(Epilogue.1) Love

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Hey guys!

I finally completed my second book! *squeals*

Firstly, Thank you soo much for reading my book! This book was a just a random idea that popped into my head after reading the the ONC prompts and although I didn't win, I am glad I completed the book. I don't know what in the world made you select my book but I am very grateful. I love you guys!!

Secondly, I know not all the readers Vote or Comment and I am completely fine with that because sometimes, even I don't like to Vote or Comment in some books... But I would really like to know who read my book...

So even if you have never Voted, never Commented or have Voted and Commented throughout the book, please do comment here... Just the time when you are reading this chapter and your time zone- as that way, I would know that people actually read my book...

Thirdly, I would love to know your views about my book (I wouldn't mind if you didn't like the book! Constructive Criticism is always welcomed!!)

Lastly, THANK YOU again for reading my book... (I wrote the Author's Note at the start of the chapter because I know that many people are too lazy to read the Note at the end of the chapter)

Enjoy Part 1 of the Epilogue...

"Baby! I'm really sorry I missed your birthday!" Christian said as soon as he entered the restaurant and everyone's face turned around to see him.

We were used to the star-struck faces by now. After all, he was one of the best and most famous quarterbacks of the New York Giants.

You heard it right. The shy boy who didn't even tryout for the high school football team is now a quarterback of one of the most famous football teams.

I, on the other hand, am the CEO and owner of the Mathews Business Empire. One of the best female CEOs of all time- that's what the people call me.

We both were and still are the iconic couple of America.

"How many times do I have to tell you that it's fine?" I assured him.

It had been ten years since we were at that football game. Christian had kissed me in front of hundreds of people. And now here we are. Life has been good.

We both went to the University of Michigan. Four years later, Christian was drafted by the Miami Dolphins while I started my start up business..

We were dating all through college. But after it, life got tough.

We broke up. It was after six months out of college. Reason- when I now think of it, it seems stupid.

We both were busy in our lives and found it difficult to find time for each other. Adding to that, there were rumors about Christian cheating on me. I tried hard to ignore them but at some point it had gotten too much for me to handle and I lashed out.

Three months later, I entered my house only to see Christian waiting there. We both talked a lot. And we made up.

And let's face it- I was miserable without him.

Three years later, he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. And a year later, we were married.

"I know that you said it's fine but I can't help but feel guilty." He shrugged.

Ever since he was a part of the New York Giants, his schedule had been busy. He tried his best to spend time with me and his- our family, but he still wasn't able to. Which is exactly what was happening right now.

He had missed my birthday, for the second year in a row.

Although it made me sad, I understood his reasons. He tried his best to make it up to me.

"It's okay. But, you can't miss someone's birthday next year." I stated.

"I won't miss your birthday, next year! I promise you!" He said.

"Firstly, you can't promise that. If you have a game, you have to play. And secondly, I am not talking about my birthday." I shrugged.

"Well, I haven't missed any of my mom's birthdays and I don't plan on missing them any time soon." He rolled his eyes.

"Neither am I talking about your mom." I said, trying to keep a straight face.

"Okay? Val, you know that I don't care about anyone's birthday but you and my mom, right?" He asked.

"Well, that will have to change." I rolled my eyes.

"Why is that? Wait- whose birthday are we about here?" He asked.

"Well, I have no idea what their names are." I answered.

"Okay? When is their birthday?" He asked. I could see he was getting frustrated.

"I technically don't know that either." I shrugged.

"What! You neither know their names, nor their birthday! I don't see how they are important." He rolled his eyes.

"They are important because they are your kids." I said, trying hard to keep myself from laughing at his confused-frustrated face.

"But- wait what?" He looked at me like he had seen a ghost. Slowly, realization hit him and he looked down at my stomach and then back at me.

And then he again looked down at my stomach and back at me.

"You're serious?" He asked, trying to keep a straight face.

"No. I'm Valerina. You already know that." Yes people. I am evil.

"How can you say that after what you just said?! You're pregnant?" He almost shouted. "And don't you dare joke about it."

"Yes, Chris. I'm pregnant. We're pregnant." I smiled.

Christian's face split into a huge smile.

"Yes! Oh my god! This is the best day of my life!" He shouted, making all the people in the restaurant look at us weirdly.

"Get back to your business people! I just found out that my wife is pregnant! I get to react however I want." Christian glared at them.

They're glares turned into smiles as they chuckled and went back to their food.

"Wait- you said 'they'?" He furrowed his eyes in confusion.

"Well, we are having twins. It's kind of in my family genes." I shrugged.

"This day just got better." He said as he kissed me.

"Chris! We're in public!" I said as I pulled away before the kiss got too intense.

"I don't care." He rolled his eyes.

"Sometimes, I really miss that shy boy who was sitting quietly at the most isolated table at prom." I dramatically sighed.

"Well, you changed me. For good." He smiled as he pecked my lips.

"Wait- how do you know that we are having twins?" He asked.

"Well, I am seven weeks pregnant." I shrugged. "I found out on my birthday that I was pregnant."

"You waited for three weeks to tell me!" He shouted.

"Yes! I didn't want to tell you something like this on the phone when we were miles apart." I answered, my mood suddenly getting sad, making me want to cry. "You're not angry, are you?"

"No, baby. I am not angry, okay? It's the other way around. I'm glad you waited." He smiled, making me smile. His smile was still contagious to me.

"So, who all knows?" He asked.

"Just your mom and Jonah. Jonah was with me when I found out and your mom kind of walked in to wish me happy birthday when I was telling Jonah." I chuckled at the memory.

"Val! Everything is going to be fine, okay? I'm right here if you need me." Jonah said from the other side of the bathroom door.

I quickly wore my pants and opened the door.

"You see it and tell me. I'm scared." I pleaded.

"Okay. I know you're scared but if you think that I'm going to touch something that has your urine on it, you are very wrong." He scrunched up his nose in disgust.

"Jonah! Ugh! You are of no use!" I glared at him.

"Hey! That's not true! I am here for emotional support!" He glared at me.

"Jonah! Stop troubling my daughter-in-law on her birthday!" Jenny said, coming into the room.

I quickly hide the pregnancy test behind me.

"Happy Birthday dear! Wait- what are you hiding behind there?" She narrowed her eyes on me. I can never hide anything from her. She always finds out.

"Nothing?" I tried to sound as calm as possible.

"Now that is very suspicious." She stated. "I won't tell Chris. Just tell me."

I slowly brought my hands to the front.

"Is that a pregnancy test? Are you pregnant? Am I going to be a grandma?" Her eyes widened, the excitement clear in her eyes.

"I don't know! I haven't seen it yet!" I stated.

"What are you waiting for?" She asked.

"She's scared." Jonah rolled his eyes.

"Hey mister! Don't roll your eyes at her." Jennifer glared at Jonah who just pouted in response.

"And you. There is nothing to be scared of. If you are pregnant, we all will be there for you through everything. I am pretty sure Chris will be on cloud nine. If you're not, that's fine as well. Don't be scared, okay?" She said in a reassuring voice.

I nodded as I slowly looked done at the test and my eyes widened. Tears brimmed my eyes as I looked at the two anxious faces in front of me.

"I'm pregnant."

"How come my mom gets to know that my wife is pregnant before me, who is her husband, if I am to remind you." Christian pouted.

"Don't say that! But if you see, it's partially your fault as well. If you hadn't missed my birthday, you would have known sooner." I shrugged, trying to hide my smirk.

"You are enjoying this, aren't you? My desperation? And you are also guilt-tripping me!" He playfully glared at me.

"Oh yes! I definitely am enjoying this." I smirked.

"I'm glad." He rolled his eyes.

I just leaned ahead and pecked his lips.

"I love you." I smiled.

"And I love you."


Hey guys!

I hope you liked the chapter...

Check out the next chapter for part two!!

Also, did you find the lines I had said in chapter 10?

Yes, I had written this part of the epilogue looooong back...

Until Next Time...

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