Chapter 3: A Stone Battle for A Stone Badge

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( Olive's p.o.v. )

I had finally caught a Poochyena, I nicknamed her Youko.

Scarlett caught a female Ralts, and Nate caught a Zigzagoon.

We each had two Pokémon each, which was awesome.

We entered the Pokémon Center, we had to heal up our Pokémon from he battle with Team Aqua.

Husky and Youko were already good friends, I couldn't help bit giggle at there cuteness.

Scarlett was excited about catching Ralts, I mean excited.

She was in the middle of a happy dance at the moment.

I rolled my grayish blue eyes.

I think I'm gonna like being in the game.


" Kona! Wing Attack!" the tiny swallow Pokémon nodded and spread her wings out, and flew up into the air.

She flapped her wings quickly and dove at Treecko.

" Treecko! Pound!" Treecko looked at Nate, before Wing Attack hit him.

Treecko fainted, he challenged me only ten minutes ago and it was over.

I smiled," Kona, return."

The tiny swallow Pokémon retuned to her pokéball.

I put the pokéball back on my belt," I'm gonna go get some potions for the gym battle."


I had gotten about three potions for each of us.

I shrugged at the thought and entered the rock type gym.

There were tables of old Pokémon fossils, it was actually pretty cool.

The rock type gym leader was waiting for us, Roxanne.

Roxanne smirked at us," Well, well, well. Looks like we got some challengers eh? That's always fun."

I grabbed Husky's pokéball," Husky, let's go!"

Roxanne grabbed a pokéball as well," Geodude."

I narrowed my eyes at the black haired gym leader," Water Gun!"

" Rock Smash."


We all had won our badges, me, Scarlett, and Nate.

We were in the Pokémon Center, having our Pokémon healed up after the battles.

Scarlett was out training up her Ralts as much as she could before the next gym.

Nate pressed a fist against his lips," So, one of us has to beat the champion?"

I nodded," The champion, is Steven Stone. Steel type user, we gotta train up for him. His Metagross cam mega evolve.."

Nate raised an eyebrow," Mega evolve?"

I nodded once more," Yep." I said popping the 'p'.

The black haired man nodded," Can all Hoenn's Pokémon mega evolve?"

I shook my head, chestnut hair falling over my eyes," Our starters can mega evolve thought. Cool eh?"

Nate smiled," Sounds good."


We were making our way to the next town, until we saw the scientist from earlier.

Team Aqua grunts had taken something from him again.

Ok, I'm ticked now

I clenched a fist and ran after the grunts, Nate falling behind.

There was an older man standing in front of the cave.

" Help, they stole my presides Peeko!"

Peeko? Doesn't he mean Wingull?

I grabbed Kona's pokéball," Alright, Kona let's go!"

The tiny swallow Pokémon came out of the red and white ball.

" Let's go."

Nate and I run inside the cave, his Treecko looking determined.

Every footstep I took, light brown dust flew up in my eyes.

There stood a Team Aqua grunt, cornering a Wingull.

" Kona, Wing Attack!"

" Treecko, use Pound!"

The Team Aqua grunt turned around, sending out a Zigzagoon.


We were on our way to Dewford now, we had helped the man and returned the Devon Parts.

The president of the Devon Corporation, Mr. Stone asked us to deliver a package to Steven.

And of course, challenge the gym.


( Steven Stone's p.o.v. )

" Nice gym you have going here Brawley."

The blue haired gym leader smiled," Thanks Steven, so?"

I raised an eyebrow," So?"

" How's being the champion like?" Brawley asked.

" It's fun, I get to see new strategies every day." I smiled.

Brawley nodded, before my crosstranceiver started ringing,

I answered it, being Roxanne again.

" Hello Roxanne."

Brawley leaned over my shoulder," Hey Roxie!!"

Roxanne rolled her eyes," So mature Brawley."

Brawley gave a light smirk.

" So, what's going on Roxanne?"

Roxanne sighed," I was beaten by the same three trainers that helped you're dad with his corporation yesterday."

Brawley snickered," The great and powerful Roxanne lost a battle? How traumatizing!?"

I shook my head," So they beat you huh?"

The black haired gym leader nodded," Yep, pretty tuff to."

Brawley laughed a bit louder," This is way to goo-"


Brawley stopped," Uhh..."

Roxanne crossed her arms," Those Team Aqua idiots stole some Devon Parts, even though those kids were heading to the next town. They helped. Every other trainer just walked by, but those three helped!"

My eyes widened," Where are they heading now?"

" To Dewford, Brawley. Good luck you knucklehead."

Then she hung up.

Brawley raised an eyebrow," Knucklehead? Umm....ok?"

I chuckled quietly," So, those threw trainers are coming to challenge you?"

Brawley shrugged," I'm guessing, but I gotta show you that mural!"

" Oh, I almost forgot actually."

Brawley rolled his eyes," Let's go then Steven."

The blue haired gym leader sprinted off, and of course a ran after him.


Kyogre, destroying the world...

" So this is it Steven, what do you think?"

I looked over at Brawley," It's incredible, Brawley. Thank you for bringing me here."

Brawley gave a short nod," Yeah, yeah. I just found this when I was bored."

I smiled," When you were bored?"

The blue haired gym leader shrugged," No challenge fees wer coming around, it was pretty boring waiting. So I came here and found this."

" Oh really?" I asked

Brawley flashed a toothy grin," Yeah, speaking of. I better head back to the gym. You can always come by."

The blue haired gym leader left me, looking at the mural.

Kyogre, what does it mean? Is this his primal form? The two alpha marks on each of it's hands.

Did this Pokémon cause the world in utter destruction? Maybe, but we will now know for a while

I sighed, I pressed a fist against my lips.

Just looking at this, it makes me curious about what happened thousands of years ago, could this have actually happened?

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