Liquor and Cherries

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The Happy Fortress
1:00 A.M.

Demo woke like he did everyday. At the bar, and immediately started drinking again. He noticed that Husk was already awake. Surprisingly. Normally they wake up at the same time.

"Mornin', Demo." Husk said.

"Mornin'." Demo replied.

Demo and Husk did what they've been doing since the mercs' arrival in Hell. Drinking and talking.

After a few minutes, Heavy entered the lobby, then Spy, then Sniper, then Pyro. Eventually, the RED and BLU teams are all in the lobby. Then the demons come in. Blitzo, Moxxie and Milly, Vaggie, Luna, Angel Dust, then Nifty. As usual, Charlie was the last to wake up.

Demo noticed that Charlie was a little surprised to see all of the mercs in the lobby this time. However he shrugged it off.

Husk and Demo finished off their beers, and were about to get more bottles, until they noticed something.

"Uh, we're out of liquor." Husk said.

"Uh... Ok." Replied Charlie.

While she did want to resupply, she also remembered what the purpose of the Hotel, and was therefore conflicted. Normally, this is where Vaggie would tell her to leave the bar alone. Normally. But, with the way things are going, Vaggie knew that somebody would go ahead and restock anyway. So she kept quiet.

"We passed a liquor store when we went on that errand with Medic." Said Engineer.

"I'll, uh... I'll go and I'llll ge' the beer *HIC* and come back with beeer and drink with ya laads because IIIII *HIC* III love ya-*BUUUUURRRRP*" Demo slurred.

"I'll go with him. Somebody's gotta make sure he doesn't blow anything up." Fender said.

"I really don't have anything better to do." Scout added.

"Why not." Engineer said.

"I will go with you." Said Soldier.

Vaggie and Charlie didn't know how they felt about that, given the way he handled the 'Burning Scout' situation. However, before they could say anything, the mercs did something that surprised them... which was kind of par for the course at this point.

"NO!!!" The mercs shouted (except for Soldier, Demo, and Pyro).

"I have changed my mind. I will not go with you." Soldier stated.

Then he walked off to do his own thing.

"What the fuck was that?" Asked Luna.

"Unless you want a body count in the triple digits, you never, ever, let Soldier and Demo travel together." Fender explained.

And with that, the four went out to restock the fortre- I mean, hotel's liquor supply.

Streets of Hell
3:02 A.M.

The four mercs wander the streets of Hell in search for another liquor store, since the one that they initially went to was out of stock. They had been searching for about an hour and a half. They stick to the alleys in order to be seen as little as possible. Though not a lot of demons would have cared, they couldn't risk coming across a reporter demon, as that would trace back to the Hotel and... well, it was already explained why that would be bad.

Unfortunately, it was this plan that led to the four mercs taking a wrong turn.

As they turned into an alley, they were suddenly surrounded by four demons.

"Well, well, boys. Look what we got here." Says one.

"Some fresh meat. This should be fun." Said another.

The mercs looked at the thugs, already thinking of ways to kick their asses. They wouldn't tell Charlie, obviously.

"Who the hell are you?" Asked Fender.

The demon thugs started to laugh.

"Who are we? Who are we?! Hehe, we're Cherri Bomb's men. And you just stepped into her turf." Said the third thug.

"Alright, now here's what's gonna happen. You're gonna give us your stuff, and maybe we'll let you go without a fuss. If you don't, though, we're gonna make it reeeaaal uncomfortable for you." The fourth said with a sadistic smile.

"So, what's it gonna be?" Asked the first.

"Option Three: You try to mug us, and we kick your asses." Scout replied.

The four muggers laughed at the response, thinking that this was going to be easy.

"More fun for us, then." The second chuckled.

"Yeah, come get some ya' freakin' wuss." Scout replies.

The first mugger then pulls out a switchblade. He swings it at Scout.

But to his surprise, Scout dodges the attack. Not only that, but Scout also pulled a baseball bat out of nowhere. Scout swung the bat into the mugger's gut, yelling out 'Boink' as he did. This caused the mugger to clutch his stomach, exposing his head. Scout then swung the bat up into the mugger's skull, yelling out 'Bonk', knocking the demon unconscious.

The second mugger snapped out of his shocked state, then pulled out his knife. He jabbed at Engineer, but the Texan caught his wrist and held it. Then Engi pulled out his wrench and bashed the mugger on the head once, knocking the demon out.

The third guy swung his knife at Demo, who dodged. Then Demo pulled out an empty beer bottle, then smashed it against the demon's head.

The fourth one took out his knife, then jabbed at Fender. Unlike the others, this guy actually managed to stab his target. It wasn't until after he stabbed Fender, however, that he realized that knives don't really do anything to robots. Fender then grabbed the last thug and slammed that bitch into the wall.

"Ooh, yeah, real scary." Scout taunted.

Just then, the mercs heard more laughing. They turned around and saw more demons come in and block off the exits.

"Well, well. What do we have here, boys?" Asked a feminine voice.

The mercs turned around and saw a demon woman who was very clearly the leader.

"Couple o' bitches who think they can come in to your turf and knock some of your boys." A demon replied with a grin.

"Well, now that's something that we can't just let slide, is it?" The woman asked her men.

The gang of demon's laughed in response, excited for what they thought was going to happen next... emphasis on thought.

"I'd say that these fuckshits need to be taught a lesson!" She exclaimed.

The mercs deduced that this must be the Cherri Bomb woman that the muggers were talking about.

"Oh yeah. 'These guys took out four guys who tried to mug them? Better kill them with waves of people that I don't give a shit about.'. 'Cause that's real original." Fender taunted.

"You heard the robot, boys! Have some fun." Cherri said with a sadistic grin.

"Come on, try and get me! You'll never hit me! You'll never hit my tiny head!" Scout taunted.

"I'm gonna beat you like rented mules." Engineer threatened.

"Come at me!" Demo taunted.

All the demons then came towards the mercs to start their fun.

But just then, a bomb dropped to the ground. Actually, three bombs.

To Cherri's surprise, they weren't hers.

The bombs exploded, killing a few demons, and knocking the rest back, including Cherri.

When she got back up, she saw that the mercs were now armed with guns.


"So, Demo. What the hell makes you a good Demoman?" Cherri asked.

"What makes me a good Demoman? If I were a bad Demoman, I wouldn't be sittin' here discussin' it with ya, now would I?!" Demo shouted.

*End Flashforward*

"LEEETS DOOO IIIT!" Demo bellowed.

The mercs began to run, and the demon gang chased them.

Fender and Engineer shot 4 demons before getting shot to death. Cherri then threw explosives at the remaining mercs, Demo and Scout. The two were able to outrun the explosives.

"Not one of you is gonna survive this!" Demo exclaimed.


"One crossed wire, one wayward pinch of potassium chlorate, one errant twitch... AND KA-BLOOIE!!!" Demo exclaimed, explaining the dangers of making his grenades to Cherri.

*End Flashforward*

Demo and Scout continue running from the gang of demons. Demo fires a grenade at a wall. The grenade bounces off the wall and explodes in the face of a pursuing demon.

The two mercenaries then ran into another alleyway. At the end, two more demon gangsters popped out and started shooting at the two. They killed Scout, but missed Demo.

A fatal mistake as it turns out.

As Demo charged forward, he shot two grenades at the gangsters, killing them.


Demo slams an empty beer bottle on the table in front of him.

Then he just has a moment of honesty with Cherri and Husk, who was also there.

"I've got a manky eye. I'm a Black, Scottish, cyclops. They got more feckin' sea monsters in the great Loch at Ness than they got the likes of me." Demo said, tears welling up.

Husk and Cherri were about to say something to cheer him up, but then he suddenly blinked back his tears and returned to his glorious, Scottish, prideful self.

"So! T'all ya fine dandies, so proud, so cocksure, prancin' about with yer heads full o' eyeballs... come and get me, I say! I'll be waitin' on ya with a whiff o' the ol' brimstone! I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demo shouted.

*End Flashforward*

Demo kept running. Eventually, he stopped running and looked around at his surroundings. He looked behind him and noticed that he ran through a doorway. It looked like a good sticky trap spot.

He planted his sticky bombs and stood there, waiting for the gangsters to come to him. They eventually did. They found it odd that he was just standing there, but chose to ignore it.

A mistake that they paid for.

They saw the sticky bombs, but by then it was too late. Demo detonated the stickies, then the demon gangsters were turned into a nasty pile of yuck.

"AAAHAHAHA!!!Oh, they're gonna have to glue you back together." Demo cackled.

Just then, he heard the whistle of a flying object. Demo turned around and caught a lit bomb. Demo put out the fuse with his fingers, pulled it out, then dropped the bomb.

Cherri, who was the thrower, was impressed by Demo's apparent skill.

"Well, I guess we'll have to settle this the old fashioned way!" Cherri exclaimed with a grin, cracking her knuckles.

"Haha! Couldn't agree more, lassie!" Demo replied.

Then he did something that surprised Cherri.

Demo then proceeded to pull a Scottish claymore out of nowhere.

Demo then charged at Cherri with terrifying speed. Cherri managed to pick up a piece of metal and block Demo's attack, however, she was sent flying backwards, then landed on her back.

She got up, then jumped at Demo, attempting to tackle him. She managed to get on top of him, but he managed to push her off with his feet.

They both got back up. Cherri readied another bomb behind her back.

When Demo chuckled however, she looked down at her feet and saw three more blue grenades.

When they exploded, they sent her flying miles up into the air. Then she came crashing back down to the ground.

She wanted to get back up, and she even tried. But she just couldn't do it.

Demo noticed and was actually impressed.

"Hahaha! Ya' got guts, lass. I respect that." Demo said.

"There is no way in Hell that I'm losing my turf to some random guy!" Cherri exclaimed.

"I'm not here for yer land, lass." Demo said.

Cherri then looked at the other cyclops.

"Wait, what?" She asked.

"I'm not interested in havin' land." Demo explained.

"Wait, then why are you here?" Cherri asked.

"I just came to grab some liquor. That's all I wanted ta do. But no, I had to be threatened by a group o' muggers and now this." Demo complained.

Cherri looked around at the carnage. Bloody bits of other demons everywhere. Rubble from explosions caused by both her and Demo. They had both caused mass mayhem.

All because Demo just wanted some whiskey?

"You did this... for liquor?" Cherri asked.

"Aye. And I'll be damned if I let a bunch o' pansies stop me." Demo said.

Cherri... just kind of chuckled. Despite the fact that this guy just waltzed into her turf, killed and maimed some of her guys, and nearly killed her... she was starting to like this guy.

The Happy Fortress
4:15 A.M.

The rest of the mercs were in the Hotel lobby with Charlie and Vaggie, hoping that Demo wasn't getting into more trouble.

About an hour ago, Engi, Scout, and Fender had suddenly respawned in the lobby. When asked about what happened, they told everyone about how they were suddenly ambushed by demon thugs. They also mentioned how they may have killed a few of them in self defense.

Charlie wasn't happy about the news, nor was Nate, but they both let it slide since it was self defense and since Demo is a drunk.

Now, back to the present, the door to the lobby suddenly swung open, revealing Demo with a beer bottle, who was cheering like he just scored... I'll let your imagination take that information as it pleases.

"Demo, are you okay?!" Charlie exclaimed.

"Hahahahaaa! IIIII gotta telllll ya that *HIC* I love this wwwwomaaan. But not *HIC* looove love, buuut she's a goo- frie-*BBBUUURRRPPP*" Demo slurred.

"Demo, what are you talking about? What woman?" Nate asked.

Suddenly, Cherri Bomb stumbled into the doorway, also holding a beer bottle.

"Cherri?" Asked Angel.

"Hahaha! Waaaiiit for *HIC* meeeee, Demo." She slurred.

'Qué diablos está pasando?' Nate thought to himself.

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