JD X Reader: Gossip

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(A/N: I'm obsessed....... shut up! So you technically play Veronica in this! So Veronica doesn't exist....... *SPOILERS* we'll pretend she exploded instead! By the way, I totally love JD and Veronica as a couple but I wanted to see where this would go! So enjoy!)


It's been two weeks since the huge explosion and disappearance of Veronica Sawyer. Heather. D and Heather. M are back to being 'friends'. Martha Dump Truck is still mourning over Ram dying and...... being gay........ but me, nothing's fazed me! Nobody has ever been friends with me or even talked to me. I've been invisible. Which is actually sometimes fun. I hear all the gossip. That's how I know about what's going on with everyone else. I sit at a table at lunch and I can hear someone else's conversation from across the room. I heard Heather. C talking about me once before she....... died. For some weird reason, I don't believe these people are actually dead. But hey, I'm just the odd, weird, freaky girl that no one likes. I'm unwanted and unloved by my fellow peers. Blah, I just sounded like some student president nerd (A/N: I actually love everyone in the school community so calm down! It's the reader!). I wish I was lucky like Veronica Sawyer. She got with the Heathers and caused half of the problems in this school and still had friends in the end. All I ever did was tell someone about something while she killed people! But everyone thinks she's kidding. I don't. But she's dead now so there's nothing I can do about it.
I walked down the hallway and straight to my locker. As I walked to my locker, I was bumped into. I never got the normally hatful response that a nobody would get. I'm just a ghost. But I'm fine with that. I walked over to my locker and opened it up. "I heard Heather. D tried to get Heather. M to commit suicide again......." I heard a student whisper to another. I perked up and listened closely. "I know....... I heard...... Heather. D really hates Heather. M........ but Heather. M has been so depressed since Veronica has disappeared......" the other person responded. "I haven't even seen JD around either......" the other whispered. I leaned up against my locker door. "I wonder if he had a connection with Ver-" Suddenly, the locker door behind me slammed. I turned around and saw a face glaring at me, that I thought I'd never see. It was Heather. D. Heather. M was standing behind her. "What are you doing!?" Heather. D slightly yelled. I looked around and noticed people were looking at us. I took a deep breath in, and looked straight at her. "I thought I heard something in my locker door, so I had to check" I explained. "Something? Like a bug? That's gross...... but it looked a bit different than that......" she stepped closer to me. "I think you were listening to there conversation" her glare narrowed. "Are you kidding me? These hallways are super loud! I can barely even hear the nose that was in my locker door!" I tried to trick her. "Oh, I guess your right" Heather. D stepped away from me and started to walk off. She was an idiot. "Wow...... you stood up to Heather" I looked to my side and noticed Heather. M. "Oh, uh, yeah......" I rubbed the back of my neck. "Your almost like Veronica!" She smiled. She lifted up my bang and put it behind my ear. "Do you have a special talent? Like forgery?" She asked messing around with my hair. "Um, since I'm normally quite, I know a lot actually......." I sorta mumbled. "So you lied to Heather too......?" Heather. M whispered. I slowly nodded my head yes. "Your so brave! Just like Veronica!" I could tell she was going through grief. People normally try to make another person sound like a person they lost. It was like denial. "Thanks......?" I looked at her a bit confused. "Hey, would you like sitting at our table today? Lunch is after next period so, I'll tell Heather your coming!" She smiled. "Uh, sure! I'd love to go!" I smiled. Her smile grew. "Yay! See you soon then!" She then turned and skipped away. I turned back around to my locker. I smiled and picked up my mirror. I didn't look bad with my hair behind my ear. I then giggled and grabbed my books. I then closed my locker and turned around. I smiled for the first time and walked to my next class. As I walked down the hallway, I felt a shiver run down my spin. I shook it off and walked to my class.

~Time Skip To Lunch~
I walked into the cafeteria and looked around. "Hey! Over here!" My attention immediately went over to the Heather table. I then saw Heather. M waving at me. I somewhat just stood there from shock. I still couldn't believe this. She giggled and walked over to me. "I'm waving at you! Come on over!" She grabbed my arm and brought me over to the Heathers table. As we walked over to the table, I heard people whispering about me. "Who is she......?" "Why is she with Heather......?" "I she like, the new Veronica.......?" I cringed at thinking of me as someone else's replacement. Heather. M walked up to the table with me beside her. "Heather, this is who I was talking about!" Heather. M gestured towards me. Heather. D looked up at me and her eyes narrowed. "Sit down. Both of you" Heather. D commanded. We both sat down beside each other. "So, you know a lot, and you over hear things AND, you lied to me" Heather. D glared at me. I looked away. "That could come in handy. It's hard to lie to me. Plus, I need to know more about everyone at this school" she smirked. "I can find out anything about anyone" I perked up. "Great! I need information about a few people" she smiled at me. "But you'll probably have to interact with them....." she looked at me with a sly look on her face. "Um, okay" I felt a bit uncomfortable. Talking to certain people was hard for me. "I need to know about how everyone dead. I know they weren't all suicide because, Martha told me the truth that she so happened to put together" She looked over at Martha. She was sitting alone at a table. "Which means...... you'll need to talk to some suspicious people" she looked around the cafeteria. Great, the type of people I have trouble talking too. I looked around the cafeteria to see if I could spot out some people. "But we're gonna have to make you look more..... social" Heather. D pointed at me from head to two. I looked at Heather. M and she smiled. "I'm...... I'm not a replacement though...... right....... cause I know Veronica got a makeover and-" I was cut off by Heather. D. "No, you won't be. I don't want another disappointment. But it's just what Heathers do, we need...... talented people to help us" She stood up. "Come on, you'll start investigating after we fix you" I stood up and Heather. M followed beside me. We walked off to the girls change room. They fixed me up and I looked into the mirror. "I feel like I'm just a replacement........" I said frowning into the mirror. "Your not! Veronica was just the first one to experience this!" Heather. M squeezed my shoulders. "Yeah, but Heather was the one who picked Veronica. I think we hit a home run with...... what's your name?" Heather. D raised an eyebrow. "Oh my! I never asked you! I'm so sorry!" Heather. M apologized. "It's okay. I'm Y/N" I smirked. "Okay, Y/N, I think we're good with you. Let's get to work after school. We spent too much time fixing you" Heather. D started to walk out of the change room. Heather. M smiled at me. "Well, let's go!" She grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the girls change room.

~Time Skip, Again~
I walked out of the school, smiling. I was actually noticed. I didn't mind not being noticed but it was actually nice! I waved bye to some of the people I started to get to know. I walked home and sat my bag down. I looked around the house to not find anyone. Like usual. My parents are both very busy a lot. But it was yet another thing I didn't mind. Suddenly, the phone rang. I walked over to the wall and answered the phone (A/N: If you couldn't tell, this story is based around 1989). "Hello?" I asked. "Hey, Y/N. Your going to do that thing I told you, you had to do, right" it was Heather. D. Her words were harsh, like a blazing fire. I then remembered what I had to do. "Oh yeah! I'm just hiding out now!" I answered, playing with the phone wire. "Go to Seven Eleven first. I bet you'll find someone there" I felt like I could hear her smirk. "Um..... okay....... I'll hang up then. I gotta get going" I untangled my finger from the wire. "Yeah, get going" before I could say bye, she hung up. I sighed and put the phone back on the wall. I quickly fixed my hair and outfit and headed out. I knew that there was a Seven Eleven near my house. But I didn't think I'd have to look there. But I still did as Heather said.
I was soon standing in front of the Seven Eleven. I pushed open the doors and walked in. I looked around the Seven Eleven until I saw the slurpy machine. I looked around, just incase Heather. D was around me. As if she'd actually come here. I walked up to the machine and grabbed a small cup. I poured the slush into my small cup. I grabbed a lid and placed it on top of the cup. I then grabbed a straw and stuck it through the top. I took a sip through the straw and let the flavour explode in my mouth. I then turned around and started walking, staring at my straw as I sipped. Not watching where I was going, I bumped into someone's chest. I backed away from them and looked up at there face. My eyes widened and my mouth threatened to drop to the ground. It was JD standing in front of me. "Woah, are you Veronica's or Heather's replacement?" He asked with a smirk. My straight face slightly turned to a frown. "I'm not a replacement, thank you very much" I looked away from him and walked down the next aisle. "You sure look and act like both of them" he followed behind me. "I'm surprised that one of you are actually having a slurpy" I stopped. "Why is that surprising? Didn't your girlfriend drink slurpy's?" I asked turning around to him. "She betrayed me. She promised to never leave me and, look what she did" He put his hands up. "She's dead isn't she" I put a hand on my hip. "Sh*t" he looked at me. He then rubbed the back of his neck. "You can figure stuff out easily, can't you?" He looked at me. "Just spit it out! How did she die?" I huffed. "Okay, okay, calm down there" he put his hand out as if to calm me down. "Remember the explosion at our school?" He asked, looking away. "She exploded in the explosion!? That's so f*cked up! Who even brought the bomb to the pep rally!?" I asked, grabbing his attention again. "I don't think that's important......" he answered. "Do you know how the two knuckleheads dyed? I know it wasn't suicide" I stepped a bit closer to him. "Both shot. But shot by someone" he answered so calmly. I looked a bit shocked. "How the hell do you know this?" I looked at him confused. "I guess I'm like you, darling" he smirked. "Whatever" I pouted and looked away from him. "Your so much like Heather...... but your like Veronica too...... I like you" my eyes widened. "You don't like me cause I'm like your dead girlfriend, right?" I looked at him. I then suddenly felt a pair of lips meet mine. My eyes widened. JD was kissing me two weeks after his girlfriend dyed!? Is he crazy (A/N: Yes)!? He separated the kiss and turned away from me. "Maybe" he answered me. I had so many more questions that I chased after him. He laughed as I showered him in questions.

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