One: Doctor? Doctor Who?

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"WE THANK YOU, Guardians, for putting your lives on the line." The High Priestess Ayesha announced. "We could not risk the lives of our own Sovereign citizens."

I crossed my arms raising a brow at the woman who was completely gold in all physical manners possible. Hair, skin, eyes, clothes, yadda, yadda, yadda, literally everything, she even sat on a golden throne. What a bunch of conceited douchebags.

The High Priestess hired us to kill an intergalactic monster who was trying to feed off some really valuable batteries that the Sovereign owned. Apparently, their own citizens were far too important to deal with an issue such as that.

Of course, we only killed the beast for a fair pay. I was knocked out of my thoughts a few minutes later by the High Priestess flirting with Peter, and Peter flirting right back.

I snickered, shaking my head at his idiocy. There was obviously some unspoken romance going on between him and Gamora, and Gamora already didn't like Ayesha as it was. I watched standing in the back of the group, laughing silently when Gamora shot a glare Peter's way.

Peter flinched, realizing what he was doing and immediately stopped talking. Taking charge, Gamora walked closer to the throne, a snarl painted across her lips.

"Oh please, your people promised something in exchange for our services. Bring it, and we shall gladly be on our way." I mentally high-fived Gamora for putting the golden bitch in her place.

Ayesha was silent, but she nodded to one of her servants who quickly brought out a prisoner. The prisoner struggled as she was forced to her knees, me looking to figure draped in raggedy robes curiously.

My eyes widened when they pulled back the hood, revealing the prisoner to be Nebula, Gamora's adoptive sister. Peter awkwardly cleared his throat waving his hands around. "Family reunion. Yay." He cheered, me nudging him shaking my head 'no'.

Long story short, Nebula was a half robotic human-alien who was raised alongside Gamora by Thanos. Both her and Gamora were incredible warriors, the two trained by Thanos himself to be the ultimate weapons.

"Do with her as you please." The High Priestess waved us away, Gamora wasting no time in forcing her sister out of the castle.

Peter gave a small bow, smiling to the golden ruler. "We thank you, High Priestess Ayesha." I rolled my eyes at him, thinking the Sovereign was no more than high-class bitches.

Just as Peter turned to walk away, the High Priestess spoke. "What is your heritage, Mr. Quill?" The question rolled off her golden lips in a casual fashion, one of her eyebrows perked.

Swallowing, Peter answered in a tight voice. "My mother is from Earth." Ayesha tilted her head.

"And your father?" Her brows furrowed as if she was trying to read him.

I knew Peter was sensitive about his parents.

Shrugging Peter was flamboyant about not knowing who his father was. "He ain't from Missouri, that's all I know."

"I can sense that you are a hybrid who seems particularly... reckless." There was a moment of silence before she turned to me. "Ah, Persephone of Muspelheim, Goddess of Fire. Your father still searches for you, you can thank me, for I will not say anything." I only glared in reply, she was the one who asked us here, her ass better not say a word.

Rocket unceremoniously stepped forward, a small sneered smile growing on his lips.

"You know, they told me you people were conceited douchebags, but that's not true at all." Rocket voiced sarcastically, looking over to Peter, dropping his eyelid in a very obvious wink.

I burst out in loud laughter, high fiving the raccoon, ignoring the reaction from the others. Peter looked at us wide-eyed, eyes going back and forth between us and Ayesha. The Sovereign people were very easily offended, not to mention they were all self-entitled prats.

Rocket catching onto what everyone was gasping about, turned to me. "Aw shit, I'm using my wrong eye again, aren't I?" I nodded in return, recently Rocket had developed a new thing where he would lie about something but then wink at us to make it apparent he was lying. However, Rocket didn't understand that he had to hide the wink and therefore had been doing it in very obvious motions.

"I'm sorry. That was meant to be behind your back." Rocket informed Ayesha nonchalantly as if it would make the situation better, Drax spinning him away from her aggressively.

The four of us followed in Gamora's footsteps leaving the room. A goofy smiled rested on my face, and I casually strolled out of the doors.

Rocket walked in between Drax and me, me looking down tutting him. "Count yourself blessed they didn't kill you." I whispered in a sing-song voice, Rocket only snickering opening his pack so both Drax and I could see inside.

"You're telling me. You wanna buy some batteries." My mouth dropped open at the multiple gold Anulax batteries Rocket stole from the Sovereign, the exact batteries we were hired to protect.

Drax tilted his head back letting out loud obnoxious laughter, Rocket snickering along with him. I hurriedly shushed the two, looking around to make sure no one saw the stolen items. People eyed us with odd looks, including Peter who was slightly ahead. I only facepalmed myself, knowing that once the Sovereign found out we stole from them we would be in a run.

The seven of us were quick to get on our ship; personally, I didn't want to be around when the Sovereign found out we stole from them. Walking through the ship, I grabbed the seat behind Rocket and Peter who were both piloting.

"Okay, let's get baldy to Xandar and collect that bounty." Rocket stated, taunting Nebula's robotic bald head.

I gave him a disapproving glance but said nothing as we left the atmosphere—vouching instead to buckle my seatbelt.

The song, 'My Sweet Lord', currently played, the sound traveling the through the ship smoothly. Peter, being from Earth, was accustomed to the Earthling's ways. This included their music.

When I first heard Peter's mixtape, I was in awe that Midgardian's had come up with such a divine sound. Everyone one in our small team was taken with the melody, and it didn't take long for me to quickly listen to his whole mix, memorizing every lyric to every song in record time.

Leaning forward, I purred the words. "Turn on Brandy." In a playful voice to Peter.

The Earthling sighed, shaking his head. He along with everyone else on this ship knew the song 'Brandy, You're a Fine Girl' was one of my favorites.

To say I liked the song was the understatement of the year, I was obsessed with it. Who knew Earth had such great music?

"After this one." Peter told me, albeit giving me a smile.

"Hey, Hellfire, pass me my sack, would you?" Rocket questioned, directing me to his pack full of the stolen batteries.

With a breath, I unbuckled myself standing up handing Rocket his pack which he held protectively to him.

'Hellfire' was my nickname to them, along with 'Baby' and 'Your Majesty'. Baby, because physically I looked the youngest out of all of them, looking only nineteen maybe twenty; however, I was actually over six hundred. To be honest, though, time was nothing to me—six hundred years flew by and to Gods and Goddesses it was nothing to our extremely long life.

I still don't completely understand why 'Your Majesty' was a nickname. Apparently, in Peter's own words, it had something to do with me speaking in a British accent, whatever that meant?

I mean, all the Gods and Goddesses spoke like this. It was only the proper etiquette.

"I'm gonna switch shirts, be right back." Peter left his position as a pilot, turning to me before leaving the room. "Take my place, baby." He winked at me, before oddly sliding out of the room in some Earth dance style.

Excitedly, I jumped into the pilot's seat. After both Rocket and Peter, I was the best pilot. Turning to Rocket with a gleam in my gaze, I smirked.

"How much you wanna bet that Peter is trying to apologize to Gamora and failing?" I questioned, sitting back in the seat, knowing Peter would no doubt use his abs to try and soften Gamora.

Rocket choked out a laugh, giving me a fist bump. "He probably is." The Racoon answered maneuvering the ship so we avoided any collision with meteoroids.

Suddenly, warning alarms began blaring, red lights flashing all throughout the ship. Gazing out the window, my eyes went huge upon seeing a Sovereign fleet of roughly a hundred approaching us.

"Guys! We have company!" I shouted jumping out of the pilot seat just as Peter came back and replaced me as a pilot.

I stood behind them, next to Gamora and Drax, the baby Groot sitting on Drax's shoulder. Peter looked to the fleet as well, furrowing his brows.

"That's weird, it's a Sovereign fleet." The guy who tried going by Starlord said, scratching his head.

"Why are they doing that?" Gamora asked, taking the seat behind Peter and Rocket, which controlled the guns of the ship.

"Probably because Rocket stole some of their batteries." Drax stated offhandedly, making Rocket turn around muttering 'dude'.

Peter turned to the raccoon glaring, Gamora doing the same. Drax realizing he wasn't supposed to say anything, quickly shook his head.

"Right, he didn't steal some of those batteries. I don't know why they're after us, what a mystery this is." Drax nervously stuttered, Rocket glaring at him as if he were the biggest idiot in the world.

I laughed at Drax's attempt to smooth over the situation, gripping the handle of the walls.

I yelped when the fleet began firing at us, the entire ship shaking.

"What were you thinking!" Peter shouted at Rocket, flying the ship trying to get away from them.

"Dude, they were really easy to steal." Rocket gave his sad excuse, me snickering at it, but using some computer-type thing on the wall to try and find the nearest habitable planet.

Rocket and Peter bickered back and forth until Gamora put an end to it by hitting them both over the head. "Save the bickering for after we survive." She snapped.

"Ahh!" I shouted, almost falling to the floor as Rocket started firing the guns like a psychopath.

"I wanna kill some guys!" The raccoon cried, me yelling at him to stop firing at nothing.

"You're not killing any of them, all those ships are remotely piloted." I scowled in Rocket's direction, going back to find the nearest planet.

The ship shook once more, myself waving my hands around as if to make a point. "Oh look, now they're firing to kill." Rocket rolled his eye at my sass, Peter turning to look at me.

"What's the nearest habitable planet, Persephone?" He questioned, as I read the answer out loud.

"It's called Berhert." I announced, the ship giving a loud rumble.

"How many clicks away?"

"Only one, but can't you just go to lightspeed?" I questioned him, scowling at his response.

His cheeks turned a bright pink, as he answered. "No, the gears for that are still broken."

"I still don't understand how you even broke those gears in the first place!" I yelled as the ship shook furiously from being fired at.

"It's none of your damn business!" His voice was defensive but held embarrassment as well.

"You need to get through that quantum asteroid field! Stop fighting!" Gamora yelled at us, my eyes widening at the asteroid field we were approaching at high speeds.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now? To make it through that, you'd need to be the greatest pilot in the universe!" I cried out in exasperation, glaring at Peter.
"This is what you get for breaking the lightspeed gears!" I began repeatedly swatting him on the arm, Peter yelling at me to stop.

While Peter and I were bitch slapping each other, something I am proud to admit I won, Rocket took over control of piloting getting us further into the asteroid belt. When Peter realized Rocket was getting us through it, he scowled quitting the bitch slap fight.

Childishly, he took back control, Rocket giving him a glare. "What the hell are you doing, Quill?"

"I've been flying this rig since I was ten years old." Peter scowled, turning the ship sharply.

Rocket huffed. "Well, I was cybernetically engineered to pilot a spacecraft!" Rocket made a good point.

"I'm with Rocket!" I shouted, Peter, turning to glare at me.

"Why do you always take his side?" He accused me, as Rocket took back control.

I only shrugged, walking over to the side window ignoring the banter going on between the rest of them. Vaguely, I was able to hear the words 'pillow' and 'turd' thrown out there, not wanting to hear where this conversation was heading I tuned them out.

Focusing, I was able to disintegrate multiple asteroids and fleet ships which followed after us. I truly did love being the Goddess of Fire, it made life so much easier. I was snapped out of my focus by something hitting the ship harshly, causing for us to go spinning through the belt.

Being thrown to the floor, I looked up groaning and glaring at the idiots who kept fighting over the controls. Gamora threw a wrench at the two, heatedly yelling at them.

"We still have a Sovereign ship behind us, and our weapons are down!" Gamora shouted; I got up about to go out and burn the ship, but Drax stopped me.

"I got this." He loaded a huge gun walking out of the console room, me only shrugging focusing back on the two idiots getting us through the asteroid belt.

"Ten clicks to Berhert!" Gamora yelled as we sped through space.

Soon we were out of the belt, running into many more Sovereign fleet ships.

"Fucking hell! They went around the field!" I shouted, feeling my blood begin to boil, body ready to burst into literal flames.

I started walking to the back, ready to fly out there and burn all the ships down. That was until all the ships were suddenly destroyed, via gun. Looking out the window, my eyebrows furrowed upon what I saw.

"There's a guy out there!" Rocket and I shouted at the same time, seeing as the one who destroyed the Sovereign ships and helped us, was a man standing on a large white spacecraft.

I was at a loss for words when the man started waving at us, watching as we entered the jump point away from him and to the planet of Berhert. As soon as we made it through, the ship began burning from the outside, me using my powers keeping it on the outside only.

"Oh my gosh, he's still out there?" I looked at the scanner which shows us the rear end of the ship, seeing Drax still holding a gun, a metal rope attaching him to the ship.

Running to the rear of the ship, I yelped seeing the rope about to snap. It snapped the rope pulling away from the ship, me making a desperate move grabbing it at the very last second. The force of Drax being pulled away by the wind outside made even the Godly strength I had to falter.

Being pulled to the outside of the ship by force, I quickly gripped the metal bars covering the outside. I shouted, one hand holding onto the rope keeping Drax with us, and the other attached to the bar.

It felt as if I was ripping apart.

"Prepare for a really bad landing!" I heard Peter yell from the inside, just as we hit the trees.

Determined not to let go, my body flamed up the clothes burning away. I hadn't been planning to go supernova today, so I didn't bother wearing my suit which was a special fireproof, so it didn't burn away like any other fabric. However, by going supernova or A.K.A encasing my body in flames, it gave me the strength I needed to not let go as the ship slid on the forest floor at unprecedented speeds.

Finally, we came to a halt in the middle of a now destroyed meadow, the ship dying from the harsh landing. Taking a breath, I stopped the flames igniting all over my body, taking no note as to how I was bare naked, only looking around at the planet we were on cautiously.

However, my gaze traveled to Drax who laughed from the floor. "That was awesome!" He howled, making me glare remembering how I felt like I was being ripped apart.

"That was not awesome!" Drax looked at me, paying no mind to how I was naked.

Yeah, me burning my clothes off had sort of become a norm to everyone.

As soon as the rest else came out, Gamora looked to my angry form sighing. "Go put some clothes on, Persephone." I huffed still angry about crashing, stomping into the now destroyed ship to find some clothing.

"If either of you had flown with your head instead of your dick, we easily could have got through that!" I heard Gamora yelling, just as I shut the door to what was my room on the ship.

Digging through my pile of clothing, I realized to just put on the flame invincible clothing set. I figured since I was the only one out of us who could fly through space, I would be going to get some supplies pretty soon.

When I encased myself around what I referred to as going supernova, or in other words simply bringing my body into a state of complete fire, it also allowed me to fly. When I was in this form, then I was able to travel through space like that, though I preferred to go on a spaceship.

However, because I could do this I was able to bring back supplies that would help fix the ship. Throwing my thicket of hair up into a ponytail, I began making my way outside of the ship ready to get this supply run over as fast as possible.

Once I was outside, my being froze upon seeing some random old dude speaking with everyone. Furrowing my brows, I walked up to them drawing the attention. "Who the hell is this?"

Peter looked overjoyed, a shit-eating grin taking over his features. "My dad!" He practically squealed, myself gazing at 'Starlord' as if he were crazy.

"Excuse me? How old are you?" I made a bitch comment, Peter flipping me off in the process. "Some guy just wanders over saying he's your dad and you believe him?" My comment was ignored, my hands flailing in the air at that.

Noticing the dudes gaze traveling down my body, I shuttered wondering if this guy was some pervert or something. That, or he recognized me as Persephone, the runaway princess of Muspelheim. Either was bad.

Clearing my throat, not wanting to crush Peter's dreams, I looked to them all.

"I'm gonna go make a supply run, get some food and things to help fix the ship. I'll be back in a few hours." I left no room for argument, as my body enwrapped itself in flames alike to before, except this time the clothes didn't burn away.

Exploding off the ground like some rocket, I flew into the atmosphere on the lookout for the nearest ship or planet I could raid.


"Junk." I threw some kind of large screw behind me, digging through more useless scraps of metal. "Junk, junk, junk, and hey, more junk!" I sighed, kicking the pile of trash angrily.

The closest place that had any kind of life form was a moon just off the planet Skaro. This moon, in particular, was used as an intergalactic junkyard, I thought there might have been at least one useful thing here; unfortunately, I was proven wrong.

All that was here was fried ship gears and random springs. Growling in frustration, it came upon me that I would need to find another place to go for supplies as there was nothing here. In a flash of hot anger, the silver spring I was holding was thrown to the ground.

However, the momentary anger I felt was melted away by the oddest of noises. Stepping back, my eyes speedily moved around the entire place, my body subconsciously preparing for any threat.

All that met my gaze was the dump which went around the entire moon as the moon itself was not that large. The only other creature here was a lone Lakaru who was working the dump itself, but he was on the entire another side of the dump as of now.

The noise, which could be described as a sort of wheezing-whooshing only got louder. Ten feet away in front of my eyes, a tall blue box materialized out of literally nowhere. I mean, the thing seriously just started to appear.

Taking a few steps away from the thing which was quickly becoming solid, I gulped reading what the box was labeled. 'Police Box'.

"What the fuc-" I was cut off by the door swinging open, and a man clad in a tweed jacket and bowtie flouncing out clumsily.

My head tilted in confusion, watching the oddly but obviously Earthling dressed man eye the place in perplexity. I bit my lip thinking over the entire six hundred years of my existence as to whether or not I had ever heard of anyone claiming to a random blue box appearing out of nowhere.

Thinking it through, I remembered when I was younger still living in Muspelheim hearing stories of the very last Timelord in existence. At the time rumors were going around saying that his TARDIS was disguised as some human relic.

My mind couldn't pinpoint what name the last Timelord went by, but I do remember very clearly that he was going around helping creatures and traveling the universe. The only reason people spoke of him was that in Asgard, they made it a rule that the last Timelord was under no circumstances allowed to ever step foot on their planet.

I had no clue as to why it was a rule, but it was a rule that was known throughout the universe. My own home, Muspelheim, as well as the rest of the nine realms, followed in Asgard's footsteps, deeming for the last Timelord to never step foot on our planets. Out of the nine realms, only one of them allowed for the last Timelord to come and go as he pleased.

Midgard or Earth as most referred to it was the only realm out of the Norse nine that permitted the Timelord's presence.

Everything in my fiber froze upon the realization that standing right before me was the last Timelord, and that big blue box was his time machine. The Timelord who I still didn't know the name of had yet to notice me, placing his hands on his hips looking around through narrowed eyes with a nose wrinkled in disgust.

He suddenly coughed, a small puff of gold energy retreating from his mouth. I knew the legends well, I knew that Timelord's had their own ability to cheat death alike to us Gods and Goddesses. However, for them instead of aging slowly, they physically changed bodies.

It was obvious that this man had just gone through what they called a regeneration, essentially a reincarnation of himself except he was able to remember his past selves. My lips pursed and I couldn't help but notice how cute this young looking reincarnation of himself was.

The Timelord had floppy brown hair and one hell of a chin; not to mention the lovely jade green eyes on him. I nearly smacked myself for fawning over how hot I thought a nine-hundred-year-old guy was. Then again, I was six hundred twenty-seven; looking at it from that perspective, it didn't seem so bad.

Despite his young appearance, behind the spark in his eye, he held an older, wise, and kind gleam. Swallowing the lump forming in my throat, I took a small hesitant step forward.

The sound of my boots crunching amongst the ground, caused the last Timelord to finally take notice of me. The man turned around, a curious look painted across his features. Freezing in my spot, I held my hands up as if to show I meant no harm.

The Timelord's mouth seemed to drop open slightly, his stare ogling me. "Beautiful." He muttered under his breath, me just barely able to hear him.

A small blush covered my cheeks at his comment which he obviously had not meant for me to hear. I shifted, clearing my throat snapping him out of his staring. The Timelord jumped, shaking his head before giving me a bright grin.

"Hello!" He waved enthusiastically before looking around again. "You wouldn't happen to know where we are, would you?"

"Third moon away from the planet Skaro, it's used as a spaceship graveyard." My answer was short and straight to the point, me suddenly stepping forward a sparkle of exhilaration in my eye.

"What's that?" I knew exactly what it was, but I wanted to hear him say it.

The Timelord whirred around, his hands motioning to the disguised spacecraft. "It's called a TARDIS, it can travel anywhere in time and space." As he spoke these words, it occurred to me that he did not recognize me.

Unlike most people who immediately recognized me for being Persephone the Goddess of Fire and princess of Muspelheim, this Timelord only saw me as a stranger who he stumbled upon by presumable accident. The fact that he didn't recognize me was like taking a fresh breath of air, he didn't expect anything terrible of me unlike most. I didn't need to worry about him reporting me to my father and brother.

With this Timelord, I could be whoever I wanted. Not some six-hundred-year-old Goddess, no I could be whatever my mind dreamt of.

"Yeah, right." I scoffed, deciding that I would not be defined as the Goddess of Fire. No, I would be a simple little mortal Midgardian. "That right there, that little box? No way, I don't believe you." The Timelord smirked at me, crossing his arms over his chest.

Confidently, he brought his arm up snapping his fingers. On the command of his snap, the doors to the TARDIS flew open. Pivoting on his heel, the Timelord waltzed inside a goofy grin spread on his lips.

Following after him, my breath hitched in my throat at what I saw. Spinning in a circle I took in everything with amazement, it was so much bigger on the inside. The Timelord watched me with a proud smile plastered on, motioning to the huge console room around him as if it were his own show.

"What-" I cut myself off, running out the doors and taking a stroll around the whole of the blue box.

If I was just going to be a normal person and not some Goddess, then I did need to act like one. Any other sane person would have this reaction.

Racing back inside, seeing the guy leaning on the TARDIS console watching me with a smirk—I shook my head. "It's, it's, it's..." I stuttered trailing off, looking around the time travel machine in wonder.

"Well, go on then, say it! Everybody does!" He exclaimed, excitement lacing his tone.

Turning back to look him in the eyes, I exhaled. "It's bigger on the inside." He seemed to mouth the words along with me, giving a loud laugh once I said them.

With another snap of his fingers, the doors to the TARDIS shut and he was messing about the controls of the console. Walking toward him, but making sure not to get in the way, I tapped his shoulder.

He turned around, green eyes wide and full of life. "Who are you?" The question flew from my lips before I could stop them.

He gave a small jump, looking me in the eyes as he answered. "I'm the Doctor."

My head tilted in bewilderment. "Doctor? Doctor Who?" Again, he mouthed the words with me.

"Nothing, just the Doctor." The flamboyant grin he gave was enough to make armies crumble.

"Just, the Doctor? Nothing else?" I remember that his name was odd in the stories, but I don't remember it ever being that odd.

The Timelord who was revealed to be the Doctor, nodded running around the length of the console and flipping some switches. "Yep." He gave the answer, making a breath of excited disbelief pass through my mouth.

Suddenly, the TARDIS gave a rumble beginning to shake. I yelped, gripping the railing as the shaking continued, the Doctor seeming to not even notice as he focused on what I assumed to be flying the thing.

"You know," I started offhandedly, watching as he flipped the switches which flew the ship. "I have piloted a hell of a lot of spaceships in my life, but never have I seen this type of a flight control." The Doctor turned to look at me, his eyes squinting in an inquisitive type of way.

With one last flip switch, the Doctor bounced over to me stopping when he was just inches away. He suddenly leaned in taking a huge whiff of me much to my surprise. I barely had time to comprehend that he buried his head in my neck before he was standing upright once more.

"Curious, you look entirely human, but..." The Doctor trailed off as if pondering something. "You smell alien to Earth, and," He leaned in once more, my face bursting into a deep blush as his head was once again in the crook of my neck. "Something burning, yes; you smell of an alien lifeform and something burning." He stood up straight again, fixing his slightly crooked bowtie.

Immediately my mind came to a conclusion. Okay, it was time to lie to the last Timelord of existence, no big deal. I could totally pull this off.

"I was born on Earth, but when I was six my mom died and I was taken by a band of alien mercenaries who call themselves; the Ravagers." I elaborated an entirely phony story, actually technically speaking I was just using Peter's background.

Yep, I was doing this. I was lying to possibly one of the most dangerous beings in this universe. However, at the same time, the freedom that came with the lie was exhilarating. To the Doctor, I was now just like any other Midgardian, I wasn't some princess of a realm he wasn't allowed to visit. I wasn't the ever so scary, 'Goddess of Fire.'

The Doctor's eyes softened immensely as he gave me a sad look, making me feel slightly guilty for lying. "I'm sorry." He muttered softly, me only waving him off with a smile.

"It's fine, I don't even remember my mom." That was technically true, I didn't remember my mother, or rather I say the woman who loathed my brother and me from the womb. "Besides, being raised by Ravagers was pretty cool, I guess." I shrugged, taking another glance of astonishment around the console room.

The Doctor nodded, placing his hands behind his back pacing the area around us. "And how old are you?" He murmured, me trying to choose between nineteen or twenty.

"Nineteen." I finally decided. "But, I'll be twenty soon." It wasn't necessarily a lie, my six hundred twenty-eighth birthday was coming up soon enough.

"Hmph," He made a noise of acceptance. "Where were you born on Earth?" Damn it, what was that place Peter always said I sounded like I was from?

"England?" It came out as more of a question, hoping to the Gods that I remembered Peter's words correctly. "I don't remember Earth all that well." The excuse came just in case I did mess up the name.

The Doctor only grinned viciously at my words, pulling me in a tight hug. "Yes, another Brit!" He exclaimed, squeezing the daylights out of me, yet I hugged him back.

Pulling away, the Doctor looked to me with a beam. "Now, the last question, I promise. What is your name?" That was the golden question, wasn't it?

If I said Persephone, there was not a single doubt in my mind that the Doctor would realize exactly who I was. Maybe it wouldn't hit him right away, but if what I heard about him was correct then by tomorrow he would put it together. Though, I was already lying about my entire background, did I really want to lie about my name too?

Well, the Doctor obviously isn't his real name, so if he could go by a different name then so could I. Besides, I didn't even need to go by a false name, I could go by a shortened version of my own.

"Effie Quill, at your service." Thanks for letting me borrow your last name and story Peter, I really appreciate it.

The Doctor, with that same smile still on his features, shook my hand with enthusiasm. "Effie Quill, eh?" He mused, looking thoughtful. "Sounds like the name of a superhero." Oh, if only you knew.

"Well, Effie Quill; what do you say about taking some time off and joining me on an adventure?" The question was out there, me eagerly leaning forward.

"Where?" My voice was just a whisper, excitement buzzing through.

Taking a step away, the Doctor smirked at me motioning around the console. "Wherever you want." He had me, I could take some time away from being a Guardian of the Galaxy, I could take some time away from being a Goddess.

"Yes." I breathed out, nearly throwing myself at him in a hug. "Yes, for God Sake, YES!" I yelled, flinging my arms around him, the Doctor almost going down out of impact.

He caught me, hugging back just as excited. We pulled away after a minute, the Doctor looking down at me through a slightly dazed smile catching me off guard. Shrugging off the odd behavior, I squealed sitting on a seat which was connected to the railing of the console watching chaotic movements the Doctor made in order to fly this thing.

It almost looked as if it were designed for six pilots.

"This looks like six people should be flying it." I yelled through the shaking, the Doctor running around to multiple switches and knobs.

"That's because six people are meant to be flying it." The Doctor casually stated, stopping what he was doing causing for the TARDIS to let out a low groan and suddenly flip.

Screaming, I grasped the rails to the seat so I wouldn't go flying, the Doctor forcefully pulling himself off the ground to hit a button which brought us back upright, but did nothing to stop the shaking.

"What the fuck? Then why the hell are you the only one flying it?" The Doctor huffed in replied, shooting me an annoyed glare, something which I snickered at.

Timelord or no Timelord, I was still a bitchy asshole.

"If you haven't noticed, I am kind of the only one who knows how to fly this thing." The Doctor sarcastically stated before he turned to look at me, his gaze suddenly lighting up. "Not for long though, you said you were a pilot, I'll teach you to fly and you'll help me pilot her." He patted the console proudly, yelping when he was thrown to the ground once again.

I laughed out loud at that, the Doctor glaring at the console. "She didn't like me calling her a 'thing'." The Doctor muttered, rubbing his now slightly red nose.

My laughing ceased, being replaced by amazement at what he just said. "Holy shit, it's telepathic?" The TARDIS gave another groan and jerk when I called her and 'it'. "Sorry, I mean her." The Doctor quickly pulled a lever, which ceased the shaking a bit but not by much.

"Yes," He swiveled, walking to the other side of the console. "She's telepathic."

"Cool." I muttered just as the shaking stopped completely, and we were landed from what I could hear.

The Doctor looked at me with a smile. "Okay, you wait in here while I grab our other companion. Oh, I can't wait for you to meet her, I feel like you two will get along splendidly!" The Doctor practically danced out the doors, me only standing from the seat taking a look around.

Wow, one minute I'm scraping a junkyard to fix a ship, next minute I'm traveling with the last Timelord of his existence. What an intense day.

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