I Was There, No More

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I Was There, No More
By: Gavriella
January 3, 2022

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Beneath this starless sky,
I think back to what once was,
I gave it all, but why?
To a guy who never loved me back

In times of misery, I was there
Your pain I wanted to bear
Confused, crying, and afraid
But alas! Fate is unfair

Dusk till dawn,
I played games with you
Not because you said so,
But because I wanted to,

You were malding, screaming,
Reaching for the dreams of pro player
You matched skins with me, coupling
And allowed a blue link of together

But I misread the signs,
Gave myself too much hope
I was there for you, for you
But this is too much to cope

You told me dreams of skydiving
How to have a cafe,
Be a barista one day
Aspiration, dreaming, replaying

Have I ever told you mine?
I just want a happy, simple life
With my husband, be a loving wife
With 2 kids, just love no strife

Continue or stop?
Follow your parents or not?
Be a nurse? Have an art job?
Question flood your mind nonstop

I told you, think about it
Society pressures us, but what about you?
How do you plan to get there?
What do you hope for?

We once talked of happy couples
No secrets, just honesty and trust
This clears all troubles
Sadly, I wasn't in the picture

To be friends before couples,
You said was your principle
6 months to know them, sure
What a hypocrite! A liar!

Do I even mean anything to you?
Has our friendship rotten like tomato?
Do I even had a chance in the first place?
No, I guess not, is the truth I face

I hope you are happy
With your newfound baby
Exchanging I love yous,
Like it's something normal to say

I wish you could've said no, I don't like you
Instead of saying, relationship I'm not into
It would've been easier for me and you
Than be in this mess I dumped myself into

Like wires, my feelings are tangled
Bound to you, but confused and mangled
I wanted to fix them, set myself right
Afterall, you aren't my Mr. Right

I invested a great deal of emotions
Of time, and money in great proportions
I was there for you on your lonely nights
On dreaming days, and sleepless frights

You never tried to get to know me
Unlike this Gaile you so wanted to see
We never did have a chance, did we?
Now that's something I have to understand

Listen, I was once there for you
But now, nu uh, no more
You're all on your own homeboy
And sometimes I just say, fuck you

Fuck your vague replies
Your mixed signal and fake principles
Fuck your newfound toxic love
Keep it up, just don't stop

I hope you're happy
Because I sure ain't
My heart is breaking to pieces
But that doesn't matter to you does it?

You don't care, don't lie
You lead me on and that's why
I wish I can smash that face with a pie
Because new flash! You're not fly!

Not as great as I saw you before
You scrawny mess of a demented soul
No longer with a love like fire
So yeah, leave me alone!

When I was once there for you
Now, no more
I know you will never miss me
And I will not miss you too

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