Two: Amelia Pond

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The second the Doctor closed the doors to the TARDIS, I was thoroughly inspecting the flight pad. The mechanisms to fly the TARDIS were both foreign and slightly familiar in my mind. Familiar in the sense that I was able to tell what the basic gears did, foreign meaning it was unlike any other ship I had flown. It was much more complicated.

Looking back to the doors which the Doctor left out, I could vaguely hear his voice as well as another female's speaking. Surmising the female voice was the Doctor's so-called; 'other companion', I immediately went to work in snooping around.

This guy was over nine hundred years old, he was bound to have some interesting crap lying around. A loud wolf whistle left my lips when I opened a random drawer filled with pictures of many, many females.

"I am going to pretend like I never saw this," I muttered to myself, slamming the drawer shut and moving across the console to find more things.

Bending down, I slid under the railing which surrounded the large flight console leading me to a corridor. Debating whether or not to go through I evidently deciding against it as the Doctor would be back soon.

Just as I was about to open another drawer the door burst open causing me to scramble away trying to casually lean on the railing as if I wasn't just noisily going through his things.

A girl walked in wearing nothing but a white nightgown, her hair a blazing ginger red. She was most definitely human leading me to believe we were on Earth; the girl walked around eyes rolling in amazement.

The Doctor came in directly after her, closing the door behind him. He watched with a gentle smile, seeming to take in her awe with a passion. She twisted in a circle motioning to the sight around them, shaking her head.

"Anything, you want to say? Any passing remarks?" The Doctor suddenly spun around, leaping up the steps to the console.

I stayed silent, not wanting to ruin the girl's first experience on the TARDIS. The man with a bowtie observed the ginger, his never-ending smile still accompanying his lips.

"I'm in my nightie." She finally breathed out after minutes of silence, taking another look around the room.

The girl spoke in an odd dialect, something I had never heard. It must have been an accent native to only Earth.

The Doctor shrugged. "The TARDIS has plenty of outfits for you to wear, as a matter of fact, she's cooking your room and Effie's as we speak." The sound of my name seemed to bring her out of her trance.

The ginger snapped her head to me, tilting it curiously. "Who's that?" She questioned the Doctor, analyzing me.

The Doctor opened his mouth to answer her before I slapped my hand over it. He looked to me, making noises of vexation. Giving him a small smile, I turned to the girl answering her question.

"I'm Effie Quill, a pleasure to meet you." I gave a smug grin her way, ripping my hand away from the Doctor in disgust when he licked it.

Wiping my now wet hand on his tweed jacket, I exclaimed. "Gross, Timelord spit." He only rolled his eyes at that comment, stepping away from me so I could no longer rub his spit back on him.

The girl giggled at us, stepping up the steps of the console holding out her hand. "Amy Pond." We shook hands, the Doctor suddenly standing right next to us, oddly close.

"She means, Amelia Pond." Amy rolled her eyes at that, slapping the Doctor's shoulder.

"Just Amy." She spoke over him, much to his dismay.

Grumbling to himself, he walked over to the console hitting a few switches. "Amy?" He scowled, shaking his head. "Amy, my arse." I heard him mumble.

"So what's the story between you two?" I asked looking at Amy with a smile, crossing my fingers hoping that I didn't somehow offend her.

Peter always made it sound like people from Earth got offended easily. I mean, I personally didn't see how telling the truth was offense. Like one time, I told Peter the mustache he had made him look like a pedophile and he informed me that to anyone else that sort of comment would be considered offensive. However, in my defense, he did look like a pedophile. Besides he cut it off because of my comment if I hadn't said anything he'd probably still look like some rapist.

Luckily, Amy only smiled back a dreamy look overcoming her features leading me to believe I did not offend her. "I met him when I was a child, he promised he'd be back in five minutes, but he was late by twelve years. He came back two years ago, but again disappeared until just now." Amy explained, her voice quiet.

We looked to the Doctor who was flying the TARDIS but obviously trying to subtly listen in on our conversation. Amy scoffed while I smiled as he kept his gaze away from us, but still tried to play it off as if he weren't listening.

I looked back to Amy, who looked equally as curious about me. "What about you?" She questioned making me shrug.

"I don't know, we only met like fifteen minutes ago..." I trailed off shrugging, the Doctor scoffing finally deciding to join our conversation instead of eavesdropping. I glanced at him, holding my hands up in a defensive way. "What? It's true."

The Doctor jumped over the railing, but his foot got caught on one of the beams causing him to face-plant at our feet. I burst out laughing, the Doctor jumping up shaking it off. Pretending as if it never happened he turned to me. "Well, I wasn't just going to leave you on that moon dump." He didn't realize that I was perfectly capable of leaving that moon without a spaceship, and I planned to keep it that way.

"Oh yeah, thanks by the way." I smiled, him nodding in return patting me on the back.

Amy looked between the two of us confused, using her fingers she pointed to the both of us. "Something I'm missing here?" Her eyes suddenly lit in understanding. "Let me guess, you're from another planet too." She was a sharp one, I would need to tread carefully around her as well.

"Actually no-" I started, but was inevitably cut off by the Doctor.

"Yes, our darling Effie here was born on Earth, but raised in space by aliens. Found her just a little bit ago wandering a moon outside a planet." Huffing, I turned to the Doctor with lips pulled into a line.

"Thank you for telling my life story, it was very informative." I muttered sarcastically, the Doctor not picking up on it only smiling back in return.

"Well, I do try." The Doctor teetered walking back to the flight pad, pulling more levers. The TARDIS began shaking before leveling out, causing both Amy and I to stumble around a bit. "Where should we go? Anywhere is a possibility after all." Amy breathed out at his words, walking closer to the flight pad looking down at it in amazement.

"Hold on," She looked to the Doctor pointing to the doors of the TARDIS. "On the outside, it said Police Box, why did it say?" Amy started to ramble a bunch of questions at a fast past, questions I could hardly keep up with, the Doctor looking as if he had the same issue.

The Doctor gripped the rambling woman by her shoulders, placing a hand over her mouth ceasing her words. "Amy stop, breathe." The Doctor took a large intake of air as if to make a point.

Amy tried, breathing but instead another comment left her mouth. "You've got a wooden time machine, do you feel stupid?" I snickered at her question, casually sitting back in the seat connected to the railing watching the scene unfold with amusement.

He took a breath, pinching his nose with his fingers leaning on the console. Looking to Amy, the Doctor began explaining to her. "It's disguised as a Police telephone box from 1963, everytime the TARDIS materializes in a new environment within the first nanosecond of landing, it analyzes its sources, calculates everything within a thousand mile radius and determines which outer shell would blend in best with the environment." The Doctor boasted all in one breath, before biting his lip a pink blush appearing on his cheeks. "Then, it disguises itself as a Police telephone box from 1963." He added meekly, diverting his gaze away from Amy and onto me.

I only raised a brow at him, causing for his cheeks to flush even more as he looked to the ground.

"And why does it do that?" I questioned, crossing my legs one over the other giving him a smug look.

The Doctor scratched his head, earnestly meeting my gaze. "It's a bit of a fault actually, I've been meaning to check it." He scrambled away from my suspicious gaze, busying himself with pointless knob turning.

Sitting up straighter in my seat, I spoke out. "It's a Police box every time?" My tone held an underlying of scolding.

What could I say? I admired a healthy spaceship, it was kind of a pet peeve of mine when a ship had an issue going on. So much so, that half the time I would fix the ship myself.

"Yeah, I suppose now that you mention it." The Doctor nervously looked at me, averting his gaze instantly.

"How long has it been doing that?" The Doctor flashed me an embarrassed look, shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh, not long." I could tell he just told me a lie based on the tone of his voice.

Not to mention, since forever rumors had been going around of him showing up in a big blue box.

"You are such a liar, let me take a look at it." I stood up, ready to go try and fix the problem myself only to be stopped by the Doctor.

"No!" He yelped, nearly falling down trying to get to me.

I jumped in surprise, my eyes widening when he was gripping my shoulders face inches away from my own. "I like the Police box."

"Okay, okay, geez." I uttered, trying not to get trapped by the greens of his irises.

Oddly enough, for just a split second the Doctor glanced at my lips. Swallowing he flashed me a smile, standing up and moving a stray hair that fell from my ponytail away from my face. The odd little exchange was interrupted by Amy gasping loudly, making the Doctor worriedly whir around to face her.

"You're an alien!" She all but screamed, pointing a finger at him.

"Yeah, in your terms, but in my terms," He bopped her on the nose. "You're the alien."

"Woah, what kind of alien are you?" My lips quirked into a small smile at Amy's wonder.

"A nice one, I'll tell you that." The Doctor chuckled.

"So, you're like a space squid." Amy poked his shoulder as if to test whether it was a real body. "Are you like a tiny little slug in a human suit?" The Doctor gave her an offended look, me nearly falling over from laughter.

Deciding to mess with the Doctor, I bounded up to where the two were standing giving Amy a nervous glance nodding my head. "Yeah, he is, but he doesn't like to talk about it." Amy's mouth dropped open in shock as she looked to the Doctor in an entirely different way.

"So that's why you walk like that." She sighed as if everything made sense.

"What!" The Doctor glared at me, myself failing to hide my laughter. "No! No, no, no, I am not a slug, this is me," He grabbed the ginger's hands forcing them on his face. "This is what I really look like." His voice came muffled as he forced Amy's hands to squish his cheeks.

"Well, that's fine then." She slapped his face with both hands, him jumping in pain.

I covered my mouth with my hand, desperately trying not to die of laughter. The Doctor moved away from Amy, pressing a few buttons on the console before coming over and grasping both Amy and mines hands in each of his.

We stopped just in front of the doors to the TARDIS. "Do you know what I keep in here?" He questioned us, quickly answering his own question after. "Absolutely everything." He let go of our hands, pushing the doors open.

Even with seeing space for the past two hundred years, it never got old. The spark of amazement never ceased within me. In front of us was the plain beautiful galaxy. I could hear the Doctor speaking with Amy in the background, but I tuned them out focusing only on the sight in front of me.

The urge to go supernova and playfully fly around out there was alight within, but I suppressed the urge recognizing that it could be a long while before I ever had the chance to use any of my fire abilities again.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the Doctor playfully pushing Amy out of the TARDIS, she yelped as she floated around out there. Turning around ready to retreat, I bumped straight into the chest of the Doctor, looking up into his eyes anxiously.

I tried sidestepping him, only for him to go the same way blocking my escape with a smirk. "Don't you dare-" I was cut off by Amy's excited shout.

"What are you two doing? Get out here!" She yelled from space, the Doctor smirked at me, myself only trying to push him away.

Surprisingly, despite my quick reflex, he caught hold of both my wrists, flashing me that blinding grin of his. A muffled noise of surprise came from me, as his hands gripped my thighs and he hoisted me up ignoring my disapproval.

"Geronimo!" He yelled as he jumped out of the TARDIS taking me with him into space.


I laughed as the Doctor held Amy by the ankles of her feet so she floated out into the open space. Sitting a couple feet away from the two on the ground of the TARDIS, my fingers played with the laces of the tall boots I wore.

My body was still clad in the special fireproof suit, the boots being the addition to the suit itself. Unfortunately, I hadn't had the chance to shower within the past few days, making my hair knotted and greasy. Luckily, the greasiness wasn't noticeable within the tied ponytail.

To be fair, living as a Guardian didn't exactly give all of us the privilege of unlimited resources, water included. It was usually a couple of weeks before any of us decided that we smelled bad enough it was time to take a shower, as taking a shower meant flying to a planet which didn't hate us and asking them to use their toiletries.

The planet Xandar was the most common planet we flew to, Xandar was quite fond of us and didn't mind when we used their resources. Xandar is the homeworld of the Xandarians and home to many other species as the capital of the Nova Empire with a population of 12 billion. It's located in Andromeda galaxy at the Eclipsing Binary Star.

I hadn't heard the Doctor speak much about Xandar, but I knew he had visited the friendly planet before. The only reason I knew this was because along with every other planet in the universe, Xandar was practically in love with the Doctor.

I'd need to ask the Doctor about his history with Xandar at some point, I made a mental note within my mind to do this. My attention was brought to the Doctor pulling Amy back inside the TARDIS, quickly standing up I prayed I didn't smell too bad.

"Now, that's interesting." His comment caught my attention, causing me to look over both their shoulders frowning at what I saw.

It was a floating city, presumably a huge spacecraft. Realizing I had never seen this, I turned to the Doctor a questionable look on my face. The Doctor looking at me with a grin, spun on his heel answering the question I hadn't said out loud.

"29th century! Solar flares roast the Earth and the entire human race packs its bags, and moves out until the weather improves." He bounced to the ship's scanner, Amy and I following after him.

I tilted my head seeing the scanner pick up images of the huge city-ship. "This is the United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland, all bolted together and floating in the sky!" He exclaimed voice carrying nothing but joy, as he flipped switches incessantly. "Starship UK, it's Britain, but metal!" He turned beaming at the two of us.

Looking to the Doctor with a look of lighthearted joy, I bit my lip. "So, they're searching the stars looking for a new home?" The Doctor enthusiastically nodded, clapping his hands.

"That is exactly what they're doing, darling!" I rose a brow at the nickname, Amy flashing me a coy knowing smile.

I only looked at her in confusion, not understanding why she was giving me that look. It was kind of creeping me out, to be honest.

"Can we go out and see?" I questioned, getting a closer look at the floating fortress.

"Of course we can!" He skipped around, pressing more buttons not taking his eyes off me.

"However, there's an important thing the two of you need to remember." He started in a slight warning tone, pausing in his lever pulling. Amy and I looked at each other frowning. "Thing one, we are observers only," He suddenly brought a random magnifying glass to his eye, me wondering where he pulled that from as he placed it on the console. "That's the one rule I've always stuck to in all my travels. I never get involved in the affairs of other peoples or planets." He waggled a finger in our face, me hitting it away causing him to give me an offended look.

I nearly scoffed at his words, this was rich, he always got involved in other people's and planets, usually for the better. If he never got involved I wouldn't know who or what he was. The scanner began showing images of a little girl crying while people simply ignored her, the Doctor immediately getting interested with it.

"So, we're like a wildlife documentary? 'Cause if they see a wounded little cub or something, they can't just save it, they got to keep filming and let it die." Amy sighed with a slightly sad breath at the end, me shaking my head not knowing what a 'wildlife documentary' was.

However, it sounded horrible, just letting innocent animals die like that? How ghastly. Though I won't lie, I've both done and seen worse things.

"That's got to be hard," I added. "Don't you find that hard, being all detached and cold?" Detached and cold was my twin brother's middle name.

Oh, what an asshole you are Aleksander.

"What the fuck?" My eyes narrowed as the Doctor suddenly appeared on the scanner, trying to console the little girl.

Amy and I looked at the spot next to us where the Doctor was previously standing, only to see open air. Turning back to the screen, I saw the Doctor motioning us to get out of the TARDIS and join him, me groaning at the fact that I didn't notice him leave.

The two of us quickly walked to the doors, poking our heads out to see what lay ahead. A bustling marketplace of sorts, an arched glass ceiling which gave a wonderful view of the stars, and the Doctor watching us with a wide grin a few feet away.

"Oh my gosh!" Amy gripped my wrist, causing me to jump looking at her wide-eyed. "Effie, we're in the future, like hundreds of years in the future, we've been dead for centuries!" Well, I probably haven't, but you know it's whatever.

I giggled a bit at her antics, the Doctor walking up to us rolling his eyes. "Oh, lovely. You're a cheery one." He bit in a sarcastic but playful manner. "Never mind dead, look at this place! Isn't it wrong?" Suspicion laced his tone, as he placed his arms around both our backs guiding us away from the parked TARDIS.

"Wrong?" Amy and my own voice carried out at the same time, me trying to find a possible problem with the ship.

The Doctor sighed, grabbing my face in his hands forcing my head to look around. I moaned, in discomfort pushing him off me, the Doctor only looking flabbergasted. "Come on, use your eyes, notice everything." His big eyes wandered around, before inevitably falling back to my face.

"Is it, the bicycles." Amy pointed to an odd-looking contraption, me only looking at it with ignorance.

"What's a bicycle?" My question was ignored, the Doctor only patting my head in mock sympathy.

"A bicycle's a bit weird on a spaceship," Amy stated, sighing the Doctor only snickering.

"Say's the girl in a nightie." The Doctor laughed, Amelia swatting him with a scowl before giving me an impish look.

"Effie's the one who stinks." She winked at me to show it was all in good fun, me only giving her a mock look of anger.

The Doctor nodding, leaning down smelling my neck before quickly standing up pinching the bridge of his nose. "Yes, you do need a shower, darling."

I scoffed, popping out a hip. "You two suck, screw you both." They both let out loud laughs at that.

However, our laughing was cut short by the announcement of an automated voice coming through the speaker system.

As if something hit him across the face, the Doctor pulled at his hair frustratingly. "Life on a giant spaceship, back to the basics. Bicycles, washing lines, wind-up street lamps. But look closer," I had no clue what any of the things he mentioned were, but I played along as if I did understand all of those references. "Secrets and shadows lives led in fear. A society bent out of shape, on the brink of collapse. A police state, excuse me." The Doctor started, randomly grabbing a glass of water from someone slamming it on the floor.

He lay down on his stomach, turning his head so he was eye to eye with a glass of water. "That's weird, bro." I muttered a sentence I had heard Peter use multiple times to random members of the Guardians, mainly Drax.

However, my eyes lit with curiosity as the glass of water didn't move. I was familiar with ships, after all, and the main thing about ships was they were almost always moving. Therefore, the water should be shaking in its glass even if just a bit, but it only stuck completely still

The Doctor jumped up, placing the glass back on the table giving the poor couple who he took the water from some lame excuse.

"What was that?" Amy questioned incredulously, not catching on with the water.

The Doctor figuring I caught on, glanced at me with a knowing look, motioning me to stay quiet about it for now. Nodding my head accepting to be quiet, I looked to where the Doctor was pointing at some crying little girl.

Why is she crying? She has nothing to cry about. Although, I was told multiple times my empathy was low, I was disbelieving of them as my brother and father always told me I was too soft. Was refusing to kill and torture for fun soft or simply me not being a complete psychopath?

"Ahh!" I yelped, as the Doctor grabbed my hand marching me with him over to the benches where we sat a few feet away from the little girl.

I sighed in a bored manner, motioning to the little girl. "Oh, a little girl crying, who cares, it's boring." I sang, the Doctor and Amy giving me disbelieving looks, the Doctor tapping my hand.

"Dear Lord, Effie. I know you were raised by Ravagers, but a little empathy, please." I only shrugged at him, not understanding how I was lacking empathy at the moment.

I could give the little girl something to really cry about.

I was about to make the suggestion until the Doctor began speaking probably cutting me off for the better. "She's crying silently. Children cry because they want attention, or because they're hurt, or even afraid. When they cry silently, it's because they just can't stop, any parent knows that." He sounded wise with his words, looking at the child sadly.

I tilted my head at him, surprised by how much the child affected him. The Doctor truly did have a kind soul and generous soul.

"Are you a parent?" Amy's question snapped me out of my thinking, the Doctor only dismissively shaking his head at her.

"He probably is." I mock-whispered to Amy, the Doctor fully able to hear me.

He shook his head, sighing to himself. "Effie now is not the time." He muttered, Amy, giggling silently to herself.

"Wait, are you a virgin?" I breathed out, the Doctor looking to me with his big green eyes.

"Effie!" He hissed, only laughing silently to myself at his flustered look.

I suppose I couldn't talk, as I myself was a virgin. To be fair, I had been pretty busy over the past two hundred years, and I only deemed myself the appropriate age for sex just fifty years prior! I would get around to it, eventually.

I was cut out of my thoughts by the Doctor standing up grabbing my hand, pulling me with him. "Meet Effie and I back here in a half hour." Amy groaned at the Doctor's command, me looking between the two curiously.

"So, let me get this straight you never interfere with the affairs of other people or planets unless there are children crying?" Amy questioned, raising a brow at the bowtie-wearing Timelord.

The Doctor grinned mischievously, pointing just at her. "Yes." The smile he gave was infectious and sort of heart softening.

Amy stood as well, looking to me and the Doctor pleadingly. "Can Effie at least come with me?" The Doctor only waved her off, scoffing.

"Effie was raised by Ravagers. I don't trust her enough to not offend someone yet. Maybe sometime in the future when she learns a little empathy." He exemplified the word, giving me a look.

I only shrugged, confidently puffing out my chest. "I have plenty of empathy, just watch." I smiled at the two, the Doctor gave me a nervous glance looking around.

Turning to look at a man who was passing by, I suddenly screamed at him. "Hey, despite your big ass nose, you still look acceptable!" The Doctor watched mouth agape, and Amy only covering her own mouth.

"Oh my gosh." She muttered, the Doctor quickly turning to the man.

"I am so sorry, she drank some of the fishy water! Stay away from the water!" He rambled out, pulling me along with him away from Amy and the man. "Stay out of trouble, Pond! We'll see you in half an hour!" He ran with me, forcing me into a running speed.

"I told you I had empathy." I proudly looked to the Doctor with a smile, him only groaning in response.

"Never talk to a stranger without me approving what you're going to say first." He told me sternly, sighing at the end as I tilted my head curiously looking at him. "Stop looking at me like that?"

"Like what?" I was confused as to what he meant.

"With that blue-eyed innocent puppy look, that one right there! Stop it." He dramatically shielded his eyes, continuing in a run, me not winded from running in the slightest.

I truly did love being a Goddess at times, the stamina my genes gave me was great! The two of us ran for five minutes straight, the Doctor somehow managing to not even break a sweat. It was normal for God's and Goddesses to be able to run without breaking a sweat, stamina and strength were very high for our kind. The Doctor may be powerful, but he's still a Timelord, and Timelord's aren't known for strength or stamina, it was surprising he was in this good of shape.

He must run a lot, I bet his legs look great.

It wasn't until we came upon a small hole leading down to what I could only assume to be some engine or steam room that we stopped. The room was only accessible by ladder, something the Doctor immediately started climbing down carelessly.

Scowling down at him, I crossed my arms. The Doctor looked up with a raised brow fixing his bowtie. "Well, come on then! We haven't got all day!" He shouted up at me, looking around him.

With a sigh, I reluctantly began climbing down the ladder, grumbling about not wanting to go exploring in dark abandoned rooms. As if fate was against me, my foot slipped off one of the ladder steps causing me to fall backward and off.

A small scream left me as I prepared for the impact the rock-solid ground would no doubt provide. However, my body never met the ground as a pair of arms entangled around me, stopping the impact which probably would have caused some type of bruising.

Snapping my head up, I was met with green irises staring down at me with a slightly dazed expression. The Doctor clutched me to him, not struggling to hold me in the slightest.

It wasn't that I was necessarily heavy, it was just that the Doctor didn't seem like the type who could carry a someone without a struggle, but then again he also didn't seem like someone who could run without breaking a sweat.

Ah; Doctor, you never cease to surprise me.

Being brought back to reality, I noticed the Doctor still looking to me wide-eyed before he slowly placed me down. I furrowed my brows in confusion when he seemed to force himself to let go backing away a few steps clearing his throat.

"You need to be more careful, you could have gotten seriously injured." He warned, but I noticed some odd pink on his cheeks.

"Are you blushing?" I tilted my head, not sure what else the pink could be.

His face only got redder as he quickly turned around, scratching his hair. "Nevermind that!
He proclaimed beginning to walk away, motioning me to follow after him. "We need to figure out how on Earth this ship is flying!" He suddenly opened a panel which should have held flight wires and gears.

When he did all we were greeted with was an empty panel, nothing in it.

"Th-that's not possible." I stuttered, bumping him out of the way much to his annoyance.

There was no way a ship this large was able to just fly without wiring. Quickly, I went to another panel ripping it open, sighing as I got the same results.

"This is not physically possible!" I yelled in frustration, opening yet another panel seeing the same. "This ship shouldn't be flying with no wires!" The Doctor exhaled, agreeing with me looking at another empty panel.

I didn't pay much mind as the Doctor saw another glass of water just randomly lying on the floor. Alike to last time, he got on his stomach trying to find any trace that it was moving. However, it wasn't.

"The impossible truth in a glass of water, not many people see it." A female's voice carried out in nothing but a whisper.

Swiveling around I was greeted by a dark-skinned woman clad in a red cape and a type of body suit. She wore a mask leaving her face unrevealing and mysterious, but she did look pretty badass.

Although, badass wasn't always a good thing for the people standing on the other side.

The Doctor was quick to jump to his feet, me at his side in record time. My fist clenched, ready to burn this woman alive if it came down to it. In that very moment, realization hit me like a bucket of ice water.

I had known the Doctor for barely four hours, and yet I already cared for him. His life was worth much, and if I had to reveal the truth to him and Amy to save either of them from any catastrophic situation I would, hands down.

"You see the truth, don't you Doctor?" She stated, divulging the information that she did know or know of the Doctor.

He walked closer to her, pushing me back behind him when I went to walk with him. "You know me?" He asked her, scowling my direction in warning when I to tried and walk again.

"Keep your voice down!" She suddenly hissed, looking around as if we were to be caught. "They're everywhere, tell me what you see in the glass!"

Who was 'they'?

"Who says I see anything in the glass?" The Doctor retorted, raising a brow at her.

"Don't waste time, at the marketplace-" I cut the female off, getting as close to her as the Doctor would let me.

"The water, it's not moving." My eyebrows furrowed. "In a ship this big, you should be able to feel the vibrations of it." The Doctor only looked to me with a scowl but agreed nonetheless.

Taking a few steps away glancing at me as if silently warning me not to approach the woman, he left my side going to one of the empty panels. "Effie's right, ship this size you'd feel the vibrations of an engine that big." He frustratingly glared at the panels. "It doesn't make sense!" The Timelord cried out, mind reeling trying to piece together this problem. "There's nothing in here, and behind this wall, it's just hollow!" He pulled out his sonic screwdriver, scanning over the wall. "If I didn't know any better, I would say there's no engine at all." The woman and him said the last part of the sentence together.

Gazing at the woman in confusion and the slightest bit of suspicion, he approached her once more. "But, it's working. This ship is traveling through space. We saw it." He looked to me as if wanting me to back him up, something I did with a nod of agreement.

"Isn't that the impossible truth, Doctor?" The woman caught our attention once more. "We are traveling among the stars in a ship that could never fly."

"How?" The Doctor and I asked at the same time, my mind churning with the information.

This was not possible.

With a heavy breath, the woman only shook her head. "I don't know. There's a darkness at the heart of this nation, it threatens every one of us." She held out her hand, a small device on it. "Please help us, Doctor. You're our only hope. This device will take you to your friend." The Doctor took the tracking device, examining it.

The woman began walking away, only pausing at the Doctor's words. "Who are you? How do I find you again?" She turned around, placing her hand behind her back.

"I am Liz 10, and I will find you." She answered mysteriously, leaving us alone.

Well, hot damn.


"Basic memory wipe job must have erased around twenty minutes." The Doctor was scanning some odd television thing around Amy, who looked more than frazzled.

We had found her, whatever device Liz 10 gave us worked, so that was good.

"Why would I choose to forget?" Amy questioned, shaking her head as if confused with herself.

A voice broke through our conversation. "Because everyone does." Mandy, the little girl who was crying answered.

I don't understand, I don't believe Mandy was apart of the Doctor, Amy, and I's conversation. This was a triangle conversation, not a square. "Excuse me, were we talking to you?" I politely questioned, truly bewildered as to why the mortal child just hopped in unannounced.

"Effie's not feeling well, ignore her!" I gave the Doctor a look of offense when his hand was over my mouth stopping me from speaking any more.

God dammit, I must have offended someone again!

"Did you choose the forget button?" The Doctor asked the little girl, quickly changing the subject.

The little girl shook her head no. "I'm not eligible to vote yet, anytime after you're sixteen is when you're allowed, once every five years."

"And once every five years everyone chooses to forget what they've learned?" The Doctor questioned, me rolling my eyes at him.

"Obviously." I tried sassing, but his hand only muffled my voice.

The Doctor knew what I was saying, scoffing at me, Amy only giggling in the background.

"Don't be rude, darling." He murmured in my ear, sending shivers down my neck.

Mandy looked between the three of us in confusion. "How can you not know about this? Are you Scottish too?"

"Do we sound, Scottish?" My snark was again muffled, the Doctor refusing to let me open my mouth.

"Oh, I'm way worse then Scottish. I can't even see the movie, won't play for me." The Doctor smirked, my heart stopping in my chest.

Chances were if it didn't play for him, it wouldn't play for me. I prayed he didn't ask me to watch it, knowing if the video didn't play for me, questions would arise and he would either be very suspicious of me or figure it out altogether.

At this point, I was counting down the days until the Doctor figured it out. He was brilliant, as soon as even the slightest hint was given to him my secret was out of the bag.

"It played for me." Amy piped up, the Doctor looking to her.

He only sighed, giving her a 'really' look. "The difference is it doesn't recognize me as human."

"Why not?" Amy asked as we all walked back over to the monitors. "You look human."

He made a noise of disdain and offense, frowning at her. "No, you look Timelord. We came first." Amy gave him a soft pondering look.

"So, there are other Timelord's, yeah?" Amy's tone was optimistic, the Doctor's eyes hardening, him looking to the ground.

"No." The Doctor's answer broke through like a knife, him finally deciding to let go of me scanning the monitors. "There used to be, but it's just me now. It's a long sad story, it was a bad day, bad stuff happened." He turned to look at Amy, determination etched purely on his face. "And you know what? I would love to forget it all, every last bit of it, but I don't. Not ever, because this is what I do, I help creatures. Now, hold tight you two!" The Doctor's voice was filled with such a passion, admiration was drawn in my mind about him, "We're bringing down the government!" A scream left me when he brought his fist down on the protest button.

Mandy was isolated outside when the doors slammed shut, the smiler in some booth spinning to show some gross demonic face. "Say, 'Whee'!" The Doctor viciously grinned, an excited twinkle in his eye.

There was no time to register the fact that the Doctor pulled me within his embrace as the floor opened, Amy and I screeching as the three of us fell down some shoot. It was a quick slide thing and when I came flying out of the chute after Amy, my body landed straight on top of the Doctor's forcing him to fall back to the disgusting ground.

I stunk before, but now the smell was simply gagging. He moaned as I rolled off his body standing a few seconds after, pointing his sonic screwdriver around. Standing up myself, my feet carried me around the humid place which smelled of vomit and shit.

"It smells like shit in here." I cussed, the Doctor scolding me scowling as he pointed his screwdriver around.

"Where the fuck are we?" It was Amy's voice, me looking to where she lay in a pile of slimy nasty things.

With a look of disgust, I helped pull her up—looking around the huge place. The Doctor opened his mouth about to say some scientific answer, but I stopped him.

"It looks like a cave." The Doctor chuckled at that, Amy throwing me a playful grin.

She shrugged, throwing one of her slimy arms over me. "Hey, at least we smell as bad as you now." I scowled her way, the Doctor, and her laughing at me.

Crossing my arms, the cave thing seemed to give some kind of groan. "Well excuse me, I didn't always have access to a shower." My nose crinkled in disgust at the smell. There were some pretty bad times where the Guardians all smelled awful, but never, and I mean never was it this bad. "We're in a rubbish dump and it stinks!" I yelled out, as my foot got stuck in some sort of sticky gooey liquid.

The Doctor grabbed some food from the ground, sniffing it much to my disgust. "Yes, but it's only food! Organic, and it's coming through the feeding tubes from all over the ship." I watched him and Amy, refusing to touch whatever nasty food was lying around.

"The floor's squidgy, like a waterbed," Amy didn't need to say any more for I had already figured it out.

By the look on the Doctor's face, he figured it out too. His eyes widened as he looked to my paling face, holding up a sign of peace. "Effie, calm down-" I cut him off, by turning and screaming in his face.

"Don't tell me to calm down! WE ARE ON A FUCKING TONGUE!" My voice echoed around, louder than ever before, the Doctor shrinking at its velocity.

Amy looked alarmed, jumping with a small yelp. "Oh my God! We are on a tongue! This entire place is a blasted mouth!" She too panicked, the Doctor grabbing both of us by our arms.

"I know, exciting isn't it!" I gagged when the Doctor once again, covered my mouth, the gooey stuff which I realize was saliva and chewed food covering his fingers.

Amy scrutinized him, throwing her arms in the air. "How do we get out?" She said the question I was also wondering.

The Doctor let go of my mouth, (thank god), pointed his sonic screwdriver around, clumsily walking around with a huge grin. "Well, just how big is this beastie? It's gorgeous!" He exclaimed, before revolving back to us. "Blimey, if this is just the mouth I would love to see the stomach!" The Doctor was practically leaping with joy as he ogled whatever the thing we were inside was. A groan rang around the room, piercing my ears sharply causing for my face to pale even more than it already had. "Though, not right now." He added meekly, sensing we could be in danger.

Shaking his shoulder and forcing him to look at me, I stared at him in panic. "Doctor, how do we get out?" Fear laced through my words, not feeling up to going on a trip through the intestines of a giant creature.

Seeing the panic in my eyes, he started looking around flashing reassuring glances. "Okay, so it's being fed through surgically implanted feeding tubes, so that means the normal entrance is..." He trailed off, the three of us gaping at the huge jaw covered by spikey teeth which were locked shut. "Closed for business." He looked into the mouth, the sonic screwdriver in his hand dropping slightly.

The sound of an animal groan hit my ears once more, the floor shaking making all three of us fall to the ground of the tongue. Squeals escaped Amy and I when we fell back into the nastiness of the tongue, getting all the more soaked with saliva and food. I thought the greasiness of my hair was bad previously, now it was filled with chunks of who knows what and spittle.

"It's swallowing us!" I yelled, Amy, screaming when she heard the hysteria in my voice.

"We're going to die!" She screamed right after, the Doctor swatting at both of us for our negative comments.

"Don't worry, I'm using my sonic to press its eject button!" He smiled brightly at the two of us, me gagging while Amy only looked confused.

As we stood up, Amy looked to us with a questionable glance. "What do you mean eject button?"

Before the Doctor could even think of answering, I turned to Amy with a disgusted glance. "He means, he's making the thing vomit us up!" At the same time, a huge liquidy wave of sick started to barrel toward us.

"Right then," The Doctor straightened his bowtie, a small smile taking way on his face. "This isn't going to be big on dignity." He tossed Amy a reassuring look, and surprisingly he gripped my hand rubbing small circles on my knuckles.

"It'll be alright, darling." He shouted, me gripping his hand even tighter as the wave of sick hit us square in the chest causing for us to go flying backward drowning in a pool of liquid disgust.

As fast as it came, just ten seconds later the three of us found ourselves lying outside a door, soaked with gross sick. Somehow, throughout this whole time, the Doctor never let me go, his hand firmly holding mine.

A face of nausea made it's onto me as the Doctor let go of my hand, a long line of spit connecting us. Crying out, I shook my hand shaking the spit all over the place. The Doctor didn't react to the grotesque vomit, only pulling out his sonic screwdriver scanning both Amy and I with it.

He nodded approvingly as he checked it for the results, smiling down at us before heading over to a door. "There's nothing broken, no sign of concussion, and yes, the both of you are covered in sick." I moaned at that, slowly standing up, Amy doing the same next to me.

"Where are we?" Amy questioned with a shiver of disgust, helping as I pulled chunks out of my matted ponytail.

Yep, I had to clean myself good tonight.

Turning to face us with his usual charisma, he motioned around. "Overspill pipe!"

Sniffing myself, I spun on my heel opening my mouth gagging. "Dear lord, that's disgusting!" The Doctor watched me gag worriedly, seeing as I was gagging and yet nothing came out.

As my body heaved for breath, Amy and the Doctor shared a worried glance, the Doctor walking over and placing a hand on the small of back rubbing it. "Effie, how long has it been since you've had something to eat," He gained a thoughtful look. "Or drink for the matter?"

I stood up leaning on the Doctor for support, him only rubbing my shoulder. My thoughts were jumbled from the dry heaving, but I was able to pick apart an answer from the recess of my mind.

"I think, like, uhm..." I paused, coughing a bit. "I had some water a few hours before you got me, and the last time I ate was a few days ago." I shrugged, gaining my strength back quickly, no longer needing to lean on the Doctor for support.

The Doctor jumped, looking to me with concern written on his features. "What! Why didn't you tell me?" He looked around as if food or water would pop from nowhere.

Giving him an odd look, I only laughed. "It's not that big a deal, I usually eat every few days." Food and water were tight.

Peter, Gamora, Drax, and I were the only ones out of the six of us that truly were supposed to eat on a regular basis. Groot and Rocket were able to go weeks without eating if they truly wanted to.

"Well, with me, you can eat as much as your little heart desires!" The Doctor proclaimed, giving me a bright smile. "In fact, as soon as we get back to the TARDIS, I'll make you something myself!" An apprehensive look was sent to him from both Amy and me.

We were unsure if the Doctor could actually cook.

"Oh!" Amy randomly sniffed herself, coughing from the stink alike to me. "Whoo! Can we get out of here?"

Before the Doctor could answer, two of the smilers began changing faces at the end of the corridor. The Doctor got a serious expression, glaring at the smilers while walking closer to them. "Answer me this!" He shouted, opening his arms. "There's a creature living in the heart of this ship, what's it doing there?" He yelled, stopping a few feet away from the machines.

The smiley machines turned faces, so they were giving the demonic facial structure—threateningly watching our trio. The Doctor laughed in their faces, shaking his head in the attempt to frighten him.

"Oh no, that's not going to work on me. Big old beast below the decks and everyone who protests gets shoved down its throat. That's how it works?" That faces only spun in retaliation for his comments, looking like Lucifer himself came and possessed them. "Stop! I am not leaving and I am not forgetting, so what are you fellows going to do about it?" The Doctor taunted them. "Stick out your tongues?" He mocked, sticking out his tongue.

I gasped in disbelief when the booths the smiley machines were sitting in opened up, and the robotic smiley things stood up. Narrowing my eyes at the Doctor, I sighed in exasperation.

"You just had to ask?" My sarcastic remark was ignored by both of them as the Doctor grabbed onto both Amy's and my wrist.

The door opening behind caught our attention causing us to turn to see who had entered the room. Liz 10 came stomping out the door just in time, firing at the robotic smiley's taking them down. She didn't have her mask on this time, revealing a youthful and pretty face. Though, what had me hung was her aim. Like I said earlier, Liz 10 was badass.

"Look who it is." The Doctor acknowledging the woman. "You look a lot better without your mask." Liz only smirked at him, walking up to Amy with her hand out.

"You must be, Amy?" Lix shook the shocked redhead's hand. "I'm Liz, Liz 10."

"Hi." Amy greeted, Liz, pulling her hand back wiping it the saliva off on her red cape.

A second later the little girl who was crying came through the door, looking at us with wide eyes. "You know Mandy, yeah?" Liz brought the little girl to her side.

I was confused on how she possibly could have found us. "How in the hell did you even find us?" I questioned before the Doctor could utter the exact same question.

Scoffing, Liz threw some weird remote thing at the Doctor, motioning to it. "Stuck my gizmo on you. Been listening in. Nice moves on the hurl escape." Liz complimented, me only shivering with disgust thinking about it. "So, what's the big fella doing here?" She questioned as if the Doctor knew.

"You're over sixteen, whatever this is, you've chosen to forget about it." The Doctor said smartly, Liz rolling her eyes.

"No," She defended. "Never forgot, never voted. Not technically a British subject." The Doctor gave her a suspicious glance, taking a step toward her.

"Then who and what are you and how do you know me?" Liz only smirked at that, turning on her heel walking out the door.

Looking at each other, we immediately followed after her. "You're a bit hard to miss, love." Liz looked at the Doctor. "Mysterious stranger, thinking process of a higher alien intelligence, hair of an idiot." The Doctor subconsciously messes with his hair, making me snicker. "I've been brought up on the stories, my whole family was?" The Doctor tilted his head at that.

"Your family?"

Liz ignored him, only answering the question as to how she knew of him. "The Doctor. An old drinking buddy of Henry XII, Tea and scones with Liz II, I'm pretty sure you were Knighted and exiled on the same exact day at one point, and so much for the Virgin Mary, you bad, bad boy." Liz winked at him, me turning to look at the Doctor who was heavily blushing in shock.

Pointing to him with a laugh, he only blushed harder refusing to meet my gaze. "So, you're not a virgin!" He groaned at my loud comment, burying his face in his hands, all the while ignoring me.

Looking to Liz 10, his eyes lit up in recognition. "Liz 10?" The Doctor looked at her in shock.

Liz smirked at us, her eyes catching something behind our figures. "Yeah, Elizabeth the Tenth, and down!" As soon as she shouted down, I grabbed both Amy and the Doctor's wrist forcing them in a crouch hoping Mandy was smart enough to duck on her own. The smiley's that had been following us dropped to the ground, Liz smirking at us when we stood up. "I'm the bloody Queen, mate. Basically, I rule." She held her two blasters up at that.

We were all quick to get to the Vator shaft, seeing multiple odd alien things hitting against the bars they were trapped behind. I ignored the conversation going on, trying to pinpoint exactly what alien creature this could be. It was all obviously one huge thing, but I just wasn't sure what.

I only invested back in the conversation when we left the vator shafts, making it all the way up to the room of Liz 10. When we got to the room, I stood in the corner not bothering to be apart of the interaction.

Over six-hundred years of life, yet still, I had no clue as to what in the hell that alien creature could be. Many, many thoughts flitted across my mind speeding through in the way. Names of different species and hybrids were crossed out, others were put into a maybe pile.

What the hell could be so big that an entire city was able to fit on top of it?

My thoughts absorbed me so much that I didn't even notice the Doctor make his way to me. "Effie, is everything alright?" He question, voicing his concern for me.

"Yeah, fine." I waved him off at the same time the door to Liz's bedroom was forced open by four hooded figures.

Liz was on her feet so fast, I thought I had whiplash. "How dare you come in here!" Her voice thundered about the room.

The Doctor left my side, pointing his sonic screwdriver at the men threateningly.

"Ma'am, you have expressed interest in the interior workings of Starship UK. You will come with us now." They demanded, Liz, scoffing in disbelief.

"And why the hell would I do that?" At the same time, her voice questioned this, the man's head began spinning around to show the face of an angry smiley machine. Liz's face went pale as she shook her head in shock. "How can they be smilers?"

"Damn, half smiler, half human. Badass." I grinned, clearing my throat looking to the ground at the look the Doctor was throwing me. "I mean, that's terrible! You guys suck!"

Gaining her confidence back, Liz straightened up narrowing her eyes at the hybrid robots. "I don't care what creature you guys are, I am still your Queen. On whose authority is this done?" The masked men looked at each other, before answering.

"The highest authority, Ma'am." Liz sneered at this, popping a hip out.

"I am the highest authority, idiot." She looked down at them, making me silently laugh to myself.

Elizabeth the Tenth was really badass, like damn.

"Of course, Ma'am." The hybrid didn't even stutter as if he was used to doing this. "You must go now, Ma'am." The Doctor stepped up at this, standing in front of all of us protectively.

"Where do you want her to go?" He questioned, using his sonic to scan the creatures.

"The tower."


"Get your hands off me!" I shoved some hybrid robot away, as I was the only one out of all them who had to be physically escorted to the tower.

The Doctor made it a point to wrap his arm around my shoulder, steering me away from them and next to Amy.

Leaning down, his breath tickled my ear. "Be nice." He whispered as he left my side, standing in front of us.

Around the room was high-tech machines and grates holding in more parts of the bloody beast below. Looking to my left I watched children being escorted toward the doors.

"Doctor," Amy stepped up, watching the children. "Where are we?"

"The lowest part of Starship UK," He motioned around them. "The dungeons." I was once again ignoring the conversation, trying to figure out what the creature could be until the Doctor began talking.

"-It's either the exposed pain center of the big fella's brain being tortured relentlessly, or it's the gas pedal, the accelerator." I made it a point to stand in the background sensing the Doctor becoming angry.

The Doctor angry at someone was possibly one of the deadliest things to happen; yes, he was the kindest and generous soul out there. But, the fury of a Timelord is possibly one of the worst occurrences to ever happen to you.

"This creature, this poor, trapped, terrified creature. It's not infesting you, it's not invading you, it's what you have instead of an engine. This place down here is where you hurt it, where you torture it day after, just to keep it moving." Liz 10 gave a sad look, her eyes looking glassy.

The Doctor let out an angry breath before running over and opening one of the grates allowing the creature's tentacle thing to be set free. "This is the sound none of you wanted to hear." The Doctor stated calm, alike to the calmness before a storm hits.

In a matter of seconds, the Doctor pointed his sonic at the tentacle and roars of pain filled the entire room. The Doctor looked sad about the noise and everyone else only covered their ears not being able to bear the sound of the beast's pain. However, I was fine.

As terrible as it was, I had seen worse, done worse things. Muspelheim was not a place you wanted to visit, it could be considered a hell, it was so bad. Occurrences like torturing this poor, innocent creature would be like cake to my father and brother.

The Doctor set down the sonic, causing the screams to be silent once more. Liz looking angry walked around the room slowly assessing her court. "Who did this?" She hissed, eyes daring anyone to speak up.

Biting my lip, I tuned out their conversation begging my mind to come up with an idea to what this creature could be. It was my own little jigsaw puzzle at the moment, guess what the tortured animal could be?

I paused in my thinking, seeing Liz watching a video of herself. My mouth fell agape when the creature was revealed to be a Star Whale. God Damn, that was my next guess!

Okay, perhaps I did have a few problems with empathy.

However, my attention was directed to Amy who appeared to want to cry, her eyes glazed over with unshed tears. "I voted for this," Amy turned to the Doctor on the edge of crying. "Why would I do that?" She asked more to herself than anything, and yet the Doctor had an answer for her.

"Because you knew if we stayed here, I would be faced with an impossible choice, humanity or the alien? You took it upon yourself to save me from that, and that was wrong. You don't ever decide what I need to know." The Doctor snapped holding a finger up to Amy, looking both angry and disappointed with her.

"I don't even remember doing it!" Amy defended herself, tears falling freely down her face.

Shaking his head, the Doctor looked away. "You did it, that's what counts."

Amy looking at a loss for words, looked to her toes. "I'm... I'm sorry." She cried out, the Doctor ignoring that statement.

"Oh, I don't care. When I'm done here, you're going home." My eyes widened, yep the fury of a Timelord was the absolute worse.

'We are so screwed when he finds out we've been lying to him this whole time,' A little voice in the back of my mind informed me.

"Why," I was surprised and proud of Amy's courage. "Because I made a mistake? One mistake, I don't even remember doing it. Doctor!" She yelled, hitting her palms against the top of some machine.

"Yeah, I know," The Doctor started calmly, looking to Amy blankly. "You're only human." I watched the Doctor wide-eyed, knowing the two had forgotten about me standing in the corner.

However, that was probably for the better right now. I did not want to get in the middle of this.

"What are you doing?" Liz 10 walked up to them softly looking at the Doctor, obviously ashamed of herself.

He sighed, focusing on the mechanism. "The worst thing I'll ever do. I'm going to pass a massive electrical charge through the Star Whale's brain. Should knock out all it's functions, leave it a vegetable. The ship will fly, but the whale won't feel it." That would be like killing it.

"That would be like killing it." Amy voiced my exact thoughts, the Doctor looking at them desperately.

I was surprised. The Doctor has been go-lucky and cheery for the short amount of time I had known him, I didn't think he was capable of this. It actually made my heart hurt seeing it, I wanted to help him, but I knew right now for him the best thing was for me to stay out of it.

"Look, three options! One; I let the Star Whale continue in unendurable agony for hundreds of more years. Two; I kill everyone on this ship. Three; I murder a beautiful, innocent creature as painlessly as I can." The Doctor scratched his head in irritation, eyes glazing over slightly. "And then I find a new name because I sure as hell won't be the Doctor anymore."

"There has to be something we can do!" Liz 10 tried suggesting, I could see it in her eyes she too felt bad for the Doctor.

I jumped when the Doctor threw his hands against the machine loudly. "Nobody talk to me! Nobody human has anything to say to me today!" He roared, going silent once more working on the machine that would inevitably kill the whale.

Seeing Amy watching the children with tears falling down her face, I smirked. I had an idea. Leaning over so my mouth was next to Amy's ear, I whispered just a few words. "Children screaming, the last of his kind," I said softly so no one else could hear, taking a few steps back watching as everything played out in her mind.

Amy was quick to jump into action, yelling for the Doctor to stop and forcing Liz to use her hand to press the abdicate button. The ship rattled around for a few moments but stopped soon after everyone looking to Amy in shock.

"Don't you see!" Amy breathed. "The Star Whale came because it couldn't stand to watch your children cry. What if you were really old, really kind, and alone?" Amy questioned eyes lingering on the Doctor. "Your whole race dead, no future. What couldn't you do then? If you were that old, that kind, and the very very last, you couldn't just stand there and watch children cry." Amy and the Doctor shared a look, her gaze flashing to me briefly giving me a look that said, 'thank you.'


It was later when Amy and the Doctor came back to the TARDIS after having a long needed talk. As soon as the Doctor skipped in Amy trailing behind him, the phone began ringing. I smiled at the Doctor's happy nature back, him giving me a wink when he noticed me staring.

Turning to me, the Doctor gave me a smile motioning to the phone. "Why don't you answer it, Effie?" I shrugged as if to say, 'okay' casually walking over to the phone.

The second I picked up the phone, my voice carried around the TARDIS loudly and apparently quite rudely too. "What do you want, I'm busy!" I screamed, the Doctor yelping and jumping to grab the phone from me.

"I am so sorry! She's a bit new at this stuff!" The Doctor scrambled for an excuse, talking on the phone.

Amy was dying of laughter in the background, the Doctor only glaring at me as he spoke on the phone. "Don't worry Prime Minister, we're on our way, and I promise she'll be better behaved when we get there." The Doctor hung up the phone, giving me an exasperated look.

"What was that for?" He asked after a moment of silence, me only shrugging.

"What was what for?" My eyebrows furrowed, the Doctor only groaning and Amy laughing.

"You know what, we're about to pay a visit to Winston Churchill—I believe a shower for all of us is in order." The Doctor finally stated, driving the TARDIS away from the traveling city.

"I'm on board." I smiled standing, Amy looking relieved as well.

Finally, a shower after three weeks.

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