(16) Birthday

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"Are you sure you don't need anything else?" I asked my mom for the thousandth time.

It's been two days since the surgery and the doctors have said that my mom is in excellent condition. She is going to be discharged in a few days. But I am still concerned about her.

"Yes sweetie. Now go before your girlfriend breaks up with you." She chuckled.

"Mom, she is not my girlfriend. We aren't official yet." I playfully glared.

I was shocked when Jonah called me today morning. I was surprised and scared at the same time.

I was scared if he was going to tell me to stay away from Val. But when I answered the call, all he told me was that I need to be present at their house in two hours. He didn't tell me why.

"Those are minor details which are to be ignored. I can't wait to see those cute babies you both would create." She gushed.

"Mom!" I shrieked as a blush formed on my cheeks.

"Yeah. Yeah. Now go before her brothers come here to kill you. I am probably sure they made plans to kill you when you talked about her aunt like that." My mom glared at me.

Yes. I told my mom everything. And let me tell you, she was not happy with me. Even I was not happy with me.

"Yeah. I should probably go. But mom. Please take your medicines on time and please listen to what the doctor says. And please-" I was cut off by my mom. She loves to interrupt me.

"Christian Richard Martin. If you don't get out of my sight within the next ten seconds, I will kill you before Valerina's brothers do." She deadpanned.

And that was my cue to leave. Never mess with my mom when she takes your middle name.

"Oh good. You are finally here." Jonah said, opening the door even before I could ring the doorbell.

"Okay. What's going on?" I suspiciously asked.

"Just come in. And a piece of advice- try to stay away from my twin brothers. They don't like you." Jonah stated.

"Okay." I nodded as I entered the house.

As soon as I was inside, a huge banner caught my eye. 'Happy Birthday Val!' was written on it.

Oh god! It's her birthday.

I looked at Jonah.

"You could've told me it was her birthday." I glared at him.

"You are her boyfriend, aren't you? Shouldn't you know when her birthday is?" Someone said behind me.

I turned around to see one of the twins. I still wasn't able to tell them apart.

Thankfully, my reply was saved by Ryder. What the hell is he doing here?

He's her best friend, duffer!

"She's coming. Hide!" He whisper-shouted as he pulled me by my hand, behind the couch.

"Hey! You already might know me, but I'm Ryder!" He introduced.

"I'm-" I was cut off by him. He and my mom would get along very well.

"I know who you are. Val just doesn't shut up when she talks about you." He rolled his eyes.

A smile made its way to my face at the thought of Val talking about me.

"Ugh! Jonah! Why did you let me sleep till so late? Every other time you love to wake me up with an ice bucket. Why, out of all these days, did you not wake me up, today?" I heard Val voice, followed by the sound of her footsteps climbing down the stairs.

"Happy Birthday!!" We all shouted as we sprung out from our hiding spots.

She just stood there, looking surprised. How can she look so beautiful when she just woke up?

She was in an over-sized hoodie and her hair was tied up into a messy bun with some strands falling on her face which was devoid of any makeup. She definitely looked beautiful. 

"I really need to get some girlfriends." She chuckled as she scanned the people in the room.

Her eyes landed on me and they went wide.

"Hi!" She nervously said.

I just smirked as I waved at her.

"Nathan. Don't roll your eyes." She glared at one of the twins as she walked into the center of the room.

'Come on guys! You could at least make a new banner this year." She chuckled.

"Hey! You know the rules. Banners are only made by Brandon!" Jonah chuckled as he pulled her into a hug.

"Happy Birthday sis!" He smiled. She thanked him and then whispered something in her ear.

"Nope. I love to see you embarrassed." Jonah smirked.

Val glared at him as she muttered something on the lines of 'I hate you.'

"Okay. That's enough. She's ours now!" One of the twins- I really need to learn how to tell them apart- said as the other pulled Jonah away from Val.

They both engulfed her into another hug.

"Happy Birthday sissy!!" They shouted, making everyone else flinch due to the noise.

"Thank you. Where are my presents? And they better not be a prank or I'll never talk to you both." She narrowed her eyes at them.

The twins immediately pulled away.

"We have to go-" One of them said.

"-and switch the boxes." The other said.

They both gave Val a nervous smile and ran upstairs.

"They never change, do they." She rolled her eyes while Jonah chuckled.

"You know you don't want them to change." Ryder shrugged.

"Yeah. You're probably right." She chuckled as Ryder wrapped his hands around her and lifted her off the ground making her squeal.

"Happy Birthday Val!" He chuckled.

"You need to stop that. We are adults now. We should act like one." She chuckled and Ryder fake gasped.

"It would be a curse. Never end a Birthday tradition." He stated.

"Yes sir." Val chuckled.

I guess it was my turn to wish her now.

"Happy Birthday." I said as I walked up to her.

"Thanks." She smiled as a blush formed on her cheeks.

"I actually didn't know it was your birthday today. I mean I knew it was in summer but I didn't know it was today. I didn't even bring you a present. I swear if I knew it was your birthday, I would have brought one. But I just got to know fifteen minutes ago-"

"Your rambling." Val stated, trying to stifle her laughter.

"Yeah. I should probably stop." I said as I nervously rubbed the back of my neck.

"Nah. I like it when you are nervous around me." She said as she kissed my cheek.

I am pretty sure I look like a tomato now. She just smiled at my reaction.

"And as for the birthday gift-" I cut her off.

"I'll do anything to make up for the lack of it." I confidently stated.

"Anything?" She asked.

"Yeah?" I said, my confidence slowly decreasing. Without saying anything, Val walked over to the television unit and pulled open a drawer. She pulled out a paper and walked towards me.

"I know I might seem a bit pushy but your mom is feeling really good so I brought this for you. Please think about it." She nervously smiled as she handed me the paper.

It was an enrollment form for the football tournament she was telling me about.

I looked up at her hopeful eyes and nodded, making her grin.

"Can you guys kiss already? This awkward cuteness is suffocating me." Ryder said.

Valerina blushed as she glared at Ryder. Then her eyes scanned the room and she scrunched up her eyebrows in confusion.

"Where's dad?" She asked.

"He had to work today." Jonah informed her. Her face fell and she sighed.

"But he promised to take a leave when aunt comes over." Jonah satiated, trying to cheer her up.

"Okay I guess." She shrugged.

Their talk was interrupted by the sound of two pairs of footsteps running down the stairs. One of the twins was holding his phone.

"Happy Birthday Val!" The sound came from her phone. Val's face immediately lit up.

"Brandon!" She squealed as she snatched the phone from her brother's hand.

Whose Brandon?

I think he is her brother who is in the military.

"Hey chocolate cupcake." Brandon said through the phone.

"Hey strawberry milkshake" Valerina smiled.

"Hey chocolate ice cream."

"Hey strawberry mousse."

"Hey chocolate waffle."

"Hey strawberry cheesecake."

"Hey chocolate candy."

"Hey strawberry shortcake."

"Hey birthday girl!" Brandon chuckled. I saw Ryder walk up to me.

"This happens every year on her birthday. He is normally never off duty around this time. She has a birthday tradition with each of her brothers." Ryder whispered. I just nodded.

"Hey birthday girl's bro." She sadly smiled. "I miss you."

"I miss you too cupcake." Brandon said.

"I know you are serving the country but what about me?" She asked.

"Val-" She cut Brandon off.

"I know. Don't say anything. Just come back soon. And now talk to Jonah before I start crying. I hate crying on my birthday." She said as she handed her phone to Jonah and wrapped her hands around herself, not before wiping her tears.

Sometimes, I too wish that I had siblings. Someone to fight with, someone to tease and someone to have a special bond with. Sometimes, being the only child sucks.

"Who's ready for some cake!!" The twin who was not in the living room shouted as he entered the living room with two cakes, one in each hand.

Two cakes? I think Ryder noticed my confusion.

"One is for eating while the other normally gets wasted when the twins push her face into the cake. Another Mathews family birthday tradition." He informed me.

Birthday Tradition.

I guess I'll have to come up with one too.


Okay people! I need elder brothers!! ASAP!!

Hey guys!!

I hope you liked the chapter...

And I really do need some siblings. Being alone sucks. Especially during lock-down when you don't have anyone to play with. *sighs*

I also need a birthday tradition... (I have none *smacks forehead*)

QOTD: What is your birthday tradition? Tell me in the comments!!

And I agree with Val- She does need some girlfriends...

Until Next Time...

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