Found by Love

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I silently nod not looking away from albetros' frightening but still quite sexy form as he takes a step toward me i back up a step even in his wolf form i could tell his eyes narrowed at me and his wolf grin disappeared as he growls followed by growls of other wolves... wolves of the magic moon pack...shit again seriously! I think in my mind =yes! See we aren't holding him back= angelica exclaims happily I just keep my eyes glued to Albetros' wolf Alexander I believe his name was but thats besides the point. Soon enough he inches towards me again I nervously take a step back and I hear him growl in frustration =please Angelin I won't hurt you= I look into his eyes which surprisingly still look like his real brown ones and not his wolves and amazingly enough they held so much sincerity , passion, and pain even in this form i couldn't help but melt and without realizing it I had walked right up to him and had started petting him reassuringly while crouching in front of him. "I-Im so sorry." I whimper tears pooling once again in my eyes.

-why why would you leave me you promised you'd give us a chance.- he w himpers in my head pouting and just try imagining a wolf pouting i gotta say its one of the most.....interesting... things you'll see. Or rather imagine a big bad scary wolf pouting like a golden retriever puppy.

"I-I soo so sorry I didn't realize th-that b-by try-trying to make i-it better i-i just made it worse a-and caused more p-p-pr-problems." I sob nuzzeling my face into his fur clutching his fur in big fist fills like a young child who had lost their mother would with their dog. "Pl-please forgive me-e." I whisper my voice cracking at the end.

-o-of course i will forgive you your my mate and i love you way too much not too... however please dont ever do this again. After an Alpha meets their mate they literally can not function or think straight without knowing their safe.- he replies in my mind snuggling up to me.

"Whats taking so-" I hear a voice start to say but stop short I look up and see Devlon looking wide eyed but not at me and Albatros.... No he is staring right at Nadine and she is staring right back I glance between the two of them wondering why they were looking at each other in such a way

-Mates- I hear Albetros state bluntly in my head "what?" I whisper -they're mates- Albetros states in my head.

"Oh" I murmur my eyes widening


So im going to edit some of the previous chapters as i read them i realized some small problems and im going to fix them.
Please comment vote let me know what you think.

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