The Happy Fortress

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Introductions took as long as the mercs expected. Which is to say, longer than the demons expected.

First, the mercs introduced themselves.

The first was the scrawny one, who was referred to as Scout. He was the speedster of the group. Vaggie deduced that he had the biggest ego, since he kept saying how he was a 'big deal' and how he was 'a force of nature'.

Next was the one they called Soldier. The mercs explained how he was an idiot with a prejudice against anything that wasn't American. He was also very disdainful towards Cleveland for some reason.

The third was Pyro. The humans explained how they didn't know much about him, despite working with him for five years. In fact, they only knew two things about him. One, he loved fire, hence the name. Two, he had some accident in his life involving asbestos that fucked up his lungs, so now he's basically trapped in a flame retardant suit.

Fourth was Demoman, whom the humans called 'Demo' for short. He was the guy in charge of building explosive ammunition and armaments for the mercs. He was also an alcoholic, and the treasure chest he had strapped to his back was filled with his family moonshine.

Fifth was Heavy. He likes guns and hurting people. That's all the demons were told.

Sixth was Engineer, sometimes shortened to Engi. Of the mercs, he was the most polite. He was also the smartest. He was the one that set up automated defenses and mobile resupply stations.

Next was the one they called Medic. The mercs didn't tell the demons much about him. Really, the only thing they told the demons was that he was a medical genius. And that he likes doves.

After him was the one referred to as Sniper. The name was enough to set off some red flags in Vaggies head. Again, the mercs didn't really tell the demons much about him, other than that he kept to the sidelines. They also said that he likes to fight with jars of his own piss. Angel, of course, made a sexual comment about this, but nobody really gave a shit.

After Sniper, they introduced Spy. Like Pyro, the mercs didn't really know much about him, despite working with him for a long time. The only thing they actually knew was that he fucked Scout's mother. Sniper even gave Angel Dust two of the photographs.

Next was Fender. He was basically stolen and reprogrammed.

Lastly, Nate. He was hired due to the fact that there were nine mercs, which meant an uneven battlefield. Vaggie was pleasantly surprised to find out that he could speak Spanish since he was Cuban.

After the mercs finished introducing themselves, Charlie introduced everyone in the Happy Hotel.

First was Vaggie, who wasn't exactly trusting of the ten humans who call themselves 'mercenaries'. Said mercenaries weren't very surprised.

Next was Husker, the hotel's barkeep and resident alcoholic.

At the mere mention of 'barkeep', Demo bolted directly to the bar. Since Husk was finally awake, he took the money that Demo had slapped on the bar and gave him nine bottles of whisky.

Anyway, back to introductions.

Next was Nifty, who Soldier could only describe as 'the hotel janitor'.

After Nifty, The IMP employees... well, they gave their names, but that was it.

Lastly, Charlie introduced herself as the manager of the hotel and future ruler of Hell. And-

"Wait! Wait, wait, wait! Hold da freakin' phone! Future ruler o' where, now?" Asked Scout.

Charlie was actually kind of shocked at the question.

"Uh... do you not know where you are?" Charlie asked.

"'Fraid not, ma'am." Answered Engi.

Charlie nervously opened the curtains. The mercs looked at the sky through the window and saw the giant floating pentagram. It was then that realization dawned on them.

And in all honesty, they were not the reactions Charlie had expected.

They were surprisingly nonchalant.

"Huh. Well, zat does explain a lot." Said Spy.

"Yeah. Y'know, I always knew we'd end up here. I just didn't think it would be this soon." Said Nate.

"Kinda reminds me o' Vegas." Said Scout.

The mercs left the window and took a quick sit down. While they did, she explained what the Happy Hotel was and it's purpose.

Then she proposed something that was batshit insane... at least by the mercenaries' standards.

"So, you don't have anywhere to stay?" Asked Charlie.

"Not unless ya' can help us get those vans out the side o' ya' establishment." Demo answered.

"Well... what if you could stay here?" Charlie suggested.

Nate and Vaggie both spit out their drinks in surprise.

"Lo siento. As much as we appreciate the offer, that is a really bad idea." Nate replied.

"How come?" Asked Charlie.

"Well, as we have said before, we're mercenaries. We're paid to raise hell." Fender replied.

"And from the looks of it, this establishment isn't exactly popular." Spy said, gesturing to the Jumbotron outside, which was broadcasting Katie Killjoy's latest statement about the Happy Hotel.

"And it's very likely that, if we stay here, it'll just make matters worse for you folks." Engi added.

"Ah, come on. How bad can you guys be?" Charlie asked with a warm smile.

The mercs all looked at each other.

Then they turn on the TV and load a VHS into the player.

(Timeskip brought to you by the demons watching Meet the Soldier, Demoman, and Heavy.)

The demons all sat there in shock.  Charlie and Vaggie were horrified. The simple fact that these men were paid to fight each other was bad enough. But the eleven of them did more than fight. They mutilated each other. Even worse, they seemed to enjoy it. Almost as if they found it fun.

The IMP, on the other hand, were actually kind of impressed.

"So you guys are basically paid to beat the shit out of each other?" Asked Angel Dust.

"Da." Heavy replied.

"You wouldn't happen to be hiring, would you?" Blitzo asked excitedly.

"You'd have ta ask da boss." Replied Scout.

Nate then turned to Charlie.

"So, are still sure you would like us to stay here?" He asked her.

Charlie remembered what she literally just saw. These people were batshit insane. The way they fought each other was balls to the walls. They also seem to find fighting fun.

But, so did the IMP, and yet they've seemed to clean up their act... well, as much as they could, that is. Still, it seemed like the same situation to Charlie. Vaggie knew this as well, however she knew that it was a bad idea. But she also knew that it was Charlie's decision.

If she wanted these eleven killers to stay here, then Vaggie told herself that she would just have to quit being a little bitch and fucking deal with it.

Charlie turned her attention to the Mercs.

"Of course you can stay. Sure, those videos show that your insane... and incredibly violent. But, I believe that even the worst person can change if they try hard enough. The Happy Hotel will always be open to you guys." Charlie said with a warm smile.

Nate raised both eyebrows.

"Huh... that's commitment to a project... and I can respect that." Nate said, impressed.

"Je vous remercie, for allowing us to stay in your establishment, madame. But we must warn you zat by letting us stay here, this place has gone from a rehabilitation center to an asylum with incurable patients." Spy explained.

"Oh, I'm sure you guys aren't bad when you're not fighting." Charlie replied with a chuckle.

Nate snickered at the comment.

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