Chapter 7

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3rd person's point of view

Hellboy was standing outside of his his best friend's tank. Abe was recovering from the attack he had unfortunately been a victim of. Next to the tank was a room, in the room was a bed and in the bed, hooked up to several wires and machines, was his little sister, Aravind. She had been badly cut. She had several stitches on her stomach, three on her left eyebrow, two on the bridge of her nose and several more on her cheekbone. Hellboy's other friend, agent Clay, was in the room next door to Aravind's. He had a lot of internal bleeding as well as large gashes accompanying them. He was not expected to see the next day. "He'll make it." Tom Manning, the head of special operations at the FBI, reassured him whilst lighting a cigar. "Not everyone was so lucky. We had two agents die today. Clay probably won't survive the night and your sister is in really bad shape.

" not now, Manning, please. " Hellboy deadpanned. Manning didn't listen.

"My problem with you: you're reckless. These men, that young girl, trusted you to lead them as a team. Where were you? She needed her brother, these men needed a good leader." Tom snapped. Covering for his own guilt. He was fond of that girl and it hurt him to know that she had tried to use the knives he had had made for her, but they didn't help when she needed them most. He felt that he had let her down.

Hellboy was feeling the same way. He felt that he had let her down. Manning's words had hit him hard, even though they were what he was already thinking. Of course the two men were saddened by the loss of the two agents, Moss and Quarry, and the pain that Clay and Abe were in. It was a vicious cycle that the men were going through. First they would spend a long time thinking and grieving the deaths. Next their thoughts would dwell on Clay's state and how much time he had left. Then would be Abe, although he wasn't too badly injured, he was still in the two men's minds. Finally, they thought about Aravind, the sweet young girl who had captured everyone's heart, although she can change her attitude quite quickly. She was in so much pain, especially since her body wasn't used to it. If she hadn't of used her fake self so much, her body would be more adapt to fighting and her skin would have toughened. This has been the first time in a good few months the girl has been on a mission as her real self.

Hellboy had it the worst, his sister's blood still stuck to his hands and clothes like glue. It reminded him that he had not been there to save her and that he had not continued going after Kroenen and he had instead chased one of the reincarnations of Sammael the hound of resurrection. The guilt plagued his thoughts as he anxiously waited for Aravind to wake up.

"I knew those men better than you did. I know Ara way better than you." Hellboy replied, still no emotion in his voice.

" I see, that makes it alright, then. " Manning said, examining his cigar.

Hellboy immediately interjected. "No, it doesn't make it alright." Frustration rising in his voice. "But I stopped that thing, didn't I?"

" Yes, you did. " Manning quickly spoke. "It's what you do. It's why we need you. You have an insight. You know monsters." Manning smirked clearly implying something else.

Hellboy started stepping closer, his intimidation tactic so he could tower over others. "What are you trying to say?"

Manning also took a step forward, he made hand gestures as he spoke, using the hand that held his cigar. "This whole thing is a farce. Because in the end..." He stopped briefly to wet his lips before continuing. "...after you've killed, after you've captured every freak out there. .." He paused, as if for dramatic affect. ... "there's still one left. You." Instead of adding in Ara and Abe, Hellboy just nodded his head in agreement as Manning turned to walk away.

"Hey...uh...Manning." Said man turned to Hellboy. A questioning look on his face. "I wish I could be more gracious, but..." He tilted his head before suddenly moving to the pressurized canister on the wall. Sparks flew as he raised it above his head. Manning cowered with a look of pure shock on his face, his mouth as wide as it could go.

Whilst this was happening, professor Broom was greeting Liz back to the Bureau after Myers had convinced her to stay for a couple of days. "Welcome back." The man said, arms wide open for Liz to hug him. The woman's arrival had distracted him from his daughter's comatose like state. Liz put down her case down and hugged the professor.

"It's only for the weekend, professor Broom." At this moment the canister burst through the frosted glass wall. The shattering noise was loud enough to wake anyone one up. Manning jumped out after it. Broom, Liz and Myers were still stood at the end of the corridor, all were surprised by the sudden noise. Myers pulling out his gun out of instinct.

Manning stood up straighter before putting up a shaking finger towards Hellboy."I-I want that thing locked up, starting now. " The man raised his arm and dramatically pointed to the ground. "Right now! Do you--?" He panicked as he heard Hellboy approaching and carried on speaking whilst scuttling away. "Now, you hear me?Locked up!"

Hellboy looked at Liz as she spoke "nothing's changed. Home sweet home."

Hellboy looked shocked to see her there. "Liz?" He watched as she walked away " Liz. " A smile spread across his face. Broom sighed as he walked away. The gathered agents scattered. "You did it, buddy. You did it!" Myers shook his head, holstered his gun and walked away. Hellboy's smile dropped. "Myers? Pop? Hmm. "

" I can't even be unconscious for less than a day without you trying to kill Tom. " a scratchy voice replied. Hellboy spun around, the smile back on his face.

Aravind's point of view

I was jolted awake at the sound of glass breaking and heavy metal hitting the floor. I groaned as I felt my wounds throb and ache. I reached my hand to my face and stomach, feeling my stitches. I looked around and figured that I was in one of the bureau's medical rooms. A nurse walked in, noticing that I was awake. "Your brother is causing quite the riot out there. Got into an argument with Manning over what happened at the subway." I smirked, that's just like Red. I'm out of it for what seems a couple of hours and Manning and him are already at each others throats. "Ara, I need you to try and sit on the edge of the bed and use these crutches to walk so you don't irritate and rip your stitches , although your wounds should heal up after a few days, due to your fast healing." I sat up slowly and swinged my legs 'round to the floor. The nurse passed me the crutches and some slippers because of the glass that Red had broken. He helped me walk to the door before I dismissed him, saying that I could do it myself. I hobbled over to the broken glass just as a gathered crowd dispersed. Red was talking to Myers but was being ignored.

"Myers? Pop?" Red asked, probably wondering where everyone was going.

" I can't even be unconscious for less than a day without you trying to kill Tom. " I chuckled, my voice scratchy and hoarse. Red spun around to face me, the sad look on his face vanishing, being replaced with a smile. He swiftly stepped towards me, his arms spread out as if ready for flight. He enveloped me in a hug, causing me to drop my crutches and hug him back tightly. He had his face in my neck as my head rested on his shoulder. I hissed in pain as he accidentally touched my stitches. He cursed then apologized before picking me up so the hug was more comfortable for the both of us. I started thinking about the subway attack. Before he left me, the nurse had told me about what he knew. Abe was recovering in a tank, Clay wouldn't make it 'till morning and the other two were brutally killed by the reincarnations of Sammy. I started sobbing into Red's shoulder, my breathing became heavy as the tears streamed down my face.

"Hey, hey, hey, kid. What's the matter?" Red asked pulling my head up so he could look me in the eyes.

"The nurse, he told me what happened to the others. " I cried harder, just like before I passed out. "I let him die!" The uncontrollable sobs racked through my body, my breathing became laboured.

"It wasn't your fault, Ara. The guy saved ya." Red told me sincerely. "Now come on, you need some proper rest." He carried me bridal style whilst picking up my crutches and I stifled a yawn. I soon fell asleep, finally feeling safe in my big brother's arms.

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