Chapter 1: Fresh Meat

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"You're so cute!"

Hellboy rolls his eyes at Katherine's voice, gushing over his baby pictures. He could have sworn he burned those things. But there she held a small photo album of his past.

"Look how chubby you were." She coos.

"Hey! I wasn't chubby!" He glares at her.

She giggles, "You definitely were a chubby little baby." She baby talks as she looks at another photo of Hellboy.

"Aww, look at you! Watching Howdy-Doody!" She gushes more.  "Who knew you were such a big softy!" She sticks out her bottom lip.

"I was a kid. A stupid kid with stupid dreams. Where the hell did you find those anyway?" He scoffs.

"Uncle Travis." She looks over her shoulder as he walks towards the mini fridge for another beer.

"Ugh, that dick." Hellboy mutters as he pops the can open.

Katherine simply chuckles as she closes the album to turn and sit up on her knees as she faces him, "Don't be such a sourpuss, Red. You're cute. Suck in the glory." She leans on the couch headrest.

"Cute?" He snorts as he walks towards her, "I thought I was your sexy man-beast who ravishes you unconditionally." He smirks down at her.

She giggles, "That, too, but as a baby, you were adorable." She smiles, but senses something off with him, "Something tells me it's not me you're mad at." She sighs and grips his shirt, "When are you going to give him a break, Red?" She asks.

Hellboy grunts and takes a gulp of his beer, "When he stops trying to be my father." He scoffs and burps as he walks away.

"He's not trying to be your father, he's just...trying. To be family. You gotta admit it, Hellboy, you are kinda giving him a hard time. And you did kinda break out." She points out.

"To take you on that picnic." He says as he looks over his shoulder.

Katherine smiles, chuckling, "True." She bites her lip at the memories.

"I see that smirk." He grins as he places his beer down and moves towards her. He picks her up over the headrest and into his arms, holding her as she wraps her legs around his waist. "You know it was worth it." He grunts as she wraps her arms around his neck.

She rolls her eyes, "Ok, I admit it. It was. It was nice being outside again with you without guns going off around us."

"To make love to you...under the stars." He purrs as he leans down and kisses her neck.

She giggles at the ticklish kisses, "It was an amazing night...till Clay and Manning came and found us in that position."

"What round was it? 3? 4?" He snorts as he kisses her ear.

"I honestly lost count." She laughs with him and smiles as he lifts his head to look down at her with adoration. "He's just trying to protect you. Protect us. Before I met you, Hellboy...the world has always been so ugly. Why are you constantly trying to run towards it?" She asks.

Hellboy sighs, "It's hard to explain, Kitten. I excuse right now is cabin fever."

Katherine moves her hand and strokes his beard, "But that's not it." She sighs and moves her hand back to wrap around his neck. "Well, just be careful, Red. I don't want anything to happen to you."

He scoffs, "Kitten, nothing is going to ever happen to me. Like nothing will ever happen to you. That's the only thing that can truly hurt me. You're the one thing that can both save me and kill me." He sighs and leans down to press his head against hers, "Like I said before, Kitten. I'll go to the Underworld and back for you." He lifts his head to look into her eyes, "And I'll always keep that promise."

Katherine slowly smiles up at him and closes her eyes as he leans down to kiss her lips softly. Shivering at the passion in the kiss. She pants softly as it breaks and looks up at him tenderly. Love filled her heart and soul for him.

Since that day when Nimue tried to take Hellboy away from her, Katherine became over-cautious for Hellboy. Worried that another will come again and try to awaken Anung un Rama again and this time, she'll never get him back. Even with her fully formed powers, she still fears how far she can go with them. Remembering how others said that her powers could destroy both worlds...those words continue to echo in her mind during each mission, forcing her to restrain herself. Afraid of losing Hellboy...and herself.


When Broom was killed, the B.P.R.D grew nervous about keeping Hellboy under control. But, once Broom's will was uncovered, the Bureau has learned that Broom has named his brother, Travis, as Hellboy's new guardian. Like Trevor, Travis Brutternholm was almost a carbon copy of Broom. It ticked Hellboy off as much as going through life never truly knowing about his uncle. He remembers Uncle Travis babysitting him.  He was always trying to be a friend more than family. But years ago, when Hellboy was a teenager, he gotten into major trouble that exposed his existence to the world. Hoping that Travis would back him up, but he took Trevor's side.  After that, he's been on Hellboy's shit-list. Unlike Trevor, Travis didn't possess the gift of immortality. As time went by, he has aged into a 79-year-old man.

With Hellboy under house arrest, Travis had to leave his trust in Katherine and his men to watch over him and keep him contained until he arrives back from his appointment.

Standing in the doctor's exam room at Lexington Oncology Center in New York City, Travis redresses while the doctors look over his x-rays. And what they saw was not good.

"Have you told him yet?"


"You should."

"I'll notify his family."

"He has no family."

The female doctor looks over Travis' file, "According to his file, he does. He has a nephew and a niece."

Travis was no fool. He knew what was wrong with him. He knew he didn't have much time left. But he couldn't let Hellboy and Katherine know. All he could do was just...enjoy his last days with them both as best as he could. Try and bury the hatchet with him, if only Hellboy would let him.

As he exits the building, Travis watches the little children run around him as they rush to wherever their hearts desired in their little Halloween costumes. He couldn't help but think of himself and his brother at that age. Rushing to their next adventure. He smiles at the good memories he had with Trevor growing up. But after Trevor started to get involved into the occult, their relationship began to strain. As Travis grew older, he watched with envy when Trevor was the same as always. He has to admit, it was a big surprise for Travis when he learned that Trevor made him as Hellboy's godfather. He had no idea how to be one for he wasn't a father himself. He had a wife, but she could never bear children. That never meant that he didn't love her. No matter what, he always loved his wife, even death couldn't stop his love for her.

As Travis walks towards his car, he passes several stores covered with Halloween decorations. It was getting close to Katherine's birthday; everyone was preparing for a big celebration for her. Since that night when Broom died, everyone was relieved they don't have to go through her power outbreak again.

Travis walks by a window with several TVs showing news reports about the spotting of Hellboy and about the B.P.R.D. Secrets of the government. Conspiracies. He couldn't help but chuckle as he watches the report and sees Tom Manning, the newest FBI's Head of Special Operations and double agent with the B.P.R.D.


Back at the B.P.R.D in New Jersey, dressed in jeans, a red sweater, and flats, Katherine makes her way downstairs to the lounge and finds several agents watching a news report.

"You guys watching this, too?" She scoffs and sits next to Agent Clay, a tall football player-like man in a Men in Black suit.

"Couldn't miss Manning screwing up again." He snorts, but frowns at her. "Thought you and HB would be watching this in your room."

"We were, but I couldn't hear anything over Red's laughing." She scoffs, but giggles as Clay chuckles and hands her a beer bottle.

"Tom Manning is the head of special operations at the FBI. He joins Pat in the studio tonight to go over the latest Hellboy sighting."

"There. That's the tail. And these are the horns." Pat takes a retractable pointer as he's points out the proofs of Hellboy's existence from a picture that was taken. Pointing at Hellboy's tail and file-down horns.

"I have a question. Why is it, in the pictures of aliens, UFO, the yeti, Hellboy...why is it they're always out of focus?" Manning asks.

"Why don't you tell us? About the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense?" Pat asks as he leans back in his chair.

"How do people get this information?" Katherine scoffs.

"Hackers, spies...or Hellboy probably blabs about us in front of his fans to kiss their asses." Clay snorts as he downs his beer.

Katherine gulps back her beer and points at Clay, "That last one is more believable." She clears her throat.

"I wanna tell you, I wanna tell the American public one thing. Now, this Bureau for the..." Manning pretends to stutter his words and seeks to Pat for help as he tries to find the camera that was focused on him.

"Paranormal Research and Defense." Pat says.

Manning turns towards the camera, pointing at it, to the audience, making sure he had their attention as he puts on his best trusting face.

"There such thing." He states.

"Pffft!" Katherine and Clay both burst into laughter at Manning's face. Like that would make the whole world believe him.

Clay sighs and shuts off the TV as he looks at his watch, "I better get to the front lines. New guy should be here soon."

Katherine frowns and looks at her watch, "That's today? Oh, boy." She sighs and drinks the rest of her beer. "Ah! I better go soften Red up or he'll bite his head off before we can say 'hi'."

"Hey, Kat? Do you think these are noticeable?" Clay asks as he points at his hair. Not long ago, Clay gotten himself a hair transplant. And it was pretty noticeable for all. But unlike others, Katherine was nicer about it.

"Um,, not at all. Ah, I'm gonna go check on Abe before I go check on Red. You know how he is when he's in the tank. Loves to read so much." She stutters and paces out of the room to avoid awkwardness. But she had a feeling that was too late.

Clay checks himself and gently pats his new hair. Worried that the plugs were too much of a dead giveaway.


Agent John Myers, freshly out of graduated out of the Academy and ready to get into the field. But, instead of joining any of the local FBI agencies, a mysterious man came up to him and told him that he was chosen for a special top-secret mission and to be at the forward address at a specific time. Revving up his motorcycle, he heads towards the address he was given, but he was confused as he drew near the large gates. Kicking the stand, he gets off his motorcycle and stands in front of the intercom that was right under the embedded sign that held the name of the building.

"'Waste Management Services'?" John frowns in confusion. He had to be at the wrong address. Maybe he could talk to someone in charge to help him get the right address or if he was at the right place, he needed to know why here.

He scans the buttons on the Com, seeing several numbers above the buttons. He clicks on '103' and a voice speaks out.

"What is it?"

"John Myers, FBI. Transfer from Quantico." He speaks out.

Suddenly, the com and row of numbers fall forward and before him was a series of high-tech equipment. A robotic arm shoves out with two tubes and flips to press a funnel against his right eye.

"Look at the birdie, son."

Two bright flashes shine over his eye, taking pictures of his entire eye. John flinches at the brightness and moves away to rub his eye, trying to get rid of the bright spots before him. But he watches the screen trill and chime as his picture pops up along with his private information.

In seconds, the lock on the gate disengages and the gate opens for him to come inside. He quickly gets on his motorcycle and heads on towards the entrance of the building. He takes in the sight before him. A modern facility with a flaming column in the front. Two statues stood proudly at both corners. What is this place?

Walking inside the building, the entrance of the building was huge. Lights on every square column, black marble floors with a huge logo of the B.P.R.D branded in gold.

As John walked inside, he sees a security guard standing by his long reception desk. And from where John could see, the guard wasn't happy to see him. John stops as he stands on the B.P.R.D logo.

"Hello, I'm John..."

"You are late. That's what you are." The guard cuts him off.

"Five minutes." John frowns.

"Yes, I know."

Obviously, things were off to a bad start of John's first impression, "I'm going to..."

"Section 51. I know. Watch your hands and elbows." The guard says.

John frowns in confusion, "Pardon?"

"Watch your hands and elbows." The guard says again.

John flinches as the ground seems to have moved under him. He looks down and sees the floor lowering him like an elevator. He looks around in wonder as he sees a whole new world before him. He could see a huge bunker before him with several windows, levels, he could even see people inside.

John feels the floor coming to a halt and watches locks snap in place, feeling the platform power down. He guesses he was at his floor. He looks before him and sees a golden door. He walks towards the door and pushes it open. Big band music erupts inside. He finds himself in a big study like room. Or could be a library hence the various books.

"Hello?" He calls out. He seemed to be alone. He looks around the room in wonder, still confused why he was here and where he was.

He turns and sees a huge aquarium tank, but he couldn't see any fishes. Why was it here?

"Turn the pages, please, if you don't mind." A voice calls out.

John frowns, wondering where the voice was coming from, but he could have sworn it was coming from the tank. He walks towards it and gasps as a blue, man and fish like creature swims up from below. John backs away in surprise.

"Please. The pages." The creature says politely as it gestures at the books before him. There were four books on four stands facing the tank.

John was amazed, "These? You're reading these?" He asks.

"Four books a day."

John gasps and turns fast as he hears a voice behind him. There before him was the most beautiful woman he ever seen in his life. She carried long red hair, the bluest eyes he ever seen. When she smiled at him in greeting, his breath was taken by that smile. Even in that oversized sweater, he could make out her curves. She walks towards him and stands before the tank.

"Four books at once, every day..." She chuckles, "As long as one of us is there to turn the pages." She holds out her hand, "Hi, I'm Katherine. Katherine Hemlock."

"Uh, uh, Hi. I'm John..." John stutters and shakes her hand, then the creature from the tank interrupts him, pressing his webbed hand over the glass.

"Agent John T. Myers, Kansas City, 76'. T stands for Thaddeus, mother's older brother. Scar on your chin happened when you were 10. You still wonder if it's ever going to fade away."

"How did it...?"

"Uh-uh. He. Never say 'it'. We're kinda sensitive to that word around here." Katherine holds up a warning finger. "Agent Myers, meet Abraham Sapien. We discovered him alive in a secret chamber several years ago at the Oannes Society. A secret boy's club that had a sick taste for turning humans into creatures. Abe here was the last survivor. They were about to put him down, but we saved him. He doesn't remember anything about his previous life. Just the memories we made since he lived here." She moves and points at a framed paper that was hanging under the tank. "His name was taken from this inscription...stuck to the side of his tank." She says.

"'Icthyo Sapiens. April 14, 1865'." John reads and looks at Abe in wonder.

"The same day Abraham Lincoln died. Hence Abe Sapien." Another voice speaks out behind them. There stood Travis Broom as he watches them both from afar and walks towards them.

"It just seemed to fit him more." Katherine chuckles and shrugs.

Travis smiles at Katherine, "Hello, my dear." He chuckles and hugs her, giving her a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"Hi, uncle." She smiles and hugs him back. She turns back towards John, "Agent Myers, this is the old, wrinkly ass you need to kiss." She places her hand on Travis' back, giggling at his groan of embarrassment. "This is my uncle."

"My name's Broom. Professor Travis Broom. And please, no ass kissing." Travis shakes Myers' hand.

"Sir, I'm John..."

"I know who you are, dear boy. Caught all what Abe has already given about you." Travis chuckles and moves towards a gold pneumatic tube that was connected to the tank. He lifts a cover over a plate and John groans in disgust at the sight of green boiled eggs. "Rotten eggs. A delicacy. Abe loves them."

Katherine averts her nose as Travis sends two rotten eggs into the tube and delivers them to Abe. Abe happily catches the eggs and begins to gulp them down.

After the smell finally fades in the air, John continues to look at Abe in wonder, "How does he know so much about me?"

Travis turns towards the books, flipping the pages for Abe, "Abe possesses a unique frontal lobe."

Katherine chuckles, "'Unique'." She scoffs, "That's a word you'll hear frequently around here. Basically, Abe can read you. You saw him press his hand against the glass, right?"

John nods.

"That's how he knew. He read your mind. And he can sense emotions. A single touch or a wave of his hand in the right direction. You have no secrets from him." Katherine says.

John looks back at Abe, amazed at what he witnessed, but he was still confused, "But where am I, exactly?" He asks.

Travis turns towards John, "As you entered the lobby, there was an inscription:"

"'In the absence of light, darkness prevails'." Katherine recites the quote.

"There are things that go bump in the night, Agent Myers. Make no mistake about that."

"You could say...we are the ones who bump back." Katherine smirks.

Together, all three of them walk the long hallway towards another door. Travis moves towards a panel and presses in the code to unlock the door. John watches it open before them as Travis turns towards Myers, giving him the brief history of the B.P.R.D.

"1937. Hitler joins the Thule Society...a group of German aristocrats obsessed with the occult. 1938, he acquired the Spear of Longinus...which pierced the side of Christ. He who holds it becomes invincible." Travis says as he points his cane at the display case that held a sharp look black speak with a leather piece wrapped around the middle.

John stops and looks at it in wonder, studying the relic before him, unsure if it was real or not. He jumps as he feels an elbow tap him.

"Hey, keep up and you better listen." Katherine says as she holds up another warning finger.

John moves and catches up to Travis and her, carefully listening to everything he was saying.

"Hitler's power increases tenfold. 1943, President Roosevelt decides to fight back. The Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense is born. 1958, the Occult Wars finally come to an end...with the death of Adolf Hitler."

"1945, you mean." John corrects, causing Travis and Katherine to turn towards him. "Hitler died in '45." John states

Katherine stifles a giggle while Travis sends him a knowing grin, "Did he, now?"

John frowns as Travis turns to continue their destination. Katherine shakes her head at him.

"You have a lot to learn, Agent Myers. Forget what you know in history books." She turns and follows Travis.

"Uh, John." John stutters and moves to walk next to her. "Call me John."

Katherine chuckles, "Ok, then. John. Call me Kat. Everyone does."

John nods, giving her a crooked grin, "Ok. Kat." He smiles at her.

Soon, they walk towards a familiar face. Agent Clay stands before them at the end of the hall. Giving John his best intimidating look. Next to Clay was a room service tray that carried several large bowls of food.

"Myers, this is Agent Clay." Travis introduces. "Take his lead. He'll make the introductions." He says and turns to give Myers two Baby Ruth candy bars, then he turns to leave them all.

Stuttering in confusion, "Y-You're not coming?"

Travis stops, but doesn't turn, "I handpicked you from a roster of over 70 academy graduates. Make me proud." He says and continues on to leave them all.

Katherine sighs softly, "They're still not speaking." She says gently.

"Professor Broom had him grounded." Clay says as he turns, holding a rectangular key, he clicks the trigger, and it retracts. Placing it into the keyhole and turning it. Several gears turn and a red light goes off along with an alarm as the locks begin to click.

Confused, "Grounded? Who's grounded?"

"Hmm, my boyfriend." Katherine says.

John struggles to hide his disappointment. Of course she was taken. A beautiful girl like her couldn't be single.

"His nephew." She nods at Travis' fading figure as he walks through the doors they recently came out of. "We're really not allowed to go out into the world unless there's a good reason. We didn't have a good reason."

"Still trying to get that image of you two out of my head." Clay grimaces and shudders.

Katherine smacks his shoulder and covers her face in embarrassment. Clay snorts and turns towards John.

"Okay. You saw the fish guy, right?"

"Oh, yeah. That was weird." John scoffs and shudders.

Katherine gives him a glare while Clay scoffs, "Yeah. Right." He turns and opens the large, vault door that led to another. "Well, come on in. Meet the rest of the family."

John frowns as he looks down the hallway and moves out of Clay's way when he pushes the food tray down towards another door. When they walk inside, John was welcomed to music and cats swarming around. The room was messy, reminded him of a college dorm. There was a small sink with several items a man would use to shave, but there was a filer and a hand saw as well. Several TVs. Retro to flatscreens. A huge king size bed. Two closet doors. A hamper full of clothes. A man's and a woman's. This had to be Katherine's and her mysterious boyfriend's room. He turns and sees several pictures of Katherine alone. Posed sexily, silly, or just happily.

"He gets fed six times a day. He's got a thing for cats. You'll be his nanny, his keeper, his best friend. He never goes out unsupervised." Clay says as he gives Myers the rules and basically his job duties.

John frowns, "Who?"

Katherine picks up a comic book and hands it to him. It was a Hellboy comic book with his picture on the front.

"I hate those comic books." A gruff voice speaks out from the shadows.

John looks up and his eyes widen. From the shadows, he sees an outline of a tall, red creature. At first, he thought he saw a giant ape...or a hairless Bigfoot.  But it was like a man, except with a long tail, a stoned right arm, and filed-down horns. He couldn't see his face, but he could see the black hair tied up, a black beard with sideburns. Wide shoulders and chest that was covered with muscles. He held a dumbbell in his left hand and lifts it with ease. But it was obvious that it must have weighed more than an average man could lift.

"They never get the eyes right." Hellboy says as he smokes a cigar while he works out. It gave a bright, burning glow in the shadows.  John could almost see the creature's eyes. Golden eyes.

"Ugh, do you have to smoke that?" Katherine walks by him, fanning the air.

John looks at the comic again and back to Hellboy, completely shocked that he was standing before the real Hellboy. He always believed that it was just something made up, but here he was.

"Hellboy. He's real." He whispers.

"Hey, I'm not hurting anyone." Hellboy scoffs at Kat.

"How about my air?" Kat asks sarcastically and takes the cigar out of his mouth, placing it in the astray near them.

"He's real." John whispers again in disbelief.

"Yeah. 60 years old by our count. But he doesn't age like we do. Think reverse dog years. He's barely out of his 20s." Clay says as he sets the food down for Hellboy.

Hellboy snorts, "What's with the hair, Clay? Finally got them implants, huh?"

Clay chuckles uncomfortably and smooths his hair, "It'll...It'll fill in."

Katherine walks up to Hellboy and slaps his arm, "Be nice, Red."

Hellboy snorts and looks over to see a new guy with Clay, "Who's the squirt?"

"Agent Myers is your new liaison." Clay explains.

Hellboy frowns at this information and tosses the dumbbell on the floor, the sound of the weights thud loudly against the ground. He moves away and stands close to Kat. Hellboy could see right through John, especially when he noticed how he was eyeing Katherine. It doesn't take an idiot to realize he's got the hots for his girl. Hellboy didn't like that at all.

"I don't want him." He scoffs and looks over towards Clay, "What, you get tired of me, Clay?" He asks, wrapping an arm around Kat, showing John his territory with a warning eye. Hellboy looks down at his love, "Don't tell me you're bored with me, Baby." He gives her hip a squeeze.

Kat snuggles against his chest, "You know why we have more babysitters. Cause you..." She pokes his hard chest, "Monkey Man...can't stop rebelling."

"So it's my fault I'm just trying to be a good boyfriend for my girl?" He snorts.

Clay leans closer to John, "The candy. Give him the candy." He whispers.

John snaps out of his daze as he watches the two of them have their little argument, "Oh, sir, I...I have these for you." He says as he holds up the Baby Ruth bars.

Hellboy frowns; there was only one way he knew his favorite candy, "Uncle Travis." He scoffs and looks over towards Clay, "So he's back?" He asks. Clay nods and Hellboy turns to look down at Kat, "He still angry?"

Kat gives him a bitter smile, "Very. Still won't talk to you. You know how it is, Red. Breaking out...big no-no for parental guardians." She sighs.

"Well, it was our anniversary. Nobody's business." Hellboy scoffs. "Just ours." He says as he continues to hold her close.

"It is. You got yourself on TV again. You're lucky they haven't gotten Kat's identity, but you know if they's not just you we have to worry about." Clay says.

Hellboy sighs, that was true. If the world knew about Kat. If she ever exposed herself out there, using her powers. The Underworld was still looking for her. After her awakening, the creatures that hid in the dark knew if they had her in their grasp, he was vulnerable to all. He couldn't let anything happen to his Kitten. He didn't want to think about it. He just wanted to have a normal relationship with his girl. Take her out and treat her like a queen. She was his queen.

On the night of their anniversary, when they met several years ago, he wanted to wine and dine her every single year. Just be...human with her. Even though they weren't. He wanted to be a part of the human world so badly. Katherine could be, why can't he? Even though he looked like this...if he could just show the world who he was, inside...he had hope they could accept someone like him.

"Myers, huh? You got a first name, Myers?" Hellboy scoffs as he changes the subject.

John could barely speak, he couldn't stop staring at Hellboy. Clay leans in close, trying to save his ass from being on Hellboy's shit list, "Try not to stare. He hates it when people stare." He whispers.  

Shaking out of his thoughts, he tries to avert his eyes, "John. John Myers. Well, John'll do." He stutters his words.

Hellboy rolls his eyes and hides a grin, but Kat catches it, "Stop it" She snickers, knowing he was being intimidating on purpose. "Don't scare him." She whispers.

John frowns at Clay, "Stare at what?" He whispers.

Hellboy walks closer to get a better look at John as Clay leans in again, "His horns. He files them to fit in." He whispers, but shuts up quickly as he presents Hellboy's food for him.

Hellboy looks to see what's for dinner, but catches John looking up at him till he reaches the top of his head. That always annoyed Hellboy. People looking at his horns. He hated them as much as he hated people looking at them. Katherine discreetly tries to get him to stop, but he was frozen.

"What you looking at, John?" Hellboy snarls down at him.

John snaps out of it and shakes his head, stuttering as he looks away, "Oh, no, no, no. Nothing. Nothing at all."

Suddenly, an alarm goes off as red light flashes all over the compound. Kat groans in annoyance as a female voice calls out over the speakers.

"Code red..."

"Hey, hey, hey." Hellboy chuckles humorlessly as he looks up, hearing that familiar alarm.

"Warning. Code red."

"They're playing our song. Come on, champ, let's go fight some monsters." Hellboy says as he pats John's chest, causing him to grunt in pain as he almost falls backwards if it wasn't for Clay. "Come on, Babe. Let's have some fun." He throws his arm over her shoulder as they head out to their new mission. It was time to show the new guy exactly what was in for.

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