Chapter 5: Letter For a Champion

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( Olive's p.o.v. )

Scarlett picked up the Budew's pokéball and put it on her belt.

" Those three women never cared about they're Pokémon, I'm going after them." the ginger stood up and picked up Torchic.

" Wanna go catch some meanie's?" the chick Pokémon nodded," Then let's go! Natty wanna come?"

Nate shrugged," Yeah, I guess." he grabbed Voltorb's pokéball," Let's go Scar."

Scarlett giggled and ran off with Nate.

I realized I was alone with Steven, I couldn't help but blush.

The Hoenn region champion was standing right in front of me, and he was pretty cute.

I'm admitting I like him, I sighed and set my bag down.

I grabbed the letter and handed it to Steven.

" Mr. Stone sent us to deliver it to you." I smiled lightly.

Steven smiled back," Thank you, I bet I caused you trouble while looking for me."

I shrugged," Not really.."

I felt something shake against my belt, it was Kona's pokéball.

I grabbed it," She wants to get out." I smiled, and Kona came out.

She landed on my shoulder, chirping.

I pet her head with a finger, Steven pet under her neck as she kept chirping.

" I think she likes you Steven." I laughed quietly under my breath.

Steven gave a short smile," Think so?"

I nodded," I know so." Kona flew off my shoulder an over to a mural of Kyogre and Groudon.

I walked over there, looking at the mural.

" Woah .." my mouth gaped open a little.

Steven walked over to me, and looked at it frowning.

" What do you see when looking at this?" he asked softly.

I looked around the mural, there was a big rock floating in the sky by the two legendaries.

" Both are trying to get that rock aren't they?" I asked.

Steven nodded," That's the Big Rock, it's almost like a mega stone. But it has enough power to mega evolve Rayquaza."

My eyes widened," To mega evolve Rayquaza?"

" Yes." Steven replied.

I realized he had a pin on the front of his jacket, a mega ring.

" What's the mega ring for?" I asked, some hair fell in front of my eyes.

" How about I show you?" Steven smiled and grabbed a pokéball.

" Metagross, let's go!"

The iron leg Pokémon came out of the pokéball, looking right at Kona.

" Metagross, mega evolve!" Steven grabbed the mega ring and held it to his right.

There was a bright flash, almost blinding.

Then the light was gone, and in front of me stood a mega evolved Metagross.

" Wow...that's amazing!" my eyes widened.

Steven smiled," Return Metagross."

The iron leg Pokémon returned to its pokéball.



I raised an eyebrow and ran towards her voice, a saw men in horned red suits.

Team Magma?

" Ok, I've had enough for one day! Husky Water Gun!"

The tiny fish Pokémon shot out water from his mouth, at the Team Magma grunts.

" Zigazagoon! Headbutt!"

" Dodge and use Mud-Slap!"

I felt as if my head was about to pop off, I've had enough.

" Tackle!"

" Torchic use Ember!"

It was over, we had won

I watched as the Team Magma grunts ran off.

I clenched a fist," How to drive a person insane, walk in my footsteps for a day..." I muttered.

Husky rubbed a head against my leg, I smiled lightly and picked him up.

" I wish you could stay this small forever.." I murmured.

Mudkip gave a smile, which was really cute.

" You're the best, you know that right?" I asked the mud fish.

The mud fish nodded," Kip!"

Scarlett picked up Torchic," They did a lot of things today.." she giggled and set the chick Pokémon on her head.

Steven smiled at us," You three did good against Team Magma."

Nate shrugged," It was nothing, is been happening since we begun our journey."

A sigh escaped my lips," That feeling when you're about to pass out..."

Scarlett laughed quietly," You delivered the letter right?"

I nodded," Yep.." I said popping the 'p'.

Steven handed me something, a HM.

" It's HM Steel Wing, one of my favorites moves. You three keep it."

My eyes widened," Tha-thanks Steven.." I felt my face heat up.

And I'm blushing again, great...

Nate looked at me," Those three ladies, the ones that tried to take the letter. Part of Team Aqua and Team Magma."

I looked at him, eyes still wide." Seriously?"

" Yeah."


( Steven Stone's p.o.v. )

" Those three ladies, the ones that tried to take letter. Part of Team Aqua and Team Magma."

Team Aqua and Team Magma?

Olive looked at me," They stole the Devon Parts after we challenged Roxanne."

I nodded," Alright."

Scarlett's eyes widened," WE HAVE TO GET TO SLATEPORT!"

Wow she's loud

" Fudge, I forgot. Bye Steven." Olive waved goodbye.

All three ran out of the cave, I ran after them.

" I actually have to go to Slateport as well, mind if I tag along."

Olive smiled," Yeah, come on!"

We ran to the docks, seeing Mr. Briney.

The captain looked at the three trainers," You delivered the letter? And got a gym badge?"

Nate nodded," Yep, what've to deliver to Stern's Shipyard. If you don't mind to take us there."

Mr. Briney smiled," Let's set sails then!"


The sea was was calm, no rough waves like the last time.

Olive came out, she looked up at the sky.

" Hello Olive." I smiled.

The chestnut haired girl looked at me, and smiled back.

" Hey Steven, you do know it's almost midnight." she pointed at the sky.

It was dark out, the moon right above us.

" Yes, I do know. I'm just thinking, that's all."

Olive shrugged," It's nice out tonight."

" It is, isn't it?" she looked about ready to fall asleep.

Mr. Briney stopped when it got dark out, said we could continue tomorrow.

I felt lean on my arm, I looked and it was Olive.

She was half asleep," Steven?" she asked softly.

" Yes Olive?"

" Goodnight..."

She closed her eyes falling asleep, I smiled and picked her up.

" Goodnight Olive.."

I carried her inside the ships bottom, laying her on a bed.

" Goodnight..."

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