Chapter 4: Knuckle Badge

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( Olive's p.o.v. )

" Let's go! Let's go!"

Scarlett grinned and held Torchic in her arms.

I rolled my eyes and ran after Scarlett, with Nate trying to catch up.

Scarlett flashed a smile," Ready to take on Brawley?!"

I nodded," Nate, you're going first."

Nate's eyes widened," What?! No!"

Scarlett giggled," You're going first."

I grinned," I'll go last, I went first last time."

The black haired boy sighed," Fine...I'll go.."

He kicked the ground as we entered the the gym.


Nate smiled, him an Scarlett had received the Knuckle Badge from Brawly.

It was my turn.

Brawley flashed a smirk," Ready?"

I nodded, he's going down...

" Kona! You're up!" I threw the pokéball and a red flash, there was the tiny swallow Pokémon.

" Wing Attack Kona!"

" Arm Thrust!"

" Double Team then Wing Attack again!"


I had won, which was awesome.

Kona was amazing while battling, that's why we were in a Pokémon Center now.

After we get something to eat, we we're gonna go try and find Steven.

We already knew where he's located, being trapped in the game is ok. It's actually pretty fun.

We knew where everything was, where everybody was.

I shrugged off the thought, as Nurse Joy brought us our food.


" Nate, stop eating so fast. You're making mess." Scarlett squinted her eyes, red eyes bright.

Nate rolled his eyes softly and ate slower.

" Thanks Natty." the ginger giggled, she had Torchic out, Nate had Treecko out, and I had Husky out.

I finished eating, which I ate way to much. Or way to fast.

I feel like I'm about to vomit

I laid my head down on the table, staring at the ground.

" Shoot me..." I muttered, I felt soft hands put something around my neck.

I looked up and Scarlett had a blood red scarf on, she had given me a lapis blue one.

Nate was wearing a forest green scarf, he gave a light smirk.

" Let's go find Steven."


We ran into Granite Cave, Nate was holding pokéball in his hand.

" I wanna catch a Zubat!" he grinned and started yelling random things out to catch there attention.

" Nate!" Scarlett ran over and hugged him from behind.

Nate went stiff for a moment, then relaxed." Hi Scar."

" Let's deliver the letter when Natty catches his Zubat." Scarlett smiled.

Sure she could be an airhead sometimes, but she's pretty smart for what people call her.

" Fine..." I pouted, I laughed after a second and sent Youko out.

I rubbed being her ears, while she howled.

I smiled and picked her up, her warm fur against my hands.

Nate started jumping up an down," I caught a Zubat!!"

I rolled my eyes," Let's go deliver the letter."

We ran down some rocky stairs, until I crashed into someone.

There were three ladies standing in front of the entrance, all in there teenage years.

Strange thing was, we were fifteen.

The one I bumped into turned around, giving me a cold glare.

" What do you want?"

I stood up, and brushed myself off quickly," We here to deliver a letter to Steven Stone."

All three teenagers glared at us, one out there hand out," Give me the letter."

" What?! No! Mr. Stone asked us to deliver it!" I clenched a fist, Youko stepped forward and growled at the three.

" Give it here kid!" she grabbed my wrist and tightened her grip on it.

I yanked my wrist away from her, I felt my blood boil.

All three sent out two Pokémon.

Sableye, Zigzagoon, Zubat, Poochyena, Taillow, and Geodude.

" Let's go Husky! Youko!" I threw Husky's pokéball out.

Scarlett grabbed Torchic's and Ralts' pokéball.

Nate threw out Treecko's and Zigzagoon's,

" Water Gun and Youko use Tackle!"

" Torchic use Peck! Ralts use Double Team and Confusion!"

" Treecko! Absorb and Quick Attack! Zigzagoon! Headbutt!


" Rock Smash! Confuse Ray!"

" Youko! One final Tackle!"

" Sableye! Foul Play and Power Gem!"

Enragement Pokémon, this thing has no weaknesses

I watched Youko fell to the ground, she couldn't battle anymore.

I grabbed Youko's pokéball, and returned her.

You were amazing Youko.

" Husky! Water Gun!

" Torchic! Ember!"

" Treecko! Pound!"

It was over

We has won against the three women, who looked extremely angry.

But one smirked and grabbed two last pokéballs.

Budew and a Voltorb

" Budew! Absorb! Voltorb! SonicBoom!"

" Husky! Mud-Slap!" I clenched a fist.

" Torchic! Ember quickly!"

" Treecko! Absorb!"

" Voltorb! Spark!"

Scarlett, Nate, and I huddled up.

" We need to attack at the same time, Olive. Get Husky to use Water Gun in Torchic's Ember, and Treecko's Absorb..." Scarlett smiled weakly.

" Husky! Use Water Gun in Torchic's Ember and in Treecko's Absorb!"

The mud fish looked at me like I was crazy, but nodded.

" Torchic, Ember into Treecko's Absorb and Husky's Water Gun!"

All three started Pokémon nodded, Husky ran back close to wood gecko Pokémon.

Treecko got close to Torchic, the chick Pokémon;

Husky built up water in his mouth, Torchic built up flames. Treecko making a small yellow orb.

" NOW FIRE!" all three of us said unison.

The three nodded and fired into the cave top.

Water Gun mixed with Absorb, Ember mixing with both.

That took the Budew down, Voltorb still standing.


( Steven Stone's p.o.v. )

I heard lots of yelling going on from outside of the small are of the cave.

I ran fingers across the mural and went to see what was going on.

" NOW FIRE!" a dirty blonde haired girl shouted.

The three Hoenn starters nodded.

The Mudkip fired a Water Gun into a Treecko's Absorb, and the Torchic's Ember mixed in with both.

" Voltorb! Selfdestruct!"

I saw the three young trainers freeze, and there Pokémon to there pokéballs.

The Voltorb shook, and began to make cracking noises.

Selfdestruct, if those kids aren't careful they could go down as well.

I ran over to them, and pushed them back a bit out of the Voltorb's range.

Three women who had the Pokémon were smirking, they returned the Budew that had fainted, and the Voltorb. They threw the pokéballs on the ground.

" They were useless anyway."

A ginger who was with the three clenched a fist," RUN WHILE YOU HABE THE CHANCE!! YOU THREE DISGUST ME!!"

A dirty blonde covered the gingers mouth, then looked at me.

Her cheeks turned a bright pink, I smiled lightly at them.

" Do you know where Steven Stone is?" a black haired male asked.

" He's right in front of you."

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