Chapter 9: A Brother's Revenge

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( Olive's p.o.v. )

I looked up at the doctor, Steven and the others were by the edge of the bed. Except for Wallace, who had left to go back to Sootopolis City.

" Miss Olivia's leg was burned by a Camerupt's Lave Plume. It's only a one and percent chance of being burned like she was." the doctor said.

I felt as if almost all eyes were on me.

" She'll be fine though, but if she goes near water. The burn will become bigger on her leg, and will quite painful."

I gulped, looking down at my right leg.

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant!

I thought, before two crutches were given to me.

" Miss Olivia will only need to use those for a few weeks at the latest." the doctor said.

I stood up on my one leg, and grabbed the crutches.

I felt wobbly, keeping my leg in the air.

Who knew this could happen here?

I asked myself, I shrugged and looked at the others.


After a long talk with the doctor later, we were able to leave.

We were walking out the door, before I lost my balance.

My eyes widened, before I felt soft arms wrap around me.

" Are you alright?" a soft voice asked.


I nodded slowly," Thanks to you I am." I told him.

Nate and Scarlett glanced at each other, before Nate narrowed his eyes.

Something's wrong


We were thirty minutes away from the hospital.

Nate's been acting weird since we left, I'm wondering if there's something wrong at the moment.

" Nate-"

Before I could finish my sentence, there was a large crash right in front of Nate.

My eyes widened, there stood a taller figure. The same height as Nate.

The figure walked toward us, a male. The male had shaggy black hair and ice blue eyes.

Pale skin, and had an angry expression in his face.


Nate's twin was right in front of us, he grabbed his brothers wrist before kicking him to the ground.

Scarlett growled," Get off of him!" she shouted at Marcus running over to them.

" WHY SHOULD I?! HE STOLE EVERYTHING FROM ME!" Marcus shouted at the ginger.

Scarlett flinched, become grabbing a pokéball off her belt.

" Combusken! Let's dance!"

The now evolved chick Pokémon came out of the pokéball with a bright red flash.

" Flame Charge!" Scarlett ordered.

The young fowl Pokémon nodded, before firing flames at Marcus.

Marcus moved out the way before the Flame Charge could hit him.

Nate got to the ground quickly, I wanted to help but I couldn't.

I growled, before sighing.

I hope this works

" Steven?" I asked quietly.

The blue haired champion looked at me," Yes Olive?"

" Can you grab Kona's pokéball please?" I asked him.

He nodded, grabbing the swallow Pokémon's pokéball.

He released her, before looking at me.

" Kona, Steel Wing on the flames! Quickly!" I ordered her.

The swallow Pokémon chirped, before her wings glowed white.

She charged at the flames at full speed, before the brought orange flames disappeared.

Marcus grabbed a pokéball," Seviper! Poison Fang!"

" Kona! Move out of the way quickly and use Wing Attack!"

I narrowed my eyes, while Marcus smirked.

A blood calling sound grew loudly, I looked up at Kona who was a bright purple now.

I growled, Steven handed me her pokéball.

I returned the swallow Pokémon, before Marcus' Seviper could do any more damage.

" Returning that weak Taillow, good call baby!" Marcus yelled, his smirk grew bigger.

Scarlett ran over to the twins, before tackling Marcus to the ground.

" WHAT DID NATE EVER DO TO YOU?! TELL ME NOW!" the ginger demanded.

" HE STOLE YOU FROM ME! HE KNEW I LIKED YOU!" Marcus yelled back.

Scarlett blinked, before looking up at Nate.

" Is this true...?" Scarlett asked, blinking back tears.

I looked down, my bluish gray eyes widened.

Nate looked at the crying Scarlett, he frowned then started to nod slowly.

" It's true Scar...only because.....I like you to..." the black haired teen told her quietly.


( Steven Stone's p.o.v. )

My eyes widened, everything that had just happened.

Nate's twin looked over at me and smirked," Hoenn region champion, how pathetic are you Nathaniel?!"

" Seviper, Poison Fang on the champion now!" Marcus ordered.

I grabbed Aggron's pokéball, before I heard a blood curling scream.

In front of me was Scarlett's Combusken.

The fire type gave a nod to me, before firing a Flame Charge at Marcus' Seviper.

" Metagross stand strong!" I narrowed my eyes as the iron leg Pokémon looked at me.

" Hammer Arm!" I ordered, clenching a fist.

Scarlett looked at me, then back at Combusken.

" Flame Charge again!" the gingered ordered, her eyes blazing with hatred.

Olive growled," Youko! Bite!" she ordered, both girls looking at Marcus with anger.

" Seviper Night Slash!" the black haired teen said smirking.

" Grovyle...Mega Drain.."

I saw Nate standing up, dirt on his face.

Before anything else happened, there was small explosion from all the Pokémon attacking at the same time.

The dust cleared away, Marcus' Seviper was in the ground; fainted.

Marcus clenched a fist, returning the fang snake Pokémon.

The black haired teen glared at me, before running off.

The three young trainers glanced at each other, worry in all there eyes.

" Natty...?" Scarlett asked him quietly.

Olive looked up at me, before her Poochyena ran over and nuzzled her leg.

Them ran over to me, and nuzzled my leg barking.

I smiled softly, before Olive dropped one of her crutches leaning down to pet it.

The chestnut haired trainer winced, before grabbing her crutch and her Poochyena.

She stood back up, smiling weakly.

" You did amazing Youko, all of the Pokémon did..." she told the bite Pokémon quietly.

The Poochyena licked Olive's nose cutely, barking.

I chuckled under my breath, before all the Pokémon were returned to there Pokéballs.

Both Scarlett and Nate looked at each other for a minute, surprising all of us.

They had kissed.

Olive's and my eyes widened, just looking at the two.

" I SHIP IT SO HARD!" Olive yelled giggling.

I rolled my eyes playfully, chuckling softly.

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