stuck her tongue out," Fine..."

Scarlett bit her lip, looking towards the fall entrance," Where do you think there heading?"

Nate frowned," No idea..." he muttered,

Olive looked at me, speechless.

" Are you positive you're alright?" I asked her again.

Olive nodded," I'm fine Steven..."

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