(15) Fine

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"What's going on?" I asked as soon as I saw Dr. Dennis.

"Christian. She had a heart attack. She flat-lined for thirty seconds. We were able to bring her back and into a stable condition but we have to do the surgery." He told me.

I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair. My breaths became uneven and I felt like the walls were closing in on me.

"Christian?" I heard Val's voice. But it seemed very far away.

I was able to spot a chair and I stumbled towards it. I rested my elbows on my knees as I rested my head in my shaking hands.

I heard a loud beeping sound in my ear. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Christian. Listen to my voice, okay?" I heard Val's distant voice.

"Now. Try to breath. Take a deep breath in and let it out." She instructed and I tried to follow.

"Very Good." She said as she took my hand in hers and rubbed the back of it. She slowly started drawing patterns on my palm and I tried to concentrate on them.

"You are okay. Everything is going to be okay." She reassured me. I nodded as I felt the world stop spinning and my breaths returned to normal.

"What was that?" I asked as I looked at her.

"You had a panic attack." She answered me, her eyes scanning my face in worry.

Before I could reassure her that I was fine, the doctor called for me. I kissed Val's forehead before standing up and making my way to the doctor.

"I know you don't have the funds but we need to do the surgery." He told me.

"I know. But I have already given you all the money I have. The insurance company is of no help." I sighed.

"You could ask for donations. Many people are willing to help, you know?" He suggested.

"I don't want their pity money. I promise you I will pay all my dues. Can't you just go ahead with the surgery?" I asked him.

"Christian. I am not qualified for this surgery. And the cardiologists which are either on a holiday or are already handling a different case. The only cardiologist who is currently available only does the operation when he gets the whole money. All of us hate him for that but he is a really good doctor. He won't do it." Dr. Dennis sighed. "I really suggest you take some help."

"No. I don't want anyone's help and that is final. I'll figure something out." I glared at the wall.

"Whatever you do, do it fast." Dr. Dennis said as he walked away.

I sighed as I made my way towards Val and sat beside her, taking her hand in mine and resting my head on her shoulder.

I was thankful that she wasn't asking any questions. I am pretty sure I would start crying if she did.

"How'd you know that I was having a panic attack?" I suddenly asked Val.

"Umm... after my mom's death, my brothers used to have them. I didn't because I didn't even know what was happening with mom. So I was normally the one who used to help them through it." She sighed.

I just silently nodded.

"Are you Christian?" Someone called for me after about ten minutes.

I looked up to see a lady. She looked in her late thirties. Her doctor's coat told me that she was probably a doctor.

"Yes." I answered.

"I am Dr. Parker.-" She was cut off by Dr. Dennis.

"She is a cardiologist. She would like to take over your mom's case and perform the surgery right away." He informed me. I looked at them both in surprise.

"Dr. Dennis, can I talk to you?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

He looked at Dr. Parker, asking for permission and she nodded. We both walked away from her.

"What's happening?" I asked, the confusion clear in my voice.

"I was going through the hospital files, trying to find a loophole or something to help your mom. Dr. Parker is one of the best cardiologists in the States. So even I was just as surprised when she came into my office, asking if there were any emergencies. I told her about your mom and she sat there and studied all her reports and then she told me that she would like to take over your mom's case and immediately perform the surgery." He took a deep breath after saying all of that in a single breath.

It took me a moment to comprehend what he said and when I did a part of me was filled with hope.

"What about the money?" I asked.

"She is ready to do it without any further payment as well. But I told her that you won't agree to that." I nodded at this. "So she told me that you can pay her later."

Relief flooded through me. I could pay her later. My mom was going to be fine. Hopefully.

"Since you are not eighteen yet, your mom has already signed all the papers. Christian. It's your final call." He told me.

"Are you sure about Dr. Parker?" I asked him.

"Yes." He said without any hesitation.

I felt someone's eyes on me. I turned around to see Valerina looking at me with confusion and worry in her eyes.

I motioned for her to come here and she immediately made her way here.

"Is everything okay?" She desperately asked Dr. Dennis.

Dr. Dennis looked at me, as if telling me to answer the question he asked me.

"Yes. Go ahead." I told him. He nodded and walked away, towards Dr. Parker.

"She's going in for the surgery." I told Val. "Dr. Parker is taking over her case."

"Jenny is going to be fine." She said, as if reassuring herself as well as me.

Although Val had met my mom only once, I had failed to notice how much she had affected her. Val saw her mother in mine. And now she was scared that she might lose her as well.

"She is going to be fine." I told her as well as me.

I don't know how much time had gone by when the ICU light went off.

It was two in the morning. Val had gone down to my Jeep and brought up the italian food I had bought. We both had eaten the food and were anxiously waiting for what was going to happen.

I had not planned to spend my night in the hospital.

The doors opened and Dr. Parker as well as Dr. Dennis exited the room.

I immediately walked over to them.

Dr Parker smiled at me.

"The surgery was successful. Your mom is going to be perfectly fine."


Hey guys!!

How are you guys!!

I hope you liked the chapter...

I was kinda distracted when I wrote this chapter so please tell if something is not right with it...

QOTD: Do want me to do a Q&A of some sort? I had always wanted to do a Q&A where you guys can ask question to the characters as well as me and "we" would answer them...

I know it is very late in the day but honestly, I kinda forgot that today was a Sunday and that I had to update...

All days seem the same to me due to this lockdown *sighs*

And I was also distracted by another thing- THE GIRL GANG LEADER (my first ever book) REACHED 100K READS!!

I also told my mom about that and she was very happy for me (she said she will read the book and god knows I am very very scared about that)

Anyways, if you haven't read the book, I would love it if you check it out!!

Until Next Time...

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