(5) Mystery Movies

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I said yes.

Does that make me a bad person?

I mean I just broke up with Ryder and I am going on a date with Christian that evening itself.

That definitely makes me a bad person, doesn't it?

Should I even do this? I mean, although I had known Christian since freshman year, I talked to him only yesterday.

What if he is some secret serial killer? What if he is just trying to get on my good side only to kidnap me and kill me later?

Okay Val. Stop. You see way too many Mystery movies.

I should just stop overthinking this, shouldn't I?

But- "Hey sis!" Jonah interrupted my train of thought. I have never been more thankful for him ever in my life.

"Okay. What's wrong?" He asked as soon as he looked at me.

"Nothing's wrong." I lied. Who am I kidding? Of course he is going to see through my lie.

I can lie straight to anyone. I am not one of those people who we call 'bad liars'. But there are a few people who can see straight through my lies. One of them being Jonah.

"You can be very good at lying, but you know you can't lie to me." He said as he sat on my bed. "Now, what's wrong?"

"Ryder broke up with me." I told him.

"Oh god. Are you okay?" He asked.

And then I explained everything that went down last night and this morning.

"Wow sis! Playing with two boy's hearts at once. I taught you good." He smirked, trying to brighten my mood.

"Shut up!" I playfully glared at him.

"I think you should go on this date. See how he is. But based on what you told me, he seems like a good guy." Jonah said as he stood up.

"You really think I should do this?" I asked.

"Look, you already said 'yes' to him. I am a guy and I know it takes a lot of guts to ask a girl out. If the girl cancels the plan after saying a 'yes', his confidence would be crushed. Go on this date and see how he is like. You never know, you might end up falling for him." Jonah stated.

"Plus I don't think you ever liked Ryder that much. I mean, you guys barely kissed!" He threw his hands in the air. "And don't feel guilty. Ryder was the one who broke up with you. Not the other way around."

"And if the date is bad, just text me and I'll be your brother in shining armor." He raised his hand in the air, showing that he was holding a sword and stood with a proud look on his face.

His antics made me roll my eyes.

"When did you get so smart?" I chuckled.

"I was always smart, sweetheart. You were the one who never noticed." He smirked. "Now let's have lunch cause I am starving." And with that, we both headed downstairs.

I was trying to calm my nerves.

Why was I nervous? It's not like this is my first date with a boy. I have been on many dates with Ryder. I was never nervous then.

I rechecked my outfit in the mirror for the hundredth time in the last five minutes.

I was wearing a simple burgundy high-low off shoulder dress with a pair of burgundy heels. I had my heart locket, which my mom had given me, around my neck. I needed all the comfort and confidence I could get today, and that locket provided a lot of both.

My long hair flowed down in waves and I had very light makeup on. 

The doorbell rang, announcing the arrival of Christian.

Okay! Let's do this Val!

I ran downstairs as I wanted to open the door before my brother or my dad opened the door and troubled Christian.

Sadly, luck was not on my side as the door was already open. There stood Christian in a white full sleeve shirt and a black pant, his hair messy as always, talking to my brother.

Christian's eyes fell on me and his mouth fell open. I walked towards the boys and acknowledged my brother by nodding at him, silently telling him to get the hell out of here.

"You look beautiful." Christian said as he handed me the bouquet of flowers.

"Thank you. You don't look bad yourself." I smiled, taking the flowers and giving it to Jonah.

"Let's get going before my brother here embarrasses me like he always does." I said as I pulled Christian away from my house.

"Bring her back before her curfew!" Jonah shouted from behind.

"Yes sir." Christian turned around and gave Jonah a salute.

As we reached his Jeep, he opened the door for me, and bowed down to me.

I chuckled and curtsied as I stepped into the Jeep.

"So where are we going?" I asked him as he sat into his seat and started the car.

"Well, this is my first time taking a girl on a date. So, please don't judge me if it is a very cliche date or anything. I tried to do my best." He shyly said as he scratched the back of his neck, something he does a lot when he is nervous.

"This is your first time taking a girl on a date?" I said, trying to hide the smile that was forming on my lips. I have no idea why but I felt a sense of satisfaction after knowing that.

"Yes. I think you happen to forget that I am a loser. You were kind of the first girl who willingly talked to me." He blushed.

"You are not a loser, Christian. Stop calling yourself that. Just because you don't wear a football jersey and prefer to keep to yourself does not make you a loser." I stated the truth. "So, where are we going?"

"You'll see. It's not that far." He chuckled.

"Hey! That's not fair. What if you take me to some restaurant which serves me poisonous food and I die?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You watch too many mystery movies, don't you?" He chuckled.

"Shut up!" I hit his arm.

"Hey! No abusing the driver!" He chuckled.


Heyy guys!!

I know. I know.

I haven't updated for long. But don't blame me.

Blame my Hypersyllabus Nopreparation Syndrome.

Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter...

Do you think Valerina did the right thing by saying 'yes'? Tell me in the comments...

Hopefully, the next chapter will be up soon...

Until Next Time...

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