to be friends or not to be friends? that is the question!

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Angelin's POV: After I had taken in my surroundings Nadene showed me to where she has been living out her rogue life. It is a small log cabin. With 1 bedroom and one kitchen/living/dinning room and then of course there's a bathroom. After looking around Nadene speaks "So what brings you into the rogue life?" She asks
"I came to realize that it was for the better of everyone that I left I was holding him back." I reply but she quickly replies" Him you just said him who is him?" Nadene asks a little too excitedly
"Him...Did I say him? No I said Them. I am holding Them back not him...although I see where you could have mixed them up." I reply trying to play it off Nadenes only reply is "OK suuure you definitely didn't say him you obviously said them." Every word just oozing with Sarcasm She rolls her eyes at me "I'm not stupid ya know. Its a sensitive topic right? I get it." Nadene says to me "I'm going for a run." I tell her heading out before she can say anything else. I change behind a tree quickly shifting and then picking up my clothes in my jaws I put them in a hollow part of the tree. then I rake my claws to mark the tree and leave my scent before taking off. I run swiftly through the trees my paws seeming to glide over the ground the wind rushes through my fur and I must say it feels awesome I soon come across a beautiful clearing it had a waterfall that went into a stream there were a few forest flowers scattered around the grassy shore and a willow tree was right beside the river there were even a few fireflies floating around. I decide to practice some flying after all if I never learn to fly in this form than I'm not much use with or without my wings so I untuck my wings stretching them out in preparation I dance lightly on my paws in nervousness OK now! I yell in my head as I start running and flapping my wing powerfully I take off and just barely miss hitting a tree I fly up until I'm above some of the clouds then I start gliding flapping my wings every few minutes I was doing fine and it was so amazing did you know when your flying way up high and look down at the ground carpeted far below everything looks so much smaller. But soon all that was shattered when a certain somebody popped up in my mind Albetros tears start to fall from my eyes when suddenly I hear his voice in my head ~Angelin Angelin I'm so sorry if you can hear me please come back I-I need you~ he calls desperately into my mind. ~Sorry~ I say simply through my mind link I can't go back tears streaming from my eyes I land barely avoiding crashing into the ground and trees I start running back to Nadenes cabin I shift back behind the tree I grab out the clothes and quickly put them on before heading in.
When I enter I am quickly stopped by nadene "so will you please tell me who he is? Please." she asks
"Alright I guess I can tell you who he is his name is Albetros..." I tell her trailing off
"What rank was he?" Nadene asks
"Well he is an Alpha....of the Magic moon pack..." I answer her question as my eyes begin to water
"O-oh my gosh he was your mate wasn't he!" Nadene exclaims seeing my eyes water even more as tears the ones I keep trying to hold back start seepinflg out of my eyes as I nod. "D-Did he re-reject you?!?" Nadene asks suddenly alarmed/worried I shake my head because I can't trust myself to speak right now "Then he's coming here for you he can't survive without you just like you won't survive without him!" Nadene exclaims now very alarmed

Just then I hear it it was him his howl the one I've been running away from the one I so desperately wanted to hear and at that moment everything seemed to freeze as I focused on my hearing as I hear pawsteps pounding closer and closer until =Angelin please, please come out and come back with me willingly.= he whimpers his plea to me through our mind link I'm just so shocked that I just stand there like an idiot for like ten minutes I can feel Nadenes gaze on me I hear a frustrated growl right outside the door =I know your in there!= he exclaims into my mind as he crashes the door down then grins a Wolfy grin at me in his wolf form then he spots Nadene and growls I step between them and I hear a whisper from Nadene "I-is that Albetros?" She asks

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