5 | Fireworks

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Fireworks / Hitsugaya x Hinamori (Bleach)

❝ Time and time again, he chased after her, protected and fought for her, just so she can be by his side

Briefly inspired by Hitsugaya's Quote.

"We are all like fireworks. We climb, shine and always go our separate ways and become further apart. But even if that time comes, let's not disappear like a firework, and continue to shine... forever."

Author's Note:

I am back with another oneshot about these two. I love them so much, they deserve happiness after all they've been through. I hid a hint of IchiRuki in there, heh. Hope you guys enjoy this!
- Kathy



CAPTAIN HITSUGAYA gave his usual scowl at his always, slacking off Lieutenant Matsumoto. Her desk remained covered by stacks of paperwork and extra cups of sake. She was nowhere to be found in the Squad 10 barracks. He assumed she went out to visit the other lieutenants in their own squads, without realizing her captain would be back so quickly from the Captains' meeting.

            This wasn't the first. In fact, it has become a daily routine to expect from his lieutenant. And his response has become like a second reflex for him. The icy glare, furrowed brows, and anger rising in him. The woman could at least get through two stacks of paperwork before heading off to her usual adventures.

            He heard Matsumoto's voice from the other end of the door as he prepared his daily lecture on her irresponsibleness. But as soon as the door opened, all the anger he had washed away, once he saw a familiar figure accompanied by his lieutenant.

            "Good Morning, Hitsugaya-kun!" Hinamori said with her usual, contagious smile.

            "Oh? Captain? Back so early?" Matsumoto questioned, then suddenly realizing the stacks of paperwork on her desk, rubbed a shy hand behind her head. "R-R-right... Silly me! I forgot to complete my paperwork."

            Hitsugaya took a deep breath and sighed. No matter what he said or what he did, Matsumoto would go back to lazy ways. At least, the paperwork would be completed, in Matsumoto's own time, but at least finished at some point. It's going to bite her in the end, once more start to trickle in.

            He was about to open his mouth to comment on Hinamori's constant use of 'Hitsugaya-kun' rather than a formal 'Captain' greeting, but the two lieutenants were too busy discussing something to even care.

            "Wow! A lantern festival? Do they have those here?" Hinamori curiously asked, raising a finger to her lip.

            "They did... But I think at the time, you were still recovering from your injuries."

            Hitsugaya sat by his desk and watched the two lieutenants gush about the human world's own lantern festival. He felt a slight ping of guilt when Matsumoto mentioned Hinamori's injuries. He remembered going into her recovery room during that night, while everyone else participated in the festivities.

            "I want to go... It looks so beautiful!" Hinamori whined.

            Hitsugaya expected what was coming. Matsumoto slowly turned toward her Captain, with a mischievous look on her face. He knew that look too well and before she could even say a word, Hitsugaya let out a stern 'No.'

            "You didn't even hear what I was going to say!"

            "I already know. And my answer is no."

            "But Captain! It's just for a night. You don't have to come, it'll just be Hinamori and I. We just need you to open up the gate and allow us through."

            Of course, Matsumoto would mention Hinamori. She knew her Captain's hidden or not-so-hidden weak spot. Anything for Hinamori. It also didn't help that Hinamori had missed out on Soul Society's own lantern festival. He let out a defeated sigh, to which in response, Matsumoto screamed with joy.

            "Oh! Hinamori! It's going to be so fun! We're even going to wear yukatas! Thank you, Captain!"

            Hinamori smiled, tightly gripping Matsumoto's hands as the two girls jumped up and down. "Thank you, Hitsugaya-kun!"

            "Just because I'm letting you go, doesn't mean I will continue to allow you to slack off your paperwork. Get those done before you leave or I'll change my mind."

            "Yes, Captain!" 


            THE FESTIVAL wasn't any different from theirs. Millions of people roamed about, wearing yukatas, and normal clothing. Hitsugaya buried his hands deep into his jean pockets. He decided to accompany the two ladies on their night out. He needed to keep an eye on them, making sure Matsumoto doesn't cause any of her usual mischief.

            Once they entered into the human world, Hinamori and Matsumoto went their own way, promising Hitsugaya, they would report back in the same spot once the festival came to a close. He wasn't a huge fan of big social gatherings but the different games, foods, caught his eye.

Hitsugaya spotted a familiar orange haired boy accompanied by petite raven blacked hair female. They both wore yukatas, Ichigo wearing a basic dark blue yukata while Rukia wore a silver-blue one. Looks like the rest of the Kurosaki gang was also in attendance. He caught the familiar eye of Isshin Kurosaki, who gave a wink in return to the icy Captain.

"Oh? Toshiro?" Ichigo called out.

Hitsugaya let out a sigh, his cover now blown, as the two walked to him.

"It's Captain Hitsugaya."

"Why are you here? Is there a hollow nearby?" Ichigo asked, glancing over his shoulder at Rukia.

"Matsumoto and Hinamori wanted to attend the lantern festival here."

            "I see. Oh? You're not wearing a yukata..." Rukia commented.

            "I didn't want to wear one. Matsumoto already tried."

            "Ichigo! Let's go! I want win a goldfish!" One of the Kurosaki sisters called. "Rukia-chan is going to win one for me!"

            The two bid their farewells to Hitsugaya before rushing off into the rest of the festivities. Hitsugaya did his own sightseeing, then climbed the steps of the temple, to pay his respects. He preferred a moment of silence and solitude away from the crowds of people. Hitsugaya watched as people came and went to pay their respects to those who have passed.

            From the hill where the temple was, he could see the beautiful river, under a clear blue sky. It was quite peaceful, the most peace he had felt in a while. Suddenly, in midst of his peaceful moment, a figure wearing a peach colored yukata came up next to him. Her hair was tied up in a bun while decorated with tiny beads and sakura flowers. She was unrecognizable to him even in the moonlight, but once he saw her face, his world had turned.

            She was beautiful. The moon perfectly capturing the youthful, innocence in her. Hitsugaya felt his cheeks go red and quickly turned to the darker side, wanting to conceal his sudden bashfulness.

            "Hitsugaya-kun! Why are you up here all by yourself?"

            "I prefer the silence and solitude."

            "Looks like you picked a good spot, because they're going to show the fireworks soon. Oh! Look what I got for you..." Hinamori took out her small pouch and began to dig through her many different items inside. Her fingers found a neatly wrapped paper in midst of her clutter.

            "It's an omikuji! A fortune! I got one for myself when I went up to the temple." Hinamori took her unfolded strip out. "I don't know if I'm supposed to tell anyone my fortune but I'll tell you anyway..."

            "You soon will find the peace you seek for." Hinamori smiled and sighed, "I'm glad I got a good fortune especially all that has happened to me. Nice to hear something positive."

            Hitsugaya proceeded to open his up as Hinamori watched him. He was a bit embarrassed that she was watching him closely, the same red color flooding his cheeks.

            "The one you desire will soon feel the same about you."

            "Wow! Hitsugaya-kun... that's a pretty neat fortune. I hope she comes to you!"

            Baka. She's standing right next to me.

            "Hitsugaya-kun! Look! The fireworks!"

            He looked up while stuffing his fortune in his pocket. The empty sky was now filled with vibrant colored lights. One after another, they shot up and open their brilliant shapes. Hitsugaya had always liked fireworks. The way they lit up an empty sky amazed him. In a way, it reminded him of his own life. The sky represented himself while the different fireworks were the people who came and went to shine their own light in his life. But like fireworks, there would be a time, where they would walk out of his life, slowly fade with lingering memories to remember them by.

            Hitsugaya didn't want those close relationships to fade. He didn't want those people to walk out of his life. He wanted them to continue shining their light.

Hitsugaya looked at the young girl next to him. She was too captivated by the lights of the fireworks. Her warm, brown eyes filled with childlike wonder. He wanted her to continue shining her own light in his life. He wanted her to stay in his life forever.

Hitsugaya's fingers gripped the paper fortune in his pocket. The one you desire will soon feel the same about you. She was beautiful. This radiant positive ball of energy. Hitsugaya could never get the image out of his mind. A beautiful brown haired girl dressed in a peach colored yukata, eyes captivated with wonder and light, her innocent and kind-hearted presence. She made him feel warm inside. He felt at peace. A different peace than the one he felt in his moment of solitude.

Don't leave me.

Hitsugaya's hands found hers. Her small, gentle hands. She was a bit surprised by this action but her heart was softened once Hitsugaya flashed a smile, a smile only she could see, and a smile he would have specifically for her. The reason why he smiled.

Hinamori... Don't leave me. Stay in my life forever.

Hinamori's hands gave his a squeeze as if she'd read his thoughts. He didn't want to let go of the beautiful girl beside him. Time and time again, he chased after her, protected and fought for her, just so she can be by his side.

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