Reveal My Soul

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Chapter One: Reveal My Soul

Jillian/Siren's PoV

"Nuuuu! Come on Bryan don't trust that damn rotting bunny for a reason Gay man!" I was currently rewatching-now finished rewatching-the episode of the FamousFilms FNaF rolepay of season one, where Bryan and Helpy found and salvaged SpringTrap. I huffed as I crossed my arms over my chest, "Damn rotting bunny doesn't know when to stay dead of both the actual Five Nights at Freddy's games and the roleplay with him being inside of Rockstar Freddy." I grumbled, "Our Gay bean and his Animatronics shall defeat him!" I whisper shouted into the air, throwing my head back causing me to headbutt my wall behind me. "Awe fuck!" I yelled as I held the back of my head, "That hurt like a damn bitch." I mumbled aloud to myself as I rubbed the back of my head.

I sighed as I put my laptop aside on my bed on my left and grabbed my phone and went on the Spells Of Magic website which I used the spells countless times now to try to make myself not human before I finally gave up on them. "Grant a single wish spell?" I read aloud, I thought for a moment "Might as well since I have nothing better to do honestly." I said to myself as I clicked the spells link and waited for it to load up the page to see what I needed and what I had to do to perform the spell.

The page loaded up and I read the instructions. "A piece of paper, a pen, and a lit candle. Seems easy." I said as I grabbed the things needed. I grabbed a red ink pen, a piece of paper from my sketch book and a candle that was used for my Uncle Robert's funeral with a lighter for it which I kept around to light my vanilla scented candles. I sat on my bedroom floor perfectly in the middle with my phone next to me and the items in front of me on the floor as I sat criss cross. I looked back at my phone to read how to perform the spell.

"Write your wish on the paper with the pen, then place the candle on the center of the paper and light it as you chant your wish saying So Mote It Be at the end. Okay." I said as I began to do so, but putting a though into what I wanna wish for. I smiled as I began to write it down on the paper with a witches penragram on the paper as well for good luck. I grabbed the candle and placed it on the exact center of the paper due to my OCD of centered things, then I finally grabbed the lighter.

I let out a breath as I made the lighter turn on. "I wish, to be able to go to The FamousFilms Fnaf Roleplay universe of season one, to change the fates of the lost characters, Bryan, Jon and even Molten Freddy for the better. Make my wish come true," I began as I brought the lighters flame to the candle. "So mote it be." I lit the candle and it burned brightly, almost to brightly honestly.

Something was up. And another something was up too cause I could hear someone stomping, "YOU PATHETIC MISTAKE BITCH JILLIAN!" My bedroom door slammed open making me jump as my head whipped around to be greeted with a fist to the face by my 'mother'. My head hit the hardwood flooring of my bedroom floor and everything started to become a fuzz around me as she began to kick my head. It all faded to black then


Chapter One Reveal My Soul END

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