Prologue: The Past Cannot Stay Hidden

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October 9, 1944

Through the dark, stormy clouds, below the heavens, which lies the coasts of Scotland, American troops begin to move in towards the mainland through the harsh rain. Accompanied by Professor Broom and his associates. Stories and rumors have floated around them for months, even years, with the whispers of the great and mystic Grigory Rasputin has been helping the Nazis to open a gateway to another world. Maybe even Hell itself. If the rumors were true, Broom and his men needed to stop Rasputin before he unleashed Hell on Earth. With the help of the great Nazi hunter, the Lobster, together they sought out to find answers to the rumors. Broom internally feared they were too late as they draw closer, they could hear Rasputin's voice call out in ancient Latin as he stands before the alter, wearing a dark cloak as he holds an ancient book before a large machine.

While, in fact, World War II was over at last, Germany was defeated...but that doesn't mean it's the end for the Nazis. For their Führer's image, the world must burn. In the right moment, the Nazis always have one last trick up their sleeve.

Covered by the large work lights, dozens of Nazi soldiers swarmed among thick stonewalls and archways. German soldiers swiftly assembled a large steel machine as a spindly Nazi in a black leather with his face covered with an odd gas mask. His name tag read: Kroenen.

"The freak in the gas mask..." An American solider mutter, deeply disturbed by the sight before him. Broom cuts him off with a swift raise of his hand as he looks out towards the Nazi group with binoculars.

"Karl Ruprecht Kroenen, one of the Reich's top Scientists. Head of the Thule Occult Society." Broom lowers his binoculars and looks towards the solider, "And one of the most deadliest swordsmen in Germany." He adds as a glimmer of steel shines from Kroenen's sleeve, nearly blinding their sight.

Suddenly, Grigory stops and places the book down, turning towards a smaller altar that was littered with headless doves. He stands drenched, naked under his cloak as he bends down to take a crude, wooden bowl in his hands that was full of blood from the doves. A symbol of innocence slaughtered. He dips his fingers into the blood and begins to draw a cross over his chest, a mockery of the Almighty.

"If Kroenen's here..." Broom's frown grows as disturbance fills his eyes at the possible outcome of this being's presence. "The rumors are far off..." He looks towards the soldiers and his associates. "It's worse than we can ever possibly imagine."

Chills filled everyone's soul; it wasn't the harsh weather that sent that cold shiver down their spines. It was death itself. They all turn back as soldiers begin shouting in German and Kroenen grunts out a signal to flood the machine with more lights. He reaches and throws a switch. Dozens of gears begin to respond to the command as steam pistons thrust copper rails upright, lifting two mighty metal rings that was flooded with lights.  The lights covered an ancient sacristy lined with eroded stone saints.

Grigory stands tall as he moves towards his most faithful follower, Ilsa, an ageless Aryan beauty, dressed in a Nazi uniform. She holds an umbrella for her master as he takes her hand in his in a gentle, loving touch. He was proud of her to follow his footsteps. He knew she would give all for him, even her soul.

In a heavy Russian accent, he speaks gently to her.

"No matter what happens tonight. No matter what happens to me, you must carry on with the work." He says. He holds a small, leather-bound book that contains hand-drawn notes and illustrations. He hands her the book, watching her hold it in her hands as if it was a sacred item that must be protected at all cost. "This will guide you back to me."

"I will not leave you." She says with love and honor in her eyes for him.

" will." He says, knowing the future of her faith. "You will...leave me. Deny me." He adds.

Ilsa shakes her head in denial, true to her master, "Never..." He gently hushes her as he brushes his thumb, coated with blood, over her forehead. She sighs and closes her eyes at the erotic touch of him and the cold chill of the blood. It sent shivers down her spine.

"I grant you everlasting life, youth...and the power to serve me." He whispers to her, their breath growing heavily as they draw closer, aching for a kiss as if it was their last. But a voice calls out to them, breaking their moment.

"Ilsa! Grigory!" Von Krupt, an acrid German General, wearing dark scarlet glasses and leather gloves that matched his Nazi uniform. He holds up a pocket watch towards them.

"It's time." He states, his voice lit with impatience. After so long, it was finally time for Grigory to show him and his men what he can do for Fuehrer Hitler to empower him more for Germany.

Grigory sighs in annoyance as interrupted him. all...he has waited as well for this night. To open the portal to worlds unknown. The power that lies beyond humanity. Krupt was was time.

Grigory, Ilsa, and Krupt all walk towards the machine. Ilsa still held the umbrella for Grigory as he makes his way towards where he must stand. The machine stood with its colossal steel and copper clockworks gleaming in the floodlights.

"Five years of research and construction, Grigory. Five years!" Krupt says as he eyes Grigory with warning if this did not go as he promise. "The fürhrer doesn't look kindly on failure." He glares at him with a cold look.

Grigory had no fear towards the man. He carried no fear at all, nothing but true faith in his own work. "There will be no failure, General. I promised Herr Hitler a miracle." He gently pushes Ilsa's hand, moving the umbrella away from him, letting the cold rain hit his skin. "I'll deliver one." He promises.

Krupt sighs and moves away, muttering softly that he better deliver it or he'll deliver his head to Herr Hitler.

Kroenen moves as he opens a polished oak box that contains a massive gold and copper Mecha-glove. Grigory extends his hand so Kroenen may fit him with the contraption, which is attached to cables and hoses.

At the hilltop, the Americans fan out, unseen. Broom and General Whitman, dive into a ditch barely in time to avoid a German foot patrol. Other soldiers take up positions below a machine gun nest.

They all watch the Nazis hook the mecha-glove to the machine and Grigory stands on top of the altar, expressing his glorious plan to all before him.

"Tonight, I will open a portal and awaken the Ogdru Jahad: The seven Gods of chaos." Lightening roars above them all as the rain continues its harsh pour. But nothing drowned out his voice. "Our enemies will be destroyed. In an instant, all impurity in this world will be razed and from the ashes a new Eden will arise."

Ilsa holds on to the book tightly as she listens to her master's words with adoration, eager for his dream to come true during this historical moment.

Grigory twists a knob on the glove and watch it begin to turn. He holds it up at the machine and begins to whisper the words to open the door.

"Ragnarök...Anung...Ia..." His voice begins to strain as he feels the power building, "Anung."

With a flex of his wrist and fingers, an invisible blast of energy explodes from the glove, sending power towards the rings. Bright lighting shoots out, covering the machine and a long bolt hits back at the glove. He lifts the glove up, watching the rings and glove power up together. A bright light explodes from the rings, forming a bright portal before everyone. It opens and a dark, endless void with a blue flaming ring is present for the whole world to see. Burning symbols slash the air, like living serpents of fire. The edges of the cosmic slit sizzle with color; an alien galaxy sparkles on the other side. Suddenly, a work light tears loose and flies in. The six-foot work light tumbles by the massive Ogdru Jahad: seven egg-like monoliths of unholy origin. Within their translucent walls, horrible creatures lie slumbering. As the light sweeps by, one of the giants opens a filmy eye, and then another, and another, and another...Fleshy tentacles move lazily within their crystalline prison.

CLICK. Matlin, Broom's friend and associate, begin to snap dozens of pictures for all he's worth. Whitman yanks him down and pulls out a large bayonet blade as he glares down at the overweight man with fury. Unaware that they were already spotted by one of the Nazi scientists.

"Listen to me, you moron: you do that again, I'll carve you a new --" He furiously whispers at Matlin, but Broom swipes a hand in the air, grabbing the General's wrist to get the blade away from his friend's face.

The Nazi scientist slowly approaches, carrying a gold cylinder that were used to power the machine.  Unsure if he was just imagining, especially with what his boss was performing before them all...but he could have sworn he saw something.  Someone.

"Listen to me!!! The portal is open!!! We have to stop them!!!" Broom whispers fiercely and demand.  He looks up and sees his acquaint and longtime companion, the famous Lobster Johnson, hiding above them behind the columns.

Grigory continues his incantation, struggling with his words as he tries to control the power of the portal with his mechanical glove, determined to keep the portal open long enough for the God his worships to come forth and bring upon his image to the world.  A world of chaos, darkness, and so much more.  His body practically dangles like a marionette with the surge of energy.  The skeptical Von Krupt was in awe with the site. 

At Broom's command, Whitman grabs a grenade and pulls the pin, tossing it into the crowd of scientists and soldiers.  The scientist that was walking towards the American soldiers flinches as something hit the ground next to him.  He double takes and sees a grenade.  He shouts out to his comrades, but it was too late.  The explosion of the grenade sends the scientist flying into the air, making him hit the portal wall with a loud thud.  The energy from the portal slowly burns the scientist's body, forcing him to scream in agony as his charred skeleton forms into dust in the rain.

Lobster Johnson takes fire first and soon, the entire ruins with gunfire and screams.  Grigory continues his ritual with the warzone erupting around him.  Ilsa takes cover but rushes towards the cranked camera to keep documenting her master's accomplishment.  She smirks as she watches Grigory, knowing that the soldiers were too late.  With the portal open, such wonders awaits. 

A hail of bullets cuts down a dozen Nazis. The Allies overrun the machine gun nest as grenades explode everywhere. Von Krupt shoots wildly, but Whitman's bullets rip into the old Nazi's chest.


Kroenen extends two gleaming blades from twin steel bands on his wrists and takes on an entire group of soldiers, mowing through them with swords spinning like deadly rotors. The steel chops clean through their weapons. Broom pulls the pin of his grenade and throws it at the generator. It wedges itself between two moving tie rods.

Kroenen squeals and retracts his blades as he lunges after it. The gyrating rails slice through his leather jacket. As his fingers reach the grenade...


Kroenen flies through the air, hitting a stone wall, where two long pieces of shrapnel pin him like an insect. Another rail plunges like a javelin into the earth right next to Matlin.

Lobster Johnson manages to take down many of the soldiers and soon, the gunfight dies down.  Ilsa slowly holds her hands up as the American's aimed their guns at her, forcing her to stop filming.  Grigory groans in pain and yells as his thrown back by the impact of a gunshot.  Separating his connection with the portal.  He yells out in dismay when the glove was shot off his hand. Without the generator, the glove...the portal begins to flicker out into nothing.  With the surviving Nazis captured with Ilsa, Lobster Johnson approaches Grigory and holds up his hand, exposing his famous, glowing claw. 

"Here, so the devil knows who sent you."

Grigory grunts in pain, sneering at him.  He curses in German and yells in agony once more as Lobster Johnson presses the Claw on his forehead.  Branding him for eternity. Panting and groaning, his spits at Lobster Johnson while the American Soldiers yank him to his feet. 

Lobster Johnson turns towards the other Nazis, "As the rest of you goose-stepping bastards," He holds up his hand again, "...beware of my claw for I have come to inflict justice on all of you." He warns.  He catches Ilsa's smirk but sends her a cold look.  Knowing how evil she was.  He turns and salutes Broom with his gun. Broom nods back at him, grateful for his help. 

From the shadows, Lady Hatton, Broom's friend and seer walks towards him and holds out a hand for him to guide her towards the unholy altar. 

The American soldiers continue to scout for any surviving Nazis, passing by the wall where Kroenen was but instead was two bloodied rails embedded in the wall where he was pinned, nothing more.

As Broom holds Lady Hatton's hand, he feels her shiver in fear, "It's not over.  It's here." She whispers. 

Broom trusts her words and turns towards the Whitman, "Cordon off the area. Something came through." He says. 

Whitman frowns, "From where??!!" He exclaims over the continuous raging storm. 

Shivering silently in terror, that was what scared him the most.  Where did the creature come from? Where, indeed? Broom glances at a 13th century fresco depicting heaven and hell.

A group of soldiers spreads out, using flashlights to scour through the rubble. Every one of them has a rosary hanging from the bayonet.

Matlin and Whitman roam over the debris of the ruins. Rain pours through the broken roof.  Whitman heads on towards his men while Matlin stays with Broom and Lady Hatton. 

"Do you believe in hell?" He asks.

"There is a place, a dark place where evil slumbers and awaits to return. From there it infects our dreams. Our thoughts. Grigory gave us a glance tonight..."

Matlin frowns and cuts him off, "Grigory. That's Russian, right?"

Broom nods.

Matlin continues, "Thought they were on our side..."

"Grigory Yefimovich Rasputin." Lady Hatton says, shuddering at that name.

Matlin scoffs at her, "C'mon. Rasputin?"

Her cold, white eyes stare him down, though blind, it felt like she could see right into your soul, "He was one of the spiritual advisors to the Romanovs.  One of the most powerful.  Fallen into the world of darkness with its seductions.  Lusting for the power of the worlds brought him.  Nothing quenched his thirst."

"In 1916, at a dinner in his honor, he was poisoned, shot, stabbed, clubbed, drowned and castrated." Broom states.

Matlin frowns, confused with the timeline, "That makes him more than a hundred..." He gasps as a rustling sound reaches their ears.

Matlin readies a handgun as Broom scans the walls with his flashlight. Something moves, accompanied by a loud scrape. Matlin cocks his pistol and nervously approaches a crumbling statue. With a loud screech, a red creature jumps into the air!

Instinctively, Matlin shoots at it. The red thing leaps from arch to arch, followed by a trail of bullet hits, yet it dodged each bullet easily. Whitman and other soldiers rush to join them as they hear the gunfire.

"What the hell was that? An ape?" Matlin exclaims.

"No, it was red.  Bright red."

Whitman rushes into the ruins with his men, "What are you two talking about?"

"A red ape." Matlin says as he points his gun at the creature above them.

Broom rolls his eyes as he approaches the creature, "It's-not-an-ape." He says slowly and exasperatedly.

They hear the labored breathing of a living creature. All eyeing it with astonishment, completely in awe yet fear of the creature.  It screeches and squeals as it struggles to hide in the shadows.  Fearing the men more than they feared it.  Matlin exclaims as Broom shines his light on the creature, eyeing its arms.  One was large than the other.  He frowns as he tries to figure what was in the creature's hand. 

"It's got a big stone in its hand." Matlin exclaims.

Broom looks closer, "I think that is its hand." He says as he could clearly make out the stoned arm.  Broom eyes the creature, studying it.  It was nothing like he ever seen in the books he has studied, nor the evil creatures he has come across throughout his years. 

"Broom, we must destroy it.  You remember my warning." Lady Hatton says.

"I agree with the broad.  We should kill it." Whitman states.

The creature hisses and snarls at Whitman and his men.  When Whitman raises his gun, it cowers between a gargoyle and a stone saint. But Broom stops him from firing, holding up a hand and stands between the men and the creature. 

"Wait..." He looks up again at the creature.  In deep shadow, the red thing observes with bright, golden eyes veined with streaks of burnt sienna. Broom was captured with those eyes.  He could see something in those eyes that spoke to him. 

Broom slowly fishes a Baby Ruth candy bar from his pocket. The creature watches with curiosity, but still feared the men before him.  Peeling back the wrapper, Broom slowly waves the candy. The red thing shrinks back, but perks as Broom bites into the candy and chews, noisily smacking his lips.  He offers the candy again. This time, out of the dark comes a small face, not very different from the stone demons around it. The creature extends its left arm, which was smaller than the right.  It couldn't reach out as good.  It grunts as it stretches as far as it could go.  With a frustrated growl, it uses its right arm instead: it's solid stone with tiny runes engraved around the thick, cylindrical wrist. Four articulated stone fingers wiggle, reaching for the chocolate.

A young soldier exclaims at the sight, "Jesus! Would'ya look at the size of that whammer!"

With a swipe of its right hand, it grabs a hold of the chocolate and goes back into the shadows, slurping down the chocolate as it munches happily. 

Broom grabs a blanket from Matlin and fishes for another candy bar, "Come on." He gently calls out.  "It's safe." He waves the candy bar in front of the blanket. He chuckles as the red thing turns towards him, lips and mouth coated with chocolate. 

Whitman watches the creature jump into Broom's arms, into the blanket.  Whitman moves closer with his men to see the creature more clearly as it squeals and squeaks like a little child in Broom's arms.  Broom tenderly covers it with a blanket. The stubby fingers holds on to the candy as it eats happily. Broom smiles down at the creature and turns towards everyone.

"It's a boy. Just a baby boy." He says. 

The soldiers cluster around, curious to see it. But Lady Hatton grew worried.  Broom has never disappointed her before.  Tonight, he has. 

"Why let it live?" She asks as the sun was rising and the storm was over.  The men were gathered around as Matlin was preparing his camera for a group shot.

Broom sighs as he continues to hold the creature in his arms, "Something about him, I guess.  He's different than other creatures we have come across."

"But you know what will happen.  Are you willing to accept the consequences?" Lady Hatton asks.

Broom looks down at the creature, watching it squeak as it looks up at him with those golden eyes.  Broom reaches and smiles when the creature takes his finger, giving it a gentle squeeze.  Like a son bonding with his father.  He sighs softly and looks up at Lady Hatton.

"I can change him.  I can turn him into something that we can use to fight against others.  It wouldn't hurt to have friends from the other side."

"Especially, if they're family, you mean." Lady Hatton scoffs.

"He'll be my son.  But he'll be a soldier as well." Broom states.

"You mean a weapon." She says.

"I think he was already one when he was born.  Trust me.  I can see potential in him." Broom states.

Lady Hatton sighs, "If the creature lives, I see him standing before a burning world." She tilts her head as she hears whispers in the wind.  "But based on a choice.  He shall meet a woman...a woman like him, yet human.  If she meets him in time, the choice will change." She sighs as she looks up, "I see him...with a bright world.  A king...with his queen."

Broom sighs and looks back at the creature who studies him with childlike curiosity. He chuckles down at it as it continues to squeeze his finger. 

Matlin begins to direct them all into the group shot, "Come on, lads, bring it in."

Soon, everyone moves to get into the group photo. Broom, Lady Hatton. Whitman.  All the soldiers.  Lady Hatton stands next to Broom as he lets the creature stand next to him.

"I do hope you know what you're doing, Trevor." Lady Hatton states, unsure with Broom's decision.

"I do, Cynthia." He looks over towards her.  "Since when have you ever doubted me?" He says and chuckles as she scoffs at him. 

"What are we gonna call it, Broom?" A soldier calls out.

"Yeah, what should we name our discovery?" Another chuckles. 

As Matlin holds up the flash, Broom looks down at the creature with a smile, "Hellboy." The name came to him like a snap of the fingers.  It seemed to have fit him so well. 

The creature seemed to like it as it smiles and squeaks in affirmation. 

"Watch the birdie!" Matline says.


"Professor Broom and myself were working with the allies at the time. With his knowledge of the occult and my gift of foresight, we led a secret mission to the island to kill whatever abomination was summoned from the depths of hell that night. Instead, we found you." Lady Hatten's voice echoes from the past.

(What a loooong break I have had.  It's been a very crazy month.  I'm so happy to be back to writing my stories.  I lost my muse lately and trying to get back into it.  Been taking extra shifts at work.  Been brainstorming for weeks and occasionally writing down ideas for my stories. Ever since I saw the new trailer for Hellboy: Crooked Man, I had to come back and do new books in here.  I have to admit, I'm iffy with the Great Value looking Hellboy.  My Hellboy is David forever.  As much as I love Ron, but David is so freaking sexy, I can't stand it.  Speaking of which, I have a new chapter for Do You Believe in Magic, but I don't want to release it too soon.  They are killing us with the waiting game for Stranger Things 5.  Hope you like this chapter and I'm gonna continue to publish more soon.)

Lots of Love


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