CHAPTER SEVEN, well deserved celebration

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After she could leave, Kinsley celebrated with her family and they went to her favorite restaurant in town. Now she was back at the apartment, spending some time with her two animals. She was lounging on the couch, absentmindedly petting her cat who was curled up on her stomach and her dog was laying beside the couch, her head on her lap. Kinsley was smiling softly, her fingers gently combing through the soft fur on his head. Her heart was still racing from her performance and the events that followed, but she felt happy and content. She looked over at the door when suddenly Niall walked in, earning a confused look from her. But then she saw the spare key in his hand and chuckled as he closed and locked the door. 

"Sure, Ni, come on in. Make yourself at home." She said teasingly, shaking her head at the Irish boy. Her face lit up when she saw what he held. "You did not." She gasped, excitement bubbling up within her. Niall always seemed to know how to brighten her day, whether it was through his company or with unexpected treats.

Niall grins as he approached Kinsley, setting the Sonic goodies down on the coffee table before plopping down on the couch by her. "Hey, thought you might be in need of a victory snack after today."

"I love you." Kinsley immediately reaches to grab her drink and open it, taking a long sip and sighing contently. She loved Sonic. She didn't have it often, but when she did, she felt so happy. And right now, she couldn't ask for anything better. Having Sonic with her best friend, it was perfect. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Anything for my favorite girl." He told her with a warm smile that made her heart skip a beat.

Kinsley's cheeks flushes slightly at the compliment. "Don't let Roxy hear you say that. She'll get jealous."

Niall glances over at her and chuckles. "I already brought her some treats." He replied, gesturing to the bag on the table. He reached in and took out a bag of small bone-shaped biscuits and gave it to the dog. Roxy eagerly sat up from her spot by the couch and quickly grabbed the treat from him. She then moved to her dog bed and laid down while happily munching on her biscuit.

A meow suddenly drew their attention and they both looked down to see the cat glaring up at them. "I didn't forget you, Milo." Niall said with amusement, reaching into the bag and pulling out a fish-shaped toy. He then tossed it towards the cat and Milo perked up and eagerly chased after the toy.

"You spoil them." Kinsley comments with a shake of her head, laughing as the cat happily pawed and attacked the toy. "But it's sweet of you."

"They deserve it." He shrugs and looks back at her with a soft smile. "You deserve to be spoiled too. Which is why I got you Sonic. Also because I wanted to celebrate with you. I knew you were busy with your family earlier and I didn't wanna intrude."

Kinsley rolls her eyes, her heart warming at his words. "You're never intruding, Niall. You're practically an honorary family member, you know they all love you. Even my brother. Granted he does give you a hard time but that's just cause he's protective. But they really do love you. And so do I."

"Aww, love, you're gonna make me cry." He teased, grinning at her.

She laughs and smacks his arm playfully. "Shut up, you jerk." She added with a giggle, shaking her head.

"So, how're you feeling? About the show and everything?" He asked as they began eating the food he brought.

"Amazing. Relieved. Shocked. And so many other things." She admits, smiling softly. "It was intense and nerve wracking, and I felt like I was gonna pass out. I'm surprised I didn't. Especially after you used your Playoff Pass on me. But I'm glad you did. Even though I did tell you not to be biased and pick me."

Niall chuckles and shakes his head. "Yeah, but I couldn't let you go home. You're too amazing. You belong here. You deserve to stay. I knew that, and I wasn't about to let you leave. Or let some other coach steal you. Besides, we're best friends. Why wouldn't I want to work with you?"

Kinsley blushes at the praise and ducks her head, her cheeks burning. She couldn't fight the butterflies that fluttered in her stomach. She really needed to get her feelings under control. "Thank you, Ni. For saying that and for believing in me."

"No problem. I'm always going to support you. And believe in you. 'Cause I know how talented you are. And how great you are." He replies sincerely, smiling fondly at her. He sets his cup down after he had took a sip and reaches his hand over to use his thumb and forefinger to gently tilt her head back up so she was looking at him. "Don't be embarrassed, love. There's nothing wrong with being proud of your accomplishments."

She smiles shyly and nods, trying to ignore the warmth radiating from where his hand was still resting under her chin. She didn't dare move though. She was enjoying the contact. "There's my girl." He whispered, smiling fondly at her.

Her blush darkens and her breath catches in her throat. She couldn't tear her gaze away from him, her eyes searching his face. His blue eyes were twinkling and he was smiling softly at her, his hand warm on her skin. Her heart was racing and her palms were sweaty. She could barely even think. All she could focus on was Niall and the way he was looking at her.

Niall couldn't stop staring at her. She was beautiful. He felt his heart racing and his breath hitch when he felt her lean her head more into his touch, his fingers gently caressing her cheek. She was so beautiful. "You're staring." Kinsley said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"So are you." He pointed out, his lips twitching up into a smirk.

"You're very hard not to stare at." She blurted out, her cheeks turning crimson as she realized what she just admitted.

Niall's smirk widens as he ignores the way his face was warming up and the butterflies swarming in his stomach. "You think I'm hot?"

Kinsley rolls her eyes. "I didn't say that, but please, you know you're hot." She tried to hide her embarrassment and reluctantly pulled away from him, sitting up properly and grabbing her food again. She felt the sudden urge to escape the situation and she knew if she stayed close to him, she wouldn't be able to.

"Aww, you think I'm hot." He teased, poking her side playfully. Kinsley swatted his hand away with a laugh, grateful for his playful demeanor that helped diffuse her embarrassment.

"Shut up. Don't let it get to your head, Nialler." She replied, trying to sound nonchalant as she focused on her food. The light-hearted banter eased the tension that had briefly lingered between them. 

"If it means anything, I think you're absolutely stunning." Niall interjected, his tone warm and sincere as he finished Kinsley's sentence. She glanced up, meeting his gaze with a mixture of surprise and affection. Her cheeks flushed again, but this time with a shy smile spreading across her face. She knew Niall was genuine in his compliment, and it made her heart swell.

"Thanks." She murmured, her smile shy yet appreciative.

The rest of their time together was spent talking and joking around, just enjoying each other's company. When they were done with their food, they were lounging on the couch and watching a movie. Kinsley was curled up against his side, her head resting on his shoulder. Niall had his arm wrapped around her, his hand absentmindedly rubbing her shoulder.

"Thank you for tonight." Kinsley said suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence. "I needed this— just hanging out with you, the pets, and not thinking about the competition or anything else."

Niall tightens his embrace slightly, his voice soft as he smiles fondly at her. "Anytime, Kiki. You know I'm here for you, through the highs and the lows. Tonight was about celebrating you and your incredible talent." 

She returns the smile, her cheeks turning red. "It means a lot to me that even with your busy schedule, you still made time for me. So thank you."

He smiles softly and pulls her closer, hugging her tightly. "I'll always make time for you. You're my best friend." He murmured into her hair, his hand gently rubbing her back.

Kinsley closes her eyes, allowing herself to enjoy the moment. His body was warm against hers, and his arms were strong and comforting. His cologne was intoxicating, and his breath was hot against her neck. She felt safe and content. She never wanted to leave. "You're my best friend too." She whispers, her voice muffled against his shirt. "And I'll always make time for you too."

"Good. 'Cause I need my best girl in my life." He chuckled.

She smiles, her cheeks warming up. "And I need my best guy." She ignored the butterflies fluttering in her stomach as she spoke the words. It was the truth. She couldn't imagine her life without him. She didn't want to.

They continued cuddling, watching the movie and occasionally exchanging playful banter. Kinsley loved moments like this. They were her favorite. Just her and Niall, spending time together. She felt like she could truly be herself around him. She didn't have to pretend or worry about saying the wrong thing. She could just be herself. And that's all she wanted. To be herself. And the same with him.

She had no idea how long they had been cuddling, but eventually, they both started to feel sleepy. "I should probably go." Niall muttered after checking the clock on the wall. He and Kinsley were still curled up on the couch, but now Niall was lying down with his head resting on her lap, and Kinsley's hand was in his hair.

"No. Don't leave." She frowned, not wanting him to go. 

"Love, I gotta. I have work tomorrow." He sighed and reluctantly sat up, already missing her touch.

"Stay with me tonight. Please?"

Niall freezes, his heart skipping a beat at Kinsley's request. Her voice, soft and pleading, along with her earnest gaze, tugs at his emotions. Her big brown eyes are filled with a mixture of longing and vulnerability, and Niall finds himself unable to resist. Especially when she looked at him with her puppy doge eyes and her adorable pout. He melts a little inside, smiling fondly at her. "Alright, alright. How can I say no to that face?" He chuckles softly, his heart warming at her request. "I'll stay."

Her face brightens while she smiles triumphantly and stands up. "Thank you, Ni. Okay, I'm gonna go let Roxy out for the night, but I'll be right back." She walked over to grab the leash off the hook on the wall by the front door. She then walked over to the dog that was curled up on her dog bed. Roxy perked up when she saw her, eagerly wagging her tail.

Kinsley attaches the leash to the dog's collar and smiles softly at the pup. "Wanna go outside, baby?" She asked her. Roxy gave a soft bark in response, standing up and licking her face. Kinsley chuckled and stood up, walking over to grab her keys before she left. Milo was still sleeping on his cat tree, not bothered by anything.

When Kinsley left, Niall cleaned up the trash from their food and got himself ready for bed. He found some pj's he left here before and changed into them. He had spent the night at her place a few times, and he always left clothes here. He had an extra toothbrush too. It was easier that way, and he liked having his things here. It felt like home. It was the same at his place. She had some clothes and an extra brush at his apartment too.

He had walked out of the bathroom and into the hallway when Kinsley came back. "We're back!" She announced, unhooking the leash and putting it back on the hook. She locked the front door and tossed the keys onto a bowl on the counter. Roxy immediately ran over to Niall after Kinsley had taken off her harness and jumped up, placing her paws on his chest. He had crouched down to greet her, petting her and scratching her behind the ears. 

"Were you good for mama?" He asked the dog, laughing as Roxy happily licked his face.

Kinsley shakes her head fondly at the sight and heads into the bedroom. She quickly changes into her pajamas and brushes her teeth, doing her nighttime routine. She was washing her makeup off when she suddenly felt two strong arms wrap around her waist and a chin rest on her shoulder. "Hey."

"Hi." She smiled at him through the mirror, doing her best to ignore the way her heart fluttered and the way she wouldn't stop blushing. Did this man know the effect he had on her? She couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth and comfort at his presence, even as she tried to focus on her nightly routine.

"You're taking forever. C'mon." He whined, squeezing her sides gently.

"Shut up, I'm almost done." She rolls her eyes, finishing up. She reached over to the sink to dry her face and put her stuff away. When she turned around, she found herself pressed against the counter with Niall still hugging her. She raises her eyebrow at him, her lips twitching up. "Comfy?"

"Very." He replied, leaning his forehead against her neck. He closed his eyes, savoring her warmth. He loved being close to her. He couldn't explain it, but he always felt at peace when he was with her. Like he could finally breathe. He could let his guard down and just be himself. No worries. No stress. No pressure. Just him and her. And it was perfect.

Kinsley wraps her arms around his neck, smiling softly as she leaned into his embrace. She rested her cheek against the top of his head, inhaling his familiar scent. It was comforting, like coming home after a long day. "You're such a sap, Nialler." She teased gently, her fingers tracing circles on his back. 

Niall chuckles, his breath warm against her neck. "Only for you, love."

Kinsley smiles, feeling a sense of warmth spread through her chest. She loved moments like these, where it was just her and Niall, sharing a quiet, intimate moment together. She felt like she could be herself around him, and she cherished that feeling more than anything.

After a moment, Niall reluctantly pulls away, but he keeps his hands on her waist, his eyes meeting hers. "We should probably get to bed." He said softly.

"Yeah, probably." She agreed and reluctantly let him go. She followed him out of the bathroom and turned off the light before heading into the bedroom.

Niall had climbed into bed and was waiting for her, watching her with a fond smile. He held the blanket up and opens his arms. "C'mere."

Kinsley bit her lip, fighting the urge to grin as her heart skips a beat. He was so cute. "Alright, alright, hold on." She turned off the light in her room, the only light now from the moonlight peeking through her curtains. She heard Roxy pad into the room, she knew Milo was still passed out in his cat tree. She left the door open in case Roxy or Milo wanted to come in later.

Kinsley walked over to the bed and slid in next to him, sighing softly as his arms wrapped around her. Her head was resting on his chest, her hand on his stomach. Then the bed dipped when Roxy jumped up, settling herself near their feet.

"Good night, love." He whispered, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head.

"Night, Ni." She mumbled, closing her eyes and snuggling closer to him. The last thing she heard was his soft chuckle and felt his arms tighten around her, and the sound of his heartbeat lulled her to sleep.

A/N ugh i love writing niall & kinsley, they're so cute you guys

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