Chapter 8

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I woke up feeling a lot better. I had woken up in Red's room, wrapped in my favourite fluffy throw, lying next to Red, who had also fallen asleep. Afterwards I had gotten dressed out of the hospital gown, that was too big for me. I was trying to help Red write a note to Liz, he was trying to tell her that he loved her, finally! "I'm gonna put these over here, okay?" Myers said holding two large bowls of what looked liked chilli. Since when did Myers get in here? Red raised his hand saying shush repeatedly before responding.

"One minute. One minute." He ripped out another page. There's that one gone.

" Aww, come on Red! That was a good one! " I whined at him. I was sat next to him on his truck bed, trying to release the tension in the stitches on my abdomen and massaging the ones on my face.

"It was too sappy." Red muttered at me. I scoffed playfully and pushed his shoulder causing him to push me over, being careful of my stitches. "Hey, Myers, you're a talker. What's a, what's a good word, a solid word, for 'need'?" Red asked as one of the cats started head butting his notepad.

" Well, uh, 'need' is a good, solid word. " Myers unhelpfully answered.

"Too needy." Red moaned. Seriously? The word 'need' is too 'needy'?

"Jeez, you're so dramatic Red." I chuckled. He childishly pulled his tongue out at me. So I responded like any adult would, I pulled tongues back at him.

"Start in, okay? You got nachos coming." I perked up at this.

" Mmmm. Nachos. " Red replied.

"Oh, my God." A woman's voice said. " look at them all. " Red shot up off the bed. Liz is back? "Who had babies?" Liz questioned. Oh the cats, I thought she meant the mess of Liz love letters scattered on the floor. She picked up a cat as Red kicked the paper away.

Liz looked to me. "Hey, Ara! I heard what happened. Are you okay?" Liz was always like a sister to me and it seemed like nothing has changed since then , which I was glad of.

"Hey, Liz. Yeah, I'm okay I guess, thanks." She gave me a one armed hug, the cat in her other arm.

"Liz, there's something I, uh, I need for you too hear, and it's--" Red asked nervously, I smiled trying to make it look like I wasn't listening.

"Will it take long? Because I'm actually going out." Liz responded. Both mine and Red's heads shot up.

"Out?" We asked simultaneously, before Red continued " 'out' out?" What type of out did he think?

"Yeah. Yeah, for a cup of coffee, but go ahead, read." Coffee? Eww. With who?

" are you going alone? " Really Red? Now you sound sort of stalker-ish.

Liz didn't seem to know how to respond. "No, Myers is taking me." Myers? Oh so I was right earlier, he did start liking her.

Myers picked that moment to walk in front of Red. Great timing, John. "Hey, your chili's getting cold." He's so dead.

" not hungry. " Well he doesn't seem too upset.

"Is there something you'd like me to hear?" Liz questioned my brother.

"It's just a list. Its not finished." Smooth, bro.

" Okay, well then later. See you. " He's so gonna follow them.

"Anything else you need?" Myers asked. Does he not realize what he's done?

"Not from you."

" Well, good night. " Myers responded jokingly, clearly not aware of how annoyed/angry Red was.

"Goodbye" Red said back.

"Go away John." I shooed him off. "Hey, Red I'm gonna go help father with Kroenen 's autopsy, thing. See ya later. Oh and don't get caught following them." I chuckled at him.

" I--how did you know? Never mind, see ya later Ara." I waved at him And left.

I Walked in to where father was and he smiled. He was talking into a tape recorder, I listened intently.

"Subject: Karl Ruprecht Kroenen. Born in Munich, 1897." He lifted part of the sheet up from the body. " suffered from a masochistic compulsion, commonly known as surgical addiction. Both eyelids surgically removed, along with his upper, and lower lip. " he pulled out the winder in Kroenen's chest. "The blood in his veins dried up decades ago." That explains the sand coming out of his bullet wounds when Clay shot him. Don't think about it, Ara, it's too soon. " only dust remains. What horrible will could keep such a creature as this alive?". father was looking at some paper that Kroenen had had on his person. I let him examine it in peace as I went down to the library.

I found Romeo and Juliet and re-read it. I sat under the table because it was my favourite reading spot. A while later father came down and I told him about what happened at the subway." I'm glad you're okay." he told me.

"Thanks, father. I just hope Abe recovers soon, I miss him." I replied.

" I love you and your brother. You'll always remember that, right? When I'm gone. " I sighed at his choice of words.

"We love you too and we'll always remember that. " I reassured him. I heard him mutter what was on Kroenen's paper.

"Sebastian Plackba, number 16. Moscow. Who wants us in Moscow?" He muttered to himself.

father had started looking up what the note had said in one of his old books. I heard a familiar ticking noise. But Kroenen was dead, right? "It's Rasputin's mausoleum." The ticking was now descending the spiral stairs, father only just noticing. " I see the puppet. " he started looking around. "But where is, the puppeteer?" This frightened me.

"Very good, professor Broom." It was the man from the alley. I couldn't see much from where I was but I knew the voice.

father turned to face the man. "It was you. The scraps of paper, Liz's sudden relapse and return. Aravind's injuries."

" bread crumbs on a trail. Like in a fable. " the Russian spoke. "They all distract him, and her, and guide them exactly where I need them." Was Red in danger?


"His destiny." Why was he telling father his plan? I thought only the crap villains do that? The man stood up. "And the last clue will be left by the late Professor Broom." No, no, no. There's no way It means that he'll die, is there? Tears sprung to my eyes. "You raised the children. Nurtured them. So in return I will permit you a brief, brief glance of the future." He touched father 's head, probably doing the same that Abe does. "He will open the portal..." What about me? " ..and bring about the end of the world. If only you had them destroyed 60 years ago none of this would have come to pass. " I couldn't see what he was showing my father but it didn't take a genius to figure out that Red will help destroy the world. I won't let that happen, I'll do what I can to stop it. "But then, how could you have known? Your God chooses to remain silent. Mine lives within me." I could see his skin literally crawl. " Every time I died and crossed over a little more of the master came back with me. He disclosed to me the child's true name, the girl does not have one. Would you like to know it?" No I don't want to know .

"I know what to call them.I call him Son. I call her my daughter." He turned to his book and picked up his rosary before laying it down again. "I'm ready." He said, his head held high. I'm not ready. I'll never be ready. I can't see my father die. I was silently crying. I couldn't help him, my stitches preventing me from getting there quick enough to stop his murder.

" it'll be quick. I know that she is under the table, she shall be left alone. " The fear spiked in my veins.

At this point I had zoned into the music that my father had had playing.

We'll meet again...

Kroenen lifted his blade and spun it slightly.

...don't know when...

He raised his blade.

...don't know where...

And he plunged it into my father.

...But I know we'll meet again...

He fell to the floor, dead.

...some sunny day.

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