Nine: Bumpy First Dates

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"Okay, TARDIS..." I muttered drinking my second cup of coffee, determined to not let myself go to sleep until I had successfully made everything better with the Doctor. "I need your help." I finished off the coffee, setting the empty mug in the kitchen sink.

Setting off for the console room, I walked as silently as possible not wanting to wake anyone up. The Doctor slept for far less time, meaning I had to be quick. Pressing a few buttons, I decided that I would give the Doctor the best first date in the world, a date that he deserved more than anyone.

"Oh..." I drummed my fingers against the console top. "I wish there was some playback feed, so the Doctor could see why I didn't come." I groaned, jumping when the TARDIS made a loud beeping noise.

Alike to when the TARDIS flashed with records of previous companions earlier, a video playback of just after the Doctor, Amy, and Rory left for Venice began playing. My eyes were huge as I watched myself on video run down the hallways to get my blaster, at the same I was running, River entered the TARDIS a second later popping up to the console.

It was odd watching the events that happened unfold here on the screen, seeing it from an outside point of view. In the playback, River Song flicked a few switches, me coming back out a few seconds too late as River Song had already put the TARDIS in the time stream.

"River?" The video me shouted to River, River's head snapping to look at my video self.

"Persephone!" River yelped as she turned off the breaks, putting on the stabilizers.

"No..." I moaned, gripping my hair. "I forgot she said my name, now the Doctor can't see this." I clenched my hands into a fist, wanting to break something.

However, at my words, the TARDIS suddenly dinged and a message popped up on the video feed. 'Audio filtration: Deleted.' Was what the message read, causing a grin to pull at my face.

Eagerly, I leaned into onto the railing watching the video start over this time with no sound. It was impossible to tell what we were saying, but it was obvious that I was stuck on the TARDIS with River.

Excitedly, I began piloting the TARDIS to a small planet I had come across about a hundred years prior. "Thank you, TARDIS." I sang, putting the stabilizers on and turning off the breaks so no one would feel, nor hear us moving.

Alpha-One is a tiny planet, no bigger than the Earth's moon located just on the outskirts of the Andromeda galaxy. It was tiny, but beautiful all the same. No species other than plants necessarily lived on the planet, some creatures only taking to visiting it.

Alpha-One was a planet that looked like eternal serenity full of gorgeous gardens, rivers which looked more like fountains, and a sky which forever shown with a view of the stars. I had stumbled upon the planet long before I was a Guardian of the Galaxy, roughly around a hundred years ago.

I had hijacked a spaceship and was being chased by the owner, whom may I add was trying to incinerate me. To lose him, I crash-landed on this planet. The planet became my home for a few years, I even went as far as to build myself a small house.

For a second, I thought about bringing the Doctor to the house for the first date but shot down the idea realizing it would lead to too many questions I couldn't answer. Besides, I had a better idea.

Soon, the TARDIS materialized in a certain spot on Alpha-One. Shoving the doors open, I smiled taking in the sight around me. Rolling hills of green covered with trees filled the outskirts, bushes of many colors and flowers sat nearest to me in a large meadow. Just beyond the meadow was a waterfall, but unlike any other waterfall, this water was a soft pink.

The air smelled of trees and something sweet. On Alpha-One, the only animals occupying the planet were a sort deer and stag, though these deer were larger and the stags had antlers which grew to alarming sizes. Though alarming in size, they certainly were a sight to look at.

Unable to stop myself, I left the TARDIS smiling as the green engulfed me. It truly was a marvelous planet, I had no clue as to why species never colonized it. My house, which more like a cottage if anything, was a few miles away by foot.

I knew the cottage still stood even if I hadn't been there for over fifty years, the weather here was never bad other than the few sprinkles of rain it got. Looking up, I allowed my gaze to wander over the dark which illuminated the glow of one-thousand stars.

I smiled at the shooting star which crossed the ever night sky. Yep, I was about to make this the perfect first date. Running back into the TARDIS, I set my watch for approximately four hours, knowing the Doctor would be up by then.

With another cup of coffee, I was searching through many closets of the TARDIS looking for a small table. "What the hell, Doctor? Why don't you have a table." I sighed in frustration, flying the TARDIS to Xandar.

Leaving the TARDIS, I ran to the first store which sold tables as fast as possible. I did not want the Doctor waking up and going on Xandar. Xandar was bad as the Guardians were just as popular as the Doctor was here, the Doctor would find out who I was immediately if he explored around.

I couldn't stop the grin which fell across my lips at Xandar. The planet itself was huge, orbiting around three suns. I wasn't even going to talk about the huge population. The planet was home to many different creatures, but none more than the Xandarians.

Xandarians themselves were humanoid figures, and yet they came in many different colors. Surprisingly enough, the main language spoken here was English, don't ask me how but I knew Peter had something to do with it.

Being on Xandar made me remember meeting the Guardians, it also made my stomach clench with sadness. I truly did miss them, and I also kind of just ditched them with no explanation. Well, technically the Doctor had a time machine, he could just pop me back to where he found me just a second after we left. The Guardians wouldn't even realize I was missing.

Making my way through one of Xandar's many utopian cities, a few people recognized me pointing fingers with smiles. "Look, mommy!" A little girl shouted. "It's one of the Guardians, the ones who saved our planet!" She squealed the mother giving me a shy smile as she pulled the little girl away.

I waved back to the little girl, laughing at the large grin she was giving me. Xandar was about the only planet that actually liked us, all the other planet's deemed us as douchebags, which was true, we were douchebags. However, we were also douchebags that went around helping people, sometimes.

Sometimes, we just stole things, like Rocket stealing the batteries from the Sovereign. Yeah, that wasn't good, look where it got us!

"I want this one, how much?" I pointed to a white wooden table that had enough spaces to fit four.

"Twenty-four units." The purple lady stated, tilting her head.

Paying for the table, I quickly got back to the TARDIS taking us back to Alpha-One. Stomping out of the TARDIS and onto the planet, I began setting up the table for two, deciding I would serve the Doctor his favorite.

Fish fingers and custard.

Checking the watch, my eyes widened when I only had two and a half hours left. As quick as possible, I walked into the TARDIS taking the music box the Doctor had from the console room and sitting it on the soft grass by the table.

Softly, I turned it on tuning it to allow soft opera and classical music, music which I knew was the Doctor's favorite.

"Okay..." I breathed, looking at my handwork. "Great, we're done out here, with only." I paused looking at the time. "An hour left?" Quickly, I scrambled to my room hopping in the shower.

It was time to actually make myself look good for the Doctor. I know how it sounds, but it was true, I did want to make sure I tried for this date with the Doctor, he deserved it.

Jumping in the shower, I washed my hair and scrubbed off all the odor of having walked for over ten hours and fought alongside Dracula. Knowing, I couldn't stay in the shower for long I quickly exited throwing the towel over the towel rack.

In a matter of seconds, my body enflames itself, successfully drying my hair. Deciding to leave my hair down for once, I brushed it out, curling it so it twisted down in long waves. Pursing my lips glaring, I at the makeup which innocently sat on the dresser.

"Fuck me." I groaned, giving into my inner girly needs to put makeup on for this date.

It had been long since the last time I wore makeup, in fact, I believe the last time I wore it was on Muspelheim. Makeup and I didn't usually click, I hated makeup most of the time. Now; however, was one of the rare occasions where I actually wanted to doll myself up.

Putting on enough makeup so that my looks were enhanced, but it also didn't look caked, I took note of how tan I actually was. Geez, you would think I just came back from a long day on the beach. With a small sigh of relief, I quickly moved away from the makeup kit, placing it in the cabinets of the bathroom, hopefully never to be seen again.

Seeing as only fifteen minutes remained until my premonition of the Doctor waking up, I quickly threw on a shorter black dress which flared out at the bottom. Stepping into huge ass cream heels bringing my height up to how tall Amy was, I nodded to myself in the mirror.

"I look hot." I sighed, fluffing my hair a bit before leaving my room, heels clicking as I walked.

Silently, I closed my doors behind me, eyeing the Doctor's room hoping he wouldn't wake. As quick and as quiet as possible which the heels, I made my way to Amy's room. Opening her door, I snickered seeing as the TARDIS made her once king bed a bunk bed for her and Rory to sleep on.

"Amy," I shook her awake, causing her jump on the bottom bunk, Rory falling off the top and onto the floor with a groan. "Wake up," I said, Amy groggily getting up, red hair wild.

"Effie?" She muttered, Rory, groaning while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "What the hell are you doing? Why are you dressed like that?" She glared at me, crossing her arms.

"I'm making up the Doctor and I's first date, and I need your help..." I trailed off seeing her looking at me with a raised brow. "Now, if you'll actually let me explain what happened, you'll see that I didn't just 'stand him up'," I stated, Amy's eyes narrowing in suspicion.


Both Rory and Amy sat on the chairs in the console room, Rory with his head in his hands, and Amy watching the soundless feedback for the third time. I sat sipping my fourth cup of coffee, happy the makeup covered how tired I actually was. However, I was determined to let my exhaustion slip, I could sleep later.

The video was now at the part where the TARDIS was protesting against our piloting and tossing us around like ragdolls. "Enough of that." I clicked the video off. "The Doctor is probably going to be awake any second, I'm trying to make this the best date ever, but I need your help." Amy only looked to me gobsmacked, Rory laughing humorlessly while shaking his head.

"Dracula is real? How is any of this possible." He kept muttering, Amy running her hands through her wild hair, closing her bathrobe around her tighter.

"River Song stole the TARDIS and took you to the fifteenth century," Amy muttered in shock with a sigh. I had told them everything that happened along with showing the video, of course, I had to tweak the story a bit so I didn't need to talk about being the Goddess of Fire. "Hold on, why did you walk in the TARDIS naked?" I blushed brightly at the comment, scratching the back if my head.

"Long story short..." I came up with a lie on the spot. More lies, I'm beginning to become Loki at this rate. "My dress caught fire and I had to take off my clothes before the flames hit me." It was close enough to the truth.

Rory who was now wide awake peeked through the slits of his fingers at Amy. "Maybe, we should go to the medieval ages." He told Amy suggestively, Amy smacking his shoulder with a small giggle.

With a sorry expression, she turned to me. "We should have known you wouldn't just ditch the Doctor like that, I'm sorry for giving you such a hard time." Amy pulled me into a hug, me hugging her back with a smile.

"It's okay, I get it." I waved her off. "But I do need your guy's help when the Doctor comes down will you show him this video and tell him everything I told you? I'm going to be outside preparing." Amy giggle nodding enthusiastically, suddenly all three of our heads snapped to the hallway hearing footsteps coming toward us.

Eagerly Amy pushed me out the doors handing me a wink. "I got you." She cheered, closing the TARDIS doors on me.

"Ah, Ponds! Awake before me? That's new!" I could hear the Doctor's voice exclaim in surprise, quickly I made my way to the large dish of fish fingers and custard placing it nicely in the spot across from me.

Knowing I had to be quick, I turned the volume up to an Earth opera song which I didn't know the name of. However, it must've been popular as even on other planets I heard them play this.

Earth was in all sources known for its music throughout the universe. It sounded far-fetched, but it was true, many planets were absolutely taken with Earth's quality of music. That was the first thing I had learned about Midgard when I left Muspelheim, Peter had shown me the magic that was Midgardian music.

Though, I would admit, opera was most definitely not my favorite music produced by Earthling culture. Straightening out his silverware, I delicately folded his napkin just in front of his bowl.

Looking up, the corners of my lips tugged into a smile seeing the glory of the universe gazing down. Even with opera not necessarily being in my favorites, I couldn't help but my find myself humming along to the catchy tune. Doing small touch-ups to my hair, I sat at the table, nerves eating away at my stomach.

I hoped the Doctor liked it and would forgive me. Biting my lip, my eyes once again wandered to the sky taking in the bright galaxy. I truly did love the stars, they would always mean hope to me.

A sign that there was always a road to explore, an entire universe to investigate.

An entire universe to hide from my father and brother.

While it was true I had successfully avoided any confrontation between my family for the past two hundred years or so, I knew they were still on the lookout. Any sort of word that got back to them on my whereabouts and my brother would come after me no doubt dragging me back to Muspelheim.

I sat for the next ten minutes thinking to myself before I heard a commotion coming from inside the TARDIS. Looking over to the blue box, I was able to pick up pieces of the conversation taking place inside.




"She stole my TARDIS!"

My heart-rate picked up, as I carefully brought the glass of water to my lips drinking almost half the glass. Shaking my head, I watched the TARDIS doors open, Amy giggling while forcing the Doctor out.

Rory came out behind them, all three immediately looking up to the star-filled sky in amazement. Standing up as they took in the scenery around them with wonder, I quickly ran to the Doctor's side of the table pulling out his chair for him.

The Doctor, of course, wore his usual, a tweed jacket with a bow-tie. Slowly, the Doctor looked to me, eyes going wide as they trailed down my figure, me blushing under his appreciative gaze.

The opera song boomed to a close, a classical song beginning to play straight after the loud opera. Shuffling in the large heels, I smiled nervously to the Doctor, something which must have been obvious by the way Amy laughed shaking her head.

"Damn, Effie, can you please take Rory and I on a date next?" She looked around in glee, eyes lingering on the pink waterfall. Rory nodded in agreement with his wife before Amy was whisking him back to the TARDIS. "You two have fun, Rory and I are going to catch a few more hours of sleep." With that, the TARDIS doors were closed, and only the Doctor and I were left out here.

"Sit." I anxiously skipped up to him, grabbing his hand and leading him to his seat.

The Doctor unable to stop watching me with a look I wasn't able to decipher rubbed my hand, as I placed him on the chair. Eagerly, I motioned to the fish fingers and custard.

"I got you your favorite." I smiled, placing my elbows on the table, leaning my head on my hands. "Fish fingers and custard." The Doctor watched me with a raised brow leaning back in his chair.

"Where's your food?" He questioned, me looking down to where a plate for myself was supposed to be.

Keyword; supposed.

My eyes widened when I realized I was so caught up in making everything perfect for the Doctor, I forgot my own food. Blushing, I tried to play it off casually. "I ate earlier." I shrugged, the Doctor only giving me a knowing smile in reply.

"No, you didn't." He stated, pulling one of his fish fingers out of the custard handing it to me. "Eat." He ordered, me gazing at the fish finger with uncertainty.

I had never tried Earth's 'fish fingers', I felt like it would taste bad. However, not wanting to ruin his graciousness I took it from the Doctor with a smile. Hesitantly, I bit into it, surprised that it didn't taste half bad.

"Thanks!" I said with a smile, a full-blown grin falling on the Doctor's face as he eagerly leaned against the table.

"Is it the best thing you've ever tasted?" He prodded, me laughing not wanting to take him down from his sudden happiness.

"Almost..." I winked, finishing off the fish finger, watching in shock as the Doctor ate his food within eleven seconds.

When he was finished the two of us looked to each other in silence before we uttered the same thing at the same exact time.

"I'm sorry."

I paused before the two of us fell into a laughing fit.

"What are you sorry for? I'm the one who ditched you on what was supposed to be our first date." I told him, my voice holding sadness as I looked down.

It was quiet for a moment before the Doctor reached across the table, lifting up my chin with one of his fingers so we were looking into the other's eye. "No," He said firmly. "I should have listened to you, I know better than to think you would just ditch me without saying anything. Besides..." He muttered trailing off. "I should also know when someone steals my TARDIS." I laughed at his scowl remembering River's words.

'We always do this.' Her voice rang across my head in a sort of rhythm.

"Okay, but I'm taking the blame," I told him, holding up a hand when he tried disagreeing. "Just let me make this the best first date in history." The Doctor smirked at that, sitting back in his chair.

"Go on, then..." He motioned me forward. "Try outdoing me." I scoffed at that, taking his challenge to heart.

"Should I get on my knees-" I suggestively started, getting cut off by the yelping sitting up with wide eyes.


I laughed in response, happy we were back to normal.

"Geez, fine, I guess you don't want a blow-"

"EFFIE!" He yelled even louder, making me laugh even harder.

"Ha, just kidding," I waved him off. "You don't need to worry about me, I've never even had sex-" I cut myself off, by throwing my right hand across my mouth looking to the Doctor wide-eyed that I just admitted something like that.

The Doctor looked ready to burst out laughing. "So you're a virgin? What was that you were asking me the other day-?" I cut him off by swatting him over the table.

"Oh, shut up." I laughed. "I wasn't even trying to tell you that, it just sort of slipped out." I rolled my eyes at his snickers.

"Now, why didn't River just ask me to take her to Transylvania? Why'd she steal the TARDIS?" The Doctor questioned, truly intrigued by River's motivation.

I shrugged at that, crossing my legs one over the other. "I don't know, something about we don't need you for everything." The Doctor scowled at that, shaking his head.

"Yes, you do..." He muttered, making me raise a brow. "Besides, you could have gotten seriously hurt, I only got the simple details from Amy and Rory, but I want to hear you tell me the story." The Doctor said making me smile.

And so, for the next thirty minutes I went on about River Song and mine's adventure, starting from how we almost crashed the TARDIS up to Vlad about to turn his entire kingdom. I left out the parts that included me being a Goddess, but other than that he knew everything that happened.

By the end, the Doctor was scowling. "Bloody hell? That sounds fun, other than the war part, but at least you got to experience real vampires. All we got were fish aliens trying to sink Venice, next time I expect an invitation." He looked down with a glare. "I want to meet Dracula." He muttered, my head tilting in confusion at his words.

"Alien fish?"

"Oh, yes!" The Doctor jumped up beginning to explain how some sort of alien fish breed were attempting to sink Venice and he saved it.

With his sonic screwdriver.

Once his story was finished, I smirked at him. "That magic wand of yours really is convenient, isn't it?" I sarcastically snarked, the Doctor getting defensive.

"It's not magic, it's a sonic screwdriver, and I bet you'd love to have one." He crossed his arms stubbornly, me taking a sip of my water with a smirk.

"No, I would have a sonic blaster."

The Doctor only scoffed, looking at me through playfully narrowed eyes. "You little-" I cut him off, my curiosity for the classical piano song currently playing getting the better of me.

Rocking in the chair lightly to the peaceful waves of music, I hummed along to it. "What song is this, Doctor?" I questioned, the Doctor smiling gently as he too listened to it.

"This is Clair De Lune." He nodded his head along to the soft piano notes. "It's by Claude Debussy, wonderful man he is, perhaps we'll visit sometime." He said, me nodding to him.

"I would like that."

The two of us sat in a comfortable silence for a few seconds, listening to the music before the Doctor suddenly stood up. I watched as he walked so he was standing just in front of me.

"Care to dance?" He asked with a smile gracing his lips.

Taking his hand, he pulled me up gently, the two of us swaying to the music. The Doctor was a good dancer, but I suppose that was to be expected with all his travels. Leaning my head against his shoulder, I appreciated the beauty of the stars twinkling overhead of.

The heels brought it so I was only a few inches shorter than the Doctor instead of almost an entire head. I giggled when he spu me out, pulling me back in his warm embrace. A shooting star crossed, lighting up the sky in a beautiful array of colors.

"Thank you for this, Effie." The Doctor hummed in my ear. "This is a far better first date than Venice." He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear making me smile.

"Obviously," I told him, wanting to pull him in for a kiss, I could tell by the way the Doctor was watching me he was expecting me to do it; however, I just settled for kissing his cheek and allowing us to continue swaying to the music.

Then, it was the most embarrassing thing that happened. Exhaustion began creeping its way up my neck from the peaceful melody and slow dancing. Unable to stop myself, I let the exhaustion in, slumping in the Doctor's arms, vaguely hearing him shout my name.

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