A Half Confession

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"Hi!" Jimin says brightly the next morning, his lips stretched into a wide smile as he walks in. I turn to him, about to smile back when I nearly jump to my feet.

Gripping his wrist, I rush to tug him back out of the room. I hope that nobody else had seen it— seen his left eye.

The sparkling, pretty teal from before had faded down to a gray.

"White?" He says in surprise when I drag him out of the room. When I look up to see his expression, my heart feels like it's going to break.

He looks so afraid. I can literally hear his thoughts that he's thinking right now— does she know about what I did? Does she suspect?

"Jimin." I whisper, gripping his wrist tighter. "You know you can trust me, right? That I won't hate you or anything— yeah? Come on, we've known each other for so long now."

But my lips purse together when he just nods softly, eyes wide. I'd kind of hoped he'd tell me— but I also knew how hard that could just be sometimes.

"Jimin, I know what you did for Jungkook."

The moment I say that, it's like his world crashes down. When he stumbles away from me, I shake my head firmly and pulling him back.

"W-What? How do you know—"

"That doesn't matter, Jimin. It's just that I wanted to tell you that your left eye— it's gray. That's your blinded one, isn't it?"

A part of me hadn't wanted to believe Morning when she'd told me about this. But now watching an expression of terror cross over his delicate features, I know it's completely true.

"W-Who knows?" He stutters, and I pull him to my chest, hugging him tightly. He's shaking, and my lips curve down in sadness.

"Jimin, don't be afraid. It's only Morning and me— but I think you should tell the others." I say, holding his shoulders. "They won't be angry at you. You know we all love you."

"I just—" He chews on his lip, and I stare at the ground already knowing that he wouldn't. "I just can't let Jungkook know. I want him to be happy. Not worrying over me."

"You can't hide it forever." I say, stepping away. "But I won't force you to do anything, Jimin. What about your eye? It's not teal anymore."

He looks lost at my question. His irises are glistening with frustrated tears, and I squeeze his hand encouragingly.

"I know you can do it. Don't be afraid. Jungkook will understand."

But I completely didn't expect what he'd do after. After I'd told him that his eye had changed color, he'd locked himself in his room— letting nobody in, nobody out.

For the next three days.



"Hyung! Open up!" I say, knocking furiously on his closed door. No reply comes from the other side, and I push back the hurt bubbling in my chest.

"Why are you being like this? Everyone's worried about you!"

I'd really wanted to let him come out on his own. But this couldn't go on— not anymore. It'd already been three days, and I was worried sick. He hadn't even showed up to eat.

I'd have to go in there, even if he didn't want me to.

I'd spent the last three days knocking on his door, and now it takes me just three seconds to teleport inside of his room.

"Jimin hyung."

The figure curled up on the bed flinches violently when I call him, wrapping the covers tighter over his head. And I'm hurt and confused, wondering what could've possibly made him act like this.

"Please go away." He mumbles, and my lips tighten.

"No." I whisper, approaching the bed. "Hyung. Tell me what's bothering you. You haven't come out of your room in three days."

"Nothing's bothering me."

"Don't lie." I say softly, gripping the edge of the covers with my fingers. When I try to pull it away at first, I feel hands struggling to pull it back.

But he's weak— both from fatigue and hunger. A pained whimper escapes his lips when I pull the covers away completely, and he buries his face in his hands, pressing back into the corner of the bed.

"It's okay. You can tell me, I promise." I say soothingly, when I was breaking inside seeing him this way. Why was he doing this to me? Avoiding me like this.

"I can't."

"Yes, you can." When I softly tug his hands from his face, I have to swallow back a sharp gasp. His eyes.

One is black. One is a dull teal.

And they're both looking up at me, full of fear and shame.

"Hyung! What's this?" I exclaim, touching the side of his face. "Why's your eye black? I thought—"

But then I freeze, realizing that I'm wrong. Only the teal one is focused on me, flickering with worry and terror. And the other one— the black one— isn't moving at all.

It's like....

"You're half blind." I whisper, my voice filling with horror. Then my eyes widen when he starts to cry, quiet tears spilling down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry."

"No! Why are you sorry?" I shout, panicking a bit. "What happened? Is this why you locked yourself in your room? Hyung— you know none of us would be—"

"I'm not just a half-blind." He whispers, his gaze fixed on the ground. There's shadows deep under his eyes, like he hadn't been able to sleep. "I'm a half-deaf, too. And I'm a Powerless."

I lose all words.

So now I realize what happened with the boar a few days ago. Usually he would've been able to hear it coming long before it had got to him like that. And this explained why he hadn't used his Blessing.

"It's okay." I say softly, pulling him to my chest. "I can't believe you didn't come to me. Did you really think I'd hate you or something because of something like this?"

But then he starts crying harder.



Jungkook finally gets Jimin to come out. He looks pale— skin almost white as he walks out behind Jungkook. Even his rosy cheeks have completely lost its color, and he looks like he's lost weight.

And I can't help the sharp breath that escapes my lips when my gaze shifts up to his face.

His gray eye has turned black.

"I knew it." V whispers, but wraps his arms around his older brother, crushing him in his arms. He doesn't say anything, and I can see Jimin's bottom lip tremble as he swallows.

But when I see Jungkook, his gaze only full of worry and concern towards him— I quietly purse my lips.

He hadn't told him yet.

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