𝐼𝐼𝐼. 𝐴𝑚 𝐼 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒?

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Chapter Three
Am I That Predictable?

3rd Person POV

"ronnie you're staring" tess spoke as she looked at ronnie who was holding eye contact with nate

"he's just so pretty t" she exclaimed and tess chuckled softly under her breathe at her best friend

"you're going to write a song about him later aren't you?" tess spoke and ronnie snapped her head towards her

"god am i that predictable?" ronnie groaned and tess rubbed her shoulders with a smile

"for sure ron, for sure but it's okay" tess exclaimed and ronnie smiled at her softly

"i'm glad you think so, mom hates the love songs lately" she sighed and tess sighed with her

"your mom just wants you to be like her, don't be. be ronnie not nicole" tess said and ronnie smiled brightly

"i'll try" she said and she was interrupted by shane as she turned to look at him and his brothers

"hey, guys. i'm shane, this is jason and nate" shane exclaimed as they all cheered

"we know it's gonna be hard, but just treat us like normal campers" shane said and they all turned away to look back at brown

"little full of himself ain't he?" ronnie spoke and tess giggled

"you can say that" she agreed

"so as i was saying , we're a little smaller this year and that is courtesy to our friends across the lake, camp star. founded, not so coincidentally, by my out to destroy me, still mad that i kicked him out of group, axel turner" brown said and tess spoke

"axel turner? the guy who owns star records? he's across the lake?" tess asked excitedly and ronnie smacked her forehead

"turn down the excitement tess" she said and nate smiled gratefully as did brown

"yes, and i share your disdain, tess. thank you for that. now, it's gonna take some effort, but i'm sure we can all peacefully coexist on the lake, yeah?" brown said and they heard boats

"apparently not" ronnie groaned softly

"we're under attack" jason yelled and ronnie chuckled under her breathe as she looked up and noticed parachutes of things falling towards them and she sighed

"nice!" someone spoke

"it's full of marshmallows" peggy exclaimed

"this one has chocolate!" caitlyn stated

"graham crackers!" barron said and ronnie chuckled softly as mitchie read a note out loud

"camp rocks invited to an opening night bonfire" she said softly

"no, no,no. absolutely not no" brown tried

"this is a set up tess i'm sure of it" ronnie tried and tess sighed

"come on sunshine, you'll have fun. let's go get you changed and ready to go" she said and ronnie sighed as she got off the stage and went to the cabin

"guys i don't like the idea of this" she stated as she peeked her head out of the bathroom and looked at the others

"where's the ray of sunshine go?" ella asked as she pouted and ronnie shrugged her shoulders

"she didn't leave, i just don't like this. i've dealt with this, this is a set up" ronnie exclaimed

"what do you mean ron?" tess asked and ronnie walked out of the bathroom in her change of clothes as she sat down on the chair and she looked at the others

"they bring you in, wow you and then they gut you, this has happened before" she tried

"with who?" caitlyn asked

"a different songwriter, me and her were supposed to write a song together, she was good, next thing i knew she stole my song" ronnie exclaimed

"ronnie that's horrible" peggy spoke and she nodded

"they're gonna bring us in, wow us and try to steal us, from brown? i don't know but we have to promise no matter what, we stick here at camp rock all of us together" she exclaimed and they all nodded in agreement

"of course ron, we promise" tess said and they all agreed before they left the cabin and they went to the boats. tess got on with ronnie , caitlyn , peggy , ella and mitchie. the boat held six people, they got to the camp and they got off the board

"one word, wow" tess said as they walked with caitlyn

"this isn't a camp, it's a resort" caitlyn stated

"you say that like it's a bad thing" tess responded and ronnie shrugged

"it probably is" she whispered under her breathe. she walked with them and they got to their seats, ronnie looked up to be met with jason and nate standing in front of them

"hi" she exclaimed and they turned to her

"ronnie lake, right?" jason said and she looked him up and down with a smile on her face

"yeah so why are you soaked?" she asked and he sighed as nate laughed and she laughed with him

"dropped a kids camera in the water but it was worth it, this cocoa is amazing" jason said and she laughed

"okay tess we really shouldn't be here, i don't like this" she said and nate looked down at her

"i don't really, it's so obvious this guy is just doing this to get back at brown" he exclaimed and she nodded

"obviously but what can we do?" she asked and he shrugged as he looked in her eyes and she looked into his as they smiled

"no idea but i think we have to stay not, hey i uh i like that ring" he exclaimed and he lifted her hand as he admired it

"oh thanks" she spoke and he nodded

"yeah of course" he stated and he turned to look at jason

"okay here's my idea, first he try's to take down the wet crows. and now camp rock" he said and ronnie nodded

"you're a genius" she said and he smiled as he sat down next to her and smiled

"i think theyre about to start" nate said and she nodded as she looked at the stage

"everybody have a seat! i'm axel turner! and i'd like to welcome all you rockers, and my dear old friend, brown cesario to camp star but you all don't want to hear a speech from me. you want to get to what a campfire is really all about: singing so , does anyone have anything they'd like to play? camp rockers don't be shy" axel said

"no takers, okay camp star will start us off and my apologies, if we embarrass ourselves, we're kind of new at this" axel exclaimed and they watched

"no they aren't" ronnie said in nate's ear and he chuckled as they watched in amazement

at least they were next to each other, they could do it with each other

naronica? nonnie? rate? verate?
i love them though

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