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Hey guys sorry for taking so long to update but I have been busy and I probably won't be updating much if at all during the summer because I got a six week summer camp from cadets! I'm proud to announce I will be going to Sports an fitness instructer!!!!!! I probably won't be updating as often as I usually do for now so sorry in advance. 

Angelin POV: I ran out the door after laaughing slightly at the shocked expression on Albetros' face well maybe he shouldn't have been talking to his wolf while he was carrying me. I get to the edge of the woods when that same pain in my neck comes again and I crash to the ground instently screaming out in pain Albetros is soon by my side saying something I can't make out because of my screaming and well the pain has made it nearly impossible to hear anything. I feel slight relief in my neck wait a he licking me? = Yes it does seem that way doesn't it?= Angelica responds a few seconds later darkness surounds me.

    awhile later I guess I wake up and I'm inside a room how did I get here and wait is that Albetros' scent ohmygosh it Is! How did I even get here and why am I in Albetros' room I yelp surprise as I try to open the door and I find it locked I honestly don't know why that surprised me. just then I realized I could hear footsteps  coming closer slowly growing louder and louder until they sound like they're really close. Then a minute later the door opens and there stand Albetros, Josh, and Brett they seem soo calm yet they are standing stiffly like they are prepared for me to attack them or something. Albetros slowly comes towards me and asks me how i was feeling. I told him I was feeling fine his eyes go foggy for a few minutes then they become normal again and Brett and Josh leave calmly and close the door.

   Albetros then asks me to take a seat and I do as he asks and he sits beside me and he says/asks "I don't know why you keep trying to run away from me but I need you to stop it's not good for me and it's even worse for the pack could you just give us the pack and I  a chance?"

   "Why should I give you a chance? YOU threw my brother in the dog house prison thing because he was trying to PROTECT ME!" I exclaim in response.

   " I know that wasn't a good idea but you have to understand he battacked me the ALPHA so of course the pack is going to throw him in our prison cells if it helps the matter any I made sure he got the best prison cell and the best food available." he responds.

   "Well newsflash that doesn't help the matter any because it still doesn't change the fact that he is in one of those doghouse cell things which by the way is the cruelest joke ever!" I point oyut to him.

   "I know and I'm willing to let him go sand I will offer him a place in this pack as long as your willing to give us a chance you don't even have to start out as the Luna if you don't bwant to you can start out as a normal member of the pack until you adjust to pack life. Just give us a chance!" He practicly begs.

   " I guess I can give you guys a chance no need to beg." I tease him lightly.

    "Thank you!" he says greatfully. his eyes then fog up  and become normal again a few moments later a moment after that Brett, and Josh enter the room 

   "Yes Alpha." they say in unison

     " I would like you to bring Devlon  to me." Albetros tells them. Brett and Josh then leave to get Devlon. Albetros then leans back  on the bed and relaxes not having much else to do I look around the room and see Albetros' cell phone sitting on his dresser I go and pick it up and turn it on and of course it's locked so I play around doing random patterns on the screen because I'm bored and of course none of them work. So I ask him what his cellphone pasword was and he said up three on the left side right one I put that design in and it lets me in his phone. I then go to his contacts and start texting a random contact that's name was Stace I'm guessing shortform for Stacey.

Me: Hi

Stace: Hey bro what's up

So Albetros has a sister I did not know that I'll have to ask him about her and the rest of his famillly later.

Me: Nm just the sky and the roof U?

Stace:Same except I'm outside so no roof :P 

Me: How are you?

Stace: Y are you asking?

Me: No reason can't I just ask my sis  how she's doing?

Stace: No because my Bro would never ask me that so who are you?

 Me: I'm Angelin.

Stace: Well does Albetros know your on his phone?

Me: I asked him for the password code thing and he just gave it to me so he knows or at east I think he knows.

Stace:...Ok that's kinda weird because Albetros never let's anyone touch his cell it's his PRECIOUS!

Me: LOL maybe he didn't realize then...

Stace: lol maybe you should sneak away with it.

Me: Ohmygosh I totally should! later though. 

Me: Brett and josh just entered with my brother bye!

Stace: L8er

I stick Albetros' cell in my pocket then rush up to my brother and glomp (tackle hug) him he is surprise by this and stumbles back a few steps. Albetros gets up and tells Brett and Josh they may go

   "hey seeing as your sis is my mate and there is plenty of space in this pack I was wondering if you'd like to join?" Albetros asks Devlon No one is paying attention to me so I slip out and wander around. aimlessly as I still don't really know my way around the pack house yet. 

   Somehow I find my way into the room that appears to be where all the teens hangout as this room appears to be filled with teens I take out albetros' phone and text stace.


Stace You actually managed to leave with his cellphone?!?

Me: Yupperdoodliez and I ended up in a room filled with the packs teens.

Stace: Oh you must be in the teen hangout and I think  see you.

 I look up to see a girl aroun d my age waving at me.

Me: Are you waving at me?

Stace: You are the girl standing in the doorway right?

Me: Maybe is this girl blonde with really pale skin?

Stace: Yup

Me: then yes that's me

Stace: then yes I'm waving at you come join me!

Me: Ok


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