Chapter 2: Bad Dog

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Katherine looks out the one way mirror/window of the truck and sees a large crowd gathering around the huge library.  Police, ambulances, the works, everyone was there.  News reporters catching the story of whatever was going on. 

"Could we be more discreet than driving in a garbage truck?"  She scoffs as she watches the crowd's reaction switch from curiosity to confusion as the huge garbage truck drives inside the police line, brushing past the huge crowd.

"We're here at the Machen Library...where just hours ago, an alarm was triggered. The N.Y.P.D. has yet to issue a statement. We've got SWAT vans, paramedics. You name it. And now here comes a garbage truck. A large garbage truck."

Hellboy moves to stand next to her, leaning on the glass as they watch the crowd, "Look at them ugly suckers, Blue. One sheet of glass between them and us. Story of my life." He scoffs and moves away. 

Abe was preparing his breathing neck tank and goggles before they start their mission.  At times, Abe can handle being outside of his tank, but not too long.  He needs water to help him adapt to the outside world. 

"Still feeling the cabin fever, Red?" Kat asks as she fastens her sheath straps to her sides. Before she left the bureau, she changed her clothes. From jeans, she wore black spandex pants that could pass as leather, a red corset style top with long sleeves, and knee high leather boots.

Hellboy sighs, "Outside. I could be outside." He grunts in annoyance.

"We are outside, Red." Kat points out and stifles her giggle when he gives her an annoyed look.

"You know what I mean, Kitten." He scoffs.

"You mean 'outside' with Kat?  Hmm?" Abe asks and wiggles his non-existent brows. 

"Abe!" Kat scorns, but laughs. 

"You two are not exactly quiet during your privacy, inside or outside." Abe points out and, suddenly, grimaces as he reads a thought from Hellboy, "Ugh, you have to think about that?"

"Don't get psychic with me, fella." Hellboy warns.

"Nothing psychic about it. You're easy.  And loud." Abe points out.  "And Kat, you are simple when it comes to Hellboy.  And I don't mean that as a bad thing.  Your love for him speaks louder than words...or thoughts."

Kat smiles softly , but Abe adds, "Why continue to go out so much?" He asks Hellboy.

"How else can we have privacy when we have cameras everywhere, agents in every corner, and we can't even drive a car.  I drive around in a garbage truck." Hellboy scoffs. "Not exactly what some women call romantic, Blue."

To be honest, this wasn't why he wanted to go out. Out with Kat was just a bonus. After discovering that he was half human, he wanted to live the life as a human. Be normal for once and not a secret weapon. He looks over towards Kat; she deserves so much more than this. That thought raided his mind. She deserves to have a normal relationship with him. To go out to dinner, socialize with friends, get married and have kids. That last thought made Hellboy's heart pound. It's not like the thought hasn't crossed his mind. He loved his Kitten so much, he wanted to have her always. As a lover, a best friend, a partner in crime, everything and she deserves everything in this life.

Kat rolls her eyes at his comment and moves to stand in front of Hellboy, placing her hands over his chest, "Like Abe says, Hellboy.  I'm simple with love.  You don't always have to impress me.  I'm here with you always." She gives him a crooked grin.

Hellboy grins back down at her, dirty thoughts filling his mind of her.

"Oh, dear god, Red!" Abe exclaims. 

Hellboy snaps towards him, "Stay out of my head!"

"We better finish suiting up. We're here, boys." Kat says as she moves to get her red leather jacket off the hook that was near the doors.

Hellboy grunts as he moves to the table, picking up his huge gun, the Samaritan.  Kat holds on as she feels the truck stop and begins to back up.  Abe finally has his neck tank attached and his goggles in place.  It was time.  The back of the garbage truck lowers and the three of them sees the agents waiting for them.  Including John. 

Together, they move to stand before the agents, ready to get the party started.

"Okay, guys, let's sync up our locators. Seal the doors." Clay calls out as everyone turns on their coms and locators.  John's lights up in blue along with Abe. Hellboy and Katherine's were red.  "Red King, Red Queen, and Blue are coming in."

The agents turn and took first point.  Hellboy, Abe, and Kat followed.  John stutters in his step and follows, wondering why they were sending Kat in.  She didn't seem like the tough agent type.  Were Hellboy and Kat more than just lovers, but partners as well?  He needed to find out. 

"You're going in there with them?" John asks as he moves to walk with Kat.

Kat turns towards John, "Yeah." She shrugs, "It's my job."

"But, will it be dangerous?  For you?" He asks. 

Kat scoffs and Hellboy snorts when he hears that question.  He throws an arm around Kat and looks down at John with a hidden warning look, "Are you kidding, Myers?  Whatever is waiting for us, you should ask it if she's dangerous." He pulls her closer and picks up the pace, moving her away from John. 

"At 1900 hours, an alarm was tripped.  A large entity, type 5 reported. Very aggressive. Six guards dead." Clay states the situation. 

Hellboy frowns, confused with this, "I thought we checked this place." He asks.

Kat looks around, "We did, nothing but fakes and reproductions." She says. 

As they turn towards the stairs, Hellboy freezes when he sees someone he wasn't expecting to see.  Uncle Travis. 

"Apparently, not everything was fake."

Hellboy quickly places a fist behind him and lowers his eyes, "Uncle." He mutters bitterly. 

John looks over at Hellboy in surprise, if Broom was his uncle, who was his father?  He couldn't help but be curious about Hellboy's species.  What was he?  Demon? Yes, he could see that, but something else was there.  What was it?

"Hi, Uncle Travis." Kat gives him a small wave and takes Hellboy's hand from his back, intertwining her fingers with his.  Giving him mental support as he faces his uncle.  Feeling the tension between the two of them. 

Two agents roll in a huge weapons case with the B.P.R.D logo on it. As they turn it around, it opens, showing Hellboy's weapons of choice, ammo for this gun.  Kat moves next to him to grab her knives.  Hellboy was busy checking out his bullets.  Seeing they were upgraded again.  Some by the bureau and some by his own work.

"The entity is still in there. Video surveillance shows a 16th-century statue was destroyed. St. Dionysius the Areopagite." Travis states.

Kat spins her knives in her hands and shoves them into her side sheaths, "Who wards off demons." She says, remembering her history.

"Exactly. The statue, however, was hollow." Travis says as Abe gets on squats down and moves towards the door as he begins to sense the room behind the door.

Hellboy frowns and turns towards Travis, "A reliquary."

Travis chuckles and shakes his head, "A prison." He corrects.  "The Vatican deemed its occupant dangerous include it on The List of Avignon, of which, by the way, we hold a copy."

Hellboy turns back to his ammunition and holds up a round of large bullets filled with liquid, "Perfect job for these babies. Made them myself. Holy water, clove leaf, silver shavings, white oak. The works." He turns as he loads up his gun and tucks extra rounds in his coat. He watches Kat lift a leg to tuck in an extra knife on her ankle sheath.  "Babe, when are you ever going to pick up a gun?" He scoffs. 

Kat laughs, and holds up a knife, spinning it in her hand and holds it up, sharp side up, "At least this won't run out of ammo." She tucks it into her other ankle sheath and pulls hers pant leg down to cover it.  "Made of pure silver and holy water, molded by monks of St. Salvador's Church." She holds one knife up for the men to see, especially John, since he wasn't familiar with their choices of weapons.

"Why not just do the hocus pocus business?" Hellboy snorts. 

Kat rolls her eyes, "If something is trying to snap their teeth at me at a close range, well, you know what happens when my hands are full." She scoffs. 

"What does she mean?" John leans in towards Clay, confused with the conversation between Kat and Hellboy.

Clay sighs and leans in, "Kat here is no ordinary being. She may look human but she's only half.  The Underworld calls her the Queen of Chaos.  Otherwise known as the Demon Witch."

John's face falls into shock, "She's a demon?" He gasps softly.

"Half human and half demon, but full witch.  From what I've heard, her father was a Duke of hell.  Commanded over 16 legions of demons.  He was quite powerful and popular until he met Kat's mom.  After that, he was labeled as a traitor.  Giving up everything to be human and a loving family man.  Until something killed her parents." Clay whispers.  "Newspapers say freak plane accident due to storm.  But there wasn't a gray cloud in the sky that day.  Kat, who freshly turned five years old, was the only survivor." He adds.

John frowns, sympathizing Katherine's loss.  A child to experience loss like that.  He couldn't imagine.

Abe takes off his leather glove, wiggling his webbed hand in the air and presses his hand against the door, opening up his mind to scan the room.  He suddenly gasps as he senses something.

"Behind this door, a dark entity. Evil, ancient and hungry." Abe warns with fear in his voice. 

Katherine frowns, what could be in there? She had a very bad feeling.

Hellboy sighs, "Oh, well. Let us go in and say hi." He says sarcastically and holds up his gun. 


An agent moves and opens the door for Hellboy and Katherine move to head inside.  John watches with worry as Kat follows Hellboy inside the room, Hellboy nods at the agent, giving him the word to shut the door behind them. 

Walking side by side, armed and ready, Hellboy and Kat scan the area around them.  Katherine gasps as sparks fly around from a wire and jumps back to avoid it.  Hellboy gently pushes her away for safety and walks to stand in front of the room with her. Throughout the huge display room of ancient artifacts and display cases, littered on the ground were the dead security guards.  Katherine frowns, nothing else seemed to be disturbed, except for a couple of broken figures.

Katherine gasps as she nearly slips on something.  Hellboy grunts as he catches her before she could fall, but they look down together at what she stepped on.  It was a big puddle of clear goo in a pile of slime covered clothes of a security guard.  She groans in disgust and covers her mouth as Hellboy helps her avoid it.  He bends down and picks up a slimy soaked boot, slime stringing against trail as he holds it up. 

"Oh, dear god." Katherine groans and covers her mouth.  It even reeked.  There was even a big bite mark on it with a chunk of the boot missing. 

Meanwhile, Abe goes through the chests of books he kept to figure out what exactly they were dealing with.  Hellboy's voice erupts on the com.

"You better hit the books, Brother Blue."

Katherine uses her knife to turn the boot around to look at the bite mark closer, "Jesus." She whispers and clicks her com, "We'll definitely need more info on this one." She says. 

John grew worried and walks over towards Abe, "Hey, no one goes with them?" He scoffs as Abe shakes his head, "Jesus."

"Hmm, no. Hellboy likes it that way.  Before Kat and I, he preferred the whole 'lonely hero' thing. Then when Kat arrived, from what I remember hearing, Travis' brother, Trevor Bruttenholm, practically pushed them to be partners.  After the death of his late partner..."

"Abe...enough with the history lesson." Kat's voice erupts on the coms. 

John frowns at this new info.  Hellboy's late partner?  Who and what happened to him?

Katherine gets behind Hellboy, back to back with each other as they scan the area for the evil entity.  She holds up her knives, ready for anything as Hellboy had his gun up.  Suddenly, growling erupts in the air, causing both of them to stiffen in alert.  Hellboy looks over his shoulder, "Hey, did you hear that?" He asks softly.

"Yeah." She whispers, and soon, she could hear wet chewing.  "I heard that, too." She adds, then suddenly, groans in disgust as a wave of a scent hits her nose.  "Oh, god, do you smell that?"

"Ugh, yeah.  Smells like..." Hellboy turns and jumps when a long trail of slime drips from the ceiling in front of him.  "Huh?" They both look up and there it was.  The creature, hanging on the ceiling by a limb as it chews on the body of a dead security guard. 

"Ugh." Katherine grimaces. 

"Hey, Stinky. Kitchen's closed." Hellboy calls out, but the creature continues its meal, "What you having? Six library guards, raw, plus belts and boots. Man, you're gonna need some heavy fiber to move that out."

Katherine scoffs as they see more slimy piles of dead security guard clothes, "Jeez, how much can it eat?" 

"Red, I found something. This entity's name is Sammael, the desolate one. Son of Nergal, brother of..." Abe's voice speaks from the com. 

Katherine listens but Hellboy cuts him off, "Listen, Sammy...l'm not a very good shot, but The Samaritan here uses really big bullets." He says as he holds up his gun. 

Sammael drops the guard and it lands next to Hellboy and Katherine with a loud thudding squish.  Katherine gulps and, together, they watch it lower itself from the ceiling and drops in front of them.  It's back towards them as it crouches.  Katherine's eyes widen as it turns to face them.  Its body was covered with slicked grayish skin, dread like tentacles grew from its scalp and its an animal skull with big sabertooth fangs.  It's greenish eyes...the irises was like a clover shape.  It slowly straightens, standing taller than Hellboy.  Katherine's eyes widen more with Hellboy's as they look up together at the creature.

"So, what do you say we work this out in a nice, peaceful..." But it didn't want peace.  It takes off on a running start.  "Oh, crap." Hellboy and Katherine take off chasing it.  Hellboy takes his shot, but misses every time.  Katherine rushes to keep up and watches Sammael jump to climb the walls again, but this time she could see he was aiming for a window.  When she jumps over one of the destroyed figures, she throws one of her knives and hits the creature at the same time when Hellboy shoots him again, this time he didn't miss.  Yellow, thick 'blood' gushes out from the wounds and Sammael slides across the room.  Hellboy walks up towards it and aims his gun at its' head.  But he could see the creature was done.  Dead. 

"That's it for you, Sam." He says and places his gun back in its holster. 

"I believe that's a point for me." Katherine smirks as Hellboy walks up to her.

"Nah, that was all me." Hellboy scoffs as they walk towards the door. 

"Nope, after you kept missing him, I got the shot." She gloats and dances, making silly sounds. "Oh, yeah, oh yeah.  That's 20 to 19." She cheers. 

"I saw it myself, Kitten.  My bullet hit him before your knife." Hellboy protests.

"Whatever, Hater." She smirks, then yelps as Hellboy's tail spanks her.  "Hey!" She rubs her sore ass. 

"Red, you need to hear the rest of the information." Abe's voice interrupts them. 

"No, he's taken care of." Hellboy states, but Abe continues.  Hellboy rolls his eyes and mocks him with his hand, but grunts when Kat smacks his arm.

"Stop that, let him talk." She whispers.

"No, listen to this. 'Sammael, the desolate one, lord of the shadows...son of Nergal, hound of resurrection'..."

Both of them freeze in their tracks, "See...I don't like that." Hellboy says as they both turn around.

"Did you just say 'resurrection'?" Kat exclaims.

Sammael was gone!  Disappeared.  They get their weapons out again and scan the room once more.  Preparing for a fight. 

"What else does that book say, Abe?" Katherine asks as her voice shudders. 

"'Harbinger of pestilence. Seed of destruc'..."

"Cut to the end. How do we kill it?" Hellboy demands. 

"Doesn't say."

They roll their eyes, "Of course it doesn't." Katherine scoffs, "The guy who wrote it probably got eaten before he even...." Suddenly, Sammael pops up with a roar, back-handling both of them into the air.  Katherine screams as she slams against column as Hellboy slams into the large door, denting it and causing all the agents along with Abe and Travis to move back in shock. 

When John heard Kat scream, his heart drops, but Abe holds him back from rushing towards the door.  He gets his gun out and the agents all swarm around, heading towards the front.

"Go to the front. Let's go! Move!"

"I'm going around the back." John states as he rushes to go around the building. 

Katherine groans in pain as she struggles to get up.  She pants and looks as Sammael rushes towards Hellboy.  Hellboy grabs his gun and points it, but Sammael grabs his arm and throws him over his shoulder, slamming his body all around the room. 

"Hellboy!" She cries out. 

Sammael puts him down, but slams his arm across Hellboy's body, sending him flying backwards through several walls, till finally, he flies out of a window and falls several feet from above and lands on trash can.

Katherine yells as she calls forth her powers, her eyes lighting up in fury as she floats to her feet.  With a wave of her arms, her hands light up and she calls forth the broken debris to fly towards the creature.  It shrieks and roars as she continues to use everything she could to beat the creature. 


Groaning in pain, Hellboy struggles to sit up, using his stone arm to help steady him. He grunts as he leans on his knees, wincing from the long fall and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Oh, crap." He grunts out.

"Child." A voice calls out. Hellboy snaps his head up and sees a figure standing in the shadows, dressed in black clothing, but his suit vest was burgundy with black buttons. He carried a book in his hands, it looked old and carried ancient writings. Dark shades covered his eyes as the stranger takes a few steps towards him. "All grown up, I see." The stranger grins. White teeth hidden behind that beard of his. Bald and beardy, Hellboy thought.

Hellboy frowns, "That voice." He knew that voice. Who was this person before him?

"It was the first lullaby you ever heard, my son. I ushered you into this world. I alone know your true calling, your true name." The stranger says.

Hellboy scoffs and looks down to get to his feet while grabbing his gun that laid in front of him and aims it at the Stranger, "'Name this." He curls his lip with a snarl as blood runs down his chin.

But the stranger was gone. Disappeared. Whoever it was, he left a dark aura behind that Hellboy did not like at all.

Suddenly, he hears a loud crash and a woman screaming coming from above. His eyes widen in terror as he sees Katherine falling from the sky. Gasping in fright, Hellboy holds his arms out, "Oh, fuck! Okay, I got a ya, Babe. I got ya!" He shouts as he moves around to catch her at the right moment. Both of them shout as she hits his arms and both of them goes tumbling to the ground.

Katherine grunts as her head hits the pebbled ground. At that impact, Katherine was hit by a wave of visions clouding her sight. Flashes of people dressed in Nazi outfits, shouting out in German. A man in a gas mask carrying swords as he slashes through men. A woman with a wicked smile and cold eyes as her blond short hair dripped with blood. Katherine grunts in pain as she clutches the side of her head. The sight of Trevor and Lady Hatton appears before her.


A woman's voice calls out in loving awe as a man covered in blood appears before Katherine. She gasps loudly and snaps her eyes open as the pain dim but didn't fade. Her vision finally returns and she watches Hellboy leaning over her, stroking her cheek gently.

"You okay, Kitten?" He asks softly and tenderly.

Katherine winces and touches her head, feeling something wet. When she looks at her fingers, she sees blood. Her head was pounding and she felt sick to her stomach, but she was alive.

"Yeah, I'm ok." She grunts as Hellboy helps her to stand.

"You sure?" He asks as she scans over her. Checking for anything else, but he didn't like that wound on her head.

She nods, "Uh-huh." She sighs and looks up at him, seeing the blood drip from his lips. "What about you?" She asks with worry.

Before Hellboy could answer her, Sammael falls from the skies behind them with a loud growl. Hellboy turns fast to aim his gun, but a 7-foot tongue shoots out of its mouth and latches around Hellboy's arm. Hellboy yells in pain and strains to break from its grip, but it was too strong. Katherine grabs a knife and calls forth her power to make it light up in red aura flames, with a swipe of her knife, she manages to cut the tongue in half, severing it from Hellboy's arm. Hellboy shouts in pain and yanks it off his arm.

Suddenly, gunshots go off and they both turn to see a panicked stricken John fire off rounds from his gun at Sammael. Sammael shrieks in pain and runs off. Hellboy grunts and sways until Katherine catches him.

"Red, are you okay?" She asks with worry as John rushes towards the both of them.

"That thing. That thing." He stutters.

Hellboy looks at John in disbelief, "What do you think you're doing? What do you think you're doing?" He exclaims, obviously pissed with his interference.

"Helping you. I..." John stutters.

"Nobody helps me! It's my job." He grunts and moves out of Katherine's grip to slide down a wall. The aftermath of falling out of a window and hit by a long tongue was starting to kick in as pain rolls through his body. Katherine moves and sits next to him.

Panting, "No one is allowed to back us up, I thought you were told that!" Katherine shouts at John.

"You were screaming and both of you..." John stutters.

"We're not human, Myers! We get hurt, we brush it off and fight again. You, human, try to fight that thing, you get hurt, you're not getting back up! Got it?!" She states strongly.

John sighs and keeps his mouth shut as he kneels to help Hellboy still.

"You want to help? Here. Load this." Hellboy says and hands him his gun and a bullet. "It's a tracking bullet. Crack the pin." He instructs and John shakes it till it glows after pulling the pin. After loading it into the gun, he hands it back to Hellboy, but his eyes widen as he sees a gigantic tadpole looking creature attached to his arm.

"Jesus, what's that on your arm?"

"Oh, crap." Hellboy mutters.

Suddenly, Sammael's tries to reach around the wall, through the cracks to get to John. Katherine jumps in fright, but turns and helps Hellboy. She takes a knife and uses the blade to pop it off him.

Soon, Sammael sounded like he was taking off, "What the hell is that thing?" John asks as he eyes the creature that came from Hellboy's arm.

Katherine flicks the creature off his arm and it lands near her foot. She grunts and stabs the creature over and over till it was finally dead.

"Let's go ask." Katherine growls and gets to her feet with Hellboy. "Here, hold this." She hands the creature to John, but John yelps in disgust, fumbling with it in his hands till he finally tosses it away. She rolls her eyes, "Amateur."

Hellboy and Katherine take off to follow Sammael. They both look and see him climbing a wall and stands on it, watching them with a snarl. Hellboy aims his gun and takes his shot, hitting it with the tracking bullet. But the impact of the shot causes Sammael to fly back over the wall.

Katherine gasps and looks up, seeing the Ferris wheel in the distance, "Oh, god, it's heading towards civilians! We can't let it get away." She shouts as she moves to chase after it.

"Why, you little..." Hellboy growls.

"Hey, wait!" John shouts at them. He gasps as he watches Katherine's hands light up and she uses her powers to fly up and over the wall as Hellboy jumps over it with her.

Sammael, leaving a trail of green dye, takes off and jumps over a large loading truck, causing dents on top and causing several workers to jump. Once it was over the truck it lands in front of several people who were dressed up for Halloween. Sammael lets out a loud roar, causing the crowd to break out in panic, screaming and running all over fairgrounds.

Katherine and Hellboy runs side by side together, following the trail. Hellboy jumps over the truck while Kat runs around it. Hellboy jumps and lands on top of the truck engine, crushing it with his weight.

Once John managed to climb the wall, he rushes to catch up. He runs around the truck and sees the men inside.

"We're heading toward civilians!" He shouts into his communicator that was built inside his watch, "Crazy costumes, huh? Trick or treat." He chuckles feebly to the confused men and continues to chase after Hellboy and Kat.

Sammael takes off in traffic, cars race around him as it stands in the middle of the road, roaring at everything and everyone. It manages to avoid being hit and gets to the other side. Hellboy rushes towards the road, seeing the cars rush by him and he and Kat could see Sammael escaping.

"We can't lose it." She pants heavily.

Hellboy takes off through the traffic, avoiding the cars.

"Hellboy, be careful!" Kat shouts and follows him, avoiding the cars.

But both of them turn as they hear a thud behind them. John was struck by a car, clipping his arm. He groans in pain as he lies on the road. He gasps as he sees a car heading towards him, but Hellboy moves and stands in between the car and John. He holds his stone hand up, signaling the car to stop, but it wasn't stopping.

"Red means stop!" Hellboy shouts and with a furious swipe, he pounds his fist against the car before it could hit them both, sending it flipping into the air above them.

Kat holds up her hands and calls forth her power, causing the car to slow down in the air and lands gently on the ground. Tries screech around them as traffic finally stops. She rushes towards the car and checks on the driver.

"Are you all right?" She asks.

The driver was trembling with fear as he continues to hold on to the steering wheel tightly. He couldn't talk, he couldn't move. Kat could see the dented engine was trapping him, but he was fine otherwise. Physically, at least.

"Don't worry, help is on the way." She assures him and rushes back to Hellboy and John. "Are you okay, John?" She asks.

Hellboy frowns, "'John'?" He mutters.

John exams his arm and nods, "Yeah."

"Stay here." Hellboy says and, together, he and Katherine take off to find Sammael.


Panting, they both slow down as they come across the trail from the tracking bullet. When they came across the end of the line, it led them both to the sewers. Hellboy kneels down and wipes up a drop with his stone finger.

"Sammy, you got a leak." He looks up at Kat, "I'll go first. I'll catch you." He says.

Hellboy jumps down and lands on his feet with ease. He grunts at the impact but turns and looks up at Kat, "Ok, Babe. Your turn." He says. Hellboy holds his arms out and grunts when she jumps from above and into his arms. He gently puts her down and they both turn, freezing in surprise to see Sammael before them.

"Waiting for me, chunk-face?" Hellboy scoffs.

Suddenly, Sammael turns around and the three of them watch a subway car coming towards them. Sammael growls and shrieks as it rushes towards it. Hellboy and Kat both frowns.

"What the...?" Hellboy mutters, but both of them take off to catch up.

Sammael jumps into the air and slams into the door. It stabs into the metal door and slices an opening for it to go inside the subway. The driver stood frozen as it brushes past him. Several people screamed in terror as Sammael rushes through, brushing past them all. Kat jumps into the air and grunts as she lands inside. Panting, she turns and watches Hellboy jump, but only far enough to hang out the door. His feet drags over the rocks under him.

"Hellboy!" She shouts and turns to help him, but he protests.

"I'm ok! Go after him!" He shouts.

Panting, Kat races through the subway, past several civilians as she races to catch up with Sammael.

"Come here, you ugly motherfucker!" She shouts as she grabs two knives and jumps onto Sammael's back, stabbing him and holds on as it begins to shriek and fight her. But she holds on as if it was a bull ride and Sammael was the bull. "Yeehaw! Bad Dog!" She grunts as she stabs him again, but shouts when he throws her against a pole.

Sammael shrieks and jumps against the exit, smashing the door open.

Groaning in pain, Kat coughs and turns to see Sammael escaped. She turns as she hears Hellboy shouting in pain and the conductor was hitting him over and over in the face with a fire extinguisher.

"Hey! I'm on your side."

The conductor scoffs at him, "Ha! Sure." With a final slam agains the face, Hellboy shouts as he loses his grip and goes tumbling under the subway.

The crowd around the conductor cheer for him as he stood proudly like a hero. Kat stomps towards him and slams her fist into the man's face. He grunts and slams to the floor, out cold.

"That was my boyfriend, dick!" She scoffs and rushes out through the back, jumping out of the subway and shouting as she tumbles over the ground, rolling agains the stones.

Katherine grunts and gets up, running towards Hellboy as he lies on the ground, his filed down horns glowed from the heat of the sparks and the subway scrapping against him. He sits up as he hears sizzling coming from his horns. He reaches and touches one, flinching in pain.


Panting, Kat stands next to him, "You okay, Red?" She asks, breathlessly.

"I will be once we put this thing down." He grunts and gets to his feet.

They both stand side by side as they scan the area. Sammael was gone once again, but they knew it was close. They could smell it. Even over the burning smell of Hellboy's horns. Suddenly, with a loud snarl, Sammael drops from above and holds Kat down. Kat shrieks but Hellboy grabs it in fury and shoves it around.

Hellboy manages to grab it by his jaw, "Open wide!" He shouts and breaks its jaw. Its bone crunches loudly, but as it breaks out of his grip, it easily snaps its jaw back in place.

With a loud snarl, Sammael pounces at Hellboy, hovering over him at it snaps his teeth at him, "Son of a...Yuck!" He yells and tries to fight, but Sammael was too strong. He looks and sees the rails. "Babe, get off the tracks!" He shouts. Once Katherine was safe, he sneers at Sammael, "Screw this."

Once Hellboy touches those rails, his body lights up with electricity, shocking him and Sammael at the same time. Unlike Sammael, Hellboy could handle it better. Sammael's body lights up on fire and soon, his charred body falls lifeless against him. Grunting loudly, Hellboy lets go of the rail and shoves Sammael off him. Panting, he gets to his feet and stand over its dead body.

"I'm fireproof." Hellboy says as he places a cigar in his mouth and lifts his stone finger that was lit on fire. He uses it to light up his cigar, "You're not."

Panting heavily, Kat sighs and moves towards Hellboy, sliding into his arms as she holds on to him tightly.

"You okay, Kitten?" He sighs in relief that it was over.

When she pulls away, she scoffs up at him, "I'll live." She gives him a small smile of relief.

Hellboy sighs and blows out a trail of smoke before leaning down and gently places his head against hers. He leans down further and kisses her softly. So happy she was ok and safe in his arms.

"How about we go get a drink? I'm buying." Hellboy says as he wraps an arm around her and leads her out of the the tunnels.

"I'm too tired to argue." She scoffs as he chuckles.

"Even too tired to admit that it's now 20/20?" He grins and grunts when she smacks his chest.

"19/20. I got him the first time." She states.

"Yeah, but who fried his ass?" He smirks.

Katherine giggles as he holds her close against him, neither of them noticing Sammael's body fading into dust as two floating green orbs hover over its body and a voice calls out from the darkness.

"Sammael, die in peace...and be reborn again and again..."

Hellboy grunts as he lifts clicks on his com, "Hey, Myers."

"Yeah? Yeah? Yeah?"

"How's your arm?" He asks.

"Yeah, my arm's fine. Where are you?"

"I just fried Stinky. Listen...tell Uncle Kat and I'll be home...but he shouldn't wait up." Hellboy says.

"No. No, wait, wait. Yeah, I gotta go with you."

"Don't worry, John, I'll watch over Hellboy. I'll make sure he'll be discreet." Kat says into her mic.

"Kat, I can't let you two take off without an escort."

"Since when are you and Myers are on first name basis?" Hellboy frowns down at her.

Kat rolls her eyes, " Why, are you jealous, Red?" She grins.

"No, just don't want the little squirt get the wrong idea." Hellboy scoffs.

"You're totally jealous." She chuckles as he rolls his eyes.

"Hey, Myers." Hellboy says into his mic, Kat was worried he was gonna start something.


Hellboy simply takes off his earpiece and reaches for his com, "Bye." He says as he turns off his locator.

"Damn it." John's voice erupts from Kat's mic.

She couldn't help but imagine what John was going through. She sighs as she turns off her locator and removes her earpiece. She looks up at Hellboy, who grins down at her.

"What?" She asks.

"Welcome to the dark side, Babe." He chuckles and they head towards an exit.

"I fell into the dark side on the day of we first met." She giggles and walks through the door that Hellboy held on for her. Hellboy couldn't help but grin at her. How he loved this woman still blows his mind. The door slams behind them, echoing in the long dark tunnel.

Hope everyone is enjoying this so far. Working on both books at the same time and struggling to keep up. I like to multitask...I'm that weird lol. But really hope everyone is liking this. Trying to work on Hemlock Chronicles right now. I'm almost done with the chapter. I'll publish it once I'm done. Lots of love! ~Song~

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