Twenty-Two: Circle of Life

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"Little sister, what are you doing?" Aleksander curiously asked his sister, who alike to himself was exactly two-hundred years old, and yet to them, it was only twelve.

Persephone jumped at her spot by the window, turning to look at her older twin brother with widened eyes. Tonight happened to be one of the rare nights in Muspelheim where the stars were visible over the firey trash lands and through the blood-red skies.

Her father, Surtur, was never pleased when he came across his only daughter gazing fondly at the stars. In his mind, her home was there, and she was to never leave.

With a clear of her throat, Persephone blushed brightly pointing to the stars. Perhaps her brother would understand, though a part of her suspected he wouldn't. With a shy smile, Persephone motioned her stone-cold brother over.

Aleksander hesitated for a moment, before giving in and joining his twin on the window ceil. Persephone said no words, pushing a strand a brown hair behind her ear as she looked into her brother's identical blue orbs.

The twins may have differed in personalities and looks, but they shared a bond only twins could have. A love like no other.

"Do you see that bright dot, brother?" Persephone pointed to one of the brighter dots in the sky.

Aleksander followed his sister's finger, squinting his eyes as he looked at what in his opinion was not the most impressive sight.

"I do." He answered emotionlessly.

"That's the dying neutron star, Nidavellir." Aleksander's eyes immediately lit up in excitement as he sat up straighter.

"Nidavellir! As in the star known to make the most powerful, horrific weapons to ever torment the universe!" Persephone rolled her eyes at her brother's words.

Of course, he was excited about what Nidavellir had to offer rather than its interesting history.

"Yes..." She finally said, ignoring the excited glances she was getting from her twin. "Did you know Thor's hammer and Loki's daggers were forged there? Father told me a while ago." Persephone informed her twin, knowing how much he enjoyed talking of anything weapon or battle related.

Thor and Loki were the princes of Asgard, just a few hundred years older than Aleksander and Persephone themselves.

Persephone believed she could possibly outwit Loki, though she would never admit to it.

"You see that really bright dot, the brightest one in the sky? That one is Asgard, the two dots surrounding it are Alfheim and Midgard." Aleksander watched his twin keenly knowing her well enough to recognize why she always studied the stars.

"You wish to leave, do you not?" Aleksander finally said, looking to the princess of Muspelheim who gazed sadly upon the universe.

Persephone didn't answer, only looking to her twin sullenly. They both knew the answer to that question.


I believe that in our lives there is one person made for just for you. The one to match you, the other piece to your puzzle, the one who is just perfect for you in every way.

Sure, you can love multiple times, hell, you can even love multiple at the same time. However, it will never wipe away the love you feel for the person you consider to be a virtual soulmate toward yourself.

I used to think Aleksander was my soulmate, my perfect match. At the time, I didn't believe I was capable of loving anything more than Aleksander. After all, Aleksander was my brother, my twin, and in the grand scheme of things, essentially, my other half.

A bond between twins was a special one, a sort of bond that you couldn't find anywhere else, almost like an unspoken, unbreakable promise. A promise to stay loyal to each other, a promise to always be the thing the other needs most, a promise to never judge, and most of all, a promise to always love.

Aleksander Surturson was the definition of a psychopath, he was in most eyes, a blood-thirsty monster, which in perspective was true. However, at the end of the day, he is and always will be my twin. My other half.

I will always love Aleksander Surturson for he is the one who truly knows me. And not just some lame crap like my favorite color or my most hated food.


Aleksander knew my worst fears, he knew the things which made me the happiest, he knew every single crack, crevice, perfection, and imperfection that made me. He knew my deepest secrets along with my most open facts, he knew what built me and what could knock me down. Sometimes, I look at him and think I'm staring into a mirror by how well he knew me.

Our personalities may have been night and day in some aspects, utterly opposing each other, but we were also one in the same. In some cases, our similarities might even outweigh the opposition.

This wasn't a one-way road though, it was true he knew everything about me, but I knew everything about him.

For example, I know he often wonders if he truly looks as much like our mother as everyone says, or how he secretly wants to visit the gardens of Asgard, or even the fact that he longs to ride a dragon.

Yes, Aleksander Surturson was at one point the person I loved most, despite his monstrous nature. Even with not seeing him for two-hundred years I still loved him more than most think loving a man like him is possible.

Now though, things were different. For there is another. His name? Well, to be quite honest I'm still trying to figure that one out.

People call him the Doctor in place of his name.

I often wonder, how it's possible to I fall in love with a Timelord whom you don't even know the real name of. How? I guess to be fair he doesn't know my real name either.

I know nothing of the Doctor's past, I barely know anything about the crazy madman with a big blue box. And he certainly isn't eager nor willing to share with me.

So entertain me, remind me how it's possible to love a bowtie-wearing alien who has thousands of layers and I've only just scratched the surface. How can I be in love with someone who doesn't even know who I really am?

Apparently, it was possible, because I am in love with the Doctor. And he, in turn, claims to love me.

Throughout the few months I've been traveling with this insane man, I've forgotten that eventually, it would have to end. I've been so lost to the pure bliss of it all, that I've forgotten the gravity of it, I've forgotten the sensitivity of where I'm standing. I've forgotten what's behind my red door, the secret of why I left Muspelheim, my biggest fear of the Doctor finding out.

I didn't think it would end so soon. The rush of it all.

I love the Doctor and I don't think I will ever stop loving him. However, it all came to an end the day the Pandorica opened. The day the Doctor never existed.


As I lay in a meadow of grass and flowers, I smiled at the golden castle in the distance. The wind flowed sweetly, swaying the branches of the trees surrounding us. In the distance, you could vaguely hear the cheers of people and music playing for all to hear. The golden city; Asgard, was truly a sight to behold.

My head rested on someone's stomach, as he hummed a foreign but nice song in my ear. Being close to this person put me in a state of relaxation, allowing me to just breathe.

Looking up, I was met with the Doctor's jade green eyes peering into my own. A smile stretched across his features as he breathed in the scent of Asgard.

"They finally let you in..." I sighed, looking up to the cloudy sky. "Is Asgard what you envisioned?"

"No, it's better." He smiled, running his hands through my hair. "Reminds me of..." The Doctor paused for a moment making me look to him curiously. "Home. It reminds me of Gallifrey, my sweet Persephone."


Everything was normal, well as normal as it could get when you're traveling through space and time with the last Timelord in existence. Amy nor the Doctor showed any sign of suspicion around me, though I did catch them both watching me closer than usual.

I let out an exaggerated breath, tilting my head in boredom. The Doctor was tinkering with the top of the TARDIS while Amy sat below out of our sight doing nothing out of the ordinary.

"Doctor, I'm bored!" I exclaimed childishly, making the Doctor glance up at me with a pondering look.

"Well, we can't have that can we?" I scoffed realizing the Doctor was waiting for me to say something like that, so Amy wouldn't be on his back about being restless. "Pond, get up here, Effie's bored and so am I!"

Amy groaned as she stomped up the steps leading to the console. "Stupid restless, space people." She muttered sourly, the Doctor and I pouting toward her in sync.

"Hurtful." I sarcastically said, the Doctor nodding in agreeance as he maneuvered around the controls.

Amy giggled at me, myself only frowning when the Doctor once again piloted without me. I sighed in frustration, tapping my foot impatiently as the Timelord pranced around the mechanisms.

"Doctor, when I first came aboard the TARDIS, you told me I would be able to help pilot with you." I threw my hands in the air, having no problem with nagging the Doctor. "What's the big deal? I only pilot when you aren't looking at this point." The Doctor scowled at my words, whirling around to face me.

"You do what?" He hissed alike to a parent.

I only waved him off, not caring much for his authority. "Yeah, yeah, nevermind that. When can I pilot her?" The Doctor sighed at my words, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Fine, next time, I'll let you help me-" He stopped himself, seeing the slight glare I was delivering. "Geez, okay, you can do it by yourself." He threw his arms up, making me smirk.

Amy shook her head, bringing her fist up for a fist bump. The Doctor made a face when we fist bumped shaking his head, as he turned back to flying the TARDIS.

"I spoil the two of you too much." I laughed hearing the Doctor mumbling under his breath at us.

"I mean it makes sense," I shrugged, causing Amy and the Doctor to look at me with furrowed brows, not seeing where I was going with this. "I mean spoiling me makes sense, I am more important than God after all." I snarked arrogantly with pride, the Doctor and Amy gaping at my words.

"Good lord!" Amy covered her face with her hands, the Doctor still looking to me in shock before snapping out of it.

"Effie!" He immediately scolded with a cross look. "Never say that again, especially outside of the TARDIS. You would be hung for that in some countries, I don't want you being hung!" I only shrugged.

Plastering a smirk on my face, I skipped to the railing chair taking a seat in it. "Nah, they wouldn't catch me, I'm too slick for them." Amy groaned as the Doctor shook his head.

"You are too arrogant for your own good." He snorted, causing me to roll my eyes.

"You're one to be talking, you give yourself multiple compliments no less than ten times a day."

The Doctor gasped dramatically. "I don't do that, I only speak the truth! Is it not true that I am a handsome, brilliant, Timelord who saves the universe almost every other day!" His bad argument proved my point.

"You literally just proved my point, Timelord." I exclaimed, making him narrow his eyes at me. "Would you like me on my knees in front of you, telling you how devilishly good-looking you are?"

The Doctor straightened up at that, handing me a smirk. "That would be quite nice, thank you."

"Oh, shut up." I snickered, making him smirk.

"Make me." He flirted back, Amy scowling at us.

"Um... hello! More important matters here, like where the hell we're going?" She crossed her arms over her chest, the Doctor's eyes lighting up in sudden realization.

"Oh yeah..." He started skipping to the doors, Amy and I glanced at each other before scrambling after him. "Planet One, the oldest planet in the universe. They got a cliff of pure diamond and, according to the legend on the cliff there's writing. Letters fifty-feet high, a message from the dawn of time. Not only that, but no one knows what it says 'cause no one's ever translated it. Till today, gosh, I can't believe I've never thought of this!" The Doctor exclaimed, Amy and I tilting our heads at him.

"Wait, what happens today?" Amy questioned, the Doctor bopping her right on the nose.

"Us." He answered with a radiant smile. "The TARDIS can translate anything. All we have to do is open the doors and read the very first words recorded in history." I smiled excitedly at that, the Doctor gripping my hand tightly and delivering an exuberant smile my way.

"What are you waiting for, love? Let's go see the beginning of history." I laughed hoping down the stairs allowing the Doctor to lead me outside, Amy right behind us.

Pulling open the TARDIS doors, we all sauntered out being met with a prehistoric era jungle. The trees were huge, and so were the plants, many of which I didn't recognize. Large mushrooms that were my size stood next to the TARDIS, and in the near distance, a large mountain stood proudly.

Right away I noticed a language that I couldn't decipher carved into the very being of the mountain deeply. However, it took barely a second for the TARDIS translator to kick in and suddenly the words contorted to English.

I burst out laughing upon reading what the words said.

'Hello, Sweetie.'

River Song as far as I could tell had graffitied the oldest planet's first words. The Doctor scowled, but I could sense a small batch of amusement brewing from him as well.

"It's not funny, Effie." The Doctor said, giving me a playful glare.

"Yes, it is!" I cried, holding onto Amy for support as she laughed along with me. "River Song friggin' graffitied a historical sight, this is hilarious!" The Doctor rolled his eyes, forcing Amy and me back onto the TARDIS.

Pulling myself together I wordlessly began helping the Doctor pilot. He sighed before left the control panel, giving the coordinates on where to go. He grumbled, pouting to himself as I smoothly piloted the TARDIS, using the stabilizers.

"And, we have landed," I said, Amy, raising a brow in disbelief.

"That smooth?"

"That smooth," I confirmed as she delivered a smirk to the Doctor.

"And how do you feel about this, Doctor?" She asked him, the Doctor grumbling as he stomped out of the TARDIS childishly.

I shrugged, suddenly realizing why he never lets me, pilot. "Me piloting hurts his pride, doesn't it?" I asked Amy, who nodded in agreement.

"Yep." She popped the 'P' as we followed after him leaving the TARDIS.

As soon as we stepped out of the big blue box, we were greeted by a foggy forest. Suddenly, my eyes widened when I looked up ahead seeing a Roman legion camping ground with thousands of tents sprawled about.

"What the hell, Doctor? This is a Roman legion camping ground, what fucking time period even is this?" Amy questioned, making the Doctor sigh.

"Language Amy." He scolded the redhead, before checking his golden watch around his wrist. "Um... it's about 1:02 P.M. on a Saturday, sometime two-thousand years before your current time." The Doctor put his wrist down, dropping a lazy arm around both Amy and I's shoulders. "You know, the Romans invaded Britain several times during this time period."

"Mhmm, I know," Amy smirked, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "My favorite topic at school, invasion of the hot Italians." She suddenly frowned with a small pout as if she remembered something. "I made a paper about it once, but I got marked down 'cause of the title."

The Doctor turned to look at Amy slowly, with mock disappointment written across his features. "Jesus Pond, really?" He shook his head just as a Roman ran up to us, breathing heavily as he dropped to one knee.

"Hail Caesar!" The Roman screamed, looking to the Doctor as he only looked back uncomfortably.

"Hi." The Doctor waved, looking to the Roman oddly.

"Welcome to Britain! We are honored by your presence." The Roman was still on his knee breathing heavily while gazing at the Doctor in amazement.

The Doctor looked between Amy and me before shrugging. "Well, you're only human. Arise, Roman person." The Doctor ordered, causing the Roman to stand immediately.

I sighed looking to the Doctor. "Why does he think you're Caesar?" The Doctor looked to me shrugging.

"Your guess is as good as mine." The Doctor and I looked at each other for a moment, before our attention was brought back to the Roman person.

"Cleopatra will see you now." The Roman smiled, making all three of us exchange unsure glances.

We followed after the Roman being lead to a tent that looked much bigger and far more royal than any of the others. Pushing aside the curtains we were met with the sight of River Song wearing a full face of Egyptian makeup and a large black wig. A golden dress adorned her body as she relaxed on a chair drinking some sort of drink from a golden goblet.

Setting down her goblet, she looked to us with a smile. "Hello, sweetie!" She enthusiastically waved to the Doctor before her eyes slid to me.

"Effie, I'm not sure when the last time you saw me was?" She said alike to a question, making me remember that the timelines were backward, she hadn't done Dracula yet.

Scratching the back of my head, I tried to think of how long it had been. "A month, maybe two?" I shrugged. "I'm not sure, but Dracula was definitely fun!" I exclaimed before my eyes widened when I realized I really shouldn't be telling her any of the future.

"Ooh, Dracula huh? Sounds fun, can't wait for that one." She said as a servant began filing down her fingernails.

The Doctor scowled when he remembered the latest time River and I hijacked the TARDIS. "No! No more hijacking the TARDIS!" He waved a finger in our faces making River scoff out a sarcastic 'yeah, right'. "And you, you graffitied the oldest cliff face in the universe!" He scolded River who only shrugged casually blowing the nail dust off her nails.

"Well, you weren't answering your phone." She sighed, before looking at something next to her.

She reached down picking up a large scroll handing it to the Doctor. "What's this?" The Doctor asked as he carefully looked at the scroll she was holding.

"A painting." River answered, making me perk up.

"Interesting, let's see." I grabbed the painting out of her hands before either could stop me and unwinded it gazing at it.

"Damn you, Effie." I could hear the Doctor cuss as I looked over the painting with a smile.

"Your friend Vincent Van Gogh, this is one of his final works. Effie told me something about you and Vincent, well for you guys Effie will, but for me, she did a little while back. Had visions, didn't he? I'm pretty sure this is one of them." River told us as I gazed at the portrait, Amy and the Doctor looking from over my shoulder.

"Doctor, what is this?" Amy questioned scared, as the painting looked to be of the TARDIS blowing up.

"Eh," I shrugged forcing it into the Doctor's hands. "Definitely not one of Vincent's best." The Doctor swatted my shoulder upon hearing that leave my mouth, causing me to snicker at his scolding expression.

"Sometimes I feel like your parent, Effie." He sighed, making me crinkle my nose.

"Kind of a gross thought, Doctor, just saying."

"Oh, be quiet you." He rolled his eyes at me.

Even with his suspicions, Amy and he did a good job at concealing the fact they were secretly researching me. I mean, had I not heard them, I wouldn't have even figured it out myself.

"Why is it exploding?" I changed the subject as the Doctor sat on a chair, biting his nails nervously.

"I was thinking it was some sort of warning." River replied looking to me, as we stood over the painting speaking about what it could mean, while Amy rubbed the Doctor's back comfortingly.

I bit my lip shaking my head as a sudden thought hit me. "Something's going to happen to the TARDIS, you think?" I asked, River only shrugging.

"It might not be that literal." She responded. "Anyway, this is where he wanted you. Date and map reference on the door sign, see?" She pointed out the current date which was printed out on the sign of the painting TARDIS.

"Does it have a title?" The Doctor asked as I studied the date closer.

"Yeah, what's that say?" I got a closer look at the title, my eyes widening at what it said. "It says, 'The Pandorica Opens', whatever that means." I looked over to the Doctor whose face went pale.

"What?" He stammered out joining me to look at the title as well. "This can't be possible."

Amy and I both glanced at each other curiously, before Amy took a step closer to the Doctor. "The Pandorica? What is that?"

"A box, a cage, a prison." River informed us with a sigh. "It was built to contain the most feared thing in all the universe." Our attention was drawn to the Doctor who was pacing while shaking his head.

"That is not possible, it's a fairy tale, nothing but a legend. It can't be real." He threw his arms up in frustration.

River Song placed a sassy hand on her hip, puckering her lips at the Doctor. "If it is real, it's here and it's opening." The Doctor turned to grab some sort of scroll from behind and rolling it out on the desk by us all.

"And, it's got something to do with your TARDIS exploding, explain that." I added, believing River when she said this 'Pandorica' or whatever was real.

The Doctor rolled his eyes, mumbling at us. "It's probably exploding from your piloting." He snarked making my mouth fly open.

"Excuse me, say that again, I dare you!" Stupid rude Timelord guy. "I double dare you!"

The Doctor gave me an innocent look, pointing to himself. "Why, I didn't say anything, lovely." I growled at his innocent act, the Doctor only chuckling while reaching over and kissing the top of my forehead.

"After this, I swear I'll take you on a proper date. How about a trip to meet Shakespeare or the vacation planet? It's quite nice, has beaches and spas everywhere." The Doctor spoke as he opened the scroll revealing a map.

River and Amy both rolled their eyes, River waving us away. "Yes, yes, he ends up taking you to a nice dinner on the highest floor of the Buri Khalifa instead." River said, making the Doctor look at her in irritation.

"River, that was supposed to be a surprise!" He yelled, making me look the between them in confusion.

"What's that?"

Amy suddenly piped up, looking starstruck. "It's only the highest tower in the world, Effie!" She sighed. "I can't believe you didn't tell me about that, Doctor." She said, making the Doctor's ears turn pink.

"Guys we're straying away from the important matters." River said shaking her head. "Doctor, it's obviously hidden. Been buried for centuries, you won't find it on any maps."

"No, but if you bury the most dangerous thing in the universe, you'd want to remember where you put it." The Doctor mysteriously said, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Dude, no one here understands what you mean." I bluntly stated, the Doctor scoffing in retaliation.

Turning to us, he sighed. "Sorry, I forgot you're all simpletons. The Stonehenge, obviously." I furrowed my brows at his words.

"What is the Stonehenge?"

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