4 | Trust in Me

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Trust in Me / Hitsugaya x Hinamori ft. Gin x Rangiku (Bleach)

❝ Please... at least be a bit more grateful that the one you love is still alive...

Inspired by a headcanon on Tumblr, find it in the external link.

Author's Note:

Hi friends! I'm back again with another oneshot of a couple from Bleach. This was inspired by a headcanon I found on tumblr, and the person who wrote it, allowed me to write this nice little one-shot! I liked how this turned out (I didn't at first) but I hope it's okay. I also killed two birds with one stone because these two couples are so similar to each other and I loved them both! Hope you guys like this!
- Kathy


CAPTAIN HITSUGAYA sucked in a deep breath as the head captain Yamamoto announced each divisions' assignments. His mind began to race, his heart wanting to burst out his chest. He kept his usual, composed demeanor on the outside but on the inside, his fears continued to trickle, wanting to get the best of the young captain.

"I am pleased to hear you've accepted my request, Captain Hirako."

The name captured Hitsugaya's attention as his blue eyes locked on the blonde headed captain a couple feet away from him. He wore his usual, wide grin but his eyes continued to flicker toward Hitsugaya's direction.

"It's no big deal, Head Captain Yamamoto. I already spoke to my lieutenant about the assignment. Don't you worry about Hinamori, I'll watch over her."

Hitsugaya knew those words weren't for the head captain. In fact, the head captain could care less about her. The head captain gave a nod and excused the rest of the captains to return to their divisions. Hitsugaya knew those words Captain Hirako had said were directed to him. He knew how much the young icy captain of division 10 felt about his lieutenant. He knew it all too well.

"Oi, Captain Hitsugaya. The decision is final. Big man Yamamoto agreed to it, so don't you worry about your girlfriend, I'll take care of her. Yah, yah, I feel like you forget that you're not the only one who cares about Hinamori. So, don't you go running your adolescent mouth—"

"....Captain Hirako, Captain Hitsugaya is not there." Thirteen division Captain Ukitake shyly acknowledged.

"Tch. That kid. I swear he's way too protective over Hinamori." Captain Hirako said with an exasperated sigh.

"Young love at it's finest, my dear friend."


LIEUTENANT HINAMORI had finished all the mission's preparations. This would be her first time in the human world, her first mission outside of the soul society. Just thinking about it made Hinamori excited. It seemed almost every member of the 12 divisions had ventured out to the real world, well everyone except her.

Her own captain was hesitant about accepting the mission. He knew his young lieutenant was still recovering from several past injuries, most of them were all mental injuries rather than physical. She assured her captain that her emotional state was intact and strong as her physical appearance. She began training quietly once she recovered, wishing to become stronger for herself.

"It's not that I'm worried about your physical or mental well-being—I am, I am, but I know you're perfectly capable of protecting yourself. It's just... hm, how should I put it? Your... boyfriend... is the one I'm concerned about."

Hitsugaya....The two had begun dating the past month, although the entire soul society knew the act was way overdue. But once peace had returned to soul society, it gave the two a moment of clarity and perspective to see what the two held in their hearts. Hinamori wasn't sure on how Hitsugaya would act to this request. Would he forbid her from going? Or would he insist in coming along with them?

An abrupt knock came to the door and out appeared a rushed, flustered Hitsugaya. He must of came straight from the Captains' meeting. Was something wrong? No... the boy looked unscratched and injury-free. Hinamori got up from the desk and flashed a nervous smile. He probably found out about the mission. The mission to the real world. Hinamori had forgotten that Hitsugaya had experienced his own mission out in the human world. He knew the human world better than she did. But it didn't seem that dangerous... at least according to Matsumoto's stories.

"Hitsugaya-kun... I'm going with my division to the human world. I know you're worried and scared about me going out there on my own, but I'll be fine. Captain Hirako promised to keep a close eye on me. Besides—"

"I forbid it."

Hinamori's smile quickly transformed into confusion and a lace of hurt. She pressed her lips together and placed her hands on her hips.

"I'm perfectly capable of protecting myself, Hitsugaya-kun."

"Hinamori...I don't think you've recovered from your injuries. Please tell Captain Hirako to let you stay behind. Those hollows you'll encounter in the human world, they aren't some dummy hollow you find during your training days at the Soul Reaper academy. They pose a serious threat."

Hinamori couldn't believe this. Yes, she knew how concerned Hitsugaya was for her wellbeing, especially after the events in Fake Karakura town. But the least he can do was to trust her. But she didn't want to be angry at Hitsugaya, in fact, this was the first time she had felt true, real anger against him. She hated the feeling but she couldn't help it.

"I'm sorry, Hitsugaya-kun. I cannot complete your request for I, as the lieutenant of Division 5, have a mission to complete...." Hinamori paused for a moment, her hands tightly gripping his cold ones. "Hitsugaya-kun... do you not trust me?"

His blue eyes looked down at the ground, refusing to meet her gaze. He didn't need to answer for Hinamori knew. His actions said it all and Hitsugaya felt guilty about it. There wasn't anything more she could say to him. Her hands let go of his as she slipped past him and exited the division's barracks. Without any word exchanged between the two. The very first argument they had as a couple.

Hitsugaya looked up at the ceiling and sighed.

"I do... I just don't want to lose you again."


MATSUMOTO was supposed to be completing her daily assignment of paperwork, but rather she spared a few minutes to composed a quick cup of tea for herself. She found herself looking out the window lately... at least more than usual. Even her captain noticed her actions. She was not her talkative self lately, staring off into space majority of the time instead of yapping her loud mouth.

"I can't believe I'm saying this... but you don't seem like your usual self, Matsumoto."

"Eh? What's this? Captain is worried about me? This a first."

"Tch, don't make me take back what I said, baka."

"No worries, Captain. I'm-I'm fine."

"Is this about him?"

She let out another sigh. Her captain knew her too well. Since that day, Gin never left the lieutenant's mind. But who could blame her? He was taken from her. He was taken from her too soon.

Everyone had their own opinions about the past captain. Matsumoto learned to deal with them. Heck, even her Captain had his own thoughts about the man, but to her respect, he never said a word of bitterness about him. It wasn't like Matsumoto was going to deny that Gin went down the wrong path. It was a path she didn't particularly agree with. She wished with every fiber of her being that he thought things differently.

The doors to their division swung open, interrupting Matsumoto's thoughts. She shot up from her seat on the couch and quickly sped to her Captain's desk. She began to think about a new excuse for actions. Why was I slacking off? Well, I got bored so I decided to make a cup of tea. I felt sick? Would that work instead?

"Ne, Captain! You're back early... How was the Captains' meeting?"

"Hinamori and I had our first fight today..."

Matsumoto looked up from her seat and saw her captain lying on the couch, his blue eyes focusing on the ceiling. The way he had said those words, something wasn't right... the two had begun dating the past month... their first fight already? What was there to fight about?

She took a spot next to his legs on the couch. He remained unfazed by this and continued to stare at the ceiling in silence.

"Is this about her division's mission to the human world?"

That captured her captain's attention.

"You knew?"

Matsumoto knew. Hinamori had shared the details with her a couple days ago, also expressing her worries to what her captain would have to say about the matter.

"Mhm. I told her all about the human world, it's not so bad if you really think about it."

"Tch. You even invited the idea. You should have told her the truth, those hollows out there aren't like anything we've seen before!"

Matsumoto was surprised by her captain's comment. She sighed and realized that her captain was much younger than the other captains. The two had a significant age gap between them. Both experiencing life at different moments, different ways. Although, the powerful ice captain was a matured, skilled fighter, it could so easily be forgotten that he was a young adolescent, a young adolescent in love.

"Ne, Captain... you aren't very good at this whole relationship thing. Why don't you let Hinamori go? She can handle herself, you know."

"Baka... She can't. I know she can't. How could Captain Hirako look after her when other members of the division will need his supervision?!"

"This all so petty, Captain. He isn't here to hurt her anymore."

He. Aizen. He was no longer around to cause trouble to Soul Society. The same man that almost took Hinamori away from her captain. The same man that took Gin away from her.

"I know. I just... I can't help but worry."

Matsumoto gave another sigh and reached for her tea. She sipped it quietly and looked at her young captain staring off into space. She felt jealous... a bitter feeling jealously came into her. She hated the feeling but she couldn't help herself. Her captain still had the most important person in his life. She was alive, well, and breathing. If something had happened to Hinamori... if that blade caused more trouble... Matsumoto couldn't bear to think about the anguish her Captain would go through.

But was he aware of what she was going through? Matsumoto wasn't so lucky. That blade went through. It caused trouble. Most importantly, it took a life away from her. A life too precious and important to her. She felt jealous whenever Hinamori would visit the division. Matsumoto would watch the two from the side, seeing their playful banters—the ongoing debate of Hitsugaya-kun versus Captain Hitsugaya—silly, but innocent love. Something Matsumoto wished she had.

"Ne... Captain. You need apologize to her. You know the most important part of a relationship is developing trust between the two partners? Hinamori wants you to trust her..."


Did you trust me Gin? Was there a bond of trust between us? I trusted you. When you went to join the 12 divisions, I trusted your decision. When you went to join Aizen, I still trusted you. I hated myself for doing so, but I still did.

"Please... at least be a bit more grateful that the one you love is still alive..."

She didn't mean for those words to come out. Matsumoto felt insensitive. It seemed completely uncalled for. But it was the truth.

Her captain looked back at her. His icy gaze softened as a sigh escaped his lips. He nodded silently, knowing how true her words were. Despite all Hinamori had been through, she was still able to make it out alive. She was able to break free from Aizen's spell. She was able to come back to him.

Matsumoto, however, did not have that luxury. The one she so loved and cared so deeply for was unable to make it out alive. Gin's death affected Matsumoto greatly and it pained Hitsugaya to even yell at her for slacking off her usual paperwork, because he knew this heavy cloud of grief had shrouded over her since then.

"I'm sorry."

Matsumoto laughed softly and waved a hand.

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to."


THE NEXT DAY CAME and the mission was ready to begin. Hinamori stood by the Senkaimon next to her Captain. He noticed her unusual silence. Days before, the young lieutenant was filled with excitement, discussing all the details Lieutenant Matsumoto had shared with her.

"Is everything okay?" Captain Hirako asked.

Hinamori looked up at him with a forced smile. She nodded in response before she proceeded to complete her lieutenant duties. From a distance, she noticed a familiar figure running toward her. His white hair definitely stood out from the rest while his icy blue eyes brought a familiar feeling to her.

What was Hitsugaya doing here? Was he coming along?

"Tch. Captain Hitsugaya, this is strictly for Division 5 only... I know you're worried for your girlfriend... But she's in safe hands. I'll keep a careful eye out for her, I promise."

The young Captain ran first to Captain Hirako. He bowed and thanked the man for his promise. Then, he walked toward Hinamori, a soft look in his eyes, an unusual face to see from Soul Society's ice captain.

"Hi-Hitsugaya-kun! What are you doing here?"

"Baka. I came to apologize.... And to wish you a safe trip." He paused for a brief moment. "I-I... I'm sorry for what I said to you yesterday... I just, I... I...."

"Please... at least be a bit more grateful that the one you love is still alive..."

"I didn't want to lose you again. It was stupid and selfish of me to act the way I did... And I'm sorry."

"Hitsugaya-kun... I promise you, I will come back to you. You won't lose me again. Not now, not ever."

He held both of her hands in his, the warmth contrasting the cold he usually gave off. Hinamori smiled and brushed a strand of his white hair away from his eyes. She then pressed her lips against his cheek and whispered a thank you. Hinamori couldn't help but laugh at the redness Hitsugaya had on his cheeks. It was something Hitsugaya needed and could get used to. Small kisses. Hand holding. Everything felt so right between the two.

"I promise to get you and Matsumoto something from the human world!"

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