Chapter 10: Awkward

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( Olive's p.o.v. )

After all that's happened the last few days have left us all speechless.

Mostly Steven and I the most, while Scar and Natty on the other hand were just trying to not make things weird between them.

I can't really blame them though, after admitting you like each other, you kiss, then you're friends again.

Real smooth

I sighed, and looked at Kona and Husky.

" You're lucky, you don't have to deal with weird emotions every five minutes.." I groaned.

Kona chirped happily, while Husky was bouncing around on the bed.

All four of us were staying in a Pokémon Center, we planned on staying for a night.

Which we were, considering it was six o clock at the moment.

I was sitting in the bedroom we were sharing.

Nate and Scarlett went off to have a battle, and I don't know where Steven went really.

I sighed," Why are emotions so difficult?!" I yelled, screaming into my pillow.

The fish Pokémon looked at me happily, he had stopped bouncing all over the bed like a child.

Kona flew around the room, finally getting a chance to stretch her wings.

I rolled my eyes playfully," Ok..I give up, you two are acting like five year olds.."

I had grabbed Youko's pokéball, to let her play with the others.

All three Pokémon looked at each other, become they started to play a game of tag around the room.

Arceus help me...I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!

I screamed in my head, I groaned and buried my face in my pillow.

" the weirdest moment of my life....not counting the part when I reached ninth grade..." I shuddered.

" That was weird, ten out of ten, one out of one, seven out of seven.." I bit my lip awkwardly.

" Now I'm talking to myself, yeah I must have some issues..." I shuddered again.

I screamed in my pillow again, probably looking and sounding like the world biggest idiot.

" Arceus help me, I need mental help and some sugar.." I muttered under my breath.

I just laid there, looking at the ceiling for fifteen minutes.

" Olive?" a soft voice asked.

I looked over at the door, seeing a familiar blue haired champion.

" Hey Steven.." I said blushing lightly.

Stupid hormones

I thought, he walked over to the bed I was sitting on and sat down next to me.

" Are you alright, you seemed to talking to yourself?" he asked, laughing quietly.

I groaned," You heard all that?" I asked him.

Steven nodded," I did actually." he replied smiling softly at me.

I pouted, crossing my arms," Oh come on.."

He chuckled," Sorry, it's not really hard to hear you screaming."

I looked at him, still crossing my arms.


I screamed in my head, I bit my bottom lip.

" So..." I muttered, looking down.

And you're acting like an idiot, what's new....?

" I just don't know what to do! It's just..awkward whenever I try and talk to you!" I covered my mouth quickly.

Steven looked at me," Hmm, it's alright if you think that."

I sighed in relief," But it's true, what do we talk about? The others can talk to you like you've known each other for years..." I muttered.

The blue haired champion placed two fingers under my chin, lifting my head up, so my eyes could meet his.

" Is that was you really think...?" Steven asked me softly.

I blushed deeper," Ye-yes..." I stuttered.

He smiled at me," Well then, that's quite alright. There are moments where you just get lost for words."

I sighed," You got that right Stone."

I snickered, trying to think of what to say next.

" Anyways...where are we heading next?" I asked the champion.

" Fallarbor Town, there's a gym leader there. A fire type leader, Flannery." he told me.

I nodded," So, Husky and Kona will be my main hitters for this one."


( Steven Stone's p.o.v. )

I nodded to her," Pretty much."

She smiled at me brightly," Sounds like a plan then!"

I chuckled under my breath, smiling back," Sounds like a good plan to me."

Some blue haired fell in front of my eyes, which I quickly fixed.

Olive looked at me, giggling for so apparent reason.

" Why am I laughing?!" the chestnut haired teenager asked herself.

I shrugged," I don't really know.."

I couldn't help but laugh as well, it just happened all of a sudden.

Olive grinned happily, before her Poochyena came over and jumped onto my lap.

She gigged, before crossing her eyes.

I rolled my blue eyes playfully," So childish."

Olive crossed her arms, smirking.

" What about you, are you saying you're childish?" she taunted.

I shook my head quickly," That-that's not what I'm saying at all!"

Olive gigged, before tickling my stomach.

I tried not to laugh, but failed after a minute.

Ok, she got me this time

The chestnut haired trainer grinned happily.

While her Poochyena licked my nose, I couldn't help but laugh.

" Hehe, seems like I win!" Olive squealed.

I laughed under my breath, nodding.

" I guess you did, good job. You actual got me." I told her.

" Sometimes you just to let lose, have fun once in a while." she said.

I nodded again," That seems like an amazing idea to me."

She hugged me, my body tensed up before hugging back.

" Thanks for saving me and the others more than you need to." she said, smiling brightly.

" Of course Olivia." I said, smiling back.

Her Taillow flew over and landed on her head, chirping happily.

Olive pulled away from the hug slowly, like she didn't want it to end.

I thought to myself for a moment.

" Thanks for that just now, I need to let lose for a minute." I told her, rubbing the back of my neck.

She nodded," Any day Stone, any day."

She's so kind

I thought, I looked at my mega ring before getting an idea.

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