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Angelin's POV: I go over and sit beside Stace she has black hair with a blue streaks throughout her hair her eyes are a nice soft aqua green. we start talking about Albetros a few minutes later Albetros walks in

"Speak of the devil and the devil shall appear" Stace says

"what?" I ask very confused

"Albetros is right behind you and he doesn't seem too happy" Stace tells me. I slowly cautiosly turn around and look at him and boy does he look furious I then quickly look away. He looks down at me then growls lowly

"Look at me." I look at him with extreme caution I look into his eyes but quickly realize they no longer look the same.

"A-Albetros" I stutter in my slight confusion."Not Albetros darling it's Alexander" he says gently but you can tell he is still ticked and he was trying extremely hard to keep control "Albetros is really furious with how you just left the room." he is still speaking gently but then "Come with me NOW!" he growls at me I look up and notice his eyes are black instead of the colour of his wolfs I get up and whimper slightly because Albetros was scaring me. Albetros leads me back to his room he then says "We will talk later." with that he leaves and I hear the doors lock click before he leaves. To be honest right now I am terrified because I have heard many stories about cruel evil mates, Mates that do worse than reject you. I heard of mates abusing their mate and raping them. I only hope that Albetros isn't like those mates. I could only hope that he was a good mate and alpha. Albetros phone vibrates so I decide might as well check it so I did and it had a message from Stace I read the message and she was wondering if I still had Albetros cellphone I respond letting her know that I still had the cellphone. I honestly don't know what to do or why he's so mad at me. was it bad that I left his room earlier. it's not like he was talking to me or that he needed me there to invite my brother into the pack. I glance around the room for a place to escape or hide I spot a window a pair of flip flops and what looks like a tunnel or cave hidden behind the dresser I wouldn't have noticed if I weren't looking from the angle I was I go check out behind the dresser and it's a tunnel quickly I come up with a plan which hopefully will work I run to the window open it as wide as I can I can hear an alarm going off which means I'll have to do this quickly I throw the flip flops out the window run to the dresser pull it out just far enough for me to squeeze through which I do then I pull it back into position just as the door is kicked down by a furious Albetros doesn't he know how to unlock his own door? I start going down the tunnel as quickly and as quietly as I can manage. I feel his phone vibrate I check it and it says that I have a message from Stace


I respond telling her that he isn't going ballistic or crazy because if he was I would be able to hear him. just then I hear Albetros scream and then there's a few yips of surprise followed by a loud crash

Stace messages me

Stace: areyousurehe'snotgoingballisticbecausehejustthrewhisdresserathisbestfriend.


Yes I messaged her back saying shit was it the best most brightest Idea I've ever had no it wasn't. I hear sniffing and then the sound of paws running on cement which is what the ground of the tunnel is made of well this is just peachy. I start running not caring how much noise I make because Albetros obviously knows I'm here. The sound of paws is getting closer and closer. then Albetros wolf somehow got in front of me and is now blocking the tunnel in front of me I spin on my heal so that I'm facing the other direction and I'm met with more wolves. "Oh shit" I curse under my breath. I hear a slight movement behind me and I turn around to see Albetros wolf form trying to get closer to me as he advances I back away until I bump into a moist wolf nose and then Albetros stops moving and nods at the wall of wolves behind me and I feel myself being pushed towards him. That's when I start freaking out. I shift into my wolf and use my wings to make the pack back away I try to get through them but they won't let me then I feel Albetros grab me in his strong jaws I know he is being careful for I feel no pain but I am a little startled so I start flailing around then I blackout. Everything around me is pitch black I can't feel anything and I can't move but I can hear I hear the pounding of hundreds of paws on pavement. I then hear someone shifting and rushing to put on clothes I hear them cuss and I realize it's Albetros then I hear him talking to a man that I am unfamiliar with. I wake up all confused I must have shifted at somepoint while I was out because I was back in my human form. I roll over not realizing how close to the edge of the bed I was and I fell off the bed with a loud thump and a cry of pain beause I wasn't expecting it and I had hit my head.

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