Landing myself in the dog house

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Devlon pov: I renter the woods behind the school and now it's just me, my thoughts, and my emotions I also have my memories but I'm not in the mood to go over the past.

Why do I hide my true emotions? I hide my true emotions when I can because all devils are supposed to be heartless unemotional uncaring beings except those who are fallen angels like Satan himself only I'm not fully devil and so I have emotions I learned the hard way never  to show your true emotions especially when your in Hell because if you do you become everyone's target. Now since I'm alone is the perfect time to let them all out so that's what I do I let my emotions control me but then the weirdest thing happens... I'm no longer human! What the actual fuck I try to yell bit I no longer can speak English or any other language

Devlon Pov:

all that came out was a loud howl/bark What the hell is going on then I hear a voice in kmy head saying finally freedom That's it I hve oficially went insane. the voice laughs at me and it says =no silly mutt you haven't gone insane= =hey don't call me a mutt and it's not exactly nnormal for a Devil to be hearing voices in their head!= I point out to him he just points out that =neither is having a heart or actually caring about others unless their supposed to be your soulmate or turning into a wolf!= he points out to me =Wait I turned into a wolf!= I exclaim he says =yes and it seriosly took you that long to figure it out Seriosly?= he asks sarcasticaly/rhetorically I just growl at him and he growls back then I decide to ask him how I turn back he refuses to tell me so I just start walking through the woods.

30 mins later

all of a sudden the voice comes back and he says =wow this pack has extremely low security i mean you've been walking all around their territory for what half an hour now and not a sinngle wolf has tried to stop you= =I'm on a packs territory?= just then there was a crash overhead I look up and see a white wolf with ange wings had crashed into the tree right in front of me and has fallen the ground she smells familiar and she has the exact same markings on her legs as I do only her markings are in light gray wait she has Angel wings ANGELIN then I hear the pounding paws and the voice says =and no one has tried to stop you well until now that is= I quickly run behind some trees and just in time I see three wolves run up to Angelin one was orange wolf with some black markings and two long teeth sticking out sorta like siberian tiger teeth this wolf's eyes were silver with a blade of bright light blue going through the center and his tail was really long. the second one was brown his tail was slightly darker and teeth just like the first one his eyes were normal they were a bright green. the third one looked like the exact opposite of the second his tail was a daarker shade of brown and his eyes were green in the center and black around the green. With no teeth sticking out.

   The third wolf sticks his nose in the air and takes a sniff then his eyes cloud over and so do the other two wolves this confuses me next thing I know the second and third wolf are begining to circle the tree I'm behind while the first one picks up my sister and tries to make a run for it I can't let that happen. so I let out a threatening growl as I litterally fly over the tree  they all turn and look at me shocked then their eyes cloud over then a minute later their eyes are no longer clouded over and they have these wide grins next thing I know the second and third wolves tackle me while the first wolf picks up my sister and runs off I try to fight the other two off but I can't the voice tells me to calm down and I dohe then tells me to play dead which I do one of them gets off me and goes behind a tree and comes back out and he says are you seriously still playing dead I open my eyes and am shocked at who I see in front of me in front off me stands none other then my old friend Brett the other wolf snorts at me and gets off of me then goes behind a tree and a few minutes later he comes back out and it is my other bold friend Josh.

They tell me to shift the voice tells me I better listen to them I point out to him that I don't know how to shift he tells me to picture myself in human form and I do that and I'm  back to human but I'm stark naked they toss me a pair of shorts and tell me to put them on they aren't really looking at me and the voice says now would be the time to get the hell out of here I ask him if he's sure as I put the shorts on. tthen he says well it's too late now I look over at Brettt and Josh and they are staring shocked at me. I guess they recognize me becsause they said "Devlon?" questioningly I sigh and say "yes it is I Devlon here to ruin the lives of millions although school already does a good job at doing that." they put some handcuffs on me  and pulled me along by a chain i exclaim "seriously guys chains last I checked we were no longer in the dark age and the time machine was yet  to be invented!" they apologize "sorry man but you were trespassing and your a rogue and you tried to fight the alpha over his mate" "well what did you expect me to do." I growl they look at me and laugh "well we expected you not to be a wolf for one and we also expected you not to fight with the alpha over his mate!" they exclaimed "Oh so you expected me to sit back and watch as my sister is taken hostage!" " You have a sister?" they ask I nod there mouths make an oh then they just kept leading me along in my chains they bring me to a really big house and theres a fenced in area so that you can't see inside they lead me in that area and in that area are a bunch of big hightech dog houses they they automatically lock shut with the push of a switch the thing that really gets me is inside each one is a bedroom with a washroom attached they put me in one and lock it "really guys really?!" I grow/ask them they say "sorry man" and leave. I growl in frustrationas I flopped down on the bedthey diidn't even take the chains off!

Hey guys I have been posting alot lately haven't I? Devlon is in quite the predicament he is in the dog house LITERALLY Oh and theres a pic of Devlon's wolf on the side

kk bye


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