welcome to the rogue life

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New person (f) POV: I was just Walking through the rogue lands that I've made my home on when I see a pale blonde girl lying face down on the ground =Who's that= my wolf Ace asks =I don't know I guess she's a newbie to the rogue life= I reply I notice she starts to stir and I toss her the long shirt I had  brought with me in case I had to shift with little warning she slips the shirt on. "Who who are you?" She asks sitting up."I'm Nadene And what's yours newb." I reply "Im Angelin and newb?" She questions slightly nervous. "Yes newb you are new to the rogue life right?" I question her She nods after a slight hesitation. "So you are a newbie to the rogue life therefore a newb." I explain.

"oh...I guess I am then..." Star replies trailing off.

Angelin's POV:

I wake up and I'm in human form again I guess I shift back after I faint... Suddenly a shirt lands on my face what the... =it smells of rogue= my wolf complains as i slip the shirt on. I look up to see another girl who appears to be around my age with really dark black hair like if you were in a room with no source of light except a bit pointing at her hair and it doesn't touch anything else you still wouldn't be able to tell she had aqua eyes and tan skin. "Who who are you I ask (Conversation from above proceeds)
Dedicated to @Conor

After I agree that I guess I'm a newb to the rogue life therefore a newb I trail off I get up and I take in my surroundings then suddenly I feel a lot of pain how far did I go I wonder =pretty damn far idiot!= my wolf yells at me snarkily =oh shuddap= I yell back at her in my head
Dedicated to @Connor Allen-kelly

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