Three: TARDIS Television

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"Here we have the library, and sorry Amy, this time the TARDIS didn't build a pool in it." Amy groaned at that, lips drawing to a disappointed frown.

Looking up at him, I let out a breath of exasperation. "Why would there be a pool in the library, wouldn't that make the books all soggy?" The Doctor only blushed under my hard stare averting his gaze.

He steered us away from the library, nodding in confirmation. "Yeah, now that you mention it, the books got soaked on more than one occasion." We all turned a corner, the Doctor jumping in excitement. "However, the pool is over that way now." Amy and I followed his finger to where he was pointing down a hall of many doors.

One door, in particular, the one closest to us catching my attention. "What's that room?" The Doctor looked to where I was pointing, placing a hand on his chin gazing at the door with what appeared to be bewilderment.

The door was a pink pastel color and looked extremely out of place in comparison to all the other doors. "Oi!" The Doctor exclaimed, twisting to face Amy. "That's your room, Amy. Come along, Pond." Amy and I were pulled by the Doctor to the door, Amy gawking in joy.

Amelia tossed the door open squealing in delight at what we found. The color scheme of the room was an ocean blue color, not a single speck of white located. Stepping in Amy eyed the king bed with delight and sighed in satisfaction at the bathroom door.

"We'll see you in the morning, Amy." The Doctor smiled softly at Amy's tired nature. "Don't forget, Churchill is awaiting our presence!" He tossed Amy a wink, before sweeping me out of the room, the door shutting behind us.

"The TARDIS is truly amazing, I've never seen technology like this." I looked around with a smile.

"She's way more than just technology!" The Doctor blurted, leading me down another winding hallway, stopping just in front of a heavy wood door. "Hmm, that's interesting. She put you just across from my bedroom, she never does that." He and I turned to the door across from the one we were standing, my brows raising at the bright red metal.

It was a simple metal door, and yet the red was as bright as fire, an intricate door. Curiosity got the better of me and I wondered what the Doctor's room could possibly look like. He had been around for quite a while, so he was bound to have some interesting things sitting around in there.

Ripping my eyes away from his bedroom, my hand reached out and opened my own door. The carpet was a simple white and the bed was a king alike to Amy's. I was surprised to see the walls a royal red, and almost everything made from wood.

In complete honesty, it looked exactly like my room from Muspelheim. Thinking back to the room which I hadn't seen for over two hundred years almost brought tears to my eyes. With everything in me, I sucked back the tears plastering a huge smile on my lips.

Out of the corner of my eye, the Doctor was gauging my reaction, his eyes filled with intensity. His forehead crinkled, and before I knew it he spun me around to face him. During this moment was when I took a true account for the height difference.

I wasn't short, nor was I tall for a female, but the Doctor was a bit taller than average for a male. Though, I had no idea if Timelords had different height standards or not. "Are you okay?" He voiced his concern for me.

Giving him my usual smile nodding. "Yeah, it's just been a while since I've had an actual room. Kind of gets to you, you know?" I breathed, the Doctor only giving me a reassuring look in return.

"I want you to realize that even though we've only known each other for a few hours, you always have a home in the TARDIS." He firmly stated.

Unable to stop myself I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him in a tight hug. The Doctor jumped in surprise but chuckled hugging me back nonetheless. "Thank you." The whisper of my voice was so soft, I thought he hadn't heard it at first.

It wasn't until he stroked my back that I knew he heard me. Slowly, the two of us pulled away from the Doctor coughing slightly. "You really do need a shower." I swatted him, laughing along with him.

"So do you." I rolled my eyes, the Doctor only nodding in agreement wrinkling his nose.

"In which case, I'll see you in the morning." He patted my back one last time before exiting my room.

As soon as he was gone, I twisted around taking another once over of what was to be my temporary room in my new home.

The only device that truly caught my eye was the mixtape player sitting innocently on the dresser.

"Yes!" I cheered, leaping over to the music machine.

I paused inhaling the familiarity of the little plain machine that brought up so many memories and happy feelings of being with the Guardians. Slowly, I brought my hand swiping it across the buttons before pressing play on the device, almost immediately after the smooth melody of 'Brandy, You're A Fine Girl' began playing softly.

Elation washed over me upon the familiar tune, and before I knew it I was dancing with myself. My feet worked in dance moves as I untwisted the knotty ponytail, cringing when it finally fell down my shoulder in greasy strings of brown, chunks of whatever was in the whale's stomach scattered about.

"The sailor says Brandy, you're a fine girl. What a good wife you would be." I sang along to the music, frowning in disappointment at my now ruined fireproof suit.

Growling in frustration, I ripped the bodysuit off, throwing it in the corner of the room. Tears and stretch marks were visible all along the outside, and not to mention the blood and dirt which no doubt stained the fabric.

Walking into the bathroom not bothering to turn the mixtape player off, my body froze in front of the mirror. Scratches that were already healing, and dried blood along with dirt seared the skin of me.

"Okay, shower time," I muttered, shaking my head in disgust at my own appearance.

I leisurely stepped into the shower, toes flinching at the feel of the cold tile floor. The water poured down, dripping down my body causing for all the blood and gunk to run down the drain in a mixture a brown water. The warmth gave me a feeling of euphoria that I've never had before. It was relaxing.

The steamy water soothed everything taking my mind off things. As I stood in the shower, washing my hair three different times just to make sure I got the gunk out, I began thinking of different scenarios. However, my main thoughts consisted of the Doctor.

He was so nice... and cute. Oh, Doctor, you truly are a lifesaver.

The shower lasted for almost forty-five minutes in total, it had been a while since my last one, so I wanted to take advantage of it. Now, I stood in front of a wardrobe looking for something to wear to sleep. Deciding to just wear a shirt and some kind of comfortable Earthling pants, I padded my way over to the bed unable to stop myself from constantly touching the now fluffy and soft hair atop my head.

The last time it was this fluffy and soft was when I was living back in Muspelheim, and that was a long time ago. An everlasting smile was plastered across my tired face as I lay in the extremely comfortable bed. The drowsiness I felt along with the unnaturally comfortable bed was enough to knock me out within a minutes time.


I'm standing in the middle of a forest, my body engulfed in flames, the supernova ability making its showcase. The irises of my eyes glowed a bright red and a whip built entirely of fire coiled around my hand slinging by my feet.

The first thing I noticed about myself was the attire, the reason I noticed so quickly being that this particular attire was one that I had only ever worn in Muspelheim, it was my original battle wear. When I escaped Muspelheim I had made it a point to leave that battle wear behind, even though at the time it had been my only fireproof outfit. I left it behind because I wanted no ties to my past.

The outfit itself spoke a clear indication that I was of Asgard or one of Asgard's realms for that matter, any living being who was aware of Asgard's existence would need to only take one look at me in that outfit and would recognize my heritage instantly.

Solid gold boots connected to dark stretchy trousers, at the top of the trouser was a large black belt that held my whip and any other weapons of combat. My sword and daggers being second on my list to the whip of fire as I called it. The belt connected my trousers to the top, the top being a vibrant metallic red armor looping around my body and stopping just at the shoulders. Last, but definitely not least was my tiara. Yep, that's right, every princess needs a tiara, Muspelheim was no different. The tiara, of course, was gold with a single red ruby in the center, but other than looking fabulous the tiara had its perks; perks such as holding my hair back.

I won't lie, personally, I thought it made me look pretty hot and badass, but at the same time, me wearing that was never a good sign. It was fireproof, and therefore it was worn into a battle, if I was dressed in battle wear then there had to be a battle taking place.

However, the second thing catching my eye was the fact that I was standing in a forest, and the forest was burning. It was on fire no doubt because of me, for I could have put out the fire with a snap of my fingers if I wanted to.

My figure watched the fire burn around us with no emotion, as if waiting for something. No matter how hard I pushed or screamed, nothing happened. I had no control, it was as if I was on autopilot.

Suddenly, my person looked down and I saw a sight which could easily scare anyone.


Tens upon tens lie around me dead and on fire. The flesh sizzled to the bone, the smell of cooking flesh stinging at my nostrils and smoke wrapping around the air.

I wanted to cry, I didn't need anyone to tell me it was me who had done this, I knew it was me. I murdered all these people, but why? As much sadness as I was feeling, my body showed none of that emotion, only gazing at the bodies as if they were bugs in comparison to me.

"You deserved it!" My voice hissed ferociously, and finally after what felt like forever reflected emotions.

But, it was the wrong emotion.

There was no sadness, only anger and vengeance lingering within. "YOU ALL DESERVED IT!" I shouted my voice quaking the ground with malice.

"No, we didn't." The voice was weak but held strength.

Slowly, I turned my head to face a man who looked to be on the brink of death. Though he looked to be on the brink of death, he stood defiantly, glaring holes into my very core. My hands felt ready to burn him alive, but another much worse, much more sadistic idea crossed the threshold of my mind. It was a horrible thing to do, and yet in my mind, it was fair.

It took only second to figure out what I was planning to do, and once I understood my heart dropped. When I left Muspelheim, I made the promise to myself, a promise to never do anything like that again. I promised both for myself and the rest of the universe I would never, no matter what, use that ability of mine again.

I may have killed all these people already, but what I was about to do to this man was something so unforgivable, so vile, so unimaginable, that it was worse than death itself.

I was going to give him a penance stare, or a hell stare as I called it.

Other than the ability of fire, my power was extended to one other ability. The penance stare was a horrible act that I was able to use in close combat with anyone. When I lock eyes with the person, I can induce a self-mortification act against them, imposing them with memories of every negative action they have committed in their lifetime. The victim would then be locked into an eternity of pain as they watched and felt the consequences of their actions times ten for the rest of the afterlife.

It was worse than going to hell because they are simply stuck in a limbo with every sin they have ever committed running through them. The hell stare was a punishment that I had power over, and it was something I had only done a total of three times in my six-hundred years.

Yes, it wouldn't work on someone who was entirely innocent of any sort of sin, but that was the catch.

There is no one, and I mean no one who is entirely innocent. No matter who you were at one point in someone's life they have committed a sin. Even if some were more drastic than others, everyone was guilty of something. Therefore, everyone was viable for that punishment, no one was safe.

A smirk crossed my features as I took slow calculating steps toward the man, my feet boiling the ground black as I walked. I stopped just a few feet away, the man flinching at the heat of the fire leaving my body.

"Okay, let us see whether or not you truly did or didn't deserve this." I tutted, giving him a false reassuring smile. "If you all really don't deserve this, then this won't kill you." The man's eyes widened and in a matter of a second, I grabbed him by the front of his shirt pulling him close to me.

I didn't allow for my fire to burn him, yet he still cried out from the pain of the heat. "Please." He whimpered, me only sighing in mock exasperation.

"This won't hurt a bit," I lied, laughing to myself. "Now, look into my eyes." My voice seemed to come out lower and more frightening.

Lifting the man off the ground, his face morphed into pain as he looked into the red irises. "Your soul is stained by sin, feel your punishment." My voice came out in a hiss, the man beginning to wither in my grasp when he realized he couldn't stop staring.

His screams echoed around louder than I bet he had ever screamed before, as he desperately tried to stop looking. "No, no, NO!" He cried, sobs falling through his lips.

It lasted only a few seconds before his eyes glazed over with what looked to be molten stone and were burned open for the rest of eternity. The screams stopped and the man's face was etched into a permanent look of terror, his stone eyes holding him to forever be trapped in his own hell.

I stepped back, watching his body fall to the ground a viper smirk painted on my face.

"Persephone!" I knew that voice, for it was the voice of someone I had just met.

Turning around I came face to face with the Doctor's horrified look. His hair was messed up, he had tear stains on his cheeks, his adorable bowtie was gone, and so was his tweed jacket. He stood only a few meters away, looking at the bodies and fire, fear marked on his face. Fear was something I didn't want from him, and no matter how hard I pushed, I couldn't fight myself into control.

It was only then that I took into account the Doctor knew my full name. My body only tilted my head, watching the Doctor with a raised brow. The Doctor looked at me gulping, as he surprisingly gently stepped forward his hand out.

Why wasn't he mad? This was the Doctor, he should be engaged with me. "Persephone, you got your revenge, it's time to come home now." His voice came out gentle and pleading, and god did I want to take him up on his offer.

But wait, where was home? What could I possibly want revenge for?

"Persephone, please." He pleaded, me only taking a step away from him, causing his eyes to fill with tears, something that took me by surprise. "No! You are not lost, I love you! I am the Doctor and I don't fall in love, but you, I fell in love with you! I refuse to lose you like everyone else!" The Doctor shouted, tears falling freely down his cheeks as he took another step closer.

"Please, I love you." He said, looking at me. "Please, I love you, please, I love you, please, I love you." It took me a second to realize something was wrong, for he only was able to say the same l few words over and over again.

Winds ripped from all around, pulling me away from the burning picture and into a hole of darkness. "Please, I love you." It was the Doctor's words echoing around being the last thing I heard.


Air wheezed through my throat as I jumped up in bed with a small yelp. My air pipes feel sore as if I slept with my mouth open or I screamed a lot, it was one or the other. Unfortunately, small flames scattered about the room and my hair was inflamed.

With a snap of my fingers, the fire was put out and my hair was back to normal. Shaking myself out of the frightened state, I was able to calm myself down with a few deep breaths and a reminder that I safe.

'It was just dream, nothing more.' I chanted along in my mind rubbing my arms up and down to substitute as another person comforting me.

Maybe I should go talk to the Doctor about it? No, am I an idiot! One: how was I to explain why I lied to him about being the Goddess of Fire. Two: he was probably still asleep considering it was the crack of dawn. And three: I couldn't just casually bring up that he kept repeating he loved me, that would just make things worse.

With those reasons as a reminder to why not to tell the Doctor, I jumped out of my now extremely hot bed—something that didn't bother me, but would no doubt burn anyone else—and walked to the bathroom. I took a quick shower just because I could, inflaming my hair when I got out to dry it quicker.

An inner debate took place in my mind as I decided on whether or not to change back into my pajamas. A smirk crawled on my face when I ultimately elected to put the shirt and comfy pants back on. I mean, it's been a while since I've got to wear such comfortable clothes, today was a freebie.

"Got damn it!" I hissed when my hand burned the metal doorknob of my bedroom door, the TARDIS making a loud noise which soundly suspiciously like a cry of pain.

Awkwardly, I rubbed the back of my head looking up at nowhere in particular. "Oh, sorry about that, didn't mean to burn you, still a little shaken up." My voice carried around the room loudly, and I hoped the TARDIS was able to understand me. I made it a point to shake my hands taking away all the heat. "Also, do you mind not telling the Doctor about this little thing, right now? I kind of need to figure out a way to explain it to where he won't be as mad." The TARDIS seemed to make a hum of compliance, and I took a deep inhale of relief.

Me burning the TARDIS brought another issue to existence. Naturally, my body temperature was a steady rate of hundred-one degrees, the temperature of a fever. Yes, that's it.

That's right, whenever someone touched me it always felt like I had a fever. It was odd for me, because unlike any other creature out there when I was sick with a fever, my fever was my temperature dropping. Meaning anyone's normal bodily temperature was my fever and vice versa.

Yeah, if the Doctor hadn't noticed yet he was bound to catch on soon. Oh well, I guess I'll cross that bridge when it gets here.

Wasting no more time, I opened the door, this time successfully not burning the poor TARDIS. The lights were on and I could hear Amy and the Doctor's voice coming from down the hallway. Following after the voices, I was soon greeted by the sight of the console room and the Doctor fluttering about rubbing the TARDIS in different spots while Amy sat looking around in one of the many seats by the console.

"What's wrong?" He soothingly spoke rubbing the TARDIS with only the utmost care in the world. "What hurts?" The Doctor seemed to be asking the TARDIS if it was hurt in some way, switching my eyes to Amy who had noticed me, I mouthed the words 'what the fuck?'

Amy only shrugged in reply watching the Doctor as if he was crazy as well. Suddenly, the Doctor whirred around facing both of us with a slightly annoyed expression.

"If the two of you would stop looking to me as if I was crazy, then I might be able to shed some light on this situation." Amy and I only continued with our looks the Doctor groaning in exasperation when our facials didn't change.

"The TARDIS was in pain for a second, so I was only checking to see what was wrong with her, though she is quite keen on keeping it to herself." The Doctor mumbled the last part, turning to flash a small glare at his machine.

The TARDIS let out a series of mechanical buzzes and whirrs and it took me only a moment to realize the TARDIS was actually laughing at the Doctor. Amy registered it as well the two of us only taking one glance at the other before we started laughing hysterically along with the TARDIS.

The Doctor's neck only turned pink and his cheeks red with embarrassment. "Fine!" He threw his hands in the air, turning so his back was to the console. "Be like that then." He huffed making some sort of pout face looking discouraged.

However, it was over with a snap of his fingers as his eyes lit up in some sort of remembrance. "Oh, Effie! You must be starving, I'm so sorry I completely forgot last night, come along, I'll make you a nice omelet!" The Doctor grabbed my hand pulling me out of the console room, Amy following.

A good sized kitchen wasn't too far away and held every item possible in order to successfully cook food. It was a blue themed kitchen with many different counters scattered about. However, I wasn't sure if the Doctor was capable of cooking all that well.

He forced Amy and me into the chairs surrounding a seven-person table before walking over to a bin randomly sat on the counter. I watched, eyebrows raised in surprise as he took out an apron reading the words, 'Masterchef' pulling it over his tweed jacket.

He was such a dork.

The Doctor spun around the kitchen grabbing every necessary ingredient setting it down casually. Amy and I only glanced at each other occasionally, slight worry in our gazes, we truly weren't sure if the Doctor knew what he was doing.

Just as he cracked two eggs in the large pan he jumped around looking to the island counter where a lone stereo resided. "Ah! Almost forgot, can't cook without some tunes." He bounced over to the stereo switching it on, Amy and I making faces of disgust at the old opera melody coming through.

The Doctor, on the other hand, seemed more than pleased with the choice, even going as far as to break out a few dancy spins while he cooked to the opera. Scoffing, I only shook my head at Amy before standing up and making my way to the stereo.

Pushing a simple button a smile made its way onto my face when the song Africa started playing. The Doctor turned around with a small playful pout but made no attempt at changing it leading me to believe he was fond of the music as well.

Giggling, Amy hummed along with the tune, the Doctor dancing as he shocking looked to be cooking the omelet to an almost perfection. "So, Effie, raised by ravagers, eh?" The Doctor glanced at me before focusing back on the food.

Shrugging, I made sure to play it off as casual as possible. "Yep." My fingers drummed on the table with my nerves, the Doctor's eyes moving to my fingers before he looked into my eyes with a questioning gaze.

Immediately, I stopped drumming my fingers knowing it showcased nerves I shouldn't have. Amy piped handing me a curious look. "What are Ravagers?" She shimmied her shoulders while saying the words Ravagers making me laugh a bit.

The Doctor flipped two omelets out onto some plates walking over and setting them in front of us. "The Ravagers are an interstellar crime syndicate comprising of thieves, smugglers, criminals, bandits, mercenaries, bounty hunters and pirates. There are nearly one hundred factions of Ravagers around the galaxy. Each faction of the Ravagers has a captain of its own, leading their operations." The Doctor explained, all the while getting Amy and I glasses of orange juice.

Amy choked on her food, me not paying all that much attention to their conversation to immersed with how delicious this food was. Who knew the Doctor actually was a master chef?

"Hold on, galaxy?" Amy sputtered, looking at the Doctor with wide eyes. "Our galaxy? The Milky Way?" The Doctor only waved her off, me shaking my head 'no'.

"No," I swallowed part of my omelet. "It's part of Andromeda." Amy once again choked on her food looking at me in shock.

"Wait, you're an alien too?" Yes.

"I mean, technically no." I scratched my head trying to think up what it was I said to the Doctor about my past, so I didn't screw it up. "I was born on Earth, but after my mother died I was kidnapped by the Ravagers and raised as their own." I moaned into biting my food, the Doctor, and Amy both sharing sad glances with each other.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize." Amy sympathetically told me, me only shrugging in response.

"Doesn't matter, I mean they were never particularly bad at raising me, besides that was so long ago that I don't even consider it as kidnap anymore." I thought up to how Peter felt when he talked about his past, I was using his past story as my own.

"Effie, who was the captain of the Ravager clan you were raised in?" The Doctor questioned almost hesitantly, sitting unnaturally close to me.

I understood they were worried I'd go emotional, but I mean none of it was true. It would be rather hard for me to cry over a false story.

"Yondu Udonta." I answered giving the name of Peter's abductive father.

Yeah, I was only digging myself deeper in this lie.

I went for another bite of the omelet only for my fork to meet nothing but an empty plate. How was it already gone?

"That was the best food I have ever had," I told the Doctor honestly, his cheeks flaming up under my appreciative gaze. "Where did you learn to cook like that?" The Doctor looking more than flustered averted his eyes, stuttering a bit before giving an answer.

"Paris!" He exclaimed, biting his lip looking to be in thought. "In the eighteenth century." He added with a small smile, me only patting his cheek in gratitude.

For some odd reason, the Doctor's cheeks went redder, and Amy began laughing loudly. However, despite him being flustered, the Doctor looked to me with slight concern. "You're very hot."

Amy snorted as she fell out of her chair to the ground dying of laughter and my eyes widened seeing as Peter referred to Gamora with those words on multiple occasions, and those two were, in his words, 'a long-term booty call, A.K.A, Gamora was his girl'. The Doctor comprehending what he said, immediately froze stammering in his sentence, face going even more red if possible. The poor Timelord looked like a tomato.

"Uhm... thank you?" I wasn't sure if that was meant to be a compliment or not, Amy laughed even harder while the Doctor only stammered out some more sentences.

"No, not like that–I... I mean you are very pretty, don't get me wrong... gorgeous in fact, but temperature wise you're just extremely warm." My eyebrows knitted at him, Amy getting ahold of herself finally able to sit up. "Actually, nevermind, we can discuss this later." The Doctor quickly stood from the chair gripping Amy's wrist and pushing me along with him back to the console room and toward the door trying to escape the situation.

It was the first time I had taken into account that both Amy and the Doctor were already dressed for the day and I was still in my pajamas.

"Wait, I'm not dressed." I stopped walking, the Doctor turning around taking in my pajama-clad body.

"You're not dressed." He repeated what I said, giving me a questioning look. "Why aren't you dressed?" The way his eyes were wide with a question was adorable and made me internally freak out.

Mentally slapping sense back in, I cleared my throat. "How about you two go have fun on this adventure, and I'll sit this one out." The Doctor objected immediately scoffing.

"Absolutely not, I won't allow you to miss all the fun." I gave him my best puppy dog look, sniffling sadly.

"Please, Doctor. You even said it yourself.." I paused flashing what I hoped to be an alluring his way. I wasn't sure how to act sexy, I was a six-hundred-year-old virgin who'd never even had a boyfriend! "I'm hot." I waggled my brows at that, happy when the Doctor went into another blushing fit. "I just want to rest for a little bit, and then I'll be right back with joining you two on adventures through time and space!" I exclaimed waving my hands around, the Doctor still looked a bit hesitant, so to make him comply I threw another low-blow at him. "Also, I'm hot." It was a point that I said the words in a breathy panting sort of tone, making the Doctor choke on himself. Again, the Doctor got flustered and muttered a quick agreement pulling Amy along with him to the TARDIS doors.

Amy and I both watched in amusement as he had to gather himself before slowly poking his head out the door. Confusion ate away at me when he exited the TARDIS rather slow as if something were outside. Amy looked back at me with a look that said she just as confused, it wasn't until the Doctor was completely outside that he yelled for Amy.

"Amy, come out and meet Winston Churchill!" Amy giving me one last wink stepped out after the Doctor.

I heard voices greeting each other as the TARDIS doors slammed to a shut, the last voice I heard is the Doctor's. "We'll be back in a bit, Effie!" Just as he ended that sentence, the doors slammed shut completely and it was only the TARDIS and my left.

"YES!" I jumped up in excitement, looking to the console. "You wouldn't happen to get something called cable here, would you? People from Earth always say it's a great thing."


As it would turn out, the TARDIS did, in fact, receive cable on its scanner. I had learned many of Earth's oddities throughout the day by watching it, now I was hooked on some very odd documentary that caused weird feelings to tingle around my body.

The kitchen was fully stocked with the best food, food from Earth was great. It tasted like how I used to eat on Muspelheim since I left I was mainly stuck on food pellets or gelatin made to give creatures the necessary nutrients.

However, fish and chips were way better of a meal. It went great with watching any sort of show on the television, especially this documentary. There was only one question I held about this documentary.

'How were people from Earth able to last so long?'

At the same time the main dude's cock looked ready to pop, the Doctor ran in closing the door behind him frantically. Immediately I noticed Amy wasn't with him and the state he was in seemed to scream panic.

"Where's Amy?" My questioned knocked him out of whatever frantic spell he was in and he turned to me mouth falling agape at my state.

Well, I suppose if I walked in on something like this, I would be shocked as well. Fish and Chips lying about and porn playing in the background, quite the scene.

However, the Doctor only allowed his eyes to roam my body jaw still dropped as he took me in. "Where are your clothes!" His voice sounded strained and his gaze rested upon my chest for what seemed like a second too long before he snapped his head back to my eyes. "Blimey! Are you watching porn?" The Doctor looked about ready to pass out, eyes bugging out of his head.

I had forgotten I was only in my undergarments, for reasons unknown it made eating a lot more enjoyable. Awkwardly, I looked back to the scanner which played the television shrugging.

"Yeah, Earth's porn is actually really impressive." At my words, the Doctor jumped into action turning off the show and placing the scanner back on to where it would show the outside world.

I sat watching the Doctor as he turned multiple levers and knobs in quick motions, refusing to look at me. It was only when the TARDIS made the noise of landing that he sucked in the air and turned to face me.

"Effie, go put some clothes on." He made it a point to not let his gaze drift any lower than my eyesight.

In a cat-like fashion, I stood spinning to walk through the hallway. "I thought I was hot?" The Doctor yelled at me as I raced down the hall laughing.

Deciding that I needed yet another shower considering my undergarments were spoiled and I had sat around doing nothing all, I was quick to get in. The shower itself was brief, lasting no longer than ten minutes.

Facing the fact that I did need to change into actual clothes, I pushed my way around the wardrobe looking for some acceptable clothing.

T-shirt? Check. Cargo pants? Check. Flight jacket? Check. Boots? Double check.

After changing and taking a few minutes to admire the feel of brand new clothing, I walked back into the console room my lips pulling into a line seeing as the Doctor was gone again.

The scanner showed that we were landed back to where we were previously, what happened? A sudden thought occurred to me, did the TARDIS have any shooters? I mean, this was the Doctor, he had enemies and alliances everywhere, he had to have something to protect the TARDIS if he was ever attacked, right?

Curiosity got the better of me, and before I knew it, I was searching through his TARDIS finding anything that could have served as a gun. When I came across nothing a disappointed breath escaped me.

"Do you want some weapons?" I questioned loudly, the TARDIS purring in reply. "Because if you want, I'm pretty good with fixing up ships and such, I can give you a weapons system." The TARDIS seemed to agree with me letting out loud whirrs as a sign of positivity.

Before I could look for the blueprints to the TARDIS and find out the best way to begin installing the system, the Doctor and Amy walked in looking rather exhausted. Turning to the Doctor with a smile, I pointed to the TARDIS.

"She wants a weapons system installed, where are the blueprints?" The Doctor scoffed at me, walking up so he was chest to chest.

"Absolutely not, don't even think about it, or so help me-" I cut him off by walking away, continuing on my trek for blueprints bored at his empty threats.

Amy laughed loudly, walking over to help me find them, the Doctor only yelping when I started to open a random drawer. "Don't look in there!" He yelled, nearly closing the drawer on my fingers.

Jumping away, I protectively clutched my hand to my chest. "Geez, okay." I sighed, the Doctor looking guilty when realized he almost took a finger off.

I didn't understand why he looked guilty. If Rocket or any of the other Guardians did that to me they would be laughing their ass off. In a few steps, the Doctor cradled my hand gently giving me an apologetic smile. "So sorry, kind of protective about that drawer." I slowly nodded still confused as to why he would be so sorry about something like that.

"Oh!" I yelped, making the Doctor jump in the air, dropping my hand. "Let's go see a star!" A star wasn't particularly interesting, especially because I've seen the stars up close many times, but I figured it would be a good time to talk to both Amy and the Doctor.

The Doctor looked confused. "A star?" He questioned as if I was tricking him.

"Yep, a star. Right, Amy, you want to see a star too?" Amy looked back and forth between us before finally shrugging in agreement.

"Yeah, a star sounds cool." The Doctor groaned stepping up to the control panels and flipping just a few levers.

The TARDIS started shaking and soon we were off, the Doctor turning back to face us. "A star is pretty boring, but whatever you two want I guess." He muttered, sitting down in between Amy and me on the small staircase.

"Yes, a star." I smiled, stretching my legs out in front of me.

A star.

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