Chapter 6: Slateport

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( Olive's p.o.v. )

I felt soft arms pick me up earlier, my eyes fluttered open and I saw a familiar black haired male right in front of my face.

I screamed and fell off the bed that someone had laid me on.

" Fudge Nate! Fudge!" I screamed at him.

I got up and punched his arm," You're a jerk..."

He rolled his eyes as we walked up top.

" Morning..what time is it?"

Scarlett jumped down from the roof of them ship," It's around twelve thirty, you slept in really late."

I jumped back a little," Twelve thirty?!"

Scarlett nodded," Yeah, you fell asleep around midnight again."

My mouth gaped open a little," Seriously...?"

Nate nodded," Yep. We're about an hour away from Slateport."

I groaned," Ok...fine.."

Scarlett punched my shoulder," Stay awake!"

I rolled my eyes," Ok crazy..."

" I am not crazy!"

" Yep!"

" Nope!"

" Yes you are!"

" Then jump off the boat!"

" Ok."

I gripped the railing, taking my scarf and belt off.

" Later haters!" I said while jumping on.

After a moment I couldn't help but scream.


Scarlett was laughing her butt off, Steven came out and looked down at me eyes widened.

" Are you alright?" he asked softly.

" Ask Scarlett."

I took a deep breath before dunking myself.

There was lots of Tentacool, Magikarp, and other water types.

Nate rolled his eyes," I'm surrounded my morons.." he took his scarf and belt off and jumped in as well.

My head bobbed up, eyes narrowed playfully.

" Rawr."

" THE HORROR! ITS OLIVE!" Nate yelled in between laughs.

I rolled my eyes and pulled him under the water.


A few minutes later we were back on Mr. Briney's ship.

He had given Nate and I towels to dry off.

My hair was completely wet, but I didn't care.

Nate on the other hand was flipping out.

" Nathaniel! Calm down!" I laughed, the black haired teenager looked at me

" I refuse!"

Scarlett took her scarf and belt off, looking at Nate and I.

Both of us exchanged glances before pushing Scarlett in the water.

The ginger glared at us," Seriously?!"

" We can be wet together Scar!" Nate chuckled and helped her up.

Scarlett grabbed his hand, pulling him back in the cold water.

" You deserved it Natty!"

" Shut up!"

" You two are crazy..." I shook my head, rolling my eyes playfully.

" AND YOURE NOT?!" Scarlett growled playfully.

I put my hands up in defeat," Touché ginger."


We were almost to Slateport, after Scarlett and Nate got back on the boat they had a small screaming match.

I got in between them," Shut up ladies! You're both ugly!"

Scarlett slapped me softly," That's Natty!"

Nate crossed his arms," Whatever..."

I flicked his forehead," Stop being such a downer, we'll be there in like ten minutes."

Nate growled playfully," Fine princess.."

This isn't the weirdest ride I've been on before

" We're here kiddies!" Mr. Briney smiled lightly.

" You three need to deliver those Devon Parts to Stern at the shipyard." he pointed a finger at us.

" Yes sir. Thank you for bringing us here!" I grinned happily.

" It was no problem, now go on. You got deliver those parts now."

" Let's go!" I grabbed Scarlett's hand and pulled the off the boat.

Nate and Steven both got us and followed after us.

" Nya! Olive!" Scarlett squeaked.

" Yeah?" I tilted my head a little.

" Is there a gym here?"

" No, but there's one in Mauville City, which is on,y an hour away!" I smiled lightly.

" But where's the shipyard?" Nate asked, hands in his pockets.

" Around the corner, so let's go!" I giggled faintly and ran off again.


Stern wasn't there in the shipyard, he was in the Oceanic Museum.

I pushed the doors open, I ran in before a clerk stopped me.

" Fifty for an entrance fee."

I rolled my eyes and handed her two hundred dollars," For all four of us."

Scarlett opened her mouth," Don't argue with me Scar."

" Fine.." she sighed and went to find Stern.

Nate ran after her, it was me and Steven again.

" Let's try upstairs." I suggested, he nodded as we both went upstairs.

I went to one side while Steven went the other way, I saw an older man staring at a model of the S.S. Anne.

Wait for it

" That's the kid!"


" I'm fifteen, and I'm not giving up so easily!"

I threw out Husky, who looked determined.

" Water Gun!"

" Numel! Earthquake!"

No way, they'll take down the whole building!


( Steven Stone's p.o.v. )

Team Magma

The battle ended a minute ago, and Olive delivered the Devon Parts.

Why did they want the parts? That's my only question

We were standing inside the Pokémon Center now, the three beginning trainers had a battle with either Team Magma or Team Aqua.

My crosstranceiver started ringing, I answered it.

It was Wallace

I saw the familiar green haired gym leader, he grinned.

" Hey Steven!" Wallace grinned even more.

" Hello Wallace."

" SCAR!"


I turned around and saw Scarlett and Nate arguing.

Olive was trying to break them apart, but was failing.

" Who are those three?" Wallace asked.

" Friends, and beginning trainers." I replied.

" Anyway, are you heading to Mauville at any chance?"

I nodded," Yes, actually I am. Why?"

" I'm gonna be there, maybe we could meet up and I could meet those three." Wallace chuckled quietly then smiled.

" That sounds pretty good actually." I smiled back.

" Great, when do think you four will be there?" he asked.

I gave a small shrug," Around one thirty if we get moving now."

Wallace nodded," See you then."

" Aravwa. Until then."

" Until then Steven."

Wallace hung up, I turned around and looked at the three trainers.

Scarlett and Nate had stopped fighting, which was good.

" So where are you three heading next?" I asked.

" Mauville, why?" Olive replied.

" There's a good friend I want you three to meet. We're meeting him there in Mauville around one thirty."

Olive and Scalrett exchanged glances.

" Then, to Mauville!"

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