A New World

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Chapter Two: A New World

Jillian's/Siren's PoV

Oh god my head hurts like a fucking bitch right now. God damn Stacey you sonovabitch! You didn't have to make me have a concussion, jeez you damn crazy ass bitch. "Is she okay?" I heard a voice that sounded like Helpy's from The FamousFilms Fnaf Roleplay ask in concern. "I don't know Helpy, she was just outside the pizzeria with a large bruise on her left cheek and some more smaller bruises on her shoulder." Another said but was male sounded way to much like Bryan. Wait a fucking minute there!

"Pretty bad wounds on her I'll admit that fact." I heard a male heavy smoker trying to sound like Batman voice say. Awe shit, Trash-Asshat-Rabbit SpringTrap is here. I'm still pissed at him for putting that god damn bomb in Molten! AIN'T NO ONE HURTING MAH KID! Plus he was the reason Bryan has PTSD in season two!

I groaned in pain as I brought my right hand to hold my aching head. "Don't take this literal when I say this, but someone take me outside to shoot me with a twelve gage so my misery can end." I moaned out as I rubbed my sore head, my hazel brown eyes still shut tight.

"What kind of saying is that?" I heard the SpringTrap like voice ask in amusement, probably no doubt hoping to do that to get what he wants. "One for a suicidal country woman...." I groaned out as I finally managed to force my eyes open seeing exactly Bryan, Helpy and SpringTrap looking over me as I may be on the first stage Bryan got besides the single stage.

I could easily tell despite I could barely see without my glasses on. "Can someone give me my glasses please and thank you." I said trying to be polite. "Why would you need them?" SpringTrap asked me. I growled. 'Okay this asshat sets me off after all he did in season one.' I seethed mentally. "Because I need them to actually SEE! SO GIVE ME MY GOD DAMN GLASSES ASSHOLE!" I yelled making the three jump.

I saw the familiar pair of black frame glasses in my blurry vision in Helpy's hands and I quickly took them from her and slipped them on my face, finally being able to see again. "Thank you~" I sung in joy as I sat up, holding my head. I immediately was greeted with seeing I was inside the pizzeria before they got Lefty on the main stage with Bryan, Helpy and the asshat SpringTrap around me.

No way that spell actually fucking worked! Holly shit man. That's a first with that website...

"Are you okay? You're pretty badly beat up." Bryan asked me gaining my attention to him. "I've been through worse with abuse not gonna lie." I told him as I rubbed my shoulder. His eyes widened at that. "You're abused?" He asked in shock. "Yeah, surprising enough that woman of my mother can pack a punch despite having one hand." I said rubbing my shoulder some more.

He rose a brow at that. "She had a natural amputation with her embedical cord before she was born from what my grandma told me." I told him making him nod with an 'oh'. "That must show how weak you are." SpringTrap snickered. I narrowed my hazel eyes at him as a snarl was on my face. 'Already trying to push my buttons, huh Afton? Well two can play at that game dead man.' I thought as I grinned in replacement of my snarl.

"Says the animatronic that makes a dumpster filled with rotting Duran fruit smell like cherry blossoms and lavender. You reek." I said as I pinched my nose bridge for emphasis. Truth be told though, I smelt worse, I lived in the country and went into the "Bone Yard" as my family calls it quite a few times, it's where we burry our dead pets and throw in bones of deer from hunting trips. And I despise the sent of lavender too, way to strong in my opinion.

Bryan and Helpy began to laugh at that as SpringTrap looked pissed. Eh, karma gets his ass all the time if I'm here, especially for both Bryan's PTSD and all the trauma he gave Molten. Both during season one and before.

"Anyway," Bryan began as he was still laughing slightly. "I'm Bryan and this is my pizzeria." He introduced himself, honestly this man despite being a character was to perfect for this harsh society of humans not gonna lie, just like Thomas Sanders, Steve Irwin and . "I'm Jillian, but I prefer to go by Siren instead of my birth name." I introduced myself, a slight smile on my face.

"Why Siren?" Helpy asked me, okay she may be a credit card thief and a gremlin but God damn she's adorable not gonna lie. "It's my name of my past life before I was born, plus the truth that my mom named me after an actress who plays a body investigator in a crime show isn't exactly bragging rights." I explained to her, fixing my crop top hoodie slightly then my glasses. Bryan snorted at that making me roll my eyes in an amused manner.

"Which show?" He asked me, "X-Files." I answered simply making him snort a bit at that making me stick my tongue out at him quickly. "Know for a fact I am nowhere near going back to that woman despite the fact I definitely have nowhere to go." I mused aloud, that wasn't a lie of itself. Been looking to escape that bitch of my mother for years. Bryan gave me a look making me raise a brow at him, "What?" I asked.


I shifted my position on the couch in Bryan's apartment as I sighed. Bryan let me crash on his couch until I could try to get an apartment, bless is heart, so I didn't have to go looking for a place to sleep for the night. I took my phone out and looked at the time, nearly eleven at night. I grumbled as I put it down after plugging it up and laid on my side while fixing the blanket on me.

This may not be the most comfortable couch but it's better than the floor honestly. I sure as hell wasn't complaining when Bryan let me stay here. I let out a sigh again as I closed my eyes and tried to drift off to sleep which finally after a few minutes, sleep took me in it's hesitant arms.


Chapter Two: A New World

[Author's Note: okay I will admit I was having some struggle near the end of this but I have finished it!
Victory for me!]

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