Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

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I'd like to give special thanks to the people and resources who made this book possible:

First and foremost, to the Almighty Father in heaven who gave me the idea for this book during writing another book. He wants to convey another message to His people.

To the best, wonderful, informative, and powerful book that has ever been written—the bible. This book has been the greatest help from God because this is His word. All of the verses are derived from it.

To various books and writers that inspired me to start on poetry.

To my friend, Michelle who can be an airhead but the best poet among all my poet friends.

To AJP-Tools for inventing such a wonderful app such as writer tools because through it I was able to make my world, bring my characters to life, and plan every chapter.

To ShadowedRain for investing time and resources in editing parts of this wonderful cover of this book. It was a pre-made though so technically, she still made it. So big thanks to her!

To wattpad for this platform that I am able to share this book with.

And of course, to you my readers who made a decision to read this book. I urge you to pray first, be open, and be sensitive. Not everything written in this book is something you will agree with. But, it will come to pass in the future.

This is dedicated to all of you. Hope you enjoy!

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This book is a work of fiction. Any similarity or likeness to any events, or persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

This is an original story created by the author herself. Any reproduction of the contents found on any part of this book without permission or consent from the author will be subject to plagiarism and should be reported immediately.

Copyright 2017
© All Rights Reserved

Update Schedule:
N/A (this is just a story preview)

Amazing cover made by ShadowedRain check her out.

If you like the chapter, don't forget to vote and leave a comment. There's no regular update for the book, I'll just post a new poem whenever I written a new one. :)


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