Meet the Mercs

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I'm gonna be honest, I suck at writing introductions

Somewhere on the Streets of Hell
A few moments earlier

"I can't believe that stiletto heeled slut!!!" Shouted Vaggie.

"She's been giving Charlie a hard time for over a year, and only now you can't believe her?" Asked Angel Dust, who was buying drugs from a drug dispenser.

"Not. The time..." Vaggie growled through clenched teeth.

"Besides, even if we did do something about it, it would only make this harder for her." Angel reasoned.

Vaggie was about to argue, but then she realized that he was right. Anything that they could do right now would only make matters worse.

"You're probably right. It's just that... she just has so many responsibilities, and sometimes it gets to her. This project means so much to her, and it keeps her from shutting down." Vaggie said, unaware that Angel Dust wasn't paying attention.

As they stood there, Angel Dust looked above him and saw something interesting.

"I know I've been down here longer than you, but I don't really get out much. Are portals normally green?" Angel asked.

"No. Why?" Vaggie asked.

Angel pointed above him. Vaggie looked up and saw two green portals above them.

"What the hell are those!?!?" She exclaimed.

Then two vehicles suddenly shot out of the portals. Then they crashed into the Hotel.

"Oh shit! CHARLIE!!!" Vaggie exclaimed.

She ran towards the Hotel. Angel dropped his drugs and followed her.

Happy Hotel
We're all caught up now

"'Who the fuck we'? Who the fuck are you? Why do you look like the court jester after he fucked the dragon in the basement?" Asked the youngest.

"Really? That's the best you've got?" Asked Blitzo, resisting the urge to smirk.

"Hey, I'm not the shit talker of the bunch, alright? You want creative insults, you talk to Mr. Piss-happy-bushman over here." The boy replied, gesturing to one of his colleagues.

Blitzo was about to respond when the construction worker spoke up.

"Now, I'm sure we could exchange insults all day, however we would much rather know where we are, if you would be so kind as to tell us." He said.

Charlie was actually pretty relieved to meet someone as polite as this man. Yes, they were human, but they had to be in Hell for a reason, right?

"Oh, well, you're in the Happy Hotel!" Charlie said cheerfully.

"Happy... Hotel?" Asked the one in a ski mask.

Charlie was about to explain what her establishment was for, when Vaggie and Angel burst through the doors.

"CHARLIE!!! Are you okay?!" Vaggie exclaimed.

Vaggie ran up to Charlie and hugged her. Angel looked at the newcomers.

"Who the hell are these guys?" Asked Angel.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Where are our manners? We are the mercenaries of the RED and BLU companies." Answered the young one.

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