Chapter 7: An Electrifying Battle

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( Olive's p.o.v. )

" So..Scarlett's going first!"

Scarlett glared at me," Why?!"

I shrugged," Because why not?"

The ginger rolled her eyes," Fine...." she groaned and stuck out her tongue.

Nate sighed," Girls are impossible..." he muttered, grabbing Treecko's pokéball.

I grabbed Husky's pokéball, the little mud fish looked at, awaiting command.

" Water Gun on Nate!" I commanded laughing.

The mud fish nodded at me, and built up water in it's mouth.

Husky fired the Water Gun at Nate's face.

I couldn't help but laugh," Never insult a girl! Or else you'll get a Water Gun to the face!"

Nate rolled his eyes," Whatever Olive." the black haired teen crossed his arms, looking at himself.

" I'm soaking wet now, thanks..." Nate mumbled.

Scarlett giggled," Ready for the gym battle Torchic?" she asked squealing.

The chick Pokémon nodded happily," Chic!"

The ginger smiled," Then let's go!"


We arrived in Mauville, a whole city inside a building.

Nate sent out Zubat, who looked at him.

" So, ready to kick the gym leaders butt?"

" Don't speak to soon."

We spun around and saw the gym leader, Wattson.

I gulped, why did Nate have to say that?

I punched Nate's arm," Good job..." I mumbled.

He rolled his eyes at me," Amazing wasn't it?" Nate asked sarcastically.

Scarlett clenched a fist, before whacking Nate in the jaw.

I giggled," Scar! That's terrible."

The ginger shrugged," Yeah, well. Someone had to do it sooner of later."

I rolled my eyes," I swear, you guys will be the death of me."

Wattson crossed his arms," Who's gonna battle me first?"

Scarlett and I glanced at each other, then responded.

" Nate." we both said in unison.

The black haired teen sighed," Well, if I'm going first. Get ready to get you're butt kicked by a fifteen year old!"

" You're on."


Nate and Scarlett won there battles easily, but I'm kind if nervous. Husky is water type, and water is weak to electric types.

" Are you ready?" Wattson asked me, I looked up before nodding.

" I was born ready!" I said before grabbing Kona's pokéball.

" Alright, Magnemite, Thunder Wave!"

" Steel Wing!"


I fist pumped," I did it! Finally!"

Steven laughed under his breath," I saw you had some difficulty in that battle."

I nodded," Water and electric types don't mix well."

He smiled," Next time when you battle an electric type, use a ground type. Very effective."

I nodded, smiling," Thanks Steven."

He gave a short nod back," Of course Olive."

Scarlett came running over," Bad news! Team Aqua and Team Magma have been spotted near Mt. Chimney.."

My eyes widened," We can't catch a break can we?"

Nate shook his head," Nope!"

I sighed," Ok, we'd better go after them then...." I frowned, before sprinting off.

Nate, Scarlett, and Steven ran after me.

Hopefully nobody gets hurt

I thought, clenching a fist.

" I hope they know who they're messing with.."


The four of us reached Mt. Chimney, I glanced around.

" You three, stay down here. I'm going up to the top of the mountain."

I looked at Steven, my blueish gray eyes widened.

" But-"

" Please Olive, it'll be safer down here for you three." he said softly.

I sighed, then nodded," Ok Steven..."

Steven bent down to my size, and smiled.

" You stay safe alright, I don't want to see you hurt." he whispered into my ear.

I nodded again," I don't want to see you hurt either Stone."

He chucked quietly," I'll be fine, now go on with Scarlett and Nate."

Steven smiled, before turning around and running the other way.

I sighed again, biting my lip.

" Stay safe...please..."


( Steven Stone's p.o.v. )

I grabbed Metagross' pokéball, looking in front of me.

There stood Team Aqua and Magna grunts battling each other.

In narrowed my eyes, there stood a taller man in a blue Team Aqua uniform.

Leader of Team Aqua, then where's the leader of Team Magma.

I sighed, before the man noticed me.

" Well look what we have here, the champion of Hoenn. How intimidating?" the man snickered.

I sent out Metagross," If I'm so intimidating, why don't you battle me?"

" Archie?! Are you actually gonna battle this idiot?" a women shouted at him.

" Shelly, go take down those kids at the bottom of the mountain." Archie I'm guessing told her.

Shelly nodded, and ran off.

I glared at Archie," So, what's you're choice?"

" Let's dance champion of Hoenn! Gyarados!"

A Gyarados came out of the pokéball, roaring loudly.

" Zen Headbutt!"

" Water Pulse!"

The two Pokémon looked at each other, before attacking.

There was a huge bang, before some dust cleared away from the two.

" Metal Claw!"

" Water Gun quickly!"


Archie glared at me, clenching a fist.

I was coughing from the smoke. After a small explosion that had just happened near me.

The Team Aqua chuckled," That was to was like stealing candy from a baby.."

Archie walked over and kicked my leg, causing me to fall on the ground.

I grunted, and looked up at him. My blue eyes narrowed.

Archie left with the grunts, leaving the meteorite behind.

I grabbed the meteorite, and looked at it.

" Steven!"

I glanced behind my shoulder, seeing a familiar ginger and black haired teenagers.

" What is it?!" I asked, before standing up.

" It's Olive! The Team Magma leader burned her leg, it looks really bad!" Scarlett told me, her whole body shaking.

" Where is she?" I asked, trying to sound calm.

But on the inside, I was scared. I didn't want to see any of them hurt. But it had happened when I least expected it.

" She's with a green haired trainer, he's trying to help the burn...." Nate sighed, looking down.

Wallace? He found us, thank Arceus he came here

I nodded, before the three of us headed to the base of the mountain.

My eyes widened when I saw her, Olive was on the ground. Her pant leg was rolled up, showing her burned leg.

Then right next to her, there was Wallace with his Milotic.

" Steven..?" the green haired gym leader asked quietly.

I nodded," Wallace, this isn't the right time to catch up. We have to help Olive, her leg looks terrible."

I frowned, before picking up Olive in my arms.

" Steven...I...wanted to help..." she murmured sadly.

" Don't blame yourself, we're going to get you help.." I told her softly.

She nodded slowly," Thank you..."

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