JD X Reader: Gossip | Pt 2

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I ended up following him home with all my questions. He answered all of them and told me some stories. I think he even tried flirting with me. I didn't mind cause I like him too. I just won't confess that until I make sure that he's not saying that, because he's getting over Veronica. We stood on the sidewalk in front of his house. "Wanna come in for dinner?" He asked me. I smirked. "I wouldn't mind a free meal" I shrugged. "Who said it was free?" He smirked. I raised an eye brow. "One kiss for dinner. Two kisses for staying the night" he acted serious. But I could tell he just wanted me to kiss him. I was still not too sure on how he was feeling. But I did it anyway. I kissed him on the cheek. He shook his head. "You really think that's enough?" He asked. I looked at him confused. What else would he want? He then pulled me close and kissed me. That's what he wanted. My face heated up. He separated the kiss and opened his front door for me. I nodded my head and walked in. He walked in after me and led me to the kitchen. He sat me down at a table and walked into the kitchen. He started to cook. "So, um, where's your dad?" I asked. He told me about his dad and how his mom isn't around anymore. "He's down stairs, burning our suitcases" he said casually. I then breathed in and smelt the smoke. "Why aren't your fire alarms going off?" I asked. "Dad never got them" he answered. "Also, he's burning the suitcases since we won't be moving ever again" he smirked. He knew I was going to ask him that. "Well, that's good" I looked at the table. "It wasn't when I first heard about it" he finished cooking pasta and put it into bowls. "But now that I've met you, I want to stay here" he brought the bowls to the table. My face heated up as he sat down. "M-Me? Why me?" I asked. Does he actually like me or is he just sad? "Yeah...... your a beautiful and confident girl" he started eating. I couldn't eat now. I felt butterflies fill up my stomach. "Wanna stay for the night? My dad won't mind" his offer was tempting. And it's not like I had anywhere to go but...... Heather wanted to see me....... so I had to decline his offer. "Sorry...... Heather Duke wants to see me....... maybe some other day!" I stood up from
the table. He then looked serious. "Heather Duke?" He asked me. There were no emotions on his face. "Uh...... yeah......" he was somewhat scaring me. "Have fun" he then stood up and walked off. I titled my head. What the heck!? He just straight up left! I shrugged and walked out the door. There was a cold breeze as I walked to Heather's.

~Time Skip~
I walked into her room and sat down on her bed. "So, what information did you get?" She asked. "Well, Heather Chandler was poisoned and Kurt and Ram were shot" I answered. "But who did it!" She sat next to me. I could either help JD or Heather. And I was smart enough to know who to help. "I couldn't find that out" I answered. She stared at me for awhile. It was like she was trying to detect me lying. "Ugh! Try harder! Look deeper!" She yelled at me. She then stood up and walked over to her bedroom window. "What the f*ck did he even tell you!?" She whipped around to face me. "Ah......" I thought for a second. "He told me how Veronica died......" I looked into her eyes. "What!? She's dead!?" She sounded surprised but happy. "Yeah, she blew up" I answered. "Hahaha! She deserved it-" before she could finish her sentence, she was pushed onto the ground. Her window was now open with a figure standing near it. The figure stepped closer to Heather. It was JD! He had a pipe in his hand. He then knocked out the screaming Heather. She lied on the floor limp. "What the f*ck!?" I yelled at him. He looked up at me with a caring but crazed look. "It's okay, Veronica~ JD's here~" he walked closer to me. I crawled away from him until I hit the wall. He then crawled onto the bed and started kissing me ruffly. This wasn't happening. And so it wasn't. I woke up, jolting forward. I was panting ridiculously. "Y/N! Are you okay!?" I felt a strong hand touch my bare arm. I jumped and looked beside me. Sitting next to me was a shirtless JD. I looked down at myself to see that I was just in my bra and underwear. My face heated up and I covered myself with the sheets. "Don't look at me!" I yelled. He chuckled. "Don't even worry. Nothing went any further than making out without clothes" he said so calmly. I stared at him. "Without clothes!?" I asked. He laughed again. "It rained last night so while we were getting changed, it got a bit heated" he answered. "How many girls have you told that?" I smirked. He smirked. "I'm known to be a lady killer (A/N: Literally)" I laughed. "So, it's Saturday. Wanna stay here longer?" He asked. His smirk was so sly. My face heated up. "I wouldn't mind that....." I answered. He then pulled me onto his lap. Thankfully, he had boxers on. He then kissed my neck. "I'm so happy that I met you~ I would trade my life for yours~" he whispered into my ear. My face heated up. But I was a bit worried after that dream if, he was being honest. I would never want him to. So I'm hoping my dream won't come true.

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