A memory of the horrors of hell!

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Hey how is everyone guess what ... I got my Belly button pierced on Tuesday!! I've been waiting for this for 2 years!! Here is chapter 3 hope you enjoy and by the way this chappies gonna be different then the first 2 chappiez because this is the first chappie that I hadn't posted elsewhere before please tell me what you think.

Angelin's POV:

"Hi i'm principal Harrison" The man said. I glance over at Devlon, who's face is a mixture of recognition and utter hate, though the hate could stem simply from his rebellious nature. Yeah it's probably his authority issues or maybe, since he's half human, he doesn't have any authority problems/ Well it is a possibility. I mean, it's not like he has been incredibly bad like a normal devil. Of course, he isn't a normal devil; he's a hybrid, but I still can't see him not having a problem with authority. Maybe I'm judging a book by it's cover, but oh well. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Simple as that.

I look back at principal Harrison and ask for our timetables and locker numbers. Principal Harrison hands them to me without even looking at them, so I check to make sure he handed me the right timetables. Sure enough, he did.

It's slightly weird that Albetros never really liked Jake. He kicked him out of their friendship circle and apparently they're the popular guys at this school now. When we find my locker and finish talking about this, he offers to walk me to all my classes to make sure I don't get lost. This just slightly surprises me, then I wonder why he was so eager to show me and Devlon around. If they were barely friends, then it couldn't have anything to do with being able to hang out with an old friend, so I wonder what the cause of his eagerness is. Maybe he likes me, or maybe he just really wants to be nice.

I agree, and let him bring me to all my classes. After I handed him my timetable he took a good look at it. His face intensifies, as if studying the sheet of paper. He looks back at me with the biggest grin on his face. "We have all our classes together."


Jake's POV:

Angelin is the most heavenly name I've ever heard. We had just left the office, where Mr. Harrison had given both Angelin and Devlon their locker numbers and timetables, without even glancing at the names. I always found it a bit creepy that he could simply pick out the right schedule and locker number without even glancing down to check.

She asked me why I wasn't walking with Devlon, since we're friends. I had to explain to her that Devlon and I aren't actually friends. After finding her locker, I offer to walk her to her classes; I don't want her getting lost, now. After a few seconds of contemplation, she handed me her timetable, and I looked it over. At first, I thought I was hallucinating, but a secod glance proved me wrong. We had all the same classes! Just as I told her the news, which I thought was great the bell rang. With that, I began to escort her to our first class, drama.


Devlon's POV:

It took me a while. The principal, Mr Harrison, looked all too familiar. It hit me hard when he stood and spoke. "Ah, Devlon. It's been too long. How's your mother? Still rotting six feet under?"

Tao Cheng! He must have been using telepathy. Perhaps hallucinogens or maybe even a perception filter. That statement should have gotten some reaction from the other two, but they sat dull as rocks in their seats. I growled at him in my head "Tao Cheng, you better get out of my head!"

The mere sight of the man disgusted me. It's his fault my mother is dead, It's all his fault. I felt my senses going dull, and my eyes closed, involuntarily.

It was, what the humans would call, Monday in hell. Clouds were storming, the river was flowing, the hell hounds howling, and hunting I was sitting on a blood-red couch, playing on my cellphone.

My mom came home with her new boyfriend, he was Vampire a blood thirsty one and he was using my mother to help him get to the prize he had his eye set on for years, Me. He heard of the weird hybrid and that it's blood that the taste would be sweeter than the sweetest honey and he wanted some for himself.

I decided to leave them alone and went to my room. Soon afterwards, there was a knock at the door. My mom's boyfriend, Tao Cheng, answered it. I heard heavy foot steps, then the shattering of glass plates and yelling A scream from my mom followed.

When I was finally able to focus on what they were going on about I heard my mom's boyfriend's voice booming. "Give us the hybrid and we'll leave!"

She refused. There was an evil chuckling then another scream from my mom. Tao yelled again. "Stupid she-devil. I wasn't asking, now I'll give you one more chance give us the pathetic hybrid!"

She refused again.

"Fine, we don't need you to get him, anyways." Then Tao let out a bark of evil laughter and I heard my moms blood curling scream.

The scream jolted me back to reality. Angelin had just received her timetable, and Mr. Harrison had a wry smile on his face. He winked at me as I turned to follow Angelin out the door.'

One of my friends had revised this chappie for me thanx for your help!!! So as for the contest I did not set a date in which I would like the covers submitted by so I was just wondering should I set a date even if I did I would still accept covers after of course because I would like to see what your creative minds will come up with!

KK Bye!


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