Old buds! or maybe not.

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Devlon's POV: after we left the office Angelin handed me my timetable and locker number then we split up to find our lockers Jake went with Angelin so he does like her.  That's adorable  just adorable now I can tease them! I wonder how Albetros is. Albetros is or was my best friend until I had to go back to hell with my mom. I'm at my locker then I notice a familiar face a few lockers down from mine it's Albetros!Albetros has blonde hair brown eyes and a body that girls or most girls can't avoid drooling over he is an almost perfect player you know that one guy who can get any girl he wants just by the simple gesture of smiling that's him. I decide that now would be a good time to look at my schedule first period I have Music what the I don't recall music ever being a class oh well I know how to play piano and guitar  yeah i'm a bit of an outcast in Hell. so music in room 1.5 what the actual fuck their rooms have decimals that's so fucking weird I guess I'm gonna have to ask for directions that's when Albetros starts walking by and I say "Hey Albetros long time no see." Albetros turns to me and he tells the others to continue without him but not before I saw recognition flicker on some of their faces.  Albetros says "Devlon?" i respond "yes it is I the great Devlon  here to ruin the day!" I then ask him for directions to my first classroom he quickly gives me directions and tells me how he never thought he would see the day when I actually gave half a shit about anything. especially school I mean you used to lead our group off of school property in the middle of class!"

I respond with " Yeah I know and it's more amusing when you leave school property in the middle of class when your doing this right in front of the teacher and this isn't exactly the middle of class plus this is the first day so I don't know which teach it would be more amusing with so first I want to get to class and just stay for one day."

I hardly even realized what I said it was now that I first notice that my annoying angel of a sister with her angelic pureness must actually be changing me just by being around her! Albetros then mumbles "Never thought I would see this dumbass again and now he's a frigin goody two shoes just like our groups x-mascot. The x-mascot thing kinda got me intrigued I mean what on earth was he talking about. Could it be he's referring to Jake? I mean I always knew he didn't like having him hang out with us but seriously going so far as to call him a Mascot I mean seriously? Wait a minute he said x-mascot does this mean he kicked him out of the group I'm so confused and did he seriously call me a dumbass? Seriously I thought we were old buddies but apparently promising to be buds forever means nothing to him we all made that promise! I don't think he realized that I had heard him so I said or rather asked "Huh what's that?"

All he did was play dumb and ask "what's what?"  grr does it ever infuriate me when people play dumb! so I angrily growled back "You know very well what! You know what you said under your breath and thought I wouldn't hear? Yeah that and you know what? Maybe I am the dumbass I mean I was  dumb enough to let you be my best bud! but you know what? I was five when I was that dumb but now I'm seventeen! and now your the dumbass for even thinking I wouldn't hear you! With that I walked off to class leaving behind a slightly surprised Albetros standing in the middle of the hall so what if I have attitude problems that's normal for devils because we're awesome like that!

Now since almost no1 tends to read messages before and after the chappies I'm leaving one in the middle please leave a comment and let me know how I could make this story better! Thanx!


Albetros POV: I was hanging with my buddies by my locker talking about some new girl apparently she was hot then the bell went so we started walking when someone called my name. It was Devlon I know because it's physically impossible to mistake him for someone else or is it so Just in case I asked. It was hi, he asked for directions i gave him the directions wait a second that class is for super naturals only I think my surprise showed so I quickly covered it with how I never thought I'd see the day when he actually gave a sh!t about anything especially school. Then he like flipped sh!t about how he just wants to get to know the teachers first and other stuff I didn't really pay attention then when he finally stopped squawking I said under my breath so quietly that he shouldn't have even heard how he's a dumbass and how he's goody two shoes but he must've hear because he flipped sh!t again and then he walked off. I just shrugged this encounter off and headed to drama.

I only take drama because it's really easy marks and there's lots of girls in that class I  am pretty much the king of this school. I'm a  bit late because sir Changelot out there had asked me for directions. I go to where I normally sit that''s when I realize right beside where Jake normally sits is some new chick and she looks fine then I noticethat she is talking to him I don't know why this got me upset but it did maybe it was because he is one of my enemies He's different then the rest of us that can shift at this school no one knows why but his sent is different then us wolves although he has our heightened senses I just don't get it! He has to be some form of supernatural but he isn't vampire and he certainly isn't hunter he smaells like the woods like a wolf but he doesn't smell like a pack or a rougue what the hell is he!

Soo did you guys enjoy this chappie and did you enjoy the message in the middle:P oh and what do you think Jake is? 

kk Bye


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