The Magic Moon Pack

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Angelin's pov


Devlon the talks to alpha boy exclaiming and asking "Albetros what's your problem man you look like you a volcano just erupted in your head! and why is my little sister crying?" then alpha boy responded " maybe o'm upset because I was disrespected in front of the entire class and I may have growled at someone important to my wolf and that someone ran out in full out tears and now I'm having a freaking war inside my head...WAIT SHE'S YOUR LITTLE SISTER!" Devlon just nods and says well half sister really. Devlon then exclaims "your a werewolf" this time I nod and tell Devlon "and he's an alpha too I think or alpha to be" they both look at me shocked "what?" I ask they ask me how I could tell I tell them "it's obvious by the cockiness, and authority that comes off him in waves also he seems too popular to be a wolf of any lower rank." I then ask Albetros how am I important to your wolf he says that I'm his mate I tell him that's impossible. both of them look at me weirdly then I say "How could I possibly be the mate of someone who would treat anyone like the way you treated Jake! I'm a freaking angel for goodness sakes as if it wasn't weird enough to have a devil as my brother now I have a soulmate who is mean to people SERIOUSLY!" and with that I walked outside to cool off that's when the weirdest thing happened usually when I get frustrated my wings would come out but this time I didn't just have wings..

Angelin's pov:

I'm not even standing on two legs anymore I have fur all over me What the Fuck is going on at least I am in the woods or at least close to them I quickly run so I'm in the middle of the woods near a pond and then I stop to try and figure out what I am I look at my reflection and gasp what I saw was so shocking I saw a-a wolf the most beautiful wolf I have ever seen she was Pure white with light gray socks and light gray spots on one leg she also had pure white wings that look almost exactly the same as my angel wings her eyes were so cool the Iris was pink and the pupil was a nice light bright blue!(pic on side)

just then I hear a growl from behind me it sounds threatening I slowly turn around and I see this huge wolf he looks like he is probably a beta and behind him is a man probably also a werewolf he tells me to shift I cock my head to the side in confusion he repeats himself I still look at him confused the beta then goes behind a tree and comes out a few minutes later as a human and he says look rogue shift your trespassing on Magic Moon territory. I shake my head he growls and says don't you dare disrespect me rogue what does rogue even mean I thought then there is a very sweet voice in my head and she says rogue means wolf that doesn't have a pack usually rogues are bad and were kicked out of there old pack I jump shocked by this voice the men both look at me then there eyes go all foggy like then the voice comes back and says oh I'm Angelica your wolf it feels great to finally be out oh and now would be a good time to get out of here and with that I took off running Angelica tells me to try using my wings so I spread them out and the next thing I know I'm flying and the other wolfs had started chasing me but now they just stare at me shocked I crash land a few feet a way and they snap out of the trance and run up to me and ask if I'm ok I nod and that's when a very familiar voice says "so where's this rogue." I don't even know how I already know his voice off by heart but at the sound my wolf howls happily and I can feel that I'm getting a goofy grin on my Wolfy face it was Albetros

"Over here alpha" the Beta says "what the fuck happened to her!" he yells the beta and the other man who I'm guessing probably is a third in command started stuttering" she uh um sh-she so-sor-sorta uhm." I want an answer now "Brett and Josh" he yells at them "she tried to fly away and sorta crash landed." The beta says sheepishly "she what!" he yells looking at me Angelica says maybe we should go mate seems mad and honestly I couldn't agree more so we got up and made a dash for it and we almost ran into the water but to avoid getting my paws wet I leaped into the air and spread out my wings when I realized what I just did I started freaking out worried that I was going to crash or crash land again Albetros is swimming through the pond below me and he looks ticked how am I gonna get out of this this thought distracted me for a second but that's all it took I crashed into a tree and fell to the hard ground ouch that hurt was the last thing I thought before everything went black.

I wake up in a strange room it was really dark in this room the walls were a deep dark sky blue you know that blue where you can still see clearly but it's dark like right before it's officially night time ( I love this blue because it is like the perfect mixture of light and dark) I was on a bed with one of those canopy things this is so weird I ask Angelica if she has any clue where we are she yawns and says maybe we're at the pack house I ask her what's a pack house she laughs and exclaims =it's where majority of the pack lives silly.=

I hear footsteps so I quickly pretend to be asleep just as the door opens and I hear some whispering there's three voices I don't recognize two of the voices but I recognize the third voice as Albetros they are saying something about making sure I don't hurt myself and something about not letting me leave this room Wait not letting me leave this room! I sat straight up and asked/said "and why can't I leave this room?" they all look at me shocked "well?" there eyes fog up this for some reason got Angelica upset all of a sudden I felt like I was sitting on the side lines of my life as I say or someone else yells in an angry sweet voice I don't know how that works "She asked a question and we want an answer now Albetros!"

Albetros looks up then his eyes widen I wonder why then he asks something that really confuses me he asks "what's your name beautiful?" I mean I did introduce myself to the entire drama class! the same voice snaps at him saying"don't you sweet talk me! We are still waiting for an answer" he sighs and says fine but can I please talk to Angelin Isn't he talking to me right now? then the voice says fine and all of a sudden I feel like I am no longer sitting on the sidelines and I say "well that was different." Albetros says that I need to stay in this room for my own safety like I'm going to believe that and Angelica also says he's lying but we decide to pretend we believe him and then leave later he probably just wants to hold me hostage. I nod fake understandingly to what he's saying then I hear a voice that I thought I would never hear at a place like this the voice says "alpha there may be a small problem with keeping her locked up in a room." The voice is my fathers I look up and i say "dad?" Questioningly. Albetros looks shocked he said "wait he's your dad I thought you were an angel but if he's your father then it makes sense that you have a wolf." I say "yeah he's my dad but why is he here?" Albetros tells me that my dad was the old beta of the pack before he and his beta and third in command took over


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