Twenty-Three: The Pandorica Opens

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A few minutes later, River had changed out of being Cleopatra into a much more suitable outfit and the four of us were all riding horses away from the Roman camp and to the Stonehenge

Only three horses had been available, so the Doctor made me share with him much to my protest. However, he won and that left me clinging onto to him desperately as he hollered in glee riding a few feet ahead of both Amy and River Song.

"Please, don't kill us..." I stuttered out, hiding my face in the crook of his neck while grasping him tighter.

I trusted the Doctor with many things, but riding a horse was definitely not one of them. I knew I should have taken the lead!

"So dramatic, love!" The Doctor yelled back, laughing as he did. "We'll be fine, I am an excellent rider!" He boasted, just as the horse shuttered making me squeal.

The ride only lasted a few minutes and soon we were all standing at the enormous mystical stones that made up the Stonehenge. I glanced around it in a bored manner not understanding all the getup about a bunch of stones.

Amy, on the other hand, looked around as if it were the most magnificent thing she'd ever seen, the Doctor was well... being the Doctor, and River scanned the area for any unnatural readings.

"How come it's not new?" Amy asked, making River look at her.

"Because it's already old. It's been here thousands of years. No one knows exactly how long." River explained, typing something on her little device.

"Hmm..." I sighed, looking over to the Doctor who was scanning the rocks with his sonic screwdriver.

"Okay, this Pandorica thingy, last time we saw you, you warned us about it after we climbed out of the Byzantium." Amy's sentence made me look at her, River only shaking her head with a smile.

"Spoilers." Is all River replied, making Amy look more confused.

"No, but you told the Doctor you'd see him again when the Pandorica opens." Amy explained.

River walked about the Stonehenge as I leaned against one of the rocks watching the two. "Maybe I did, but I haven't yet. But I will have..." She told Amy as her eyes widened at some of the readings. "Doctor, I'm picking up fry particles!" She yelled at the Doctor who was walking around scanning everything with his screwdriver.

"They're everywhere! Energy weapons discharged on this site." River shouted, messing with her small device.

"If the Pandorica is here, it contains the mightiest warrior in history. Now, half the galaxy would want a piece of that. Maybe even fight over it." I watched with furrowed brows as the Doctor suddenly had his ear on the rock as if listening to it. "We need to get down there." He stood up looking at the rock which was placed on the ground.

"And how are we supposed to do that?" Amy scoffed out a laughed, trotting over to where the Doctor stands thinking to himself.

Both him and Amy faced away from me, while River was looking in my direction with a knowing gleam in her eye. I smirked at the look she gave me, taking a breath.

'Distract them.' I mouthed to River who hid a smile nodding.

"Hey, check this out, you two." River said as if whatever was on her device was the most interesting thing in the world causing both Amy and the Doctor to look at it.

Realizing I had little time to do this, I immediately heated my hands up grasping the edges of the rock. Godly strength, don't fail me now.

The rock let out almost silent sizzling noise upon being met with my glowing red-hot hands. A small shove from me was all it took for the rock to begin sliding before it stopped revealing a rocky staircase.

Quickly, I waved my hands about watching as the burning heat faded away until my normal temperature was left. Moving away from the rock a few steps, I plastered a look of pure shock on my face.

"Doctor!" I shouted, causing them all to look at me. Amy and the Doctor in shock, while River laughed. "I don't know what happened, it just moved away!" I cried out pointing to the rock.

"What in the hell?" The Doctor whispered to himself, joining me gripping my hand. "You say it just moved away, eh?" The Doctor asked me through narrowed eyes as if sensing my lies.

Liar. My inner conscience seemed to scream at me.


Amy was the girl who waited, and I suppose I was the girl who lied. 'Keep the secret' I told myself, 'don't break.'

"Yeah..." I rubbed his hand, shaking my head trying to make the lies more believable. "I don't what happened, it just sort of slid open," I told him, the Doctor delivering a hard stare my way before he looked back over at the opening.

"Well, okay then..." The Doctor sighed, leading the way down, standing in front of me protectively. "The underhenge." He sighed as we were halfway down the steps.

"Nice title." Amy breathed out, making me snicker.

Sooner rather than later, we came upon a huge wooden door covered in dust and cobwebs. As I gave it a disgusted look, the Doctor grinned excitedly waltzing up to it with River Song. The two looked at each other before pushing open the huge doors revealing a large dark room covered in cobwebs.

Standing in the center of that room was a metallic box with strange markings embedded on it. "The Pandorica..." The Doctor breathed, Amy, looking at it with untapped fascination.

"More than just a fairy tale," River added, me still looking utterly bored with the discovery.

"I know I'm probably about to sound like a snobbish bitch, but what's the big deal?" I asked the Doctor curiously, making him look at me with raised brows.

"It makes sense, you're not exactly accustomed to Earth's ways." He began walking forward, studying the box intently. "This box contains possibly the most dangerous being in all creation, and the most interesting part is no one knows what's inside, not even me." He put his hand on the box, looking at in pure wonder.

"There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior. A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world." We all listened to the Doctor's slightly brooding story, Amy being the first to question him.

"How did it end up in there?" She asked, making him smirk as he ran his hands across the box.

"A good wizard tricked it." Is all he said, my brows furrowing at the simple answer.

"I always hated the good wizards in fairy tales. They always turn out to be him." River scoffed while pointing to the Doctor.

I looked to the Doctor with a shake of my head. "Every time," I muttered loud enough for him to hear, which in turn made him smirk.

"So it's kind of like Pandora's Box, then? Almost the same name." Amy acknowledged, me recognizing the story from the Greek Gods.

I subtly rolled my eyes moodily. Why in the hell did Midgardians get all hyped when the Greek Gods were mentioned? Us Norse Gods were where it was all at.

"Sorry, what?" The Doctor asked, from doing whatever he was doing a few feet away.

"The story," My eyes widened as Amy suddenly was waving around a torch for light. I gulped at the familiar calm feel of fire, wanting nothing more than to absorb it. Control yourself! "Pandora's Box, with all the worst things in the world in it. That was my favorite book when I was a kid." Amy sang, the Doctor snapping his head to Amy in a slightly concerned way.

I watched silently as made his way to her. "What's wrong?' Amy asked the same thing I was wondering as the Doctor studied her through narrowed eyes.

"Your favorite school topic, your favorite story? Never ignore a coincidence..." The Doctor stated before he suddenly laughed at himself. "Unless you're busy. In which case, always ignore a coincidence." He left Amy's side, going back to the Pandorica.

"So, can you open it?" I finally asked him.

The Doctor nodded, scanning it with the sonic. "Easily. Anyone can break into a prison, but I'd rather know what I'm going to find first." He smiled, me rolling my eyes kicking a random rock on the ground sourly.

"Oi, what's wrong with you, what's got you in a mood?" He crossed his arms while raising a brow at my pouting form.

Throwing him a sarcastically sweet smile, I shook my head. "Oh, nothing. It's just the fact that it's probably some boring Greek God or something stupid like that." I growled, making the Doctor's eyes light up in excitement.

"I do hope so!" He shouted with glee, making me even sourer.

"I sure hope not..." The Doctor looked at me in surprise, Amy doing the same. "Stupid overly-acknowledged Greek Gods. They're not even that cool." The Doctor narrowed his eyes, looking at me with pursed lips.

"Why does this hit you so personally?" He inquired tightly, making my breathing pick up slightly.

Oh, shit!

"Doctor, it's opening from the inside." River Song to the rescue. We all looked to River who was scanning the box. "There are layers and layers of security protocols in there, and they're being disabled, one by one."

"How long do we have?" I asked her, River only shrugging in confusion.

"Hours at most." She answered me.

"What kind of security is this?" The Doctor questioned, River putting her ear against it seeing if she could hear anything.

"Everything. Deadlocks, time-stops, matter-lines." My mouth flew open at that, the Doctor shaking his head.

"What could need all that?" He asked, me standing close to him.

"What could get past all that?" The Doctor reassuringly rubbed my shoulder, as if trying to comfort the both of us.

The Doctor sighed, observing the box once more. "Think of the fear that went into making this box. What could inspire that much fear?" He asked seemingly himself. "Hello, you." He said to the box as if talking to whatever was inside. "Have we met?"

"Knowing you, probably yes," I blunted looking over to Amy was making her way back to us.

I could feel the Doctor's gaze on me as I watched our other friend.

"How could Vincent have known about it?" Amy states, after clearing her throat. "He won't even be born for centuries." Her Scottish accent was thicker with that sentence.

I ignored the Doctor's response, squatting next to River while helping her scan the box more. River looked to me, then back at Amy and the Doctor making sure they weren't paying attention.

"They're suspicious, yeah?" River asked, making me nod.

"Yep, how could you tell?"

"Pretty obvious in the way both keep watching you, as if trying to find something out of the ordinary." I sighed at that, shaking my head.

"Where'd I go wrong?" I told River honestly, making her chuckle rubbing my shoulder supportively.

"Nowhere, sweetie. But remember, the Doctor's brilliant, nothing gets past him." That sentence only made me sadder knowing my time was running thin.

"I liked it, you know? Not being defined by who I was for once, not being seen as scary Persephone." River smiled at me, leaning in.

"I'll tell you a spoiler." She admitted. "You still have some time left before he finds out. But remember, this is the Doctor we're talking about. He's hardly one to judge, especially one who holds his hearts. It might be bumpy at first, but it'll get better." She smiled, but before I could reply the Doctor walking over made us cut our conversation short.

Holds his hearts?

"Crap." He muttered as he ran his hands down his face, all of us looking to the Timelord. "Oh man, this is not good. Not good at all." He paced, running his hands through his hair as he shook his head in disbelief.

Based on his reaction, I was able to assume something had just clicked in his brilliant mind. "What do you mean this is not good?" I asked him, the Doctor pivoting to me with a nervous look.

"Think about it Effie, this has been transmitting a signal for a while now. A signal going to every corner of the universe in every time possible." My face paled as I put together what the Doctor was getting at.

"So our question is, who heard?" My voice was tight as I said this.

The Doctor jumped into action at my words, turning to River who was scanning the thing with wide eyes. "River, I'm feeding it back to you now, tell me, who heard. What's out there?" He ordered her, River frantically clicking more buttons on her device as she held it against the Pandorica.

"River, anything?" He asked, waving around his sonic screwdriver.

River furrowed her eyebrows in disbelief as she read exactly what the device was saying. "Around this planet, there are at least ten-thousand starships." We all choked on our breaths, me looking back to the Doctor.

"At least!" I cried, subconsciously checking to make sure my blaster was there.

"Ten-thousand, a hundred-thousand, maybe even a million! I don't know!" She yelped out, her breathing coming through heavily. "There's too many readings!" She panicked, the Doctor doing his best to stay calm and collected for us.

"What kind of starships?" He asked, voice coming out cool.

Before River could answer, we all heard a voice. A robotic monotone scratchy voice, and yet it was very familiar.

"Maintaining orbit!" One exclaimed.

"I obey. Shield cover compromised on ion sectors." Another wailed its order.

"Daleks." Amy swallowed as I nodded along with her.

"Yep," Running a hand down my face. "Those are definitely Daleks. Who else could have that ugly of a voice?" The Doctor chuckled at my words despite the situation.

"Cybermen?" He suggested, making me laugh.

"Okay fine, Cybermen." I laughed along with him, River tutting us for our amusement in this situation.

"This isn't a laughing matter, you two." River scolded us alike to a mother would her children.

The Doctor snapped out of it, clapping his hands. "Yes, okay. Okay, okay, okay!" He frantically paced, voice sounding panicked. "Dalek fleet. Minimum twelve-thousand battleships, armed to the teeth." He suddenly spun around holding up a finger. "Ah! But we've got surprise on our side, they'll never expect four people to attack twelve-thousand Dalek battleships!" He screamed desperately trying to come up with something.

I only sighed, shaking my head. "Yeah, because we'd be killed instantly," I added making the Doctor sigh nodding his head in agreement.

"So, it'd be a fairly short surprise." He hit himself in the head for that plan. "Yep forget surprise."

As if the Doctor and mine's previous laughing came back to bite us, the sound of a Cyberman's voice was suddenly heard over the sound of the Daleks.

"Doctor! It's Cybermen!" Amy exclaimed, the Doctor taking a breath of panic at her words.

River looked up at us, her face pale as she motioned to her device. "Don't forget about Sontarans too."

The Doctor's eyes went huge, as he began gasping. "Sontarans, Cybermen, Dalek?" He exclaimed, River biting her nails.

She shook her, voice coming out deeper than normal. "Yeah, and the Terileptil. Slitheen. Chelonian, Nestene, Drahvin, Sycorax. Haemo-goth, Zygon, Atraxi, Draconian. They're all here, all of them for the Pandorica!" River and the Doctor began panicking, the Doctor slowly backing away from the entrance.

Suddenly, the Doctor spun around facing the Pandorica approaching it quickly. "What are you? What could you possibly be?" He asked, my own breathing picking up.

What the hell did they all want? What in that box could be so fierce that almost half the universe was after it?

"Doctor?" I said to him, walking up. "What do we do?"

The Doctor turned his head toward me, for once looking at a loss of what to do. Instead of answering he ran out of the doors and back up the steps, the three of us following after him.

"Doctor!" I shouted, realizing he was going to get a look for his own eyes. "Stop!"

However, he didn't listen, continuing on his trek. When we made it outside, it was already dark. Multiple spaceships whizzed past us in the open sky, and the sky itself was so full of different battleships that the stars weren't even visible.

I knew the battleships were the lucky first who got here, the rest were probably waiting up in the atmosphere. I gulped, looking over to the Doctor realizing how much danger he was in.

"Doctor, listen to me!" I yelled, gripping his shoulder forcing him to face me. The Doctor looked surprised and caught off guard at my attitude, but I didn't back down. "Everything that ever hated you is coming here, tonight. You cannot win this, you can't even fight it." I sighed, looking in his green eyes desperately. "Doctor, please, just this once, run. Please, run for me, get away from this!" I couldn't lose him, not like this.

The Doctor bit his lip, shaking his head as he grasped the sides of my head looking deeply in my eyes. "Run where?" He asked, making me throw my arms up in exasperation.

"Fight how?" I bargained, just as he brought our heads together so our faces were just inches apart, foreheads touching.

Our breathing was labored and heavy, the Doctor searching my eyes for something. "Don't worry." He suddenly leaned in, pressing his lips against my forehead lovingly.

"The greatest military machine in the history of the universe!" He slowly pulled away from me, looking up at the battleships a plan no doubt forming through his brilliant skull.

"Who? The Daleks?" Amy asked the question we were all wondering out loud.

The Doctor simply waved her away, a smile eating at his lips. "No, no, no." He paused, flashing me a large grin. "The Romans."

"The Romans?" I deadpanned in disbelief, the Doctor returning my stare with a bright smile.

"Yes, the Romans!" He jumped in his spot, prancing around all of us excitedly. "The most powerful fighting force we have! River Song, considering you were impersonating Cleopatra I trust you can get them all to cooperate?"

River Song's eyes twinkled in happy anticipation as she nodded her head. "You got it, sweetie. One Roman army coming up." She started making her way to the horse we rode here. "Be back in a bit!"

Upon seeing River Song going, I smiled looking up to the Doctor. The Doctor watched me with a curious look as I took a few steps away from him. "I'm going with River Song, I'll see you in a bit!" I cheered, rushing off hoping the Doctor wouldn't throw a fit.

He could be rather protective sometimes.

"Wait!" He shouted, catching up to me and spinning me around to face him.

What he did next I wasn't expecting. The Doctor leaned in pressing his lips aggressively against mine, on command I kissed him back, our lips moving together. While he gripped my waist, I wrapped my arms around his neck standing on my toes to get a better feel for him.

Kissing the Doctor was now on my top ten list of things I loved to do. Specifically, number four. The two of us pulled away breathlessly, resting our heads against each other.

Looking into his lively green eyes, I smiled earning one back. "Gosh, we should do that more." He sighed, placing a kiss on my forehead, me humming in agreeance. "Okay, you be safe. I better not hear that you got hurt!" The Doctor ordered as I pulled away making my way to the horse we rode here on.

"Okay, I'll see you later!" I waved bye to both of them before joining River by the horses.

The horse she had ridden on was white, while the Doctor's was black. Seeing as she was already on her horse, I quickly hopped on the Doctor's, decided to name the horse, Michael. River Song flashed me a coy smirk motioning the way toward the Roman camping ground.

"Race you?" She challenged, making me smirk myself.

"You're on." I bet, Michael, racing off just a second before River Song. "Michael and I are so going to win this!" I heard River's laughter from behind.

"You named the horse, Michael?"

The fates must have been on my side as Michael and I won the race by a solid three seconds much to River's bitterness.

"You cheated." She growled, me only shrugging in reply.

"You're just being a sore loser." I poked her cheek, making her swat my hand away.

However, our laughter was cut short by a few Roman soldiers suddenly grabbing us and quite literally manhandling us into River's royal tent.

River and I both fought against them, me close to just burning the dudes holding me alive. "Ah, what the hell!" I cried as we were tossed into her tent, coming face to face with whom I could presume to be the commander.

"Fuck me." River muttered her face going pale as she saw the commander glaring us both down. "Not this guy again." She whispered under her breath, just loud enough for me to hear.

The commander paid no mind to River's sulking, simply resting his hands behind his back coolly observing us. "So, I return to my command after one week and discover we've been playing host to Cleopatra." The commander smirked in River's direction, myself cursing when I realized they found out about River impersonating the Egyptian queen. "Who's in Egypt, and not to mention dead." He dropped the smirk, glaring at River Song.

River Song kept her head, simply handing the commander with a gorgeous smile while ruffling her bouncy hair. "Yep, it's funny how things work out." At her words the ground shook, letting off terrifying rumbles.

I pulled my arms at of Roman's grasp glaring at him. "Don't touch me." The Roman backed away holding his hands up at my defensive nature.

Ignoring my outburst, the commander continued. "The sky is falling, and you make jokes. Who are you?"

"When you fight barbarians what must they think of you?" River quipped making the commander roll his eyes.

"Riddles, now? Really?" He suddenly pointed his sword at River threateningly. "A place more deadly and more powerful and more impatient than their tiny minds could imagine." With a roll of my eyes, I suddenly reached to the side of my cargo pants pulling out my blaster.

No one had time to react as I shot a random box laying a few feet away from the commander. Much to everyone's fright, my blaster had been set to 'disintegration' causing the box to go up in particles successfully disintegrating.

"Suck on that, asshole," I mumbled, spinning the blaster talentedly before placing back onto the holster.

The commander along with the rest of the Romans stood still, looking to where the box once was with huge eyes of shock. I silently snubbed the stuttering commander, River smirking cockily at the guy.

"Where do you think we're from?" River casually lilted, raising a single perfect brow at the man. "The Earth has visitors, you're all barbarians now." The commander stood shell-shocked, breathing heavily before he finally began eyeing my blaster.

"What is that?" He demanded, looking as if I was going to pull out the blaster and shoot him at any given moment. "Tell me, now!"

I scoffed, River looking at me to answer his question. "Any fool would say, it's the work of the gods. But you've been a soldier too long to believe the gods are watching over us. Trust me when I say the gods do not care what you do, I know from personal experience." I smirked at the truth of my words. "The gods won't protect you, but there is, however, a man. And tonight he needs your help." I ended making the commander inhale sharply, holding out his sword to River and me threateningly.

"Sir?" A Roman called from outside the flaps of the tent, the commander swinging around to face wherever the voice came from.

The commander looked back at us, clearing his throat. "One moment." He spun away, speaking to a Roman whose face was covered by the dark of the night.

The two whispered for a moment before the commander turned around to face us once more. He rose a brow, chuckling sarcastically. "Well..." He shook his head as if in disbelief. "It would appear that you two got yourselves a volunteer."

River and I shared a long look just as the commander stepped aside revealing the 'volunteer'. It was like slow-motion as the Roman soldier pulled off his helmet. A head of dirty blonde hair procured my vision of his face, but just a second later he ran a hand through his hair pushing it back.

Everything seemed to freeze as my breath caught in my throat at the very familiar Roman soldier. There in all his glory stood the one and only Rory Williams looking as fresh as the day he died.

The day he died.

Rory Williams was a memory I had stored into the deep recess of my mind for another time. I often tried not to think about Rory since he died, for the sadness would eat me alive. Rory was a good man and an even better friend.

Sure, I hadn't known him for long, but I did know he was great to have around. For both Amy and the Doctor's sake, I decided never to mention him, and instead put him behind my red door.

The red door was a place I never went, a place for all my guilt and dirty secrets to hide. Rory Williams was labeled as a sadness that I never wanted to feel, for the mere thought of the lost friend would break me down until I was nothing.

Though, here he was standing in front of me as if he never left. Alive and presumably healthy, with a big happy grin plastered across his face and pointed straight toward me.

"Rory?" My voice cracked as I took an almost unsure step forward, truly believing he had to be a hallucination.

It had to be, the stuff behind my red door must be spilling out and coming back to haunt me. Rory Williams was gone and he was not returning, his entire existence had been wiped.

"Effie." He grinned, and my heart seemed to falter. "It's been a while."

Turning to River Song who watched us with raised eyebrows obviously lost, I shook my head. "You can't be here, you died." Rory simply shrugged nodding his head.

"Yeah, I remember..." He trailed off scratching his head. "It's kind of fuzzy, but then I woke here, just another Roman soldier." It was silent between us for a moment, the rest of the people in the tent watching keenly.

Taking a few more steps forward, I poked his chest coming to the conclusion that this was, in fact, real and Rory Williams was standing right here alive and well. In a matter of seconds, I jumped at Rory hugging the living daylights out of him and causing him to start laughing as he caught me.

He hugged me back just as tight, lifting me off the ground for a barely a second before we pulled away. I shook my head taking in Rory with a relieved sigh.

"We missed you know..." I fixed his red cape looking up at him. "In the TARDIS, it wasn't the same without you."

Rory simply gave a gentle smile back while looking around. "So where are they, the Doctor and Amy?" I felt sudden guilt tug at my heartstrings when I realized Amy had no memory of Rory whatsoever.

Clearing my throat, I pointed to the door. "Back the Stonehenge waiting for an army." Just as those words flew from my mouth, the commander blurted out one word.

"Fifty." We all looked at him, River pursing her lips in confusion.

"Pardon?" She asked, the commander giving us a hard look.

"Fifty, I'll give you exactly fifty of my soldiers. No more, no less. Fifty." I sighed in defeat knowing fifty wasn't nearly enough, but I also knew the commander wouldn't give any more.

"Okay." River nodded as if trying to reassure herself. "We can work with fifty."


By the time all fifty soldiers got back to the Stonehenge, the Pandorica was in its final phase of opening. Even more ships than last time lined the skies by the Stonehenge all ready to get their hands on a piece of whatever was inside that box.

Jumping off the horse, River next to me and Rory immediately riding up to us on his own horse, I pointed toward the opening of the 'underhenge' as the Doctor called it. "Rory, they're down there." Rory quickly jumped off his horse, looking to me. "River and I will be down in a second we just need to keep things as..." I yelped, all three of us ducking when a smaller spaceship went flying past our heads about to hit us.

"Keep it as stable as possible." River finished my sentence for me, pulling out her own sonic blaster shooting as the smaller ship causing it to erupt in flames.

Rory watched her do this with an open mouth, shutting it a second later nodding his head. "Note to self: don't mess with River Song, ever." He mumbled making me laugh and River roll her eyes. "Okay, yep!" He shouted standing racing over to the steps eager to see his fiance. "I'll tell them you'll be down soon!" We watched him go before River and I split up dividing the Romans into smart battle formations against the space crafts.

Much to my surprise, we were able to do it within five minutes, the two of us about to go into the underhenge until River's small device started beeping. With furrowed brows, I stood next to her, watching as she picked it up putting close to our ears.

"Hello!" I shook my head hearing the Doctor's voice come through, of course, he had a way to keep check on us.

Ignoring that factor, I leaned into the device looking around at the spaceships in the sky. "Doctor, you're surrounded," I told him, River Song jumping in.

"Yes," She agreed, the two of us ducking as another spacecraft shot past us. "Please tell me you have a plan?" Growling, it was me this time who took out my blaster shooting at the spaceship.

My eyes went wide when I realized I had accidentally left it on 'disintegration' mode causing for the ship to go up in particles before disappearing completely. River watched as well with enormous eyes, turning to me nodding her head in approval.

'Nice shot.' She mouthed making me snicker.

"Did Effie just shoot something!" The Doctor's frantic voice made me bite my lip trying not to laugh.

"No?" I said unbelievingly, the Doctor groaning.

"Never mind, I'll scold you about that later. Right now, I need River to go and get the TARDIS, I need equipment!" I frowned at the Doctor's words, hopping on my horse along with River Song.

"I'm going with her!" I heard a few noises of disagreement but hung up the device before he could utter out another complaint.

Smirking at River Song, I shrugged. "What? Couldn't leave you to do it by yourself." River snorted at my words waving a hand.

"Oh, come on." We rode off toward the Roman campgrounds where the TARDIS was parked, both of us urging our horses to go faster.

With our attitudes, River and I were able to get there in about half the time it took us to come here. Stopping just outside the TARDIS, we allowed the horses to roam free before waltzing inside the blue police box.

"Hello, TARDIS!" I cheered as I was the first to come in. "Look who I brought?" Just as I said that River came inside causing the TARDIS to let out a small series of whirrs.

"Yes," She closed the door before coming next to me by the console rubbing it affectionately. "Hello, sweetie." She greeted the TARDIS before pulling a lever getting us ready to take off.

Running to the opposite side of the control panel, I began turning knobs, River and I standing opposite preparing to take off. River pulled the scanner in front of her, typing in the coordinates nodding at me to pull the takeoff lever.

Pulling the lever, the TARDIS made its usual noise, except this time it was a bit different. This time it sounded pained as if the TARDIS itself was in pain. Before I could investigate the sound anymore, the TARDIS quaked causing River and me to stumble around a bit gripping the controls for support.

Looking around in confusion, I patted to the panel. "What's wrong with you?" I asked just as she let out another quake, River and I stumbling into each other.

"What the hell?" River asked me, as we leaned into each other for support.

We took another few steps as the TARDIS began letting out pained wails, shuttering intensely. Quickly, I began running a check on the systems, flicking a few switches in case we had done something wrong when we took off.

"What are you doing?" River asked the TARDIS as she too began pulling a few levers, manually checking for any damage. "What's wrong?"

"River..." I trailed off when the systems showed me where we were. "We're in the time vortex, but the TARDIS is basically piloting herself, I have no clue where she's taking us!" I turned to her frantically, River gulping before pulling a few more levers but none helping our situation.

"Try the wibbly lever!" River called, myself quickly grasping the wibbly lever pulling on it.

As soon as I had done that, the TARDIS wailed louder, shaking and tossing River and me all around. Our screams echoed as we were forced to the ground multiple times, the TARDIS doing a few flips.

"The landing gears, pull the landing gears!" I shouted, there was no other possible way to stop the TARDIS.

With a yell, River pulled herself to the console flipping the landing gears causing for the TARDIS to make its sounds of materialization, the shaking coming to a stop.

Groaning, I pushed myself from the staircase looking over at River who was leaning against the console out of breath. "You okay?" I asked, watching her slowly stand up straight looking to me.

Nodding her head, she sighed. "Yeah..." She just about managed to get out. "I'm good, how about you?" I nodded, knowing the only damage done was just a little tenderness.

"Fine, but where the hell are we?" I turned my head to the TARDIS doors, nervous about what was waiting on the other side. "Oh, TARDIS, where did you take us?"

My concern spiked when I got no reply, usually when I said something the TARDIS would respond with whirrs or chirps of some kind. However, it was just silent.

Glancing at River we both made the mental decision to walk outside, I went first knowing I had to advantage of protecting us better with fire. Much to my shock, I saw we were only outside Amelia's house, in her backyard.

How long had we been gone, it honestly looked like the exact same night we left. For all, I knew the Doctor, Amy, and I could have been gone no less than two minutes. Turning back to River, I motioned her forward.

"It's safe, we're just outside Amy's house. No clue why the TARDIS brought us here, but I don't even think it's been five minutes since the Doctor, Amy, and I left." I spoke honestly, hopping out of the doors and onto the grass ground.

River came out after me, closing the doors behind her while looking around. Slowly, she brought out her little device scanning for any forms of alien readings.

"Anything?" I asked as we made our way to the door, jumping when it was broken off. "Shit," I mumbled, walking over the broken door, River right behind me.

"River, I'm telling you, we couldn't have been gone five minutes!" I exclaimed, holding my hands out in front of me ready to burn anything that came near us. "It doesn't make sense, the Doctor would have seen this coming."

"I'm not sure, Effie." River sighed as we made our way upstairs and through the hallways. "Right there." She pointed us toward a door on the second story, myself pushing open the door walking in first.

Right away, I noticed the lights on in this room as well as it being the very familiar Amy Pond's room. Everything was as we left it, her little Doctor drawings and toys scattered about. Her bed perfectly rumpled, a sign she had just rolled out.

It seemed like just yesterday when we were first here, out in the backyard, the Doctor introducing Amy and I. Or the time we came back for Rory, and Amy decided to kiss the Doctor and I when she was on her adrenaline high.

I can still remember the few days after when she apologized to me, explaining that she was just wound up from everything. It was quite amusing as she was extremely embarrassed while explaining to me the kiss was nice but she didn't roll that way.

The Doctor and Rory were there too, and we all laughed for days after from Amy's awkward apology type explanation. Looking around her room for any signs, I tilted my head when I picked up a book on Romans.

What a coincidence. At that exact moment, the Doctor's voice seemed to run through my head. 'Never ignore a coincidence.'

I remembered his earlier words clearly, studying the book. "Hey, River-" I stopped myself short when more of the Doctor's words rang through my mind like a train.

'Unless you're busy, in which case, always ignore a coincidence!' I listened to his words through my mind.

We were technically busy, I shrugged placing the book back down taking the Doctor's advice. I'd look more into it later.

"Oh no..." I heard River trailing off mumbling making me look to her in concern.

"River Song, what's wrong?" I gently questioned, River turning to me holding a book of her own in her hands. "The Legend of Pandora's Box?" I read the title. eyes widening when I realized the coincidence definitely couldn't be ignored. "That is definitely not good!" I panicked, River setting the book down as we rushed out of the house and back into the TARDIS.

However, before we left, I quickly grabbed both books following River down intending to show her the one about the Romans. Seeing the book, River immediately pulled her device from her side, calling the Doctor through it.

"The TARDIS, where is it? Hurry up." Is how the Doctor answered through the device, impatience, and franticness clear as day.

I scowled at his rudeness, River not even blinking. "Don't raise your voice, don't look alarmed, just listen." She calmly started which, of course, made the Doctor start throwing questions around.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt? Is Effie hurt! Where are you? Where's my wi-" River cut him off, starting her own explanation.

"They're not real. They can't be." She started, me jumping in taking the device from her.

"Doctor, it's me. The Romans you're with right now..." I flipped through the Roman storybook with River, shaking my head as I read through the pages. "They're all in a book in Amy's house, a children's picture book." I told him, the Doctor sighing in relief as he heard my voice.

"What are you two even doing there?" The Doctor asked, before continuing. "This is exactly why I wanted you by my side here, Effie." I practically feel the Doctor's scowl, causing me to roll my eyes.

"This isn't my fault! The TARDIS went wrong. Doctor, this isn't possible, how can they be real?" The Doctor was silent for a moment before he answered.

"Something's using her memories, Amy's memories." He told us, his tone portraying that of panic.

"But how?" River asked through the device, standing next to me looking through the book Pandora's box suspiciously.

"Effie, River, has anything been there?" He asked us, River taking the lead in answering.

"Yes, the door was broke and I think I may have seen landing marks burned into the grass, but it was too dark to tell for sure."

The Doctor breathed loudly on the other end for a moment. "Of course, if something was at her house they could have used her psychic residue. Structures can hold memories, that's why houses have ghosts. They could have taken a snapshot of Amy's memories, but why?" He was pondering to himself, River's face suddenly going pale as she grasped the device tighter.

"Doctor, who are those Romans?" She asked him in a tight voice.

"Either projections or duplicates."

River ran a hand down her face. "But they were helping us. My lipstick even worked on them." I furrowed my brows at that, not understanding what her lipstick was.

"They might think they're real, the perfect disguise. They actually believe their own cover story, right until they're activated." The Doctor exclaimed, before going silent for a moment.

"River, look..." I said, turning the page of the story seeing a picture used as a bookmark of Amy dressed up as a cop and Rory dressed in his Roman outfit.

Both smiled into the camera, Rory with his arm wrapped tightly around her. Amy leaned her head onto his shoulder lovingly giving the image the perfect vibe.

"Doctor you're in a trap! It has to be!" I yelled into the device, taking it from River Song. "They used Amy to build a scenario, you'd believe. To get close to you!"

"But why?" He frustratingly thought back. "Who would do that, it doesn't make sense!" As he said that, the TARDIS suddenly began shaking once more making River scream as she flew over the railing and me yelp as I was forcefully pushed to the floor still holding onto the device.

"Effie!" The Doctor yelled through the device in panicked concern. "Effie, what's happening. Please tell me you're okay!" He was frantic as I pulled myself up through the shaking using the console.

"I'm fine," I assured him, using my shoulder to hold the device to my ear running around the TARDIS and flipping levers in hopes it would help. "River, are you okay!" I yelled, seeing her get up from the floor with a groan.

"I'm okay." She said, racing back over the railing to help me in my lever pulling and knob twisting.

"Doctor!" I yelled into the device. "There's something wrong with the TARDIS like something else is controlling it!" I told him.

"You're just flying it wrong, I told you, you're not better at flying it than me!" He snarked arrogantly, making me scoff at him.

"Are you kidding me, right now! River and I are flying her perfectly! I actually read the manual, unlike someone!" I accused, vaguely hearing the Doctor let out a noise of disbelief.

"Where are you? What's the date read?" He asked, River hearing him looking over at the scanner for me.

Holding out the device, so the Doctor could hear River better, I listened to what she said. "It's the 26th of June, 2010!" The Doctor inhaled sharply, before screaming out at us to get out of there.

"You need to get out of there now! Any other time zone, just go! Go to your time, Effie!" He yelled as the TARDIS shook wildly.

This was even worse than when we went to visit Dracula.

"We can't break free!" I told him, twisting the forward in time knob. "The TARDIS won't go."

"No, damn it! I knew I should have stopped you from going, Effie!" He cried out, pain and worry clear in his voice. "Shut down the TARDIS, shut down everything!"

River and I tried shutting it down, but it was to no avail as nothing worked. "We can't!" I yelled as the TARDIS started up on her pained screaming again.

"Is that my poor TARDIS!" The Doctor yelled when he heard the TARDIS making those noises.

Before I could reply, the TARDIS screams were drowned out by a voice. The voice was sinister and smooth, repeating only one phrase.

"Silence will fall." The voice that seemed to come from nowhere kept hissing, as if it were a message on replay.

"Doctor! Someone else is flying your TARDIS. An external force, we've lost control." I whispered, knowing no matter what I tried it was no use.

"But how?" I could hear him pacing. "Why? Please, just land her anywhere. Emergency landing, now! There are cracks in time, we've seen them, Effie, they're everywhere. It's the TARDIS exploding that causes them, but we can stop the crack ever happening if you just land her!" I looked to River who was watching the scanner, seeing if it was possible, River shook her head.

"It's not safe!" She yelled, but a sudden lever caught my eye.

"And this..." I yelled into the device. "Is why you read the manual!" I grabbed the lever, forcing it down causing the TARDIS to suddenly stop shaking. "Thanks to the manual, I've landed her." I told the Doctor hearing him huff in reply.

"Manual my arse. I'm better than the damn manual." He cussed before getting back on topic. "Walk out the doors, both of you. If there's no one inside, the TARDIS engines will shut down automatically. Just please, get out of there!" He begged me.

"Okay, we're going!" I tugged River's wrist running to the TARDIS doors.

Our hopeful mood was cut short when the doors were sealed shut, my strength not even able to overpower the TARDIS. For a second I considered trying to burn down the doors, but I knew that would just hurt the TARDIS too much. I wouldn't do that to her.

"Doctor!" I grabbed the device, running back over to the console with River trying to find one lever that might open the doors. "The doors won't open, we're trapped in here!" I cried out, the Doctor cussing on the other end frantically thinking to himself.

"Doctor!" I screamed into the device when I realized the TARDIS was getting ready to explode. "Doctor, we can't get the doors open! Doctor, please, we've got seconds!" I panicked, desperately trying to fix the TARDIS so her doors would open. "Doctor, please!" I sobbed into the device, hearing the Doctor cry back.

"No! No, no, no! This can't be happening, Effie!" He shouted. "I can't lose you, I won't lose you. You're supposed to be my wife, you hear me! We get married! It doesn't end like this!" He screamed back in denial, River yelling as she was flung around the TARDIS which once again began quaking. "EFFIE, I LOVE-" He was cut off suddenly by something, his line suddenly going dead.

"What?" I barely noticed the tears running down my face, as I sobbed into my hand. "Doctor?" No reply. "No, no, no!" I screamed into the device, desperately begging for him to come back and at least finish his sentence.

I loved him too.

Wiping the tears away, I watched as River ran to the door fastening some jumpers to the handles. Realizing what she was doing, I ran to the other end of the jumpers ready to connect it to the TARDIS matrix which would hopefully cause the TARDIS so much shock the doors would fly open.

Looking to River who nodded, I connected the jumpers to the matrix watching as sparks flew and listening to the TARDIS wail. The sparks stopped a second later, River and I look to the doors hopefully, praying it worked.

Turning to the doors, River yanked them open giving me momentary relief, but it was cut short when I saw the solid wall blocking behind the doors making my eyes tear up in defeat.

I was going to die here and the Doctor didn't even know the truth, I couldn't even save the TARDIS from exploding. River looked back at me, her own eyes welled with tears as she too was under the belief this was our end.

Staring at the doors sadly, I held back a sob. "I'm sorry, my love." I cried out to the Doctor, knowing that he wouldn't hear me.

With those final words, a flash of bright light filtered through my vision. This was the end.

And then, the end started again.

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