Problems with Teachers

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Hey hey hey how are you all? Finally chapter 6 Yay!!!!! I don't know how I did on my exam I just hope I did well hey I also wanted to wish all of you who have exams coming up goodluck and I hope you all do well on them! And now on with the CHAPTER!!!!

Devlon's Pov: I enter music class and I already sense that I'm not gonna like this teacher his name is Mr.Growch for crying out loud! He had dark purple eyes with an extremely pointy nose to say his nose reminded me of Pinocchio would be the truth he was tall probably 8 foot 10he looked like a male version of a crazy cat lady lets just put it that way he asked me if I was sure I belonged here while he looked at me as if I couldn't even make a drum make a sound! I sarcastically say "hmm I don't know you know considering this has the same room number complete with decimal points and all I think the real question is are you sure your supposed yo be here?" He glares at me and yells at me to go out in the hall while everyone else is trying not to laugh.

I put my hands up in surrender and make a big show of leaving the class while giving a big farewell speech to the class and when I reach the door I make a big bow and leave soon as I'm out in the hallway i'm attacked with a hug like what the hell! I look down a a crying Angelin and i am very confused as to why she would possibly be crying when J heard a growl directed at me I mean what the actual fuck is wrong with the super naturals in this school I mean a human could easily walk on by and figure out that something's not right! Seriously! I look up and guess who I see oh Mr. I'm so great A.K.A Albetros oh this has got to be good I ask him what he wants and why my little sister is crying he is shocked and surprised that we are siblings and he says stuff about growling at someone who is important to his wolf whom I can only assume is Angelin it turns out I'm correct she happens to be his mate but she says that's impossible. Albetros and I look at her like she's crazy and then she says"How could I possibly be the mate of someone who would treat anyone like the way you treated Jake! I'm a freaking angel for goodness sakes as if it wasn't weird enough to have a devil as my brother now I have a soulmate who is mean to people SERIOUSLY!" and then she walks away I'm guessing to cool off.

Albetros was just about to go after her again  but I stopped him telling him that she probably needs time alone and that I'm part Devil so I can tell when someone wants to be alone so that I can do a better job it's one of the few abilities I received from my  mom. he nodded and looked at the ground sadly. Wait a second she has a problem with being related to me? Wow I am really self centered because it never occurred to me how she probably has a problem with devils just like I have a problem with angels. I have the perfect excuse for being self centered I'm part devil what do you expect. Albetros says I'm probably right then Mr.Growch comes out of the class room he looks at me then at Albetros and he freaking bows his head in respect to Abetros and says Alpha Albetros nods in acknowledgement I look at this and try to stop myself from laughing I mean I never have seen a teacher bow to a student it's really funny Albetros looks over at me and he starts laughing at the same time I can't hold in my laughter anymore. Mr.Growch looks up surprised by our laughter causing us to laugh harder Albetros manages to tell him he can go I don't know how he's even managing to breathe let alone talk with how hard he's laughing.
10 mins later

We finally stopped laughing then the bell goes for next class which is math for me I quickly ask him for directions he tells me how to get there I take my time getting there so I ended up coming in halfway through class. The class was in the middle of taking a unit test and I might have made a big entrance which kind of disturbed the class I came in anf said "okay I'm here the party can begin now." The teacher says  nice of you to finally join us please take a seat and fill out this test I look at him questioningly and said " Nah I think I will wait to actually learn a lesson first"  he says that he wasn't asking what I'd prefer and told me how if I actually showed up for class maybe I would of learned something by now I pointed out to him if I didn't show up for class then I wouldn't be in  class right now. He glares at me and says if I showed up for class everyday then I would already have learned everything on this test.

I ask him really slowly " your a supply aren't you" then I squint at him he's all like so what if I am this is my first day at this school thus I am a new student thus I have never been here thus this id my first time in this class so if your not a supply then you clearly aren't very bright Toodles I explained as if I was trying yo teach a little kid how to talk and with that I left I heard then entire class burst out laughing right before the door closed. Then I heard him yell at them to shut the fuck up and he said those exact same words so I poke my head back in and said well that was rather rude and then I ran down the hall. I went right outside and slowed to a walk.

I renter the woods behind the school and now it's just me, my thoughts, and my emotions I also have my memories but I'm not in the mood to go over the past.

Why do I hide my true emotions? I hide my true emotions when I can because all devils are supposed to be heartless unemotional uncaring beings except those who are fallen angels like Satan himself only I'm not fully devil and so I have emotions I learned the hard way never  to show your true emotions especially when your in Hell because if you do you become everyone's target. Now since I'm alone is the perfect time to let them all out so that's what I do I let my emotions control me but then the weirdest thing happens... I'm no longer human! What the actual fuck I try to yell but I no longer can speak English or any other language

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