Chapter 8: Thank You

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( Olive's p.o.v. )

My eyes fluttered open, I was in a bed.

I shook my head, before looking at myself.

Everything was fine, except for my right leg that had bandages wrapped around it.

Then it hit me, at Mt. Chimney.

My leg was burned by a Camerupt, by the leader of Team Magma; Maxie.

I heard someone knock on the door, before it opened.

" Miss Olive, two of you're friends would like to see you." a nurse told me.

I nodded slowly, before Scarlett and Nate walked in.

" Olive! You had me scared to death!" Scarlett said angrily, yet relieved.

I sighed," I'm sorry ok, I just....wanted to help...." I felt warm tears fall down my cheeks.

" Scar, you made her cry!" Nate said angrily.

The two glared at each other what seemed like hours, then stopped.

" Sorry for yelling...I'm just glad you're ok.." Scarlett whispered, clenching a fist.

" It's fine didn't mean to yell..." I told the ginger softly.

Nate sighed," Anyways...Steven got the meteorite back from Archie, so that's good..."

I nodded slowly," Where is he..Steven...?"

Scarlett looked at me, smiling," He's been waiting for you to wake up, he's been in the waiting room since he brought you here.."

" How long has that been?" I asked, tilting my head.

" About nine hours.." Scarlett replied.

My eyes widened," Nine hours?!"

" You passed out around midnight, and he's been waiting for you to wake up. It's really sweet if you ask me." Scarlett giggled.

I blushed, looking down.

" That is sweet of him..." I said softly, lookig back at Scarlett and Nate.

Natty grinned," By the way...Treecko, Torchic, both evolved after we got here."

I smiled," Where are they?"

" Out in the waiting room with Steven and Wallace." Nate nodded to me, glancing back at the door.

I nodded," Alright..."

Scarlett and Nate exchanged glances, both blushing lightly.

" What happened between you two? You're usually yelling at each other like banshees?" I asked.

" It's nothing...we just had a battle. Which I was about to win, before we were interrupted by the nurse telling us to stop." Nate grunted, crossing his arms angrily.

" Oh, and Ralts evolved into Kirlia!" Scarlett, said smiling brightly.

I rolled my eyes playfully," Who else evolved, everyone on our teams?" I asked.

Nate chuckled," Zubat also evolved, along with Zigzagoon." he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

I sighed in defeat," What did they do, eat twenty Rare Candies each or something?"

Scarlett giggled again," I may have had like, eight Rare Candies in my backpack!"

I laughed," Seriously?"

" Seriously serious!" Scarlett replied, bouncing up an down.

I groaned," You're impossible Scar..." I mumbled.

" You're not my mother!"


After the others and I talked for a bit, the nurse ordered them out so I could ' rest '.

I've had enough sleep, I just want to run. But I can't, thanks to that Camerupt.

I hate this with a burning passion right now, and I'm serious

I groaned, slamming my head against the pillow.


I yelled in my mind, I sighed again.

Arceus help me I'm bored

I thought, before wincing in pain.

Every time I moved, my leg would hurt.

This is fantastic, absolute fantastically fantastic. Being here. Is the test of you're God danged patience!

I thought again, before looking at the door.

This is torture


( Steven Stone's p.o.v. )

I was asleep in a chair at the moment, waiting for Olive to wake up.

" Mr. Stone, Olivia is up."

My eyes shot open," She is?"

" Yes, and she would like to see you." the nurse told me.

I nodded," Alright."

Thank Arceus she's ok

The nurse led me to her room, before knocking on the door softy.

" Mrs. Olivia Rose, I brought Mr. Stone." the blonde haired nurse said smiling.

" Give me a minute.." I familiar voice said.

" Ok, you can come in now."

The nurse opened the door, there on the bed was Olive, smiling lightly at us.

" I'll leave you two now." the blonde hires said before leaving, and shutting the door behind her.

There was an awkward silence for a few minutes, before she spoke.

" Thanks again, Scarlett and Nate told me what you did." Olive said softly.

I shrugged," It was no big deal really, you were hurt and you were brought here."

Her blueish gray eyes widened," No big deal?!"

She cleared her throat," Sorry for yelling, it's just..."

I smiled softly at her," It's quite alright..."

Olive stayed silent a moment, then spoke again.

She examined me," Where's that jacket of yours?" Olive asked.

I glanced at the right side of the bed, my coat was there along with her pokéballs.

She nodded," I see..." she spoke softly.

Olive looked at her leg again, and sighed.

" What do we do now...? I'm most likely stuck here for a few days.." she asked quietly.

I heard her say something else under her breath, but I didn't question it.

" Well, the nurse told me you were scheduled a night in here, so you'll be getting out early tomorrow." I told her softly her smiling.

It was burnt terribly, I can't believe they're letting her go so soon

She nodded, smiling brightly," That's awesome!"

Her eyes exchanged a happy glance with mine.

" Can't wait to get out of this bed, I'm bored half to death!" Olive giggled,

I rolled my eyes playfully," You'll be able to move soon, just don't rush it." I told her softly.

Olive nodded happily," Ok Steven..."

I realized she was blushing a little, she looked away quickly grinning.

I raised an eyebrow, shuffling my foot.

She looked back at me," Thanks for everything..." Olive said, yawning softy.

" I see that you're tired, I'd better sleep so you can get some rest.." I whispered in her ear.

The chestnut haired nodded, smiling. She looked at me one last time, before her blueish gray eyes shut.

" Sleep well Olive.." I whispered in her ear again, before I got up to leave the room.

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