(14) Date

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"One thing led to another and I kissed him." 

My eyes shot up.

"Woah." Was all that came out of my mouth.

"'Woah' indeed." He sighed. "And the worst part I was the one who initiated it. I don't even know why. And he didn't pull away. When he kissed me back, I was so confused that I ran away from there and searched for you.

You were nowhere to be found and a guy came and told me that you went home. I was just so confused with everything that the confusion turned into anger. And I took that anger out on you the next day. I am so sorry." He rested his elbows on his hand and held his head in his hands.

"Don't say that. I am sorry. I should have been there for you that night." I smiled as I wrapped my hand around him, in a side hug.

"I have no idea how you can even say that. I was d*ck to you. And you still picked up my phone and let me come to your house. You are too good for this cruel world, Val." He chuckled as he wrapped his hand around mine. I just chuckled.

"I know that's not the whole story. What happened next?" I asked.

"He texted me. He said he was sorry if he made me uncomfortable. I felt so guilty that I made him feel guilty. I was the one who kissed him. Not the other way round. And so I told him that it was okay. And we started talking. Yesterday, we were talking just like normal and that was when he asked me on a date. And I said yes. I don't know why but I am just so confused." He sighed.

"It's okay. It's all normal. I say you go on this date." I suggested.

"Why? I don't even know if I'm gay or not. Plus, I like girls." He stated.

"Would it be wrong if you like both?" I asked.

"No." He said after a moment of silence.

"Plus, don't tell me you were never attracted to guys. Remember Tommy?" I asked.

"How can I forget him? Your brothers thought you had a crush on him when it was me who used to hang out with him. I just used to take you with me so that my attraction to him didn't seem weird." He chuckled.

"Exactly. Go on the date. See what happens. And if you are gay or bisexual, I am not going to judge you. You still will be Ryder to me. The guy who pushed me into mud and acted that it was someone else so that he could help me and be my friend." I smiled.

"It was not me!" He lightly shoved me.

"It was you. My mom saw you push me." I chuckled.

"Your mom. Sh*t. I totally forgot her anniversary. Are you okay? Were you fine?" He turned to me, concern clear in his eyes.

"I am fine. I had some help from someone." I stated, trying to control the blush.

"Oh my God. Is Valerina Mathews blushing? I want to know everything." He smirked. And that was how I ended up telling him everything that happened. It was good to have my best friend back.

"I thought I was the only one with boy problems. Jesus! I never thought I would be saying that." He chuckled.

"Shut up!" I looked away from him, trying to hide my blush. He just laughed at my antics as we both fell into a comfortable silence.

"Val? Can you help me with something?" He suddenly asked.

"Tell me."

"Can you act as my date in front of my parents? I don't want them finding out about this. You know how they are." He looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah. I'll do it." I said without any hesitation.

"I don't deserve you." He chuckled as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"I agree. I am too good for you." I chuckled as he raised his eyebrows at me.

"I look fine right?" Ryder nervously asked me for the hundredth time.

We were sitting in an Italian restaurant. Turns out Ryder and Alex both have a lot in common. Including their love for Italian food.

"Yes." I said for the hundredth time.

"I just don't want anything to go wrong." He nervously bit his thumb's nail.

"Nothing will go wrong." I laughed at his antics as I pulled his hand away from his mouth.

That was when something caught my eye. I turned around to see Christian standing there. He had a take out in his hand and a shocked look on his face.

He was glaring at Ryder and then his eyes landed on me. His expression immediately changed to the one of sadness and he ran out of the restaurant.

"Go!" Ryder told me as I stood up and chased after him.

I could not believe it. Did the last three weeks mean nothing to her? How can she just forget about me and go on a date with Ryder? He dumped her on a phone call just because she went stargazing with me.

Here I was taking my mom's advice and bringing Val food. My mom always said that food is always a way to a girl's heart. I really hoped it was true. 

Turns out the girl's heart changed in just one night.

"Christian! Wait!" I heard Valerina call out to me. I ignored her calls as I kept walking towards my jeep.

"Stop! Please!" She shouted as I sat inside the jeep and turned on the engine. I was about to drive off when Valerina suddenly stood in front of the car, making my feet hit the brakes.

"Will you just stop?" She shouted.

"Are you crazy? I could've drove over you and killed you!" I shouted as I stepped out of the car and walked towards her.

"Yes. Crazy for you." She smirked. I tried hard to control my smile as I glared at her.

"Look. I know what it looks like. But trust me. I am not with him." She pleaded. I just waited for her to continue as she explained everything to me.

"I am sorry." I finally sighed. "I am sorry for what I said about your aunt and your mom. I know I really hurt you and I never intentionally wanted to do that but it's just that my anger towards the doctors got the better of me. I just feel like they are not doing anything and-"


"-they are just wasting time. When you offered the money, I was just reminded of my dad. He cheated on my mom just the day after she was diagnosed. He left her-"


"-just because her treatment would need money. My dad was and has always been a gold digger. And after he left us, everyone looked at us with pity and sympathy and I hated it. I know your offer was not out of pity and I never wanted to say what I said but I can't seem to think properly when I am with you."

"I like you. I have liked you ever since you stepped in the school during Freshman year and you slapped the guy who was bullying me. I would never intentionally hurt you. I know you probably don't like me back, because let's face it. No one can like a loser like me-" I was cut off by her lips.

She was kissing me.

Valerina was kissing me.

Valerina Mathews was kissing me.


After the initial shock, I kissed her back. And it was exactly like everybody says.

The butterflies and the fireworks.

Everything seemed to blur out as the only thing I felt was her lips on mine. My hands seemed to have a mind of their own as they wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer to me. Her hands wrapped themselves around my neck as she ran one of her hands through my hair.

I cursed the need for oxygen as we both pulled apart. She looked up at me, her chocolate brown eyes shining like the stars.

"You are not a loser, Christian. Plus, let's face it. How can I not like you? Of course I like you. I like you ever since you saved me from that hideous prom night and took me stargazing. I liked you when you took me to Alberto's just to impress me and although you stalked me for so many years, you put it to good use when you took me to the zoo. So tell me Christian. How can I not like you?" She smiled.

Without reply, I just pressed my lips against hers, pulling her into another kiss.

But this moment of happiness was cut short when I felt the phone in my pocket vibrate. I ignored it at first but it didn't stop vibrating.

I finally pulled away as I checked my phone. It was Dr. Dennis.

"Hey doc!"

"Christian. I need you to come to the hospital right now. It's your mom."


Hey guys!!

I hope you guys liked the chapter...

I was in a good mood so I decided to update the chapter... :)

Anyone having any flashbacks from The Girl Gang Leader?

Until Next Time...

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